US airstrikes on Syrian troops were ‘intentional,’ lasted nearly 1 hour – Assad to AP

Syrian President Bashar Assad says that US airstrikes which killed 62 Syrian government troops were “intentional” and they lasted for an hour. He added that the US “does not have the will” to join Russia in fighting terrorists in Syria.

Speaking to the Associated Press in Damascus, the Syrian leader denied that the airstrikes carried out by the US near Deir ez-Zor on September 17 were an accident. Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and over 100 were injured, according to the Syrian military. Assad said they were “intentionally” targeted.

“It was not an accident by one airplane; it was four airplanes which kept attacking the position of the Syrian troops for nearly one hour or maybe a little bit more than one hour,” Assad told AP, adding they were attacking a large area that “constituted of many hills” adjacent to where the Syrian troops were stationed.

Assad also questioned how IS was able to launch an attack so quickly after the airstrike.

“The IS troops attacked at the very same time as the American strike. How could they know that America was going to attack that position in order to gather their militants right away and attack it one hour after the strike. It was definitely intentional and not unintentional,” he added.

The Pentagon said the airstrikes on Syrian troops were an accident and that they were aimed at Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists.

Assad also claimed that the US is not interested in fighting terrorists in Syria, saying that Washington “lacks the will” to join Russia in trying to eliminate extremist groups.

“When you have many external factors that you don't control, it's going to drag on and no one in this world can tell you when,” he answered a question about when the war might end.

He also said that the conflict is likely to drag on because the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar keep supporting those opposed to Assad’s rule.

The Syrian president dismissed US claims that Russian or Syrian planes were responsible for a fatal attack on an aid convoy which killed 21 people September 19. He said the American accusations have “no credibility” and they are “just lies.”

“I would say whatever the American officials said about the conflict in Syria has no credibility. Whatever they say is just lies.”

When pressed about what happened to the aid convoys, Assad said they were passing through rebel-held areas and these “terrorists” were responsible for their security.

“We don’t have any idea about what happened. The only thing we saw was videos of burnt-out, destroyed trucks and nothing else,” Assad said.

Other urls found in this thread: cartoons/ skin deep/

We all knew this. Pretty obvious.

Bump for Assad.

King Nigger not even gonna pretend anymore

Im always kinda impressed with how eloquent a speaker he is.

So either america has absolutely shit intel but still acts on it and cant tell for an hour they are hitting an incorrect target or its intentional. No question which it is.

Has he made it his mission to make americas stock on the world stage as low as possible before he leaves?

Oh yes, pretty impressive for an ophthalmologist.

webm and bump

I honestly don't know what's more horrifying.

Even if all he does is defend his countrymen and tell the truth, he will succeed in that.

I toast this mans health. Behead those who oppose him/

Are there any catchy pro-assad songs?

as someone from Holla Forums, my hats off to you Assad, you have my respect


That was satisfying.

I hate ophthalmologists so much, glasses ruin people's eyes. Everybody should look up a pdf of Perfect sight without glasses by W.H. Bates, he know already one hundred years ago, that the current theory of lens accomodation is bullshit and that glasses, especially for children are the biggest evil ever, but of course the glasses business is so big now, that it can't be stopped. It is known for 100 years that glasses ruin your eyes and the motherfucking doctors have no problem forcing small kids to wear them. It's criminal.

Is there more to that user?

Assad just wants to go home and be a family man, but he knows that he's the only guy available to save his country, imperfect and ill-suited as he is.

What a glorious, reluctant lion. That's nearly Cincinnatus levels of stepping up to the plate in a time of need.

Is there any legit scientific proof of this?

The Yids really are a menace to our world, and I say that with no hyperbole.

They will stop at NOTHING for their little Yiddish superiority complex, and we will all pay for it.

Is it happening?


Fuck off m8

Read that pdf, Bates was a genius, who practiced for more than 30 years and really wanted to cure people's eyesight. All I have is personal experience, I wore glasses for 15 years, after I found out about this(2 months ago) I couldn't read shit on my monitor without my glasses, I stopped wearing them and started doing exercises written in the book and now I can quite comfortably read without glasses. I started with vid related, but that's in russian, so it probably won't help you much. I found about the pdf just last week.

Have fun buying stronger and stronger glasses each year fella. Glasses are like crutches for eyes, they work instead of the outer eye muscles and thus make them atrophy, which results in the usual progression of need for stronger and stronger glasses.

That's because some eyes get worse over time. Mine have not.

I've been reading about the technique. One of the treatments is LITERALLY face palming. In pic related

They actually did a study

What was your prescription before you started the Bates method and what is it now?

Wut? Did you mean to reply to the other guy?

For the record though, my prescription hasn't changed for a while and I'm not using any stupid alternative treatment

I was at opthalmologist last time six years ago and had four dioptres in both eyes didn't see sharp both at near and distance and astigmatism, haven't measured my eyes since then. It started in fourth grade just with 0,5 diopter and gradually worsened over the years. Glasses obviously aren't a solution, but if people reject this Bates method I understand, it is their right, but they should at least look at his pdf, where he explains his theory really nice.

Also, fun fact prior to the civil war Assad was undertaking a big modernization and development plan for Syria to bring the country back up to speed
pure coincidence of course that they suddenly fell apart, can't have competition after all goyim

I've been wearing glasses for 10 years, my prescription has never changed. It has nothing to do with muscles, it merely changes where the light is focused in your eye so it can properly hit the back of it. You still have to focus/unfocus your eyes just as if you were not wearing glasses.

Honestly we need to hang for treason any american military or CIA that is assisting the terrorists.

It is treason plane and simple. They must be tried and hung. We need to show an example to the rest of our own military that you cant support terrorism and get away with it even if your CIA bosses want you to.



