Everyone should look nice and without the make up craps.
Dress code
Some only know beauty by what they have STOLEN
Let me check those for you.
i agree. I would totally rather have ebery1 looking sexy, than to have women be ugly, but put on a make-up, to look prettier and trick me into breeding with an uggo
That is why I think the make up should be illegal.
moar girls in dresses
lets not go that far. I think its enough to undergo an approval to use make-up. Like u need to be classified as pretty anyway, or too ugly for make-up to matter
The thing with makeup is that the more often you put it on the uglier you get over time due to not ever exposing your face to real life. It's the same as wearing a shirt during a hot summer day, you will tan and your skin will stay fresh from the suns energy, except where the shirt was, you'll be pasty and white.
The sad part is that Hollywood (((Jews))) trick kids into putting it on early to "look more pretty" instead of letting their natural beauty develop on it's own.
Nip girls know how to dress propperly.
That is because the guys only eff the girl with really nice clothes.
Come home, hwhite man!
srs tho, stop lusting after gooks and nips
How do we shame them into making themselves look nice? Stop effing the girls with makeup and ugly clothes.
Tanning your skin is not good for your skin. Look at Asians who take extreme caution in avoiding tans and then look at westerners who tan. Asians look young into their late 40's with silky soft skin and westerners look like disgusting hags. Humans were never designed to be tanned, especially if you only tan on and off a year.
Silky white skin used to be the standard of beauty until jews convinced retards like you to dry out your skin in the sun.
Have fun getting skin cancer to look like a nigger.
Its all about social status. Start looking down on whores and give them disgusting looks when they dress like that while glorifying women like Tayler Swift. If the whore see's a conservatively dressed girl getting treated like a princess while she gets treated like dirt they will dress nicely. You have to be chad though.
don't give me your bull shit
ye right
whoops sorry those are chinese my bad
reminder that all/most of these pictures are from photo shoots or occasions
most of these women are probably normies outside of this
reminer that they're also wearing several pounds of makeup each
What if she has big boobs? Busty girls look fat when the top is too loose.
There's a good chance the person in your picture is also wearing make up.
If they don't want you to notice the makeup you won't notice it (unless you've seen them repeatedly without makeup).
That might have less to do with tanning and more wtih white people aging like milk.