What is the consensus regarding shoplifting? I am a pretty good girl and a hard worker. I am also class conscious but like nice things, clothing specifically. I would never steal from a local business or a company I respect, but I seem to have no fucking problem stealing a $450 shirt that cost $15 to make from a large department store. When I'm done wearing it I can sell it at a significantly reduced price on eBay to someone who will actually appreciate it. Please no moral lectures, but is there anything I am not considering? How might my actions affect the employees of said evil department stores if at all? The women working at this one store I hit up all appear to care nothing about anything going on there.
What is the consensus regarding shoplifting? I am a pretty good girl and a hard worker...
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All capitalist firms are exploitative, none deserve respect.
Unless you're swiping dozens of items off an extremely small local store your "crime" is completely victimless.
Just don't get caught, and if you do, hint that you might be cleptomaniac.
A) I don't know what policy the shop has, but I don't think it's charged on the emploees.
B) Shoplifting luxuries isn't revolutionary. It's Lumpen Bourgie. Shoplifting for basic needs, or stealin mass amounts of basic products and giving them for free could be revolutionary.
Do whatever you want, but don't think you're "hurting the system" in any way.
I steal shit occasionally. Just when I don't feel like paying for something that's basically worthless, or if I'm just in an adventurous mood.
If you steal from other people you should be arrested and put in jail you fucking degenerate.
I don't think there's really a consensus in the left, but most anarchists actually encourage this kind of thing. Just don't get caught.
my personal opinion - stealing from h&m and shit, who cares – stealing from local paki shop, utter scum
That opinion's bound to trigger someone, user.
You're risking getting in legal trouble for no raisin other than very petty material gain. I don't really give half a fuck about the ideological implications of stealing, but being involved with the criminal justice system sucks.
Sometimes it doesn't even matter if you get caught. A department store I used to work for had a specific policy of "don't stop or directly engage shoplifters" after some employees got stabbed trying to do so a few years back. Knowing those kinds of internal policies ahead of time makes things MUCH easier. In such cases, as long as you ensure you don't visit that same store anytime soon after (where you may be recognized and have the police called before you can make it out), you're basically golden.
Also as other people have pointed out, it rarely if ever hurts the bottom line of most larger companies. Employees aren't going to be put on the chopping block in such cases, nor are the losses going to come out of their paychecks (usually their wages are too low to be able to take away anything more anyways). Your not really "sticking it to the bourgs," but there's no real ethical conflict in what you've suggested. Just be prepared for what is to come if you DO get caught, because the repercussions are likely to be illogically severe.
When I steal clothing I definitely am not having edgy anarchist thoughts. Certain stores just make it too easy and I'm not rich and want to look nice. I'm not out steeling flat screens and jumping turnstiles. I used to steal groceries in college but now I don't because I can afford it. Oftentimes I will steal chocolate bars from whole foods because paying $10 for that shit is for suckers
Who cares about class antagonisms when a nigga got them Jordans and the newest Madden game?
This is how the Bourgeoisie want you to think. The desire for social status through conspicuous consumption is how they keep us down.
Thanks this was the response I was hoping for.
I am exceedingly careful and don't get too confident in my skills, and I also have the face of an angel that no one has ever even remotely suspected.
if it's for self preservation, it's all good because your necessities are more important than their bottom line. stealing for shits and giggles doesn't matter one way or the other, so long as you don't get other proles in shit for it (heard the restaurant industry is bad for that). If you're taking supplies to somehow benefit revolutionaries lol, no u aren't then you've made a drop in the bucket.
Do you actually know what anarchism is?
some people dress for them selves. having a strong liking for good aesthetics isn't bourgeois. following trends and jerking off labels is.
I don't give much of a shit.
that's not true, if you play the game you can get ahead and be much more influential
I disagree. I am not buying into trends and am immune to fashion industry ideology. There are certain designers whose clothes I love and cannot afford and they happen to be sold in these stores. I see what you are getting at tho and you would be right if I didn't have such specific tastes
Edgy bourgie kids?
Maybe, but I play the game as little as possible. I identify with the lower rungs of society and I have no desire to assimilate to Bourgoisness. I have an aversion to all things 'fancy' and mainstream. I would rather build rapport and respect through deeds and words, not by kowtowing to the demands of contemporary capitalist society.
Also, my responce to the "you wouldn't steal a car, you wouldn't steal a movie" is .. YES I WOULD!
Do you want to know how I know you're not actually working class?
Yeah like that hoodlum Noam Chomsky.
Since when has Chomsky anything to do with Anarchism?
Meh. I've worked in low wage labor my entire adult life. My upbringing was sort of lower-middle class until my dad lost his decent paying job. Around that time (middle school) I started running around with the bydlo kids. Most of the people in my life and my mom's side of the family are working class as fuck.
Since he became an anarchist decades ago?
Well, ok then! And I'm the reincarnation of Lenin!
Are you trying to imply that Noam Chomsky doesn't know what anarchism is, but you do?
Why is Chomsky so fucking based?
chomsky is my husbando ;3
No. Am only saying that knowing what X is doesn't make you X.
Pretty much impossible. Where I work, whatever profit is "lost" to shoplifting is made back by slightly raising the prices on everything else they sell. The customers put up the money for it, one way or the other.
Where do you work familia?
It's that sexy voice of his.
Well ok then.
He's my Senpai ~^_^
I wonder why a lot of gommies hate him.
supermarket chain in the US
gommie logic:
I swear that's the main reason, although no one will admit it. The other rationale is that he's bourgie or liberal (psuedoleft) but that argument is really weak imo.
Meh, he happened to be wrong on one point.