I wish Trump would bring this up in the debates. The American public won't find out otherwise.

So what was the US' plan here, bomb regime forces and play it off as an accident?

Why is United States foreign policy so fucking retarded?

Because the United States' foreign policy isn't for the benefit of the United States.

Full AP interview?

Assad really seems like a swell guy. His civility makes me even more fucking enraged at the kikes in power, didn't think that was even possible at this point.

It took awhile to get Gaddafi too. Assad will not die as peacefully I'm guessing.

face it dude, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

He never asked for this.

Assad's got bants.

I frankly wish the Golan Heights made the news more. Every year, more and more people are waking up to how bad Israel is, but many of them don't know that Israel has been illegally holding Syrian lands for nearly 50 years.

While the Golan is small compared to the rest of Syria, it's some of the best land, plus it has oil.

He also suggested staring at the sun can be good for you….bad advice.

will you cocksuckers stop derailing the thread with your glasses faggotry? nobody gives a shit

My eyesight gradually worsened in third grade and if I didn't get glasses I would have not been able to see anything clearly more than a foot away from my face.

Fuck off dipshit, people get glasses because their eyes naturally changed curvature and got ruined. You would have us go blind.

We have no credibility left in the ME whatsoever at this point so the cover stories have gotten absurdly thin. Everyone knows what we're up too.

kek bless Assad.

Feels bad being in the US of Israel.

This has to be Bates himself, you fucking quack
I will print out your PDF and jam it down you throat if you ever give a presentation in my state you snake oil salesman faggot
You are worse than Heimlich and his quakery

How does amerifats feel about being in the wrong side of the war?

Wouldn't be the first time. We don't give a shit.

I'm disgusted by it… and how King Nigger as well as the cunt shillary have no problem whoring out the power they have for cash donations.

speak for yourself, niggerfaggot

the same way i felt every other time kikes decided to use our political apparatus to destabilize the middle east for the past 30+ years?

absolutely apoplectic that nobody else I know or see is concerned about the war crimes the "government" is engaging in

you're complacent about it now but you'll give a shit when it comes around to bite you in the ass

Oh please … how much do you give a shit about Vietnam and Iraq and all the other stupid little things we've been a part of?

When most countries lose a war, they lose government and land and currency. When the USA loses a war, we just shrug, pack up our shit, and go home.

We have IDs, faglord. You didn't have to reply twice.

Do you fucking think anyone who visits this site is complacent about anything anymore?

yeah, i don't really understand why people are unconcerned that we spend so much time and resources fucking around in stupid countries nobody gives a flying fuck about. libya? seriously, we killed 4 of our own for that? why? who cares about these shitholes?

the answer, as always, as simple.

doesn't matter how you rationalize, pontificate, or articulate it, it's always fucking jews.

considering how many shills are shitting up the place as of late, yes I do think there are people here who are complacent and get paid by the post.

At least it isn't in 4fails tier…yet.

and it's the jews who benefit the most from having the arab world divided and weakened… with europe distracted by the brown flood.

If you go around thinking everyone who disagrees with you as being a shill, then every single person on the god damn planet is a shill.

Get used to it.


How many times has this happened before to hospitals and shit.
No one on this board is seriously gonna act surprised are they.

lol is the Bates Method squinting?

Master Bates' method makes you go blind.

Americans were on the wrong side of every war they ever fought. Nothing new.

And funny I have seen the media still going with the chemical weapons line. Hilarious.

From the few passages I've read it seems to be the opposite.
It's about relaxation.

So we shouldn't have fought the revolutionary war?


Your entire "independence" was an elaborate tax scam

This is how anarcuck-capitalism was created?
Also, they had all the right of not wanting to have all their money stoled by Nigels.


look at england today.

Traitor or butthurt bong?

can I know the full story? Was he in the accident or was someone close to him?
it's the little things

Bullshit. I was almost completely blind by the 4th grade. Was doing terrible in class. Why? Couldn't see the fucking chalkboard.

Got glasses and that fixed me right up.

Kids need glasses more these days because they don't play outside enough.

Liberalism is fucking cancer and if we hadn't split from England over paying back the taxes they spent on protecting us in the Seven Years' War and egalitarianism, the Anglosphere may have had enough power to deny the spread of 'Enlightenment' ideals. Then we would only have to deal with kike bankers instead of both kike bankers AND multiculturalism.

Instead, we plundered the continent and forged the greatest nation on Earth just to fight wars for equality and muh freedoms. The founding fathers were all very intelligent gentlemen, but I believe they made a mistake.

“There can be no question of grounding US aircraft” over Syria, he said, adding that US jets conduct their strikes “with exceptional precision… that no other country can match.”

Feel free to revoke your citizenship if you feel the greatest nation on the planet is a mistake. We don't need traitors in our midst.

What is so great about being the biggest destroyer of the Western world?

We ARE the western world, bitch. Now get on your knees, America can do whatever the fuck it wants and you can't stop us.

That's why western world is so shit.
I wish i could go back in time to live the real european culture, not rap and degenerate shit perpetuated by burger media.

Something's gone askew

Feel free to revoke your citizenship if you feel the greatest nation on the planet is a mistake. We don't need traitors in our midst.

You forgot to respond to ,
And if you're talking about the Heimlich from the Heimlich maneuver fugg you.

No wonder "the west" is so fucking crap.

You got lost on your way over to reddit, friend.

Shut up gook


Please, I'm in the midst of cancer spouting out from your smokestacks that the stench has plagued my countrymen for decades.

