Apparently this image of a white slave being sold was found on a slain ISIS member's phone.

I don't have any proof yet, it's hearsay at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:

You know these subhumans are at the epic-center of human trafficking.


Every follower of Islam must be killed.


I meant proof of the legitimacy of the image. Kill them all.


Is this supposed to news or something.

Clickbait OP should be a bannable offense. Fuck you faggot

do they have an online site? they accept mastercard?

I kekked heartily.

Typical Muslim behavior.

1) that shit ain't white
2) mudshits have been doing this since the fall of the roman empire
3)this is clear ziocuck propaganda
4) sage

sorry, but that doesn't look white,
you probably mean caucasian but that encompasses many colored races including white native europeans

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

Sage for clickbait bullshit.

Surprise, they're doing it in the West, too.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

i don't understand how these retards attack europeans. I get the whole ISIS thing, but why not attack Israel and not europeans?


because they prefer soft targets

Because ISIS IS Israel

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

I'll take a faggot without sauce and a large helping of sage.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

The entire middle east needs to be glassed with neutron bombs, and every jew and shitskin should be skinned alive.

bump :^)

Nothing can make my blood boil quite like the stories of eastern-European girls being snatched up and sold as sex slaves in Israel.


Without evidence it can be anything. Sorry.

They commanders might get their funding from Israel, but the soldiers? Don't they ask themselves why not attack their greatest enemy, Israel? It's even closer than Europe and easier to attack. The simple fact that they took Jerusalem in the name of Allah and liberated Palestine would be enough to motivate them to do it.

there was some image on how turkey was made..

Caucasian doesn't necessarily mean European white

Israel shoots back and muslims are cowards

She's not white, other than that, I support your pro-genocide position. All non-whites, regardless of religion, must be exterminated and their land taken for European lebensraum.

Why would they attack their lords and masters?

for glory. If I was an ISIS soldier I'd organize a coup, take over from the jewish puppets and attack Israel. It would be a much better option than to blow yourself up killing some white persons that everyone will forget about next week.


islam is an excuse for war
it is an excuse not for somthing like ww1-2
its not an excuse for the revolutionary war or civil war
but full on murder fuck and loot war
it a justification to drive your enemy before you to rape their women and steel their land gold and food
witch is good if you are running an 9th centry nation/culture
but modern nations derive wealth not from loot but peace and stability
their jealousy of us whom they see as weak for our unwillingness to give up our peace
and furthermore the embarrassment they have when they cannot recreate the wealth of our nations in their desert shiholes that are only really shitholes because they are filled with shitskin Muslims

and so those young men see a weak wealthy eourpe and a strong isreal and they pick witch one is better to loot.
even those peaceful muslims are just here for fucking welfare and to suckle on the tit of our society. they will not build anything for free they will not uplift us. they are hear to build up their wealth. at our expense. their faith and ideology are excuses for that and those that see the value of please, do not seek to bring the light to their people but rather to squat in our nations as they serve only to undermine our cultural homogony and serve as examples that "they aren't ALL that bad"


That makes one of us.

The Islamic State is a product of Islam, which tells them to do this. The Islamic religion, as much as is the Jewish religion, is racist. They are racists.

At the highest levels, the Sunni side of Islam has been corrupted with Jews. The Saudi royal family, the Turkish ruling party, they are crypto-Jews. These crypto-Jews conspired with Israel to create the Islamic State from the broken elements of Al Qaeda ('the List'…). The Saudis and Turks provided the start-up capital and weapons, the Jews provided them with training.

The intended target of ISIS, initially at least, was Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordon, Egypt, all the countries that the Zionistas have had a problem with, but Al Baghdadi
(https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi)
kinda let the potential of his org go to his head. He has wanted to wage war against the Western Nations, as directed in the Koran. In effect, of all the Muslim organization in the world right now, ISIS follows the dictates of the Koran most closely. So far, he is playing the game, directing his attacks against Iraq, Syria and the West, and his Jewish masters have wanted.

However, this can get out of hand very quickly and easily. What is especially indicative of how ISIS can explode onto the stage is how pissed-off radicals around the world can independently devise and carry out a terrorist attack, and during the attack swear fealty to ISIS, which apparently leaves their sins absolved in the eyes of their God, Allah. That is not something that Jews can control.

This gang of thugs, ISIS, whomever started it, is exploding onto the stage of world history. It's spreading everywhere that people feel the need for violent revolution. As an example close to home, ISIS is very fast growing in Mexico. Once black people decide to follow ISIS, America will instantly have a country-destroying problem. It needs to be stopped now. Doing so is imperative, or else it will replace Western Civilization with a more aggressive and less humane Islamic one. This must be done by whatever means necessary.

By the time it is obvious to the bleeding-heart SJW's that ISIS is a threat to the entire Western Civilization, there really won't be anything left to save, so we really need to do it now, before the SJW's are able to pull their heads outa their ass long enough to stop feeling and start analyze just how fucked we are with this immigration thing.

There was a video a couple years ago, where parents in SA were auctioning their sons off to become suicide bombers. These rich sheik types were making contributions to the family. Really insightful as to how far gone their society is and what's considered normal. It took place in the ballroom of a very nice hotel.

Lucky shitskin whoever gets her.

Also, what you refer to as a White Slave, we used to just call "our wives".