Besides, his point that the genocide in East Timor was proportionally similar and ignored by the west is a valid one.
It's probably more because he's an analytic philosopher and Holla Forums loves continentals.
for Holla Forums yeah. I happen to like both
we have a lot of grills here lately it seems.
I need to read more philosophy so I can understand the divide better. I'm still getting into classical stuff.
dude, you don't need to "understand" classical philosophy before you read some continental things… that's a huge spook. just do whatever you like, read some deleuze, i dunno. but move past that "philosophical education" spook
Paying for shit you can get for free is dumb. Go ahead and take what you want, just don't get caught.
Your writing style seems really familiar btw. Were you the grill arguing with that nazi about sex yesterday?
i had to share this :>
This reads like a bad troll.
Oh Holla Forums you never cease to fail to live up to your stereotype– upper middle class white kids who have never tasted actual poverty claiming to be oppressed because you can't afford high end luxury goods that you supposedly despise and wish to do away with.
I welcome this. If for no other reason than it shows that grills can into books too, which shatters sexist notions about intelligence and interest in serious business things like politics. That feel when no politically conscious gf.
I want to read all the things. I have this idea (spook?) that one should start from the beginning chronologically and work forward. How can you understand Zizek if you haven't read Hegel, Marx or Lacan?
Also, please educate me about the SPOOKS meme. I've heard of Stirner but don't know much about his work.
Stirner's total nonsense. Suitable for entertainment/meme purposes only.
As for the analytic/continental divide it's not nearly as big of a deal as some people make it out to be. But there's nothing wrong with taking the methodical route.
ah dude i just use "spook" like you you'd use "meme" i guess, don't read too much into it.
as to your question of "how can you understand x if you havent read w x y …" …. that's exactly what deleuze and other people talk about - read the anti-oedipus, or thousand plateaus.. don't read it from front to back, just go with the flow, drop it when it gets boring, move through fields, follow things around, do whatever you think is interesting. in the end, that route is much more fruitful than trying to understand or "know" all of philosophy. even that idea .. that timeline of philosophy is a certain ideology/philosophy - it's a very modern image of evolution. just go with the flow - leap from one idea to the next.
sometimes i read "BIG PHILOSOPHER" but i dont get it until i come by a journal article by some guy who applies the theory to his field in some way - and then it clicks. can i ask what you study? are you a student at all?
Well, I've read Marcus Aurelius and I have a boner for Stoicism as a personal philosophy to make life tolerable. I've got the works of Aristotle but I'm still slogging through the Wealth of Nations (it's interesting how Smith's work relates to concepts I'm familiar with from Marx). I'm studying history in a community college (fuck the capitalist overlords for telling me to study bean counting at an expensive 4 year school :D )
Nope wasn't me :)
I never said anything this specific lol stop projecting
Are you the hooker from a few weeks ago?
Petty theft is kind of sad in itself, but stealing from retailers does no harm to the producers of commodities.
I haven't posted in quite a while but I lurk pretty regularly
Odd choice for a socialist. It always struck me as an ideology of resignation over action.
Ok, I probably remembered your posts from whenever then.
Never posted regularly so I doubt it
Well fuck me rigid, I could've sworn your posting style matched some user from a while back.
What style? That was just a stream of consciousness post off the dome
Dropping the period from lines and the structure of the OP.
Hi, I'm James. I'm a transpoor demiworker (that means I have to love a job before I work at it) who is prolesexual
If you want to steal, become a banker
Communism is just over-rationalized theft anyway. Go nuts OP.
A much solution to striking back at the capitalist class would be to fucking grow up
Ideas stand on their own if presented well. I read Marx before Smith, and going into Smith with Marx's criticism already in place helped me understand Smith, and his limitations, much better than had I read chronologically.
Of course political economy is not philosophy.
Former retailfag here, our instructions for this were a fucking joke: talk into your sleeve and say things like 'all units converge on sector 19' to try to panic the guy. Porky deserves whatever he gets for forcing employees to partake in imbecilic behavior like that.
What do yall think about return fraud?
Something like buying a $300 i7 cpu from Walmart and returning a $10 pentium cpu in the i7 box, something I heard a dude on /g/ talk about doing a year or so ago.
I can accept direct stealing from a retailer as being something that isn't unacceptably immoral, but lenience in return policy seems like something that retailers could do away with if they get less profit from it which potentially could fuck over other people.
Basically I just want to rationalize asserting my petty self-interest over my moral values so I can do it way more often.
t. Gnome Chomsky
There is absolutely nothing wrong with stealing from corporations
Kohls will take back basically anything if you said you bought it from them, even if it was years and years ago
Had a guy return some ancient, busted out shoes and get 30 bucks in store credit for them.
Shoplifting doesn't hurt the system and it usually doesn't even affect the owners of the business in any meaningful ways. overcharging you for something is them stealing your hard-earned money too.
I participate in it very often.
Don't risk getting a criminal record. Your time will come. Stay squeaky clean. Be invisible.
If you are going to do it, do it well.
Don't be a regular AND a thief at the same store.
If you simply must go big and liberate something high dollar, don't do it in your town.
Always look before you leap, you can never scout enough.
Also, if you can get a job at the place as either stocking crew or security, you are golden. So many opportunities and you have the ultimate disguise along with insider knowledge of procedures.
Most importantly, learn to think small. A few items here and there every few days is easier to hide than a big score.
Good luck famalam.
The only issue I see is possible kleptomania which hurts people in other contexts. Why do you want to wear some expensive shirt anyway? It's going to signal to people that you like to buy that kind of thing and reinforce the culture that allows shirts to be sold at 30 times cost.