How do we fix Holla Forums?

How do we fix Holla Forums?

Holla Forums is perfect, you little cuck

getting rid of the edgy Holla Forumstweens would be a good start

And the leftycucks

And the Louiscucks

And the Maisiecucks

those too

And the jennyfags and any other waifufags. Long list really.

tbh, the only way to fix Holla Forums at this point is to just nuke it. Do you want to live without Holla Forums? Sure, it's a shithole but it's still undeniably one of the few, maybe only even, good boards left on this shitty site.

Get a load of Reddit. Acting like they're clever.

What did he mean by this?

Biggest thing Holla Forums needs is a BO that gives a tiny shit about it. Not much but a little interest would be good.

we'd just end up with our own version of Mark or Imkampfy then who does care but only when it hurts their feelings. Lack of moderation is better than autistic moderation any day.

or the Holla Forums bo who lost their shit during the hack too. but that was pretty funny at least.

i was thinking more along the lines of the /tg/ BO. he does a good job.

oh, i wouldn't know as i don't go to /tg/.

wtf I love Reddit now!


Holla ForumsCKSUCKERS GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holla Forums IS KINO!

It's hilarious how Holla Forums blames us for every shitpost on their board now.

wtf i wanna shitpost on Holla Forums now

Why don't you post this on cuckchan and see what they have to say?

Really, waifufags kill entertainment communities.

Heard of ASMR? Seemingly a bunch of faggots with a brain defect that gives them orgasmic bliss from hearing certain sounds. Nope, just look at >>>/asmr/
Absolutely consumed by outsiders that don't even feel tingles swooning over actual internet whores.

Use kino a lot, and also call Venom gay and say anyone who likes Eddie Brock is the same guy.

brockfag detected

you can't get BO to give a shit about the board but you can get him to anchor a thread that points it out

subtle dig at redditchanners or unironic autism?

you decide.

Dare I say it?

Are you telling me that footage is backed up in 3 places? Wow! That's an amazing conversation they're having over at reddit. I'm headed there right now!


Nah, I'm good.

they're not Holla Forums, they're redditors LARPing poorly.

So they are Holla Forums.

idk, i remember them bitch about how Holla Forums's moderation let leftists ruin Holla Forums or something. Most of us, including me, are neutral and just like baiting both sides I'd imagine. Just more baiting Holla Forums since they have a larger amount of people.

Exactly, say that a lot.

mods are confirmed rulecucks. Holla Forums is dead

of course, can't get in the way of the waifu, blacked, and politics threads

they dont enforce any rules though. they only anchor threads that insult them. thinskincucks more like.

Even if someone really wants to discuss boring shit like that there's already >>>/film/. No need to ruin this place.

You've never seen r/christians have you, that don't know anything.

Trying talking about any kind of values that's not left and you'll swiftly removed.

it's pretty shit to have a subreddit community on an image board, yeah

this picture is retarded. It's pretty much the opposite. 4chan is regulated and Holla Forums isn't (depending on the specific board).

You know cuck/tv/ makes this place seem dead right? Of course not, you came here straight from reddit.
Says the leftycuck disney shill who considers crying "shitbag" a thousand times to be "bantz"
Got that backwards retard, technically Jim paid us to make a better board. Too bad about the hack though. FYI you're not welcome there anyway, fuckface.

Holla Forums in a nutshell.

remove (((them)))

Thanks for proving me right, /television/.

back to imkikefyland for you lad

Should at least call it by its actual name, /r/The_Donald. Or /r/Israel

About what? Being a witless disney loving plebbitor?

So what happened to the reddit spacing? Wait let me guess it's actually different anons itt at the same time triggered by Holla Forums but all on h8chan anyway. Okee doke.

That your board is so dead you guys still come here anyway. All anyone's gotta do is mention it in a fart these days since you scour Holla Forums threads for any mention.



Board needs mods who give a shit, first. Ban porn. Ban bane. Ban is this kino. Ban maisie. Ban ban ban. The only reason nobody but these retarded faggots post here is because all these retarded faggots post here.

it deserves it tbh

t. retarded rulecuck

Who actually gives a shit about tv shows and movies?

How can they deserve such treatment


no one is above shitposting. past time those fags learned it.

got any proof?


I agree. As a fellow Holla Forumsack who regularly browses 8/pol/, I think that boards should ban all dissenting opinions. We can't be like the SJWs, we need to create a bubble that only allows one central ideology. Man, I hate those fucking SJWs who push their narratives on us and create safespaces, this is why we must ban all of their opinions.

Only look in every few days and only because it's legitimately fascinating to see what this board has become. You could claim threads like these

were only being ironical (you know, like cuckchan) until looking at the replies. Sure it's pure cohencidence too that the paradigm shift happened at the same time Holla Forums users spiked, nothing to do with the reddit invaders shitting up Holla Forums and driving their numbers down either. Nope.

It was HW not jim and nobody got "paid" just got free ad space, ostensibly to provide an alternative to the cesspool of pc reddithood this board has become. Samefag or yell shitbag all you want, any user here a year ago knows it's true.

You failed us. You let the slothcuck make fools of us all with his ebin Jennywon shit. Now we are stuck with Holla Forums. Good job, faggot.

Maybe when the t_d cucks were trying to raid and make this place "tolerant and accepting of BASED blacks", but that shit doesn't stick.


Nice meme, Holla Forums

Nice meme, retard. Have you ever actually browsed Holla Forums?

autism: the post.

stick to reddit.

Hello Reddit

You aren't stuck, there's an alternative. Even if you don't move though at least be grateful there's a check and balance otherwise this board would be lefty and still filled with ebin spam.

Lel. Stop projecting and go upboat your dance thread about wonder woman being a big hit, melissa.

Why bother? What is there to talk about, the latest and greatest in shitty movies and television? When the purpose of tv isn't to propagandize to the goyim then Holla Forums will become somewhat decent again

t. imkikefy

at the rate all the white mans women are getting BLACKED it wont be long until the propaganda is unnecessary

t. /leftycuck/ Holla Forumstard who ruined 8/tv/

Look, the BO has made it perfectly clear that he likes Holla Forums like it is. This board is for funposting. If you want serious discussion of tv shows and movies, use the other boards, like /film/ or /television/. This place is for jokes, waifus, and high-quality original memes.