That was a surprisingly kino ending. Seriously, it was actually good.
The Leftovers Finale
Who else watched it?
i dont watch movies or telelvision
we jus sug drupdik all det an gall eech udder gommunisds
stunt ass?
No, it's definitely her. You see her form multiple angles.
Agreed OP, I was expecting them to try way too hard to wrap it up and instead we got a really nice, almost self-contained episode. Only criticisms are the old makeup on Nora didn't look quite right and the character felt a bit off this episode. Justin Theroux's monologue though, wew.
They sort of did answer everything, tho.
I dont know what to think, it was good but idk what i expected. Idk what I expected out of the series really besides exploring the human condition
If there wasn't the black man/white woman cucking stuff going on with Garvey's ex-wife, then the show would be 10/10. Shame, HBO executives probably forced that into it.
multiple angles you say?
It made sense for her character(damaged therapist attracted to damaged people). Laurie wouldn't have any reason to stay in Jarden or go to Australia without John. Didn't feel forced in comparison to everything else in the media.
Mixed signals from this show, really. It was more blackpill than anything else in Season 1. In a way Kevin was cucked by the Guilty Remnant.
There's also the aspect of everyone being forced to recognize their sins (wishing the departed away or what they were doing when it happened).
I think Lindelof is secretly a Kubrick tier Jew.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
ass looks bad who cares and shes ugly
You might be right, does this do it for you?
I thought it was needlessly boring and dragged on too much in several parts. I knew not to expect much of any answers to all the mysteries they made, but I thought the finale itself was lackluster.
I mean, holy fuck. The first 20 minutes sets it up as Nora getting prepared to enter the machine and get zapped, but then it immediately skips to the future. Instead of showing what happened afterwards, they relegate the entire journey to an exposition as told by Nora. The impact would have been much greater if they had shown what happened instead of have her tell it. It's like they ran out of a budget building the whole setup for the rapture machine.
Then there's the whole deal with Kevin. There's the whole thing where tension is built up since there's no way to be sure whether or not he's straight up mental, or if the things that are happening to him are more than just inside his head. He's somehow able to come back to life multiple times and is always at the center of some weird mystery shit that's going down.
There was also that magical black guy in season 1 who could cure people or heal them or something. Or the other magical voodoo black guy in season 2 who told Nora she had something inside her like a demon. And if people on Earth were split up into, what I assume is, separate and identical Earths, what the hell caused it?
I've seen much worse series finales, but I think they could have done better on this one. My favorite episodes are still the one where Kevin dies and goes to the hotel the first time, and in the season finale where he has to sing karaoke to come back to life.
No, but at this rate, in 10 years this is exactly what you fags will be jacking it to while making excuses. Just look at the Baywatch movie that came out and the fact that it's all male nudity and no female nudity.
the bitch is ugly fuck off
fuck off
she looked better in season 1.
This is horrible acting.
End your life please.
was this supposed to make sense?
They didn't show it because it didn't happen. Nora made the whole thing up.
How do you know that? I thought her whole schtick was that she hated lying and always told the truth, even if it was bitter.
dumb pedoposter
It's intentionally left unclear, but it seems like going like going through the machine was another lie she was using to protect herself. Kevin, in saying "Why wouldn't I believe you? You're here", is telling her he can have faith in her regardless of what she needs to say or believe to survive.
was a good finale. they delivered on their promise of not spoiling the mystery, which I like. much better than spelling everything out. Nora is an unreliable mental case. could she have gone to the other side and back? yea. do we know for sure that she did? not at all. does kevin know? he doesn't care.
all I know is, if the 98%/2% population split happened, I'd much rather be on the 2% side. Search far and wide for 10 aryan wives, settle on a giant plot of farmland and get to repopulating the earth.
It's intentionally ambiguous and allows the watcher to decide what he or she thinks actually happened. Damon Lindelof is genuinely not a hack.
that makes more sense then. In that case, I think she did make the whole thing up.
At least it's over.