Judge my Naked Body, Please be as Brutally Honest as possible.
1 more pic in thread.
Judge my Naked Body, Please be as Brutally Honest as possible.
1 more pic in thread.
go to bed michael. also i thought you lived in the US?
other pic.
wow you were ready with those pics…
i have a folder with your name on it tbh
i look at these images and i see somebody who should be strung up and skinned alive, but not alone is he allowed to exist, he likely prospers in our society, meanwhile i'm a fairly nice guy reduced to eating pizza out of a dumpster while this piece of shit is over here showing his asshole to strangers
at least be entertaining with your disgusting body, put a knife in your asshole blade in obviously, or light your pubes on fire, or kill yourself, something actually worth a thread you fucking animal
sorry i was such a disappointment.
yeah but you're autistic. this guy just has a fetish
another pic
The truth is, you're a psychopathic troll with sadism. Fairly nice guy, huh?
i might be a sadistic autism but at least i'm not gross
Nothing wrong dude at least the Jews didn't slice your dick.
sage negated
sage reengaged
sage renegated
You are cancer. Go away.
Sending the last pic to Kojima's twitter account right now!
Let's all tag kojima in those pics.
Honestly, lose the beard and get a better haircut. It'd help you a lot tbh.
:^) + :^3 = ?
Hold the fucking phone op. I recognize your face. You used to mod for TRS.
Whats his twitter account?
Based, but can you acquire proof?
Where did you get this picture?
it looks like its from a metal gear rising revengeance limited edition uk release party.