Jewess gets Pulled Over After Giving Trump Supporter The Finger, thread #2

First thread:


Other urls found in this thread:

Tara Rodham Dublin
Address: 5503 NE 43rd Way, Vancouver, WA 98661, USA
Phone: 360 694 9778
E-Mail:[email protected]/* */

Ben 13
Jack 17


Archive of first thread.

Archive of twatter:

Was the word "cumshop" strategically placed?

repostan webbum

kek didn't even notice. It's since the selected area was bigger than my screen that fucking top bar showed up in the middle.

Send her a fuck load of government food assisted pizzas to her house.

Something tells me she needs escorts and pizza.
Is anyone working on getting an email?

A happy accident :)
Oh, what is it? Free shekels?
Yep, free shekels.

Has she posted anything new in response to the trolling?

Has the well of keks run dry?

I'm guessing she used a pseudonym for her brother in the article.
and his wife.

She protected her twitter for now.
But we know how this works.
These kind of people cannot keep it protected for long since they crave attention.

I hope noone does this using her 17 year old son's name.

I don't think thats her middle name. She's just showing her support for hillary.

Also from her standup routine we know her ex-husband is a doctor. Likely supporting her ass completely and she's on fucking SNAP.

I had an idea to find the sons twitter account.
She mentioned that he followed his physics teacher and his track team mates only.

So we know he does track.
We know his school Hudson's Bay High School

And thus we have a list of teachers.

Only one physics teacher on site listed his twitter is.
Somewhere in his followers is the son.

I hope she decides to invest in a reliable Wellman furnace.

Think I hit paydirt.
Isn't glasses fag her son?

I..I love her lads. Please don't bully her.

I'm kind of surprised.


The eternal Brit/pol/.

Looks like. I'm also sure that his HS is not worthy of the Eagle mascot.

didn't attend Elma HS. They just make the county proud

Ignore the fact that in recent years their entire varsity football team got shit-canned for being caught at a meth party

Oh for fucks sake brit/pol/.

go back to virginia posting

That would be horrible

What does Kek mean?

She is a convert.

It means We Must Secure the Existence of Our People and a Future for White Children.



it means you should suck start the barrel of a shotgun

Send her something for delousing.
Meanwhile, I signed her up for a Huggies sample. You know, since she's a Hilldawg supporter.

Read the thread, she was born jewish and is nonpracticing.

Why are you supporting such a faggot

grubhub with fake e-mail is a great way to order loads of food as well.

Because it hurts our enemies.

I think the bitch did more than give the man a finger.

Do you think he got GBPs for doing well in t he race?


She has now shut down her instagram.

Yeah sorry
It was the sister in law that's the convert that married the lawyer.

I'm guessing this is the mother. Age seems about right and she is listed on all other family members friends lists.

Nice try, Tara!

Because it wouldn't be smug™ otherwise

He didn't call the cops. She did.

ayyyy lmao The Umman Manda strike again.

She called the cops not him, getting really tired of fuckers being too lazy to even watch the video.

Chances are, the guy receives a constant stream of lefty fucks attacking his lawn, so he was waiting for the next person to try something and she gave him the finger and he threw all of that piled up "dealing with lefty" bullshit into one target and went after her.

Although, like this guy said, there's a pretty good chance she did more than just give him the finger. I imagine as we keep an eye on this we'll see more come out on her case.

oh jesus this cunt posted this man's address PRIOR to this and now his car and then complains about him taking pictures, I didn't hear her say anything about calling a cop

She said she called the police for him tailing her early on.

Holly shit, I just encountered this kike today. She was taking pictures of my car at a red light.

I think I fucking found the son

What a motor mouth.



Guys GUYS She has a right driving car in america! Look at the video all the cars are driving on the left side of the road and the officer approaches on the left. Her car is a special import. What a waste.

Video is mirrored.

I said it the other thread, I'll say it again.

You can go ahead and play the useful idiot to some nobody that'll soon be rolling in cash.

Definitely him

I'm pretending to be her.
Here is my account:
I replaced the lowercase L with a capital i
We should all pretend to be her and make her followers think she is stupid &/or does porn (shop skills anyone?).
Just search her handle to find people who tweet at her.

srry its
i forgot the i

Started School at Tilden High School
Posted on October 27, 2013
High School

Some of you are alright, don't go to Tilden High School tomorrow

You realize that money comes from complete cucks, right? Not sure why it should bother me if she has it instead of them.

just post her # on craigslist casual encounters as F4MMM

Oh great. That's all we needed. A Jewish princess.

kill him.

To the all the PR cucks who want us to ease up on this kike….

Follow the example of pic related.

She has a tumblr and unironically calls the emperor "Drumpf" It's like fucking CHRISTMAS! I can't even. I have lost the ability to even.

Even her HAIR is triggered. She has a bachelors in THEATER for God's sake. Why did any man even impregnate her? This is so awesome.

All anglos should be rounded up and enslaved.

his instagram
sadly it's private at the moment.

Looks like she may be in full damage control mode hiding everything she can.

She'll be a great lulcow.

/baph/ did that thing one time were they made porn using somelolcows sister and the faggot they were after imagine spamming her twitter with those images.

Wrong board. Visit /suicide/

So there is a list linked to his twitter.

All his friends.
Also it's not yet private.

Someone like

could cause some drama with them.


So, are you going to do anything about it? Trump Sign her house or something And post proof.



This faggot Eric Saueracker is a teacher and coach and is brainwashing white kids.

NEW TARGET (additional target)

Does your GF know her?

Does your GF like slapping a bitch?


Seriously all this effort for some stupid jew cunt who flipped off a Trump support? Get a life you losers, there are bigger problems to fight for.

and nothing of value was stated.

Eat cock

Except police on his uniform isn't mirrored and she's driving on the left side of the highway and the shoulder is also on the left. I think this shit is weirder than we're giving credit for.

His FB
His wife

726 NE Roselawn St Portland, OR 97211-3873

Are you… are you suggesting greenscreen?

We must investigate further.

I'm ready to shop some porn. Any requests?

Hudson's Bay High School

Sure would be a shame if someone called in some bomb threats.

Some gang bangs would be fun.

Something Cucky with Eric watching his wife get Railed.

I was thinking beastiality tbh fam

Kike filth. Burn in hell.

This guy's a better target in my mind, she's some fucking loser who spends too much time on social media while he's indoctrinating school children into accepting refugees.

people really have zero clue what the first amendment is.

That's probably better. Make it a horse.

Already on it. Stand by.

it might be enough, yeah. state-by-state definitions are different. for example, oregon isn't a "mandated reporting" state, while california is. practically, this means if a health care professional sees anything that falls under the category of abuse in california, they are mandated by law to report it to the proper authorites, under criminal and civil penalties if they do not, but granted legal immunity if they do.

each state also has differing ideas of what constitutes abuse. i.e. in cali, any kind of physical violence witnessed by a minor between two adults in the home is counted as a reportable offense, with the reasoning being that it's possible that the kid could get caught in the crossfire. arguing is a gray area when it comes to this; if it's heated enough, or objects are thrown (even if no one gets hurt) then it could fall under physical and emotional abuse.

oregon may be different. they may see it as a small altercation. but you could definitely go in as a "concerned neighbor" and report with the arguing as your reason. either they take it or they don't, and if you prefer, you can always try to escalate it up the chain. social services are squeezed hard nowadays, and the next big scandal is just around the corner, so making a stink about it will probably get attention paid to this woman.

even if nothing amounts to anything, she still gets to enjoy the fruits of her liberal beliefs firsthand.

for the record, as a therapist, im loathe to bring social services in, since it's a crapshoot whether or not they'll actually help anything or just make the situation way worse, so i'm normally against the idea of using social services as a blunt striking object. but as the saying goes, all is fair in love and war, and i love me some war

Two threads and a dox had me expecting something more egregious. She's a cunt and I can understand why people would want to fuck with her for fun, but just remember you're just as bad SJWs who do the same shit.

I don't really care what happens, hopefully something entertaining. Carry on.

tell me more fellow kid You reek of outsider jewish dog

He's fucking brazen and is friends with all the kids on twitter too. They parrot all his liberal bullshit.

They are all so white, in a white school, in physics and cross country with no niggers - they are completely ignorant and naive.


Hi Holla Forums and GamerGate I know you are saying Holla Forums are shit for doing this in your cuck Gamergate thread so please just stay there.


Whatever you deem as being valuable or not doesn't negate the fact that you refused to retort another fact: you are a loser and have no life.


your babby tier bantz have no power here faggot.

oh boy

Nah I just think she's a stuckup bitch who spent all her money on an import.

