Why do pedophiles like Star Trek?
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This is from 2005. White Male Nerds were more likely to be savvy enough to get on p2p networks to download CP.
Nerds like Star Trek.
Short left-handed males who like Star Trek are 95% likely to be peadophiles. Watch out for them.
Not Jewish enough to get away with it.
That explains four trek boards on 8ch
They imagine being on holodeck while molesting kids tbh.
I blame that queer gook's influence.
Loli Kirsten Dunst was to blame!
they want to boldly go where no man has gone before (inside virgin assholes and cunts)
Hot doggie
this is important
That doge tho
Ayo hol up
So yous is telling me that, after all that gnashing of teeth on TDS over Alison Rapp, all it takes to turn nazis into nazipedos is not my reason and evidence, but one sleazy candidate for office? That everyone will become ardent pedophiles as soon as a skilled, fanatic leader declares it to be a wholesome and creditable part of Aryan culture?
Leftists like Star Trek, leftists are pro childfucking. Pretty unsurprising to see an overlap in arrests.
based leftists
embed somewhat related
She was to die for in Interview with the Vampire. She looked fabulous in that movie and she played the character of Claudia well.
What else is good?
Bring It On
I like DS9, and TNG
Because both pedos and sci-fi/fantasy ficfans are people mentally predisposed to allow fantasy to invade reality.