Enjoy the existential tranquility of spreading nightsoil while we smoke some stacks then

Do you have the pdf mentioned, because I'm very interested in making my eysight better. I recently was at the ophthalmologists and my values are now

right: -4.0 -0.75 15°
left: -6.25 -1.0 180°

Which is pretty bad. But my shortsighted became better so I don't need to varifocal glasses anymore and can wear normal glasses. There are some days at the weekend when I'm home and don't wear glasses on purpose and can read without problem but watching TV is hard because it's far away. And you're right there is a glasses and lenses cartell, which is called Luxicotta, a italian company that own glasses manufacturers like Ray Ban, Oakley, Fossil, Carrera, Olivers People, Police etc.


is Assad the most successful Holla Forums/g/uy ever?
His waifu is also beautiful, hmm.

I didn't know that he was really Holla Forums. I thought he was just appointed to the position as president of the syrian computer society. Something which happens anywhere, for example when the minister for education gets president of the transportation board.

Explains why the western world is so dogshit americans are absolute scum

Honorary not white

Whatever you say, Ahmed.

Look at the US today it started this degeneracy

Im white something 60% burgers will never get to be

Get back to sucking rapefugee cock, cuck.

So this was for BBQing those ISIS kikes I guess.

We are 4chan tier now, congrats.

My eyesight improved two diopters after starting to smoke weed too.

As an autist the only way I can function in public places is without my glasses.

Your first two

Assad isn't a fanatic, and there is something oddly wonderful about eye doctors. I know several. Hard to pin down, perhaps they gain energy from looking into eyes?

The best leaders get thrust into their position and rise to the occasion, those who seek out power more often than not think more of themselves than their people.

The HMS Israel, which is a British Royal Navy stone frigate and not a 'state' has been illegally beached in Palestine for over 100 years.

Go after Elizabeth Windsor for outstanding yacht club fees.

Shill detected

I thought it was about masons and fake boats?

Never noticed how blue his eye are


This, even Breitbart still pushes that shit.
The accusation died when Putin announced he knew where the chemical weapons came from, shutting down Obama and all talk of chemical weapons for a month or two before ISIS became our excuse into Syria.

US Predator drone spotted at time & place of Syria aid convoy attack in Aleppo

thx fam

Almost forgot this:

Here is a link to the needed Original Snellen Chart (for training purposes (Chapter 24: Home Treatment))

America today is like a deluded roman soldier who dreams himself on the heigh of the empire, while in reality Alaric is knocking on the door.

wisdom. I think a lot of people are gettin woke tho


Being someone with mishaped eyes, and who required surgery to make my eye not wander off to the point you seeing no iris in my eye; I would say that no amount of homeopathic bullshit would have helped tbh

That's the point. Instead of making people wear glasses that gradually destroy your eye sight, they should encourage kids to do activities that include using your eyes.

Eye doctors and opticians never ever tell you to read less / not use computer screen so much. At best they say "you should rest your eyes every once in a while".

But user, for the first 14 or so years of my life I got progressively weaker and weaker glasses because my eyes got stronger.

You seem to be confusing correlation with causation. Most people who take anti-retroviral drugs eventually die, but guess what: its not the drugs killing them its the fucking AIDS. Some people are predisposed to eyesight getting shittier with age; just like some people go bald and some people get fat as they get older tbh.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the Rothschilds were already getting started around that time. They would've had even more direct access to America had we not had a revolution. Of course it doesn't make much of a difference today.

Well tbh fam I'm the only one of my four siblings who uses glasses, it sure feels like it has nothing to do with genetics, only my habit of being a fucking computer nerd ever since I was a little kid. They are normals who spend their time outside, all I do is stare at my screen.

Retards have been derailed into arguing over eye site; you're either all shills or should feel like dogshit.

USA and resultong spread of liberalism is what allowed Rothschilds to gain power.

Sorry I'll fuck off.



What was the initial motivation for FSA to defect? As soon as the order crumbled jihadist organizations came crawling out. Their motivation is clear but why the FSA?

10% intended targets hit is not precision.

Go Assad.

That's just a catch-all term for any of the (((rebel))) groups. The largest single group I think is the "Army of Conquest" which is an Islamic fundamentalist group, someone else will have to confirm if it is in fact the largest.

That sounds like something a 12-year old would call their world of warcraft guild.

What the actual fuck, the thread was derailed right away and everyone responded

The US is ad portas to a war with Russia over the Syrian conflict, we have evidence of the western media manufacturing a conflict, Hillary Clinton herself inflaming the problem, and now the US armed forces breaking international law to provoke a legitimate armed response by Syria

And you are talking about some weird antiglasses shit that seems so off that it is flat-earth theory tier

Bump for Assad

Fuck that guy is desperate. Thanks for calling it like it is.

his older brother.

Ever see The Godfather? Kinda like that. Except in this version Michael (Bashar) doesnt let the power completely go to his fucking head

We are being raided by SomethingAwful goons employing basic techniques of misdirection and subversion to throw us into disarray and draw attention away from them as their administrator lowtax has been caught deleting thousands of posts dating back nearly a decade and a half from Paul Combetta, aka Stonetear, aka the goon that was caught on asking on Reddit for advice on how to censor Hillary's emails. He will be tried for obstruction of justice if this goes public so they are doing ANYTHING they can to SHUT IT DOWN

Holla Forums: Do not reply to ANYONE attempting to derail a thread. Report and hide them and anyone that responds to them, for those that reply are likely other goons cooperating over IRC to derail threads


Just ignore 'em.


fuck the fuck off shillbot 5000, cmon you dumb cunts (myself included, although im not warranting a legit response of interest) disregard this fucking kike

Rothchilds and similar kikes were already taking over colonial economy. I hate democracy-mongering rebel scum but the USA not being created would probably solidify the kikes position further.