You are a faggot and are mimicking what you see, but really have no idea what any of it means.


Kek is with us.

I see at least one nigger in

To be fair, horses were still used in WW1.


Ahhhhh the widdle baby has hurt feelings. What's it like to be in your early 20's posting pepe meme's on Holla Forums? I bet you have lots of friends in real life and get laid all the time

fucking loser! hahaha!!!!!!

WW2 also, the German army especially, most of their artillery and supply were moved by horsedrawn carts.

lol you're all as bad as this stupid jew cunt

just freak her out, put her kids face and hers on some pro stuff always lulzworthy

why do most shills use tor?

[email protected]/* */

uh oh, someone doesn't know their history and doesn't realize that war didn't start in 1938 (but in 1900 for 20th century warfare.

Read a book kiddo.




You are shit for doing this, but that's okay. I'm not trying to stop you user.

You won't be Correcting the Record© here Chiam



top kek more, this is a pic for the craigslist ad for sure

With a club, yes.

hope your shekels are worth it, yehudi

For the love of Kek someone please send this to her son and all of her sons friends.

They're kikes, so nothing of value will be lost.

Upload size limit was increased? What's the limit?


Not her son. But maybe one of his friends she has a crush on.

12 for now, its increasing every week until it gets to 16.

Or her sons teachers.


Isn't it incredible how easy we dodge kike shills now? To me it looks like the goons are dropping in for nostalgia sake - and they have no new plays, every shot they have taken last no longer than 3 weeks now.

I responded a couple times to show other anons who the shill was and how to interact. Mock, shame, shit on and move on - report and filter.

Calling me a sexless loser in his 20s
Not aware I am married, in my 40s and shitposting at my job, making America great and shitting on kikes, niggers and sjws

They really have no idea what they are dealing with anymore

Yeah, he's kinda struggling in school, isn't he? And mommy can be very persuasive.

How did I do?

This is the power of a god.

kek. Spread it.

Someone send it to the kid's twitter.

Well, not to be a dick, but the lighting in the face doesn't fit. Needs more light left and more shadows right. Best to take indoor HQ pictures for such a job, otherwise you run exactly into this problem.

Not to be a dick, but I spent 10 minutes on it. We aren't trying to put it on the Smithsonian fam.

She also supports incest…



they want people to filter the TOR id making it useless.
same general reason they will spampost on a hundred different VPN nodes in a week to get them temp-banned. Just trying to shit up the site.

The 43 and waiting tables since 1997 made my day.

I don't know how people like this exist, but I can assure you that, they won't survive the happening.

I couldn't get a better shot, her neighbor was home.

Heading out for now will be back later.
Keep up the good work in the name of kek.

That sidewalk looks like it needs some Trump 2016 artwork.


Send all the shops to his friends

A face only an oven can love.

He fucking blocked me, motherfucker.


I called his mother a cunt and got blocked. FUCK.

I'll stay in the rear with the gear. If I can be of any assistance shooping, let me know.

what are you, a faggot?
yes send it to her her son, we aren't playing with kids gloves we're professionals get out of here with that loser talk

Don't worry, it will get to her son. :^)


Kek confirms. Mom grabbed his phone.

howdu make that connection?
cause if proofs, i bet she bangs her sons.
and that means CPS is a go

Jews are generally pro-incest. But they usually project it onto whites.

and so forth.

holy shit, shop pics of her and her son, link to her tumblr, spam her with them AND THIS FUCKING LINK

What kind of disgusting slob takes a selfie with food remnants on his mouth? Someone needs to give that little shit a good beating for being such a slovenly faggot.


top fucking kek

Anyone have a pic of her son not making a overly retarded face?

I'm gonna make the connection, give me some time to hack the mainframe
praise kek

Yes he was such a PUSSY amiright m fellow Holla Forumsacks? Thumb up my post if you think the same!

Hello other Vancouver user. Not to many places to park near her place, and I didn't see the Trump sign user anywhere. Kike took a pic of my car earlier today, figured I would return the favor.

here bruv, old tumblr pic

Wow that bitch has a big fucking mouth.

Like abnormally huge, like it's meant for sucking dick.

How is this even possible? And does she not know the bird = physical threat.

Is she dumb, or just a jew?

Here, have some Holla Forums gold, fellow Pollster.

He still look retarded, you sure you dont have anything better?

That fucking cat is going to ruin it.

hey dude, i didn't birth the kid

Just shop a giant dick over it

You have to go back, Carlos! :^)

t. skankhunt42

What's the connection to her? I don't see it.


Looks like she takes the twitter poll serious

How is this real?

Three niggers, get your eyes checked.

wew lad, that's spicy

Welcome to the new world


That should teach her to mess with Holla Forums Something Awful.
I wonder if we can put enough pressure on her to get her to apologize to that guy and upload the video? For her kids sake?

context ? and please in coherent english.

Is Washington a cool place to live? How hwite is it?

You're right, Alice.
That yahudi is really retarded.

let me help the other user out, first of all he means /baphomet/ /baph/ is just some shitty copycat board.

secondly he is referring to the gabe brouse raid.
one user made shooped a pic of gabe and his sister fuggin and it used for various lulz worthy purposes.

I know what's /baphomet/. Do you have perhaps some pictures like those infographs that summarize a thread.

Sad thing is you can't pull such a raid on Holla Forums without 1. the mods interfering 2. People posting the "not your personal army" meme and 3. not having enough people.

I had once to idea to spam hillary's twitter with gore and porn and mentioning her in tweets with undesirable people under the disguise of hillary supporters, but since no one is up to that I have to do a single operation.

It ranges from good to shit depending on which part of Washington you live in. Lots of social justice cucks. I see more (((Jill Stein))) signs than I do hillary ones. Lots of nice forest areas, wildlife, and mountains though.



Looked this up on city-data
Her neighborhood/area is:
Top kek
Every. Time.

It's Tara Lynne Dublin

Thx for correction will update data when. I get home

I would never ask you to do something crazy user, so i won't ask you to do anything to her… Instead I'll just post a picture I found online incase you wanna use it as your PC background or something.

Reminder that all waitresses are bitter bitches that desperately want dick and money and will do close to anything for either of those, not necessarily in that order, this woman is no exception


Are you telling me we should send niggers to her house?

I mean she's 5' and 104 lbs though.

He's 17 what trimester is that?

We need to check online dating sites for her.

I'm sure she would be happy to take in some peaceful north african refugees, after all she was so staunchly against that ebil racist redneck trump supporter, everyone could use a little cultural enrichment in their lives user, perhaps its time her family had some

Who gives a shit whether or not her son has found us?
He can't delete information from my head or my computer, so why not continue?
I've not done anything illegal, only found publically available information and spread said information

She hates white males, she wants attention and she's getting it now.

Remember, she's 5' and 104lbs, we don't want no trouble.

Ben will finally get a new daddy. I mean after all, his peaceful beloved Five foot tall, 104lbs mother HATES racists and racism, so little Benjamin and his older brother can finally taste cummies with mommies big mouth.

Has anyone actually done anything yet?
Any pizzas or boxes or SWAT teams or such?
Not that I advocate that or anything

People have done enough to get her to hide her twitter profile. Maybe there's more.

She did that 6 hours ago, because we were "harrassing" her
That's not enough

Oh shit nigger

It was a joke

Honestly she probably got a few tweets here and there either from us, or other various "alt-right" individuals, for these people thats usually enough to justify a privitization of social media

guarntee she will come out days later to chronicle her "wide spread cyber abuse ans stalking" either online or to whatever major new outlet that will player her the smallest violin in the world for her sad sad story of being called out as a loudmouthed bitch that chews up cops that are just doing their jobs

Good thinking, user. I have the notion that the wealthy Mr. Jerry Fleischman, just moved to Portland and now seeks a nice jewish woman on JDate.

I apologise for being a retard and not noticing

Do it faggot

I may visit Craigslist classifieds and leave a few posts there if you know what i mean, perhaps sign her up for a few magazine prescriptions. Maybe sign her up to receive trump alerts? :^)

the last one is the best.

OR, just fuck her.

Record it, show little bimmy.

Do we know if the phone number is a landline or not ?

What if i get aids ?

The "polish" & soviets still used horse cavalry in WWII.

Does a soldier go out on the field without a helmet?

It's a landline with qwest

Thx fam

No but soldiers don't go into battle alone either. Whataya say m8, are you with me?

