Prove me wrong
Its OK
nice joke, jamal
I chuckled.
This was made by a nigger alright.
Shakeem, who gave you access to Paint?
why do you call him a jamal when everybody can see that it's, indeed, ok to hate the white male hetero, fascist, nazist, paternalist, colonialist, as a whole package, in the western we're living?
It's okay to hate whites, as long as it's okay for whites to hate you tbh fam
i don't know. maybe i should ask you the same question, jamal.
Don't worry Sven, you'll all be gone within 50 years.
You have some sharp eyes on you buddy
Lol idiot
This is great! You should post these all around college campuses!
It's okay to hate anyone, as long as you don't act on that hate.
Think/believe/feel what you want, just don't act on it when it's at odds with the law of the land
this tbh sargon
agree tbh
Sargon doesn't own liberalism bud
Its okay, you can hate whites all you want in the gas chambers
Go back.
Hate whites all you want. Just don't be surprised if they start hating you back.
it's okay to gas kikes tbh
You should post this around everywhere, you'd be doing the nazis over at Holla Forums a huge favor.
Is this shopped? Are they really dressed like that?
i'm guessing the racing suit meme is tighter = faster
If you're not white, you're genetically, spiritually, and historically inferior so I can imagine your jealousy will inevitably turn into hate. It's perfectly fine to hate the ideal you can never achieve.
fake and gay