Assad has the potential to be something pretty unique in modern times, and maybe American history period.

He is the ruler of a nation that the United States has attacked, but he has survived, and he could develop a real following due to the rational and intelligent way he handles himself in interviews.

Has there been anyone else like him in modern times? The closest thing I can think of might be Castro and Guevara during the 1960s.

Did we ever get to the bottom of the shell connection to ISIS?

The bates method says squinting is a bad habit.

Self-regenerating vision is actually what bates is talking about. The current, dominant theory says that your eyesight will get worst and that self-regeneration is impossible despite evidence to the contrary. It's you who have no idea what you're talking about.

That's greentext is nonsense. The only thing bates hopes to do is remove bad habits like staying indoors without sunlight, squinting, and a lack movement. He also warns people not to fucking drive if they can't see.

Conventional eye care allows serious conditions to develop. Bates tried to prevent you from abusing your own eyes. You need to fuck off.

Stop with the bates shit already.

Now does anyone have any clear links between ISIS and the US government. Or even the Clintons.

I still remember the Snowden 2.0 """leaks""" from the dutch guy in Iran.

He was claiming an ISIS - Shell oil connection.

We also found that ISIS had a connection to the Philippines. Turns out that shell did too.

Now was that just bullshit? Or did we miss something?

In the first half of the video he was telling the truth, but in the back half he started telling lies.

So the real question is, whose lie are you willing to play along with?

Please do tell us what "lies" you're talking about chaim.

Very interesting book about training the eyes to see better. Without having looked into it I am already predisposed to believe in it.

This is because I have recently come upon something very similar in which you can train the muscles of the mouth, and the tongue, in order to straighten the teeth. It's called myofunctional therapy and is starting to become mainstream. Even ((colgate)) has articles about it on its site.

So I truly do believe in the ability of the body to heal and change itself over time.

I was ready for this redpill. Glad I found it, this will fit nicely into my mental bank of knowledge should I ever need it.

By the way, the PDF is so fucking long. Wow. The website book version is much more concise. I will see what I can do about turning the online version into a pdf.


As soon as he was asked about what happened to the convoy and whether or not he was responsible or had knowledge of it he started telling, I guess white, lies. Everyone has a narrative that needs to be filled.

So you're pretty much making this up. Got it.

I'm making up what type of lie it is, not whether or not it was a lie. It always amazes me the level of stupidity people are willing to show when they are allowed to post anonymously.

have you actually seen what happened to the convoy? it matches his story better than it matches amerigas

That's not saying much.

its saying more than you.
They drove in with guns, ammo, and food. When they weren't able to get into Aleppo they removed the cargo and torched the trucks. Then for (((certain reasons))) they reported that Assad attacked the convoy to generate international outrage to spark an intervention.

They serve to advance the cause of greater israel.

Except the civil war.

You see the oxymoron there now, right?

He's not a stinky gommie though.

WW3 when?

Do you want to know what I've been doing?
Every time you go, they tell you that you have a new prescription.
I throw that away and keep using the one from a decade ago. I'm not noticing any difference.
The problem is that your eyes get used to each new prescription, so don't change it.
sage for offtopic


your a dumb faggot
stop derailing the fucking thread.
human eyes are shit for the same reason our sinuses are shit.
Humans developed into bipedal creatures pretty fucking quick by evolution standards so the shit in our head isnt quite used to being upright all the time.

Combine this with our shit food, shit environment and staring at blindingly bright screens for hours everyday of course our eyes will be shit.

So take your fuckin quackery else where and stop being such a massive fucking googlefaggot

==Assad looks awful, looks like he's been butt-fucked way too many times by his manlet master SHABBAT GOY VLADIMIR PUTINSTEIN.==>>7590995

This kind of thing just makes my blood boil. Fucking two-faced kleptocrats.




Well, that's not really what I was getting at. Guevara in particular was the poster boy for radicalism among the New Left in the 1960s.

I'm interested if Assad could ever reach that kind of status among dissidents to the current regime. The leader who stood up to the Americans and Zionists, and won.

This the most obvious, blatant shill attempt I've seen in years.

Is Obama doing a bitch fit and just going balls deep? Or is he INTENTIONALLY destroying US credibility as the leader of the world? This is fucking unreal how jews are burning the fields since they know that Trump is getting in.
This is clearly a message to Syria, Russia and to the rest of the World governments that they are behind ISIS.

Fuck you shills are amateurs.

And leftists just blindly go along with it. Not only that, they attack anyone who opposes it. This country is coming the next Brazil. Leftists deserve to be rounded up and slaughtered.

Ass-sad looks awful, looks like he's been butt-fucked way too many times by his manlet master halalo-kosher cuckold SHABBAT GOY VLADIMIR PUTINSTEIN.

One of the very few things that Marco Rubio ever did in the Senate was co-sponsor a bill to put sanctions on Hezbollah. You know, the guys killing ISIS in Syria.

Is 8ch getting DDOS'd?
It sure seems like it.

Holla Forums is not being ddos'd, freechcucks are back up and are spamming top boards like Holla Forums & Holla Forums. 502s & 404s could be because Ronald is doing overboard shit.

I feel fucking awful now. I need to do some research to try and find out the truth about this guy.


Fucking kek.
Good one. Putin is a cuckold.

I know you weren't. What I was pointing out is that there's no interest for the (((establishment))) to promote Assad as revolutionary hero to their braindead leftard consumerbase.


Seriously, stop trying, Mustafa.


Anyone who seriously believe americans are in the middle east to "fight terrorishm" need to get their head examined.