So, how many calls from Hillary's phone bank will it take to make her a Trump supporter?

Thanks user

I already know the subhumans used horses and melee weapons against tanks and machine guns. That doesn't mean it's 20th century warfare, "kiddo."

There is a half decent neighborhood watch, it looks like the neighbors have cameras, and it looks like her son is in this thread
I would have till things calm down to do anything. There might be Trump chalk around the place in a few days, or at least this will just be a good target for when DOTR comes.

Have to wait till*

Her son isn't in the thread, and even if he is there's no evidence of criminality in here

Also, we've fallen to infighting again

Too far m8, I would if I could.

I mean after all, she had a BIG mouth. For us

Either way it will take me a few days. I'm gonna be swamped for a while, and she would be on her guard tonight. At a minimum chalking will be done though if no other user does it. Sending her the pics to freak her out could be fun though, this user should upload them to the account if it is still up.

Just call 'em googles

Just call them googles

That's her, isn't it?

Shut the fuck up kid, I'm not going to censor myself because you feel upset that I'm saying the word nigger.

Call them googles? Are you fucking three? Or do you just copy shit people tell you to do to try and fit in on a board you seemingly are so new to, that you blatantly follow threads that are copy pasted word for word off of 4chan?


Adding to this user's point, calling niggers "Googles" just gives jewgle an excuse to censor people critical of themselves, for instance "I hate Google" would be censored

It's severely autistic.

What's worse, I noticed with these google faggots, we've had an influx of legitimate beaners and autistic weeb kids flooding the board these past couple weeks.

Getting upset if anyone talks shit about beaners, to the point they'll derail a thread cause they're 'offended'.

What's up with that?

jeez user get laid.

Fuck my bad.

is pure kek

is pure virgin

Resume normal shitposting procedures and gas me.

There will always be people trying to co-opt Holla Forums to fit their needs
Anyone not interested in the truth, or afraid of people being "offended," should leave, and anyone noticing them should filter them

If only there was a way to shut down any of the faggot attempts at co-opting Holla Forums.

Cause as of right now, I'm seeing far too much, just as bad when the Muslims were flooding this place shortly after it's inception when they realized all the actual whites left 4/pol/.

Heh I'm blocked by her on twitter. Don't remember ever talking to her, just heard about her today.


jdate. com/profile/144207870

She seems to be a really bad jew. Doesn't go to temple and doesn't cook kosher at all. No wonder no big nosed macher is after her.
But her luck is about to change. Wealthy but eccentric Jerry Fleischman is single and ready to mingle.

RWDS by 2022 user.

Meth whale and others have hugboxufication lists.

Combination of a couple of things. Cuckchan might be getting handed over to one of the mods, reddit constantly bleeding over through faggots who can't follow rules one and two, and there's maybe three people (two?) from a bead chan trying to raid this place by pretending to be tumblrites.

Important to remember all of 8ch is already censored on their search engine (and has been since before hotwheels left) so it's doing absolutely nothing to their statistics.
A failure before it even began.

Filter them, don't reply, and they'll leave
They know that emotions are good targets, and they'll bait you into replying to discredit you
If they don't get what they came for, they'll leave
And even if they don't, if they're filtered they can't subvert

Relax, I'm not an offended dyn du, it's just a joke. I think it's a funny idea, I don't really know if it'll actually work, especially if it can be classified as forcing a meme. I don't know how long someone's been trying to push, but I'm curious to see if anything will come out of it.
Three-year olds don't know about 4D chess. God forbid you get mad at someone for going along with something, even if it ends up being a shit meme.

Not an argument

Maybe I've just been reading the wrong threads, but I haven't been seeing any drama like that at all. Only the occasional "as a spickfaggot I do not agree with this cuck opinion" post. Could you define "autistic weeb kids" to me, though?

excuse my dedicated counter-signaling post, though

Not an argument

This is where you're wrong, Filtering does nothing.

You clearly don't care about this community if you believe IGNORING the problem fixes anything.

Let me guess, do you ignore a gangrene infection? Do you ignore pain from an injury that causes extreme discomfort?

Oh, you don't? Then guess what, same rules apply.

We should be pushing these fucks back where they came from, and here you are bringing up emotions thinking anyone here actually displays any.

I fear you mistake literacy for 'emotional response', and that's just embarrassing. Why? Cause they don't leave, they never do.

You're no different than the idiotic kikes my friend when you use such thinking. You are a defeatist, and that's not the type of people we want or need here.

True true, but the amount bleeding over now compared to then is fucking obnoxious.

All those cucks trying to 'raid' here are just down right autistic, and what's worse, people think ignoring them solves the issue when, in reality, they see no resistance, and continue tenfold.

Again, niggers are niggers, end of story.

Allowing yourself to be caught up in such a ruse is embarrassing.

It is not a funny idea, it's a stupid autistic idea that I cannot believe there are morons from Holla Forums coming here and falling for it.

Plus, why do you assume I'm mad? Does my vocabulary startle you? Do you feel threatened?

Plus, kids know about 4D chess, all the autistic tumblr kids do, star trek isn't secret any more.

The Autsitic weeb kids are the kids whom post anime pictures as to make an avatar for their emotions, usually mexican or some sort of spic due to their inability to properly communicate in English, and over all always popping up whenever someone mentions anything negative about spics.

You can conduct a test if you want, I've done this shit like a year ago, each thread, no matter the subject, they flooded it trying to save face.

I am telling you now, do not trust weebs, you do that, and you end up getting fucked over.

The shut down our fake twitter account.


Jesus Christ, who's this kike?

Argument for what?

Well you sound like a very educated and experienced individual, everything you've said is very valuable and I'll follow what you say without question regardless of the turnout of anything from this point, so if people DO start calling niggers googles instead of niggers, and it catches on, and there's a massive shitstorm that I could've enjoyed, I'll just sit back and lament how immature Holla Forums has become.

Amy Winehouse. She ded, OD.

Yeah no, there won't be a massive turn out from the autism that is censoring yourselves from saying nigger, the only thing you'll do is playing into their hands.

But then again you shit-skinned anime loving retards don't listen at all, and only work on emotions like a bunch of fucking fruits. So it is expected for you to not listen unless there's a stiff cock dangling in front of you, if that were case, you'd do whatever was asked of you.

Thank god, it was like looking at those cartoon depictions of a witch, How disgusting and vile she looks.

I'm just here to call googlers and skypers a pack of nigger-loving kikes.

Fuck you and fuck your sly 1984 tactics, nigger.

Tell em brother.

It's funny you mention working on emotions, so far everything you've said is very clearly some sort of emotional reaction to everything I've said, you've already assumed that I'm a shitskin weeb from Holla Forums and that I'm heavily invested in a forced meme that was brought up a few hours ago, if anything you're the one that's acting offended on behalf of Holla Forums over me making joking about it. Here's an idea, maybe you should look for other things to emotionally invest in besides shitposting on the internet so that it's not obvious that you're scrambling to save face as an anonymous poster and tell people what to joke about.

Hey, if I post a picture of a nigger, does that make me one, too?

Where have I displayed any emotions?

Oh right, I haven't. You're getting upset cause you're getting singled out for being a dumb fucking faggot.

Don't try and paint your faggot emotions on to me because you're so socially inept you need to do what everyone else is doing in a piss poor attempt to fit in where you clearly do not belong.

I think you should head back to Holla Forums nigger, least then people will pat you on the back for being a dumb fuck.


Yeah no, it doesn't work that way.

Trying to desperately wish that the other individual is the emotion you want them to be doesn't work.

I think you need a time out bucko.

Come to think about it, it didn't take you very long to reply, I can imagine you waiting while breathing very heavily for the next dumb thing I say just so you can rush your fingers through your keyboard about totally "singling" me out.

Holy shit calm down

I think it's time you head to time out bucko, My dubs should have warded you off, but it seems a little shit skin like you needs more motivation.

Well, it sounds like you've been having a bad day. Would you like to talk about it? It'll probably make you feel better.

Sweet, here's some high-def, nightmare fuel OC.

Just stop
He broke you
Give up
Go away

Did you spent 20 minutes resetting your IP just to say that?

You are an idiot.

What century is the 20th century? When was WWI? January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000

If it happened on Jan 1, 1901, it's 20th century warfare you daft faggot.

There is no semantics, these are hard numbers and times you insufferable dum dum.

Do you put cocks in quotations when you put them in your mouth too nancy?

Kill 'em.

Just kill 'em all.

What was this thread about again?

