Saddam's Iraq- A modern National Socialist state?

Iraq had all the classic signs of National Socialism:
- Secularization
- Expansionism
- Nationalism
- State-administered economy

Maybe we give Saddam too little credit. If Uncle Sam hadn't crashed the party and turned Iraq into a hellhole, would there have been a powerful fascist state in Mesopotamia?

So what is it? National Socialism or Fascism?

At least learn the definitions before you make a thread, sage

He wanted to say that he showed all signs of having a bad goy state, that's why he god freedom bombed and democratically hanged by amerikikes.

No. Arabic society doesn't foster unconditional or at least high levels of trust in your neighbors. Adding to that is the existence of kurds, religious separations and Ba'athist womens rights initiatives I doubt that Iraq would have been able to create sufficient internal unity to become a major player, even in the region.

He even had German-made gas chambers to gass all jews.

Yes, it was a nationalistic state looking out for its peoples best interests and showed signs of disobedience to globalism in order to achieve this goal.

The world is a much worse place without Saddam.

Fuck the kurds tbh.

useful idiots. jews use saudis as muslims just like they pretend to be white. they use the saudis to attack wtc, bomb it, jewish media spins it to make everyone hate muslims, good goys that were brainwashed by "patriotic movies" for over 30 years by hollywood now respond to the call, poor niggers fall in the trap too, they invade iraq and afghanistan and secure israel. years later, israel is safe enough which gives the jews the safe option to attack whites openly.


didn't all the bombing and shit start after wtc? they have no place in white countries, but their countries should be left alone too, if you want to fuck them up you can do it economically and not invade them and lose white lives.

National Socialism is a subset of Fascism, you idiotic kike.


Yes. There was no islamic terrorism in the 60s, 70s, etc. Holla Forumsacks actually fall for midf shit. smdh tbqh famallam.

Choose one.

I think this is worth discussing user so I ask the question: is National Socialism for whites only?

If so, what is to be done with everyone else? Long march to extermination?

If that's the case, shouldn't you guys at least keep that part under wraps?

More to the point, if only whites can be NatSoc, what does that make of the SSNP?

assuming of course that we assume SSNP isn't 100% white already

Not NatSoc so genuinely curious.

No, but non-whites cannot be part of a white NatSoc movement. Make your own. Or better yet, kill yourself.

That's fine, but the thread is talking about an Arab NatSoc movement. Either way, thanks for the clarification.

Well of course they can't be part of the German party, they have to be part of their own countries one.

He might be trying to say that other, lesser races are not capable of adhering to NSDAP policies, and that they need to find a system more fitting for their nature.

Mostly just muzzies attacking each other or removing merchants. What's the problem?

His brand of Arab nationalism was heavily based on Stalin. His economic policies were also largely socialistic.

He knew his subjects were shit tier people and he knew the Wahhabists were pouring shit into the mix so he did what is reasonable, purge all questionable elements in the government and subdue the population with free shit paid for with oil money. Beyond that, remain aggressive towards your neighbours due to the fact that they are all opportunistic shitbags just like you are. This might have worked for a good while without American intervention.