Even now, america is creating more extremist groups in syria which will be the enemies of tomorrow. It's not that they don't know what theyre doing, they know exactly what theyre doing and that is to always have an excuse to wage war by always having another enemy.

War is Big Business and it's good for Big Business but bad for everyone else.

You want to end the incessant migrant streams coming into europe and the us? Stop the fucking wars in the midlde east. You are scared of extremist muslims? Stop the US & Israel from creating these groups in the first place.

I do not subscribe to the idea that islam always leads to these super-repressive states. Much of the middle east were modernized before the americans supported the extremists in that region allowing them to take over and present the oppressive picture we have of those states now.

All of you "enlightened" retards that think that these oppressive regimes just arose out of nowhere(or because of Islam) and therefore advocate more war are just useful tools for US Big Business and the very real satan Israel.

If you doubt that religion even matter why don't you check out afghanistan in the 80's, various states in the ME in the 80's? My contention is that religion doesn't matter too much, /it's the technology stupid/, unless of course some evil force is specifically propping up the retarded religious extremists.



Fucking Nightwish, I swear.


I know that people want to keep their simple us & vs them view of the world where person a is good and person b is bad, but the only case where that is actually true is with the jew being the bad and the rest being good.

Nowhere else does this binary view work and can be defended.

Gas yourself.

Holla Forums is under attack.

They see us rolling, they be hating.

Go full offensive against their propaganda. Control the narrative, especially on youtube comments, THE most popular website in the world. Be reasonable and smart, we are winning.

OP don't believe assad's stories. He has been killing and intentionally starving his own people for years. Syrian government troops are few and his rule will not withstand many more attacks. His troops are leaving their ranks/posts only to find death by the hands of those that they have killed. We'll see this tyrant dead within a few months. That is what he gets for allowing the destruction of Aleppo and for gassing his own people with chemical weapons. He is the sole reason why one of the most ancient cultures is being wiped out.

post more tits and less of your shilling

Difference is, his own people are a group of disgusting sand people.

Like any sane Westerner gives a fuck about the diets of sand people. It's Russia's job to ensure their power in Syria remains as it is, and we are being VERY aggressive in Syria under the guise of humanitarianism.

sound version
Can`t mossad The Assad
we need to buy some drones and start removing kebabs ourselves

Oh, agreed, of course not.

However, a cult of personality around him could emerge across the political spectrum from everyone disgusted with the United States and Israel. Stuff like that is actually pretty powerful, especially as we appear to be entering a more politically militant era, much like the late 1960s.

CTR pls go and stay go



That's all you're getting.

Fucking hell we're being raided again.

Again implies that it stopped


Raid yourself, turkroach.


Do you think making the same post three times but with 'sources' isn't obvious as shit?

Back to reddit, you stupid google faggot.

i used to have glasses when i was younger but i never wore them. now i have 20/20 while my brother who wore his still need glasses.

Both you and your brother tried to read at a young age like a bunch of tryhard faggots, didn't you?

We're on the wrong side literally every fucking time.


Keep in mind for any anons reading this post, it only applies to anons who have physically fine eyes, as in their eyes are not misshapen/deformed/or anything that would cause visual input data to be incorrect.

A few hundred billion dollars for starters.

They're always on the jewish side of the war.
Murrica has been nurtured to be their golem from the aftermath of 1812 war onwards.

Well to be fair US has a long and distinguished history of friendly fire. They once wiped out an entire Britbong battalion in the Korea War by dropping napalm on them and not the Gooks. They've done this constantly throughout history, bombing their allies. Hell in the first Gulf War they attacked their own checkpoints. I am honestly surprised that when they do friendly fire their allies don't just fire back at them. Maybe knocking a few of their overpriced jets out the sky may make them get the hint to look where the fuck they are shooting.

So you're saying that the US doesn't bomb ISIS for months, and then when they get back at it they accidentally some SAA forces for an hour?

supposedly lowtax just bought 4chan.. so yea they are mounting an all out offensive

What you don't know is that Assad's enemies are the niggers of Syria. He's fighting for the lighter skinned people of his nation

Please use the term 'Googles' my kind sir. Thanks for your support in Pepeing the Record!

Considering how they've been for the last 70 odd fucking years I wouldn't put it past them being retarded enough to make such a mistake. Seriously look up a history of US friendly fire incidents. It's like war and fucking peace to read through. Hell in Panama the Airborne and Infantry were on opposite sides of a building and started shooting each other through the building, when a bunch of guys were inside trying to nab a sniper. That isn't even the most retarded shit they've done.

Never underestimate how retarded the Burgers are when it comes to warfare.

The shitskins trying to overthrow Assad are from other Middle Eastern countries, which are much darker than Syria, a lot of the rebels are also actual niggers.

Shlomo stop

Really makes you think.

This is where plebocracy sets in.

Americans were known as pure chaos on the battle field, and the only after WWII we've been losing. When did suffrage begin?

Yeah is anyone shocked by all this?

Didn't he jump right in as a reformist from the beginning? I recall he was planning on bringing in democratic reforms that would enable a greater amount of voter participation without giving the Sunni rope with which to hang everyone else.

Amerifats were pure chaos back when military technology was simple and their whacky knack for organisational logistics was a much greater advantage since nobody else was as well developed in that field, a situation which has changed considerably.

They got too heavily into high tech high maintenace low life toys. And these days that knack for organisational logistics is needed at full speed just to stop their military falling apart at the seams.

Not to get too far off track, but America has also lost the plot since at least the end of the Cold War and arguably much earlier in focusing on warfare involving a clash of great nations, instead of terrorists and non-governmental groups attacking American civilians.

That is why the military industrial complex keeps pushing for the idea that Russia and China are our big enemies, and we must be prepared for some type of showdown with them, hence we need to keep building more and more aircraft carriers and other white elephants.