Looks close but that pic doesn't look like her to me. There is likely more than one single mom jewess in the portland area. If it is her lol at the age deception. Not only does she list herself as 40 but that picture is prob from her mid 20's if thats her.

Messing with a jewess. Too bad she made her twitter private so we can't see the tears.

It'll be open in a day or two. they can never hide it for long. their ego won't allow it.

Never mind.
She is off private
Lets look at some tears

I fucking hate living in portland.

you are now aware that general patton was a huge advocate of using cavalry in the second world war.



BWHAHAHA she called the cops on the Trump supporter she harassed because she thought it was him who tweeted her pics of her house. Might rustle his jimmies a bit but also make this bitch look insane to the cops.

She thinks the guy she gave the finger to made the fake twitter account.



It's all of my e-mail!

Watch out guys. Twitter is gonna come for us.

wow this bitch is crazy. cop was chill as fuck and has the patience of god

Even on twitter she won't shut up.
She must be on it nonstop.

Whoever planted a seed in this broad had to have taped her mouth shut.

By the way. whoever has the nazi pics post em.

btw this is who she is talking to.

She's got the standard douchey twitter bio

holy shit these people are delusional

oh shit mother jones thats some old school liberal trash right there. Did clara ever respond or does the cuntess just tweet to her endlessly?

No no response. She basically screaming bloody murder and no one but cucks listen.


I noticed that too. Aging older nu male hipsters stepping in to white night thinking they are going to get a little tang.

She is going nuclear.

And she still can't get laid.

One of the kids in that picture:

sweet jesus that police officer has some patience.

Just watching that video, my chest started to hurt. Gotto give that guy props, I could never put up with that shit. Woman was batshit.

Why not make an escort craigslist/backpage post with her picture and info?

More on here
TEA_M0NEY is the team captain.
And he seems like a douche. He posted a picture of her son taking a dump a couple month back but had to delete it.
Couldn't find the pic sadly.

women like that don't want to get laid, they want men to feel pain

More like she won't settle for a numales since she thinks she deserves better.


She is still sperging and messaging people who will ignore her.

This looks like her son. He has a baby picture. Mom looks like her.

If you could make porn of her fucking her son that was convincing enough…

Guess we had the wrong person for son.
Oh well. You live and learn to troll another day.

The Skype is strong in that mother…

Look at him go!

Get the fuck out of here, this is the best state in the Union. The people that are making this state blue are all coming up from Commiefornia because they want to move away from their shit state and are making the housing prices fucking hellish for all the native Washingtonians.

Recording yourself while driving, isn't that another traffic fine for reckless driving and potential endangerment of other drivers?

It all seems to match. I wouldn't expect to have two parents look almost identical across a group of students.


Any chance we can reprogram another gollum to go after Jews? Clearly Jews are the glass ceiling holding women down.

Who you gonna call?
Ghost Busters!

it's not exactly a mirror. It's what happens on newer phones with front facing cameras, I think it might have more to do with the broadcast/video software than the camera lens itself

So did the Germans in Yugoslavia and other rear areas

user, I live in commiefornia. Can I move to washington and join one of your (undoubtedly superior) nationalist groups?

Is she trying to use the victim card to network with celebs?

I was doubtful at first, too. But it's 100% her. Take this pic of her from the other thread on put it over the profile pic with 50% opacity. It's a perfect match.

That's what it looks like

Reminder that if you treated a cop like this as a WHITE MALE in current year he would smash your window, pull you through it, and shoot you dead.

She's still doing it.
I wonder what'll happen when they start blocking her.

If you're going to cluck like a cuck, you've got to go.

My fellow fuck faces.
You have seen what she thinks of you.
You have seen her sperging and temper tantrums.
You have seen her being a kike.
Will you take it sitting down?
Or will you stand up and drag her under the bridge to feed to your young?

This thread is fucking despicable.
All she did was flip somebody off. Thats nothing. This is just pure hypocracy. Never been more ashamed of an 8 pol thread tbh. I won't post again, but this shit needs to be said. There has to be more worthy lolcows to spend your time on. She's not even reacting that saltily.


what, did she retweet this or something?

gas yourself

I haven't even gone back more than couple days.



piss off and be triggered elsewhere cunt.

Where did daddy touch you?

She's flipping out spectacularly, are we reading the same thread?



You didn't even watch the video.

She's borderline deranged and definitely lonely as fuck. This is PLEASE RESPOND tier, and somehow at that age she still gets orbiters.

we'll probably be hearing about this hook nosed kike for a while to come, I bet this was her plan all along

Did you even watch it you doublenigger? She flashed her lights at the cop while driving to get his attention

This is why I tell women how shitty they are when they're shitty.

They go their entire life with people singing their praises and they become these entitled, aggressive, cunts.

Wow, so masculine. So attractive.


I found something you niggers might appreciate. She might have some shitty web series going on.

These cocksuckers will hang first.

t. palouse


Look at the Jew scurrying.
pathetic. This is John Flynt levels of self victimization.

She plays a bitchy Jewess.

I'm disappointed with the writing. They couldn't even make the episode where an employee asks the Jewess for a raise entertaining.

It's an advertising gimmick Ryonet just trying to sell screen printing gear.

women writers cause that

Make up your fucking mind, Jewesshit.

The last thread found her job. I know how some of you may think what I'm about to say is terrible because they do it, but fuck it. How about we get her fired?

What's the worse that could happen that isn't in our favor? We don't want them doing this but if we do it on their turf, they're going to make over twenty tumblr posts about how people shouldn't do it. I say, fuck it. Tell them about the psycho working for them. Fire her.

I believe she's already fired

She is currently unemployed. She has a string of seasonal jobs that won't rehire her.

man these fucking morons posting their whole lives online and literally just giving us their information, there is much that needs to be erased

That damned patriarchy, things will change when Hillary breaks that glass ceiling #strongandindependent


Does giving someone the finger constitute being a psychopath? Cuz if that's so, then lock me the fuck up. I give at least 5 people a day the finger.

I love doxxing. You learn so much about what you can do wrong online. I'm always impressed with what Anons can come up with.

Speaking of, let's not forget we found her JDate account. Maybe wait a bit and then start going in this direction. Would love to get some sexy pics from her. I'm sure some of her sons friends would like them too.


WTF Poland, learn some history next time you make a meme.

I can't believe /PPPPPPPPPPPPPPOL/ has come to this. This is a woman who flipped off a nigger cop and then called for the help of an Aryan Trump supporter. Her hebrew tattoo is ironic, as it literally says "oven operator". She's an ironic jew, fighting the good fight. But you guys can't appreciate anything cheeky. I'm ashamed in you. You are all angry teenagers that live in their mom's basement. Also, slavs aren't white and anime is degenerate.


Actually, we are better.

Consider there is a good man and a bad man. Both men have guns. Bad man shoots at the good man and misses. Good man shoots at the bad man and kills him. You come along and claim that the good man is no better than the bad man because the bad man used a gun, so using a gun is bad.

You poor bastard.

>tfw no synagogues of satan in Grays Harbor

nice cumface

pretty good choice of body right there
she does have a pornface

pussypass + kikepass + rage from being poor and worthless, what would you expect
Rotten eggs, she is on a trajectory to being paranoid and schizoid
Her sons are the only thing holding her from becoming a youtube paranoid "celeb".

yeah she would, but would that even be lulzy
i expect more than she will be featured in the feminazi grapevine, possibly even the Democrats one, as another victim of those horrible alt right trawls

in other news:


so that's Jeremy Lin she fantasizes about marrying and taking the name of
i wonder how porn shoops of him would affect her
maybe fucking her sons?
or fucking her in gross ways?
or killing her?
ah the possibilities

So it's true. The jew is switching focus to the chinaman.

Holy fucking shit that made me angry. There must have been something the cop could have arrested her for; people really need to stop putting up with this kind of shit.


To be honest, this whole thing seems extremely petty on both sides (provided the bitch isn't lying).

Real low energy Kike Shill(s)

I am going to take a wild guess and label you as a brown individual or a faggot.

No, I'm just calling it as I see it. The cop is the real hero of this video. You clearly don't even know what concern shilling is.

Isn't China already commie?

Sure, but not jewish controlled.

Bitch, you were pulled over for harassment and disturbing the peace

It's in the jew blood to play the victim for profit

So are we still doing this today?

Give me some shoop ideas. Has anyone pizza'd her yet?

Just noticed this post attached to her pinned tweet. Is Pepe being identified and shoahed by Twitter?

