I want to collect all the amerimutts
I want to collect all the amerimutts
I made a thread with pretty much all Amerimutts out there but mailman has bump locked it and now the thread was finally deleted by emerakul after the butthurt amerimutt-intl shill started to spam amerimut threads
I will still upload some of them just for you alone
I swear on the existence of the white race that I'm from Holla Forums
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I love the ones that have posts attached to them, so natural and organic
Funniest thread we had in days!
here some semi-custom made
* *
I love it when mutts start talking about "europoors" with this shit on their front yard
literally no place in my little europoor country looks this shitty
its because of the niggers. they ruin every place they go (similar to muslims) and usa has imported and bred tons of them.
/* ,
posting fatties
thats most of what i got for now. there is some more would need to seach my archives for it
Danke schön for posting these, Bernd.
You mean Gökcan
Whats interesting is that according to the US census MENA are considered white too
The fact you spent an hour and a half posting all of these, in reaction to mods sticky-ing a thread disproving them, is funnier than the memes themselves. And that you forgot to switch your IP for the OP.
But I understand; they're totally butthurt right guys?
here some more
thank you gökcan these are even more funny
…in this case I'll post the original!
That's a lot of Amerimutts
How much is the mafia paying his fat arse off in cheese burgers ehh??
he really is a mafia poster boy, almost looks like something you would expect to see in a GTA game
dog bless ameriga :DD
this is your brain on autism.
haha fug
fuck off soros shills
totally organic meme totally not a psyops
Thank you. I am an archivist by trade, you see.
Horders scare me
But your kike owned company, 23 and me, says white americans are over 98% european.
Where are you getting your numbers from, Avi?
upboat for this based post #MAGA #MAGA
gee where is this coming from?
if you manage to prove that such a thing exist, please tell me, i'm currently jobless and being payed to shitpost sound sweet
Also 99% of posts are made by a german or american flag over and over.
Wah wah everyone hates us! Because you are shill cancer?
Chikun threads and pony generals were better.
Make your own
scrap this, that's the fake one.
here is the original
is this one of Holla Forums's memes?
Actually it came from 8/pol/… go figure
somehow this just makes me think it came from Holla Forums even more
Mein sides!!
Why would you post nigger shacks?
I look like the mask, shitskins btfo
You aren't going to fool anyone anymore mr. 56%!
bump for angry amerimutts
Feels funny, being full-blooded Native.
You're probably some spic-creole-european mongrel that claims to be full blooded native.
Fucking aryan!
so what basis does this meme have
W-whiter than you, Muhomo'd! I'm serious though
It doesn't have one.
The amerimutt is an obvious D&C shill meme. Aside from the fact that the original 56% face was taken from the picture of the polish coalburner and her yellow gorilla offspring(pic related), the use of "LE" should be a clue to these literal retards that they're pushing a forced reddit-tier meme.
But there are obviously shitposters that don't care and will keep posting it because it they think it's easy bait for americans.
yeah, i was pretty sure i saw a pinned thread yesterday about a 98% european DNA content
thanks for clearing that up
so, where's your rebuttal?
You are the rebuttal, newfag…
not samefagging :3
uh huh
start posting an actual argument any time, Eli.
Thing is, the 56% is based on perceived race, so includes all those wannabe whitefolk and half the mental patients in the usa.
This is meme bring so much salt, its hilarious how easily they get triggered
but where is the proofs
Top kek, I want moar
/fit/mutt BO banned me for posting Amerimutt memes
don't offend American then tbh
fuck youuuuuu
Calm down, it was just a joke, your free to post here as long as you observe global rule
It Doesn't matter if some Kraut posts 'merrymutt memes fresh from cuckchan. It's about how you react too them, and then ultimately disregard the concerns of the European. You either ignore it or escalate into more absurd terms.
americans are gay tho
Kony-2001 BC :3 + :^) = ?