Well. They do need to be prepared for a proper war. But the US military industrial complex wants the USA and the world in general to be unstable and antagonistic. Hence why the USA goes out of its way to make enemies.
Because that sells weapons and gets pentagon weapons dev financing.

Sure, but if you look at the United States military budget compared to that of the rest of the world, the amount spent is utter lunacy.

Exactly! The United States as it is today actually needs a huge military budget to protect itself from all of the hostility its actions have created. But, change United States foreign policy and interference while dropping the military budget way down and making it more realistic to the demands of the 21st century, and we're good.

Excellent video by William Lind and the decline of the Westphalian Order.

NIgga you got heterzygous genes probably

I would put it down to incompetency if there was a large amount of volume of airstrikes which is where mistakes are usually made, but this was a calculated and isolated strike. I don't know how you can compare the US's poor coordination in places like Vietnam and Korea to the amount of information that goes into an airstrike today.

The problem the USA now has is that its continued existence and its economy are reliant on maintaining the status quo.

If it drops its military to more reasonable levels it won't be able to enforce the petrodollar resulting in a mass sale of US Dollars causing the value of the Dollar to plummet. Destroying the US economy.

The thus weakened US federal government won't be able to contain secessionist sentiment causing its inevitable collapse nor will it be able to finance its security resulting in chunks of it being seized by other nations and the rest becoming an orgy of mayhem as the USA's many many enemies all go nuts.
Muslim rape gangs in Washington.

I don't know if that is as true today with rising American oil production. It is certainly the case that we need a better international currency and trade system rather than one that relies so much on the dollar, so one way or another that seems inevitable.

Not to mention that our policies have alienated Iran and to a lesser extent Russia, two of the world's largest oil producers, so it's not even a case where we are backed into a corner for foreign oil. No doubt Venezuela and others also want us to stop acting like lunatics in general.

You're a fucking retard. I haven't had my prescription change since I got my glasses a decade and a half ago.
Don't bother with "muh eye industry," I can get a new pair of glasses for 20 bucks online.

Also, here's the whole interview

Top kek, I didn't know Assad could speak English.

assad looks like such a nice, gentle guy


go back to 2ch vatnik


I forget does google mean Jews or does it mean Niggers?


There is not legitimate reason to like Russia or NATO/Israel/US.

I once tried to craft some nifty lyrics for it. Sadly some parts just wouldn't work, but some weren't too far off.

If someone can fix the parts that don't fit, maybe we can get something funny.

Assad really looks like he just wants to have his country back and make it great again but the kikes keep ruining it and paint him as the bad guy. Kinda like Adolf

Syria General

Is that you, untermensch manlet Anglin?

Is that you, untermensch manlet Anglin?

To be fair they did bomb the Brtis as recently as the 2nd Gulf War, even though they were clearly marked as friendlies. They have orange panels that were to make them stand out from the air, Burgers thought they were rocket launchers



People don't know how much cocksucking goes on every day in Moscow, Damascus, and Tel Aviv!

Cocksucking is the international thing these days, like smoking, man!

=too much cocksucking is not good for you==


Putin shills kill yourselves!

Cocksucking motherfucking kikefaced little nigger boys.

That may have been goon misdirection.

You should try jelq. You don't need a penis extension.

reminder to sage and report all Soros shills such as these

Literally 99% of Putin's top people are his friends from commie days. Seriously, what's it gonna take to kill that "le based pootin will save us" meme?

Sing it anons

The kremlin trollfarm song.
Zerohedge and GLP
I'm a retard can't you see?
I masturbate to press TV
Globalreseach and RT
Tard along with Folks like me
China has all the gold
Putin is the masterbrain
I'm a retard and I'm insane
I bought some silver yesterday
But it did not make the pain go away

I'm a retard can't you see
Are you a retard just like me?

fuck off kike shill

Goddamn, this thread is getting derailed hard.

>Europe vs US D&C out of nowhere I hope you fags realize that it's shills pretending to be burgers and shills pretending to be eurofags arguing with each other

And that's only the first half of the thread. This is a serious topic worth discussing. Filter and move on from off-topic bullshit.

Is that you, untermensch manlet Anglin?

Is this faggot"führer" of dailystormer still chasing jungle-rice JB?

No, your boyfriend assed you.

D'Andre Angloon

My friend, Putin's government is about corruption and theft first and foremost.

The USA's domestic production is irrelevant.
All oil is traded in US Dollars. Even Russian and Iranian oil.

In 2003 and during the invasion of Iraq? During a time when there was a large amount of airstrike volume which will lead to oversight and bad information.

This was a single operation after a time when the "anti ISIS coalition" hadn't done any air missions in months, in a city that is the most heavily monitored place in the world right now and in a situation that has a large amount of red tape that is required to authorize such an attack. I would cautiously accept an accident if it was 1 plane, but 4 planes bombing the same place for an hour? And then an hour later, rebels storm the place that was just bombed? That isn't incompetence. That's someone fishing for a reason to formally invade Syria at best or to help their golem who is in a tight spot at worst.

Dude, let me put it in simple terms:

The amount of evil that the current USA government is spreading will backfire at some point. USA is making new enemies without a good reason for it, this is a costly and stupid path of action to take and already costs the lives of many people from every side involved.
If you keep messing up with other countries sovereigns, it will bite you back at some point.