…I know I am arriving late
but HOLY SHIT what a fucking hypocrite.
when she called the guy a pussy I completely lost


I'm failing to understand why this has 2 threads…

Not really willing to watch all of it.
Is there any clips / quotes which are usable?

no. fuck off and go to other thread then, no one is forced to spoon feed you to justify anything.

In this case she's right. You're allowed to flip people off, you're not allowed to chase them in a car.

he is allowed to get her information, specially if he intends on pursuing legal measures for which he needs her information even if she doesn't volunteer.

she was causing a disturbance in a school district
doubtful she just flipped him off, most likely she was cursing at him and threatening him - she may have even tried to deface or steal his sign

Pretty sure this isn't her. The woman in this profile grew up in Reno, Nevada, whereas the woman who is the topic of this thread says on tumblr that she grew up in New Jersey.

Holy crap what has happened to her so far?
I was reading the first part of first thread.

These people are delusional. Literally 100% of every riot in the states the past 20 years has been by Democrats. sports riots arent riots, they are celebrations

And especially this election cycle. The right has held back and displayed huge levels of patience with these people. Our people have been attacked, bloodied and hospitalized. Our cities have been torched, looted and trashed.

But nah, guys. It's the Trump supporters who are angry and prone to riot!

People lie. Facial features don't.
Put the pictures on top of each other. 100% match. There is no doubt. It's her. Kids, cat, occupation match. Ofc she cheated om her age and height.

the circle jerking is real

I dunno, I tried it and while they seem to overlay……. with two jews it's not that hard to get them to overlay in PS. The eyelid shapes don't match either. I think there are just a lot of lonely jewesses out there with 2 kids and shit degrees.


She has a tumblr:

It might be her. She mentions being on various dating sites including OKCupid and Tinder.

No wonder, I wouldn't rehire such a shrill kike bitch either. She probably flipped out at customers

That's not normal behaviour

Dublin? Are you telling me that's not an Irish name?


Probably just 4chan coming over after working together in the recent dig. 4chan Holla Forums is civic nationalist with a shared hatred of niggers and muzzies so there are a lot of beaners there.

what the fuck

Then fuck off you lazy cunt.

That is an infuriatingly piss poor example.

This woman flipped a guy off, she didn't shoot at him. If his response was to flip her off back, or "shoot" back, I think that would have been perfectly acceptable. She chose to flip him off, he chose to follow her in his car, she chose to get police involved, he chose to claim that her flipping him off was a disturbance to the children's school zone, both parties acted childish and petty. Similarly the people here who want to blow this out of proportion and seriously get on this woman's case are acting like white knight faggots. Honestly if the roles were reversed and she was a Trump supporter, even with her cunty behavior, I bet a lot of people here would be on her side.

The issue isn't really people fucking with her social media accounts, that's not a big deal and she really was asking for it with her posting this and talking about her big internet fallowing, but just depending on how far this escalates, if it escalates(which at this point that probably won't be the case), it could easily be comparable with SJW behavior, the first step to that being trying to find and spread information about where this woman lives and works just because she offended you.

Again though if you wanna troll then whatever, have fun, but just acknowledge the situation and your actions for what they are.

I don't feel like bumping the thread with this.

It's her. Check the wrinkles > left and right of her mouth when she smiles. Also check the ears. Very close to the head and the earhole is very low and outside. Also the height of the ear is exactly the same.

You're dumber than this bitch if you believed her. The cop told her the man had cameras and the bitch started getting flustered. It was obvious she did much more, especially considering her twitter feed shows she was taking photos of this man's house since last week. After much backpedaling when faced with a cop who seems to already see through her bullshit, her story is

This is not even getting to her petulant childlike accountability dodging. If you're too lazy to watch something, keep your idiocy to yourself.

I watched the video.

You're full of shit. I don't care. Have fun.

So the fuck what? This is war not patty cakes.

You have no argument. Fuck off

Don't be such a faggot user.

My argument is this is petty bullshit, but whatever that's fine.

A sniveling deflector with no substantial thought. You and the kike in the video are the same, no wonder you're too braindead to see.

Twitter got protected again. Wow.


Keeping an eye on it. Will post salt once it's open again.

This is unfinished business.

oh my god no wonder her husband left
what an insufferable woman



Good, we got a fighter.


At least pick a good one.

She's blaming 4chan.
This is amazing.

I'm being oppressed hire me

Who the fuck writes like this?

The answer is goons.

Have some more anime, since it triggers you so hard.

I can't wait for the ensuing breakdown.

Part 1. Part 2 is encoding right now. The video is fucking hilarious, she says that she and her mom got called kike cunts and all sorts of bullshit and says that someone called her old job and reported her as a racist


fug the encode got fucked up on the second half. I'll re-do it later, sorry anons


Women for Trump, MAGA! Done with my gender being associated with unhinged marbles-loose harpies who harass people and think namecalling is a legitimate argument. Gas the cunts, gender cleanse now!

If you were ACTUALLY for equality, you'd obey the same laws and conduct as are expected of men, not chimp out and bu-b-bu-but I'm 104 lbs lololol I'm not a threat. Bitch you can't have it both ways. Either you're equal or you're not. Modern feminism has destroyed everything our foremothers fought for.

Fuck I'm mad. AND her kid is ugly as fuck too. Surprised it isn't a halfbreed. If I saw this cunt running around giving women a bad name I'd curse her out and we could go at it.

Bitches who never shut up get a big mouth from stretching it out shrieking at people all day. It is known. Probably why bitch looks like she has hypertension and looks like a piece of dried out beef jerkey, too. Bitter cunt.

ana kasparain?

That doesn't involve disrespecting an officer trying to assist and screaming over them about your politics and the fact(?) you have a vagina.

You just know she's one of those vipers that spends most her day talking shit about other women around her too, going by this downright mentally ill self importance shes has.


She shut down her tube channel so you are a hero.

Full house checked!
We shouldn't let her off the hook so easy. Shit needs to get so bad for her that she agrees to going to that guys house and apologizing to him in person while her sons make a video of it.

who gives a fuck?

Made the daily caller

Someone posted these on twitter.
I know cuck chan but for sake of collecting info we might as well have them.

It appears the reason for her divorce 15 years ago is because she fucked Dave Grohl backstage at a concert.

Married to a Dr. still cheats on him. Typical whore.

Sorry it took so long friends. Here's part 2.

Her twitter is back btw.

Is that a challenge?

I think it is.
I mean she compares herself to clinton. And we still go after her right?

Here's some clips I extracted for you guys

This is why she's been tagging Ann Coulter.
It seems even being mentioned by a Trump supporter is offensive.

I don't really get where the condemnation idea comes from though since Coulter didn't even comment on her behavior and just linked the daily caller article.


Are you even trying anymore? This low energy shitposting/shilling is offensive.

>" WHAT?! "

Knows all her rights, negates all of his. I'm genuinely rustled about this one.

I'd be happier if you extracted her tongue.

Oh god those poor souls.

Just watched the video
lol ok you cunt

Why doesn't that baby on top have a bunghole?

This pic is for you tor faggot

Found another sexy pic of her.

I think she took this picture so she could make an ad with her phone number on http://

What a brave woman, doing ANYTHING just to support herself and the boys.

She seems more like the gang bang rape fantasy type from craigslist.

From her Tumblr

Even her son's friends think she nuts

This woman thinks she can take on Both Anthony Cumia and Ann Coulter.

Gonna try and find more sexy pics of her. Some one with tumblr send them to milf blogs etc. Sooner or later they'll find their way to her sons buddies. Jack's gonna clomp down the stairs and complain about something completely different.


I'm willing to bet they have been monitoring the situation and maybe even lurked the thread either here or on cuckchan.
Some of them have been putting out some very pro trump stuff and probably consider her their local lulcow

something like this?

Creative and Operations working hand in hand. Holla Forums running like a clockwork.

The consequences will never be the same


She's really grasping for straws now.
She is sending shit to Emma Watson and freaking out about being even mentioned by Anne Coulter

She is so ridiculously desperate for attention. It's sad.

Next step is usually making shit up, hoping people will feel sorry for her.

She's already doing that claiming she was "silently protesting"
aka shrieking


Is she going to go Yandere and start killing reporters that ignore her?

Yeah, her whole life right now is about being self-righteous on twitter. It is truly a sad state of affairs. If you read her tumblr, then you realize how pathetic this woman is.


Yeah, and a guy who's simply driving behind her is "chasing her, threatening and violent." I think what pisses me off the most is how she said "It makes me feel good when I give someone like that the finger." That the other person feels bad because of this is ofc irrelevant. Only my feelings matter!

