If you have come from 4chan, GTFO or at least lurk before posting.

We are not letting this board become cancer the way 4/pol/ became cancer, so you can FUCK RIGHT OFF.

If you don't take our really quite good advice and GTFO then you're in for a rude awakening. Try and shit up our board, and you've got what's coming to you.

You have been fucking warned.

Hello Holla Forumsleftypol/4cuck/freech/

Yeah well I had to dumb it down, cancer doesn't read walls of text.

Wow you're a special type of faggot. "U BETTR NOT SHIT UP OUR BORAD OR UR A DEAD FUGGER"

That is the single most shitpost encouraging thread starter I have ever seen.

webm thread?

How do I sage?


Hey d&c fag. here have your sheckle

How the fuck is this d&c?

If they come here, they won't shit up decent threads.


You know that's not how it works out. Don't bullshit yourself.

I been here sense before the exodus all you fags were new fags and we helped to red pill and welcome you.

We welcome as many shitposters from 4chan as possible, especially if they are from Holla Forums (epic lels, rite guys?) because our Judeo-Masonic bosses want to drown Holla Forums with shit so their schemes and false dichotomies are not revealed.

Regards, Holla Forums moderation team.

It's a worth a try, they're coming anyway. Might help soften the blow.

Have you been to cuckchan recently? Because THAT is what's coming.

Yes, lots of newfagotry because of all the love Hilldog been giving the alt right. They will get pilled and we will multiply like we have always done. Call out shit when you see it but you don't have to preemptively shit all over people who are receptive, that is exactly what our enemies would want us to do.

If too many come at once we'll be overwhelmed and lose our board culture.

Those that want to be pilled will stay anyway, the cucks will have to be purged.

Good point. I suppose it is our duty to give them the truth before spitting at the idea. Good post.

Is there any real confirmation whatsoever that anything has or will actually happen to cuckchan?

That 1 vague tweet isnt the end all be all

I just got off the phone from Stefan, he says that the Jews are shilling anti-4/pol/ refugee propaganda on Holla Forums.

Is this true?

Also, I vote that we all either migrate ourselves to a different board here. I have a few in mind, but they obviously cant be named or its pointless

One of them is essentially a clone of this board, and it doesnt use the #2

Reminder that I'm not telling all to GTFO, the good ones will stay, they just have to lurk, read the OP.

Why would they come here anyway? They have their own Holla Forums board.

Your making the exact same gaff as Hillary. Why the fuck would you emulate her unless your secretly one of her shills?

We need to be welcoming but firm with newfags, not openly antagonistic.

And I already made a thread there. If you can find it, report in

I was getting sick of the near daily "shilling hours" here anyway


m8, most of Trump supporters over there are fucking insufferable, I'm not letting them shit up this board. Try surviving 5 seconds in /trumpgen/ over there without killing yourself.

I'll admit I may have been too harsh in the OP but I don't want anything to shit up this board, it' already declined in quality since it's inception.

nobody is that retarded

You can't do anything about it. If it gets to be too much go to .pl

We as a movement have to be accepting of those who are receptive or we will stagnate and die. Are you trying to cause our demise? How the fucking hell will we ever get to the day of the rope if we don't grow?

Trump is a stepping stone, a useful idiot if you will but he's the best dam stepping stone we have had in memory. You remind me of all those wait for Hitler fags.