It won't be long now until we dictate the terms of your surrender in the white house, American.

no need, emperor trump has built a career of making deals where everyone wins.


russia sucks muslim cock


1)he made revision of Holohoax a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating anti-communist cause in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will land you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will land you in prison. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for this
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give the mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia and 12-15 million of Central Asians in Russia overall
7)Called the real nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
9)he let 3-5 millions of Chinese and sells out Russian lands to China
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
Maksim Marcinkiewicz(jailed twice for "hate speech" alone) and Movement Against Illegal Immigration activists are good example

7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)

Russia is a Judeo-Islamized corrupt police state shithole led by an oligarchic cuck

Can't deny those digits. So sad Russia…I use to respect you.

What disgusts me the most about Russia is the fact that they're complete kike drones.

Nothing better than the traitors we have in Europe or in America.


I don't think you quote grasp the situation you're in, American.

Bring it on, USrael.

US Government Support of Syrian Rebels

A Risky Bet on Syrian Rebels

West Training Syrian Rebels in Jordan

U.S. Considers Stepping up Rebel Support

U.S., Allies to Boost Aid to Syria Rebels

After Arming the Syrian Rebels, Then What?

CIA Begins Weapons Delivery to Syrian Rebels

Americans are training Syria Rebels in Jordan

Covert CIA Mission to Arm Syrian Rebels Goes Awry

U.S. Revamping Rebel Force Fighting ISIS in Syria

US Secretly backs Rebels to fight Al-Qaeda in Syria

Syrian Rebels Describe U.S.-Backed Training in Qatar

U.S. is said to Plan to send Weapons to Syrian Rebels

Heavy Pressure Led to Decision by Obama on Syrian Arms

Officials: CIA-Backed Syrian Rebels under Russian Blitz

US Draws a Line on protecting CIA-Backed Rebels in Syria

US Authorizes Financial Support for the Free Syrian Army

Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.


U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels

Kerry says Doubling U.S. Non-Lethal Aid to Syrian Opposition

White House: Arms to Syrian Rebels due 'In the Weeks to Come'

4 U.S. Military Efforts on ISIS and Syria Yield Mixed Results

CIA Arms and Trains Syria Rebels Through Secret Jordan Program

Exclusive: Obama Authorizes Secret U.S. Support for Syrian Rebels

CIA Ramping up Covert Training Program for Moderate Syrian Rebels

First Syria Rebels Armed and Trained by CIA 'On Way to Battlefield'

In Syria, Militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA

Update: U.S. Training Syrian Rebels; White House 'Stepped Up Assistance'

US-Trained Syrian Rebels say they won't fight Al-Qaeda Affiliate Jabhat Al-Nusra

Syria Crisis: First CIA-Trained Rebel Unit about to join Fighting against Assad Regime, says President Obama

Syrian Sniper: US TOW Missiles transform CIA-Backed Syria Rebels into Ace Marksmen in the Fight against Assad

Hmmm, reminds me of the time the USS Liberty was "accidentally" blown to shit for hours by our friends in Israel. Guess we are just recycling ideas now…

Certainly not your shitty ukranian memes, tatarboy.

Except for the fact that they put faggots behind bars and bomb actual terrorists you mean?

LOL, if Russia had actually supported the Republics instead of preventing them from capitalizing them back w/ ceasfires, there wouldn´t be any "ukraine" today.

Read it and weep, Putin niggers.

good, the mohammed cartoons should be illegal, there sole purpose is to stir up trouble.
hate speech laws shouldn't just work one way.

*forced memes intensifies*

You ZOG-supported ukies couldn´t beat even beat a few thousands militas.




Russia falls

And This:

Russia is as jewed as you.


holy shit!


I guess they learned from greatest ally.

So the Allah-whites?

MisterMetokur trolled the shit out of 4cucks

It was trolling

A) LowTax spends his money on alcohol and drugs
B) He pays alimony since he divorced again
C) His credit is shit

Just look at MisterMetokur's Twitter and you will realize this yourself too.


i guess burgers took a page from the book of the greatest ally.

i guess it's true that the jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

If I was Assad, I'd be a little Assmad about this.

Go away Jim.

Note how the tataroid changes IP after every second post.

Noted cockroach spotted.



Soon, my friend.

Assad is white and has blue eyes. Muhfuggen Aryan!

Nice quads. Checked.

I'm not sure I believe anyone involved in this whole shitshow. Every side of it smells bad.

Just like D'andre Anglin!

Every day a bluepill finds his way onto poll to comment about the pet nigger like it's in charge, over half the "obama" administration are jews, jews created the niggers political career, jews got the nigger through college, all the foreign and middle east position are jews, for the billionth time, it's jews, not the fucking nigger.

Can we please ban turkish IPs?

Also fun fact Khadafi wanted to implement a gold standard that would have weakened (((IMF))) dependency worldwide.

Fuck off, Muhammad. cartoons/

suck some muslim dick, famalam

78% of Muslims in the UK support punishment for people who make cartoons of Muhammad. 68% of Muslims in the UK believe it should be illegal to insult Islam. 30% of Muslims in the UK would prefer to live under Sharia law than British law.


Your days are numbered, goat fucker.

Really made me think


>Some fun facts about Andrew "I think the white race should be bred out" Anglin:



Manlet 5'6" Anglin, pls go.

I don't want an üntermensch making himself a visible face of The Cause.

this is literally the "I am silly" cartoon with anglin's face.

why does he trigger you so much?

Funny how all that red and image shilling really looks like the anti-christian one.

When will this meme die?

This. skin deep/

Race and Color

is that andrew 'gook-nigger' anglin?

is that andrew 'gook-nigger' anglin?

My left eye is a "lazy eye". If I don't wear glasses for a long enough period of time my body will turn off my left eye completely and only take input from my right eye. (((you're))) an obvious shill.

Yeah, that's Skinhead Leader 5'6" manlet shill and albino nigger ariananglin alright.