This is 8ch. We're not hacks.

I miss the old days of ruining people's lives. We would have a woman like this fired from her job, her husband fired from his job, her nudes leaked, and having a shit load of random people show up at her house by the end of the day.

You guys are soft

Jokes on you, she has no job and no husband. Also, instead of complaining how about you pitch in?

Since you can't even read the threads, I assume you're an 18 year faggot LARPing as an oldfag. She is self-employed (re: unemployed) and has no current workplace. She is also single so she doesn't have a husband. Also going to someone's house in-person was rare as this was a job left to mormons and pizza delivery guys. Stop pretending you're one of us, you're dumb as fuck and stand out like a sore thumb.

What irks me is her self-righteousness. Flipping your finger off at a random person is not a political statement or a "silent protest." Let's get the ball rolling again: if she wants to be a victim, then so be it……….

I really don't see how we can ruin her life more than it already is ruined. She lives off food stamps, gets dumped by multiple men (even though she is a "fantastic human being"), spends birthdays with her two sons (and feels sorry for herself), is 46 years-old but acts like she is 13, spends all her time shilling for clinton on twitter (instead of looking for a job) and wrote possibly one of the shittiest books on sale at amazon. Add to all this the fact that her oldest son will be going to college soon and the little one will be begging to move back with Daddy. She is in the gutter and doesn't know it.

Suggestions? Seems like she's confident enough to assume the worst is over.

Fucking #TeamTara… I honestly feel sorry for the kids

This is begging to be chopped up and recontextualized.

Such as "Tara Dublin is a kike".

all I hear is a bunch of excuses from an obvious shill taking everything I say literally.

You can have other people besides pizzamen and mormons show up, it's called throwing an open kegger at her house, ordering all the prostitutes in the area to her house, listing her address as a homeless shelter, job ads on Craigslist that call for interviews at her house, the list goes on and on.

Now it's my turn to join in and take it too far.

I wonder who is taking care of her kids while she posts on twitter. It's non stop.

Also she claims she hasn't laughed since thursday.
I really hope that's true.

Like jehovas witnesses for example.

extra top lelz bc she is a kike

She starts off her story saying she didn't stop, then mere minutes later she admits she did stop. She couldn't keep her own lie straight for 3 minutes, so every single statement she makes is fucking suspect. Now stop being such a colossal faggot

Looks like she wants to buy survey hardware to help the trump campaign.

And is participating in phone surveys as well now.

One thing that we learned through this is that if you get doxxed, you get verified by twitter.

Please Kek don't let this whore get her way. Let the sympathetic female sergeant be a sneaky cop who just wanted Tara to make incriminating statements. Kek, make her a badge-heavy bitch who is incensed that Tara sassed her "law enforcement brother". May Tara be charged with disorderly conduct, and try her sassy tongue in court.

The ultimate goal is to get insufferable bitches like her to wise up and stop being insufferable bitches.

I agree, but this one is one crazy, narcissistic, self-righteous, CUNT. Only this would put her in her place.

Kek, realjameswoods just tweeted her video.

Her phone number is already down. Focus on calling her sons' high school or sending shit to her house.


Christ almighty, the bigotry is insufferable. Also why, would anyone get such a trashy tattoo? (italian: I write my own history)


these places are everywhere. either there is one giant mcdonald's like chinese franchise or thousands of chinks are really that unoriginal.

interestingly enough grubhub is devoid of places that deliver to her house.

Hey, focus on her hastag #TeamTara.


She's trying to court the interest of Anthony Cumia and a couple of other people as if anybody gives a fuck about her plight.

AGAIN, #TeamTara

need some good foot fetish stuff with her.

Why destroy a persons life for simply giving the finger?
Is this not an extreme over reaction?
I cannot participate in this. You guys are acting like einsatzgruppen.


Wouldn't it be weird if their was a TATTOO NUMBER on that foot, like in Aushwitz n wat naught (sorry, kinda drunk)


Have we created a new John Flynt/Brianna wu?

because she reacts.

Jesus Christ user. NewFag never saw this story.

Craigslist. You have her address and phone #.
Gangbang, BBC slut, rape role play, etc… Back door is open, park out front and let yourself in.
Her son has been sneaking out past curfew and for punishment she is selling his XBone and PS4 for $100 each. Be sure to do this early tomorrow morning after she's up all night dealing with horny niggers trying to beat down her door.
She doesn't know it yet but she's also an escort on BackPage. so be sure to post plenty of ads for her on there with her pics and #. I think she does $20 handies outcall and $50 for everything including Greek.
Hop on over to Holla Forums and find a pic of some abused puppy/kitten. Then post it over on reddit with her name and address claiming your neighbor is abusing their pets. Let the PETA fags take a crack at her.
Make an anonymous Facebook account and join her sons high school FB group. Message all the parents of the boys in his class as a 'concerned parent' whom wishes to remain anonymous. Claim she has been making sexual advances on your son and have heard she is committing sexual acts with other school children.
The possibilities are endless.
If I wasn't stuck from a phone I'd jump behind 7 proxies and have some fun.

mp4 clip

man hater

She can stop all this. She just needs to go to this guy and say "Hey, I'm sorry I gave you the finger."

take it easy on the craigslist sex thing. There are two kids in the house who will prolly grow up to be beta cucks and divorced raped just like their father was. They don't need more humiliation.

Some of these could be usable for some shops

It's the son in case you don't know. Since he blocked his twitter i got those off his friends twitters.
Also she thinks the ACLU will give a fuck about her.
I think we really found a lulcow

was meant for

I have a feeling the aclu won't give a crap no matter how jewish she thinks she is.

Sure thing Schlomo.
God forbid their cuck dad requests a custody hearing at court and uses the fact that mommy has nigger lovers pounding on doors and windows demanding to engage in her rape fantasies every night.
Speaking of Dad, anyone know more about him other than he is an MD?
I bet he'd love to know that the cunt he's sending alimony and child support to is spending it all on being a wacko activist and putting his children at risk of these nazi frogs the media can't shut up about.

lol i thought this bitch said in the video she had a lot of followeres she gets like 1 retweet anything she does

Posted this with her shitty hastag; Let all her fucking followers see how much of a fag her son is

He's the MasterChef of cooking frozen tofurkey burgers.
No better way to fill your children with estrogen.

Fugg that kid and his little ethnic cleansing birthright trip to Ziostan.

link to the tweet nigga

his profile pic just screams ziostan birthright.

What a strong womyn this womyn has raised

Anytime, you negroids: use the hashtag but be subtle enough to not let on that it's a raid

What are you doing.

Wonder if her boys know about THOSE tattoos…

Kept order small so they don't call for confirmation.

The kikehag needs anchovies on her pizza. We don't want her running out of salt, do we?

added to the tumblr

We need a good nickname for her. Kikehag is ok how about "Kikecunt" (that she referenced being called in the video)? Something that sticks like trigglypuf

So apparently she was stalking the Trump supporter.

We could get an entire town of youths redpilled before they ever get to their faggy professors.

Bitch needs to stop typing like a nigger


Maybe she called the Cyber-FBI who are on cyberpatrol against cyberbullying?

Right now it's mostly a more public repository of the pictures made.

I think kikecunt - while technically correct - is to vulgar to catch on and it could induce sympathy. She's barely 5-1. Maybe something that reflects her size and her rattiness.

We could call her a shiksa cunt and call into question her jewness.
It's accurate since she doesn't observe it.

The Silent Protester, DinduDublin…. ummmm EBTara, TDubz, ….. The Tiny Tara (play on her size and the word 'terror') IDK

Her son is a snowflake like her.
Even his friends talking about how he gets triggered.



was randomly looking for Her name and divorce. This came up.
We now know where the Ex works.


His twitter


The entire family sounds like they want everyone else to take care of them and praise them for sucking.

Ha! Nah she knows the Trump sign guy though. I mentioned it to her and she burst out laughing.

Great place, especially Vancouver. Portland hates us and we're the only republican district in Washington. :D

Find out if he really recorded it. Get recording if you can.
Would be hilarious to ruin her narrative with video proof.

Have we really come to that point where we're willing to destroy the libido of an entire planet?

been doing this on cuckchan before SJWs were born

>"Hey Jack, your EX has jeopardized your son's well-being by stalking a random guy and ranting about it online. BTW, this is all for the sake of her trying to get famous. Thought I'd let you know; bye bye!"<

Yeah, tell us more about what the Trump sign guy has to say about all this.

