Excuse me?

id still hit it


You would.

What kind of posture is that, woman

you wouldn't talk to anyone cause you're a loser neet LMAO

Over the line. Apologize to user.


tbh the only negress I would talk to would be my stepmother.

Do it or no dessert for you young man.

joke's on you i don't really do desserts. I don't really care for ice cream or cake or any of that these days.

I'd racemix with her

Another BLEACHED sheboon.
Shaykwanda can't get enough of that GWC

That's alright.

I like this thread. It means that anons are finally discovering that the Great White Dick meme is not a meme, but a reality. A regular anglosaxon woman simply cannot compete against the potency and strength of a good black woman sucking on a white man's cock.

Get it neutered and put it in your harem. Nothing more.

Can't deal with that brillo pad hair and the weaves aka Nigger wigs they wear.

It must be like waking up to another person once they take that shit out.

Half breeds for a fun weekend but that's about it.

I would pic related immediately if someone was this pleb in front of me


every time

That's a black chick user, ghetto movies are more kino than average movies.


Karios judges based on color not skull structure or any other indicators, look at her face, she's black mixed with white.

If you're worried about taking her home to meet Dad, it's a negress user.


Post moar negresses getting BLEACHED

come on son, welcome to the future


But youre both humans.

Nope Niggers ain't humans.

Whats with all the redditrumps signaling here lately?


I stopped supporting Trump the day he fired missiles on Syria.
(not that I care about the life of the Muhammadans but Assad protects Christian minorities)

literally wife material

You've been asking variations of that question for over a year now.

Oh, do you…? ;)

Whats with all the louiscucks signaling lately?

The only Negress i wold breed with is Stacy Dash

You would breed with any girl that gave you the chance, drumpfkin. Too bad that will never happen.

I've two kids, numale

she's 50

No you don't redditpol.



Probability of that being a trannie: 65%

I never get tired of niggers who screech about cultural appropriation and then straighten their fucking hair and apply whitening cream makeup foundation.

Same. The only sugary thing I like anymore is soda, and only every great once in awhile at that.

I wouldn't mind impregnating the Nubian princess in pic #3, tbh fam.

what? why? what connotation does "yes i do" have?

I actually got into an argument over straight hair not being "white", I don't suppose you have any information on this?

Lurk moar

I am, i guess i'll never know…



Don't tease the poor boy like that.


How's the bull prepping going?