Why did your mom ignore you as a baby? Too busy smoking crack?

Sorry for interrupting your thread
Explosions and gunshots heard near perry county, PA.

It may be happening guys, someone screencap in case I get v&

Putin is not your friend. Putin is:

Defending Russia's interests, every political leader should defend the interests of their contries. He's competing with you, as he should be.

Promoting order on a geopolitical level. Compare with the US policy of supporting terrorit organizations.

Financing nationalist groups in the EU. The EU is too close to american interests, so he'd love to see it torn apart. Of course he'd love to see it fucked beyond all understanding while eating up eastern europe, so it's up to us to use this support in a useful way.


So no, he's not white people's new messiah, but he's still an ally on a few levels, for now.

More specifically, his immediate interests are in alignment with ours. In the long term, this will most assuredly change. Especially since he is dead set on hiding the Holocaust lie and further slaughter/subversion committed by the Russians before, during, and after WW2. And this is why I will never forgive Russia, white people or not. They have to answer for what they've done.

If, however, Putin held a new conference tomorrow, and admitted to everything, exposed the Jew, released the KGB archives pertinent to the Cold War and the Bolshevik revolution, and tell the world the truth once and for all, then I would be able to forgive. But he won't do that, and so he will always be on my shit list.

for these ukrop hohol losers to suddenly shit on this thread, something must be up on the Novorussia Front for them to do this.

they shill hard when they think they win, then shills even harder when something went wrong and ended up getting their asses kicked again

any updates on that theater of war?

that Luger seems broken

aw fuck thats a p38 isn't it

They have almost weekly offensives on the Donbass and get their asses kicked every time, the Minsk agreements long forgotten. Right now they have been attacking the LPR getting beaten back every time with lots of casualties.

Disregard, /k/ got drunk.

They got a huge cash infusion from the US and IMF pretty recently, so they've started attacking again

ISIS being a covert OP to destabilize the Middle East is well known. In a way I don't mind, because Muslims are going to make up the majority of the population in a few decades. It's good to take them out now.

It's too late, no sense in speculating we're all going to burn soon enough

Forgot to encode this for last thread.

the military industrial complex gets a tangential benefit but we are in the middle east to secure american interests resources and reinforce the petro dollar. preventing russia from establishing a competitive market is essential to american dominance.

this is about nations user not a couple measly mega corporations

How new can you get?

Stay triggered, mehmet.

I genuinely think it's just a turk.

The lion is will triumph.

Livestream of the UNSC via RT. The (((Special envoy))) of the secretary-general is currently speaking.

The official UN livestream is bretty gud but if there's another option available I avoid it.

RT JewTube livestream

If you don't feel like wasting bandwidth on this shit and just want the audio just use 144p

Best goy Samantha Power is currently speaking.


What's the context here fam? Who are the White Helmets?

Zog bots, who get hyped up as some sort of impartial, humanitarian NGOs

The guys in the tan uniforms standing by as (((moderate rebels))) execute some guy?

This thread needs a trigger warning, first the ZOGbot traitors bombing SAA and now this.

Samantha Power mentioned them again in her speech earlier. They're essentially "rebels" that act as first responders (or rescue teams). They love to send photos and video footage of themselves to foreign media agencies like AP and AFP.

They just happen to also do executions and beheadings.

Do they really think Russia and China won't veto anything that doesn't benefit them? This is making them look like raving lunatics AND powerless children.

Despite all that, I'm still amazed that Assad is able to survive this insanity.

Nice work

Notice how the shills spamming the anglin pics somehow all dissapeared at the same time. Further evidences how it was all a single butthurt ukie switching IPs like no tomorrow.



He looks like a Dr. Seuss character.

Hardcore Syrian Seeker!

This time we'll defeat jewish monster!


Kike shill detected.

deus vult


You can't say you respect a traditional strongman without le RIDF shill meme coming out. (I would side with Finns over them any fucking day of the week)

Oh, like that dirty kid they used for propaganda the day after beheading other kids?

Honestly, the Brits and the Americans have been shooting at eachother plenty of times in general. A friendly Afghan person I know spoke about the Brits and the USA funding different tribes and groups in Afghanistan and telling them to attack the other. Basically a proxy war.

In particular the failed coup in LPR probably rustled their breekis significantly.

Could just be Turkroaches triggered though.

Friendly reminder to filter and ignore all shills



Pretty trilateral tbh

Israel provides first aid to terrorists

How the fuck is this guy some evil dictator?

hes very relaxed and well spoken. not full of himself at all.

i almost feel a family connection to him too, my cousin has almost the same exact type of face, blue eyes, nose, stature, all except that my cousin has dark blonde hair. also the way of speaking is so eerily similar.

his father used to be the ambassador of ecuador from colombia b4 colombia btfo a chopper full of commie farc terrorists and ecuckuador got buttmad and removed my uncle and his family.

how did this guy die?

beaten to death by niggers?

I'm not noticing it but I'd expect something like that soon considering the debates are tomorrow

Could you be an bigger b8er?

I think netanyahu made comments as early as 85 about iran being a few years away

Nice, some faggot ukie(s) have a hate-boners for yellow, oil drilling fever Andrew Anglin because he helped expose the "ukrainian" governnement as the most juden-controlled one in Europe.

Thankfully Trump will dump the "ukraine".

At least we know they are losing and getting increasingly desperate.
The only way for them to win now is open intervention, attacking the Russian forces in Syria outright, that isn´t going to happen because they are too gutless for such a move.

they are priming th public for that, pushing false narratives and anti russia + syria sentiment in the media harder than ever. especially with that latest statement from that lying bitch sam power

half the sources are:
Stay butthurt, Azov.

The kikes are panicking.