At the end of the video, she states that her so-called plight is worthy of NATIONAL press coverage. Imagine how fucking BTFO her sons are…what I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall

His eyes look fucked up.
Did she lobotomize him when she turned him into a gay snowflake?

Well she is a jewess. And we all know they got genetic defects up the whazoo.

yall need to be filling in that special request box, or does only pizza hut have it?

request: 'swastika on drawn on inside lid of box'
request: 'slice pizza in the shape of start of david'

I'll have to get to know him, like I can ask my gf if he even remembers it.

I'll take a pic of his house too to show that its probably the same one. His whole lawn is covered in Trump signs.

I've changed my mind. She's asking for it, really, really badly.

I'm sure he'd be interested in publishing the recording if he sees the shit she is trying to pull.

She reminds me a little bit of my sister in the way that she's so outspoken. Except my sister is a hardcore conservative and wants to exterminate muslims.
Vid related.

I'm not getting married because of LGBT rights!
Not because I scare every man away that comes withing 10 feet.


Here's another shoop to spam to her.

Damn, this woman is a slut. Took a little digging, but I found this as well.

Really nice quality


This level of delusional rationalization is infuriatingly disgusting. Trying to virtue signal off your faults? This woman shouldn't be allowed children

why is someone posting interracial pornography ITT

because it's of the target?

Christ she is really trying to milk this thing.

Cop did mention that the Trump supporter had cameras. This will be fun.

Considering his single mom though he never had a chance. RIP jack and ben's masculinity

A guy was digging up her blogs on halfchan, and we found out she cucked her now ex-husband with Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters. Pic related. She won a contest on FF forums (aka groupie select), husband was working at the hospital, left kids with a friend, went down two states to get fucked by a rock star.

Uploaded 2 of the pics where it's harder to tell that it's shopped to make them easier to spread.
It'll be harder to deny if it looks real.

Women like this need to be burned for fuel.


Did she say she actually slept with him? The story read she said he gave her a kiss "on the lips" goodbye backstage when she had vip passes. She was there with another girl or two, did she allude to actually sleeping with him?

You can always ask her ex husband.

they are clearly wearing chainmail

She never admitted it, but the familiar signs were all there. It was a textbook "just a kiss" cover up story. This girl is no stranger to trickle truth as we see in her video.

Just out of curiosity. Does this bitch sleep?
We all saw the pictures of her son wearing an apron.
Does he take care of his brother?
Is she being a mother at all to them other than her snowflake indoctrination?

Noticed this over the last couple days. She's staying up till 3 am each night to retweet her white knights on twitter.

Am planning to create some twitter accounts to spam the porn images to teamtara when she is offline. I'm hoping hearsay, if taken down by the time she goes online, will drive her to a bigger rage than actually seeing them.
Then again the son's twitter will hopefully be off private by that time.



end your life

The lolcow is real

request for pepe mail put in with
Would be great if he does it.

Yo, are you married? I've always wanted to meet a 1488 girl.

How can we get her sexy pics to show up in goggle image search?

The single most infuriating thing is at the end there when she does her shitty outro: the poor cop is still just standing there off camera listening to this shit waiting for her to finish.

user that's retarded.

I hope you kill yourself, you dumb faggot.


That's a guy user.

It's in the Jews blood to be a perpetual victim. Behind the scenes their fingerprints are on all the evils of today, but try to push back or tell them "NO", you can hear the 'oy veys' echoing through the streets.

Sent Tara a few Qurans. She maybe a terrible jew, that means she has what it takes to be a great Muslima.

Lol, islam, scientology, jehovas witnesses, et. al. She will have enough spiritual support to help her through these tough times.

The sanctimonious narcissistic hipocrite cunt is now on the offensive.

Flipping off this guy, what could go wrong?

Reported for weak chin: enjoy your ban!

Oh, she's fucked. A direct call to tell people to harass him? This, coupled with the video of the cop flat out telling her to leave the guy alone and to not harass him is a goldmine. If he has this for evidence he can feasibly press charges.

The best part is that it doesn't even matter that we were assholes to her. We're independent, autonomous assholes. I don't even know the guy's name so it's not like he directed us to do anything to her. But ol' dipshit over there, on the other hand, has just directed people to harass a guy she should have no further interaction with.


If he had her twitter, could he sue for slander?

and twitter is taking her side by verifying her lol

Possibly. I was mostly focusing on the harassment angle, but she did allege that he was racist and bigoted and stated it as fact, rather than opinion. So she might be guilty of committing libel.

I found his address, but no phone. Just typed his name and Vancouver WA. Someone needs to get his number and warn him about her twitter account.

Here is the trump supporter.
Here is an article about bottle being thrown at a group of trump supporters he was part of.

Why is it starting to seem like it's an incident of he wouldn't fuck me so he's sexist.

nah she already said in her blog that she doesn't like the blondes.

If anyone wants to email him, here is a rough draft of a letter.
Dear Sir,
As a casual observer of this year's election cycle, I have noticed that you were involved in a disagreement with a woman that flipped you off. Here is the video that pointed this to me:
One day after this video, she published another one:
A couple of articles have been written about the incident. Most recently, there is this one from today:
Now she is accusing you of targeting your followers to harass her. This is her twitter account:

When will she emulate and drive through the guy's yard?

Instead of:

>Now she is accusing you of targeting your followers to harass her. This is her twitter account:

Consider something like:

As she posted this publicly, presumably to garner attention and esteem, there were people who disagreed with her treatment and accusations towards you and responded to her publicly too. Now she is accusing you of targeting your followers to harass her and has explicitly called on her followers to harass you. This is her twitter account:

Not even one minute in and I cant make it further, fuck this

This is much better. Sign it off with

and done. anyone gonna send him this email?

Help her dig her own grave.
Get her to release his address so it strengthens his harassment case.

Wouldn't it be great if twitter removes her account because she does this?
Hell they did it for milo and he didn't even actively call to harass harambe.

Never pass up an opportunity to make some shekels there, goy.

I seriously can't.

All jews crave nazi dick.

Dubs confirm your faggotry

Praise Kek!

Please Lord Kek, get her on Anthony Cumia on Monday.

He looks like Rachel Maddow in that first picture

But don't know know user? Health is genetic. Once I went on the step machine for twenty minutes and drank gatorade the whole time but I'm still a fat pig no matter how many vegetables I eat.

Did anyone already inform the guy?

Here's a thought, what if we started spamming her with mom/son incest porn? I'm specifically thinking of the "Lost Weekend" series (on Motherless, it's 7FDD08B). Attached is a screengrab of the porn star's face, I hope you can see the similarity.

Filtered and reported.

No nigger dicks allowed on Holla Forums.

I like that idea. Maybe even go so far as to reupload them and have her name in the description instead.

Also she has got to be the biggest narcissistic alive. Pic related she's spamming titus now.

fucking auto correct.

Is she just picking random celebrity names out of a hat? Is this the famed jewish schizophrenia I've heard so much about?

She's calling the ACLU in the morning.
I wish we could get a hold of THAT recording.


At this point it seems shes desperately trying to get anyone but trolls and Holla Forums to pay attention to her. The funny thing is it's not going to work.

Yeah, nobody of them wants to go near her once they learn that she's an escort and also does some porn on the side.

He has the sleepy Jew eyes

Tara on suicide watch.
Can't wait for the video.

This journalist is a hack. She said she had exclusive proof of Tara harrassing Jeremy Juliano and then she published the picture from twitter. Now she says she has video, so presumably she has contaced Jeremy. I doubt it tho. I recomend everyone send him the following:

>As a casual observer of this year's election cycle, I have noticed that you were involved in a disagreement with a woman that flipped you off. Here is the video that pointed this to me:

>One day after this video, she published another one:

>A couple of articles have been written about the incident. Most recently, there is this one from today:

>This is her twitter account:



This is gonna be good.

His email for those who don't wan a go through the picture in

[email protected]/* */

anyone know good disposable email services?

If you need to send you can always use guerrillamail

Mah victimhood everybody..

This isn't the first time she's gone on a twitter tirade.
pic related.

We are at the stage where she just replaces the names in her spam already?

Sent him and e-mail with the following. Only added a link to one of the posts with his info.

Dear Sir,

As a casual observer of this year's election cycle, I have noticed that you were involved in a disagreement with a woman that flipped you off. Here is the video that pointed this to me:

One day after this video, she published another one:

A couple of articles have been written about the incident. Most recently, there is this one from today:

As she posted this publicly, presumably to garner attention and esteem, there were people who disagreed with her treatment and accusations towards you and responded to her publicly too. Now she is accusing you of targeting your followers to harass her and has explicitly called on her followers to harass you.

This is her twitter account:

Example of the information she has been posting about you:



Nice touch with the example. Let's do Kek's work, anons. Shiksa Dindu Dublin needs to go down!

Yeah, she is a skype. We already know that.

She went to the neighborhood association to harass him.
That's not going to backfire at all.

In other news she learned how to spell doxed.

This numale is the embodiment of the feminization of western culture. He hasn't decided he's a she yet, but that shit, that copying of what the disgraces that used to be called "women" do with their faggot "selfies" down to the "duckmouth" shit. This is what das juden want our people to be.

If that guy turns out to be a faggot this 35 hours in ms paint will have been completely wasted


Kvetching about things every waking moment of the day does get tiring. :^)



The obsession with hops-heavy beer correlates suspiciously well with effeminate cuckism. hops are estrogenic

It's not just microbrews, user. I tried to look for a beer brewed without hops, and all I could find was vague information about some types of Ale being cancer-free, but nothing on what you actually buy. I suppose it's for the best, you want to have a drink on the weekend or at the end of a hard day's work, you stick to hard liquor that hopefully hasn't been estrogened.

If you meet an asshole, you've met an asshole. But if you meet several assholes every day, perhaps you are the asshole….

I figure the occasional lager won't hurt much, but I stay away from anything that is very hoppy. The people I know who drink IPAs every day are all faggots with thick-rimmed glasses.

She's found the one person who may actually jump on her little band wagon.

She changed her fb profile again and it was found again. kek

This is a nice letter. I'm sending it now. Hope the guy lawyers up.

I can't get how stupid these people are. Same thing with Lombetta, just leaving obvious breadcrumbs everywhere and thinking they are smart.

Nice ass bathroom. Dude has a decent car too, this guy is just better than her in every conceivable way.

It's like dealing with preschoolers with these people. They even argue the same way.

Spruce beer, finnish sahti, any beer with a grist base. I've never had any but non-hop beer exists.

She is reaching out to every friend of a friend celebrity on twitter to try and wash her feels and actions. What a disgusting kike.


You've got some nice trips yourself.

BTW, You all know that she was blatantly lying about not stalking Trump sign Guy. THIS JEWESS IS BEYOND REPAIR.

It's going to bite her in the ass.
She's garnering all this attention if she is shown to be lying it'll destroy her reputation completely.
She'll never work as anything other than a waitress again.
I'm really hoping this is true

if it is she's done.

Someone needs to design a double oven for this.

Looks like Trump Sign Guy got our message.



The video is being given to the police department as well to clear the cop she filed a complaint against.

This is going to be a salt mine.

yeah he should've arrested her for giving him the finger repeatedly

lol she can dish the harassment (and in her case it was irl harassment, she drove up to the dude's house) but can't take it (in online form)

Can't wreck the rebecka

They deal in nothing but lies and hwat suits their goal. These are not Americans. They are opportunists. It's time to throttle it.

Yes, I have slight brain damage from a concussive device. I thought I was out of the woods. Oh well.

I tried the same thing after seeing the leslie jones leak.

It's on par with watching animals being butchered alive in China.

Her skype names are

Let's see if she's online today between 4-6pm and using one of those. Also lets have some food and other shenanigans arrive in this timeframe.

holy fuck this cunt still thinks she dindu nuffin and the cop just had it out for her

fucking kikes man…

What a shit mother.

More like a caretaker at this point.
One of the shitty ones you'd expect in something Charles Dickens wrote.


"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
– Adolf Hitler


I think you mean George Santayana you retard

"Found the newfag!"
– Adolf Hitler

She is a liar too. Now she is accusing Jeremy without any proof. The little blue checkmark clearly went to her head. She actually thinks it made her more special. What a fucking cunt.

That older son is probably embarrassed to hell watching his mother repeatedly act like a massive cunt in public, and realizes that that's the reason his father left.

She's really attached to that "petite flower" idea.

Delusional cow.

Whoever sends this, add this other article, by what seems to be a more decent journalist.

She is disgusting.

She is asking for it.


it's a subconscious thing she knows her flower is old and busted

Jew or not, I will always love Jon Lovitz for beating the unholy shit out of Andy Dick.

We'll just have to see about that.


Someone record this.

what a complete idiot

It was a really short interview. She just lied and literally ended it with I DINDU NUFFIN

probably didn't want to waste more of their time listening to her

She is saying she is going back on to tell more of the story. Can anyone record this? vocaroo didn't work for me.

I didn't get it from the start.

The desperate cry at the end…

A nice little thing if you hate Andy Dick.
Checked btw.

I tried recording it but failed because QuickTime is written by fags and screen recording doesnt include sound apparently. She came off as unhinged and went on a rant. Even the host seemed to think she was a nut job as he said shit like 'well you got what you want, now you're famous'.

I got the second interview, but it cut off at the end.

After the show is over in ~20 minutes it should be available below. It is about 2:30:00 in to the show and about 4:30 long.

Use QT audio record. Uses built in micro not audio driver so you have to be quiet. Used it for my recording. Good enough for radio.

petite entitled kike cunt didndu nuffin.

I have enough background noise between fans and AC units that it would have sounded like shit.

I got the audio mp3 of the second interview. How do I convert to webm so I can upload here?

You can't upload pure audio here. I used iMovie and the pic of her combined it with the audio to make a movie. The used http:// to make webm

Handbrake, you can also upload mp4 files

But not pure audio mp4. Needs a video stream.

I don't have video software here. so here is the audio of the second radio call-in


it's gonna delete itself after one download.

Great job user


dindu dublin, she famous now.

ffmpeg -i -i audio.mp3 -c:v libvpx -g 9999 -c:a libopus -b:a 160k out.webm

would recommend a wide image

it was already converted see

She is using her children as a shield for her lies. That is the definition of a absolute shit mother.

Should we order her some bacon pizzas during the debate?

She needs anchovies to replenish her salt depots. And we soon need a new thread. Who would have thought this turns into a prolonged campaign?


I'm so mad uuuuuuuuu this isn't healthy.

new bread

cuntrag kike?

i fucked it up. sorry anons.

she has a child

god help that kid

She has two

Stevie Wonder could could see your nose

bump, she's got her accounts open again


Is she:
single mother
or widow (husband an hero)

wtf, bitch doesn't stop. And neither should Holla Forums.

her stamina levels are rivaling cher at this point



She's explicitly telling her followers to harass this guy. Surely that's against Twitter rules, no?

Word on the twitter is that she is gonna get sued by the guy. rebeccadiserio is gonna go public with this story some time soon, hopefully



She wrote for some cancer rag and she is getting ripped in the comments.

e-mail is there, open your chink eyes

The operation is proceeding according the plan.

She is finally alone and flinching at shadows.

We are living rent free in her head and soon in her rancid jew uterus

Challenge accepted. I will take this one personally. You know that scene in ALIEN where the android rolls up and shoves the porno mag down Ripley's throat? I just got hard role-playing that in my head.

It still calls itself white and tells others it is white. Kikes aren't white, cunt.

You have no idea what fear is yet kike.

Be sure to post this, as my Discus account got nuked.

Sometimes good things come from bad events. The children are now living with a sane, employed adult father figure and not with this crazy, paranoid attention crazed cuckoo-bird.

Hopefully there will be a custody hearing soon and the children are removed from the dangerous environment she is fomenting due to her thirst for celebrity and any and all attention.

She also attempted to slander her neighbor by posting his picture and information to a gossip site named, "the dirty", but of course, she claims to be completely innocent.


A+ LARPing

That bloat… the celltech has done a number on this guy's face.

let me know when this cunt is dead

Apparently she has been served with a restraining order and a lawsuit.

People like him!
I am a five foot one tall woman, I can't be a threat!

She a mother like an animal is a mother. She keeps the child fed and nothing more. I know from experience.

I have lived here a year and I have to say no. There are far more progressives and sjws here. I will probably move at some point but where is the question.

Not even that anymore. She said on shatter that her kids went to live their father. She is such a self-obsessed cunt that she is making no effort to bring them back. It's all about Tara right now, the most wronged person in the universe.

That's actually better than I expected from her. I didn't think she'd actually let them go to keep them out of "harm's" way.

That rebecca journalist says that the kike cunt will be in court on the 12th and that someone will be there to video it. Should be fun.



Court day tomorrow.

Tara went to court today. Article and video tomorrow

Tara went to court today, article and video tomorrow


That doesnt explain why cumshop is there in the first place.


Just call her what she is, a crypto-jew.