56 percent shills BTFO


A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European

56 percent shills btfo!

MOD-EDIT: Added archive.

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Whites can shart in any fucking white mart they please because they're still white



You can follow the studies they cited yourself, have a nice day


Facts > Memes

some asswipe's blog =! facts

Yes but they're still mutts :)
I like how every region in Europe has 'a look' brought about by millenia of cousin fucking.

click a link you stupid shitskin. your 56% meme just got BTFO.

Thanks mods, the 56 percent niggers asshurt is palpable

The only idiots here are those who thought the 56% white meme literally meant there weren't white people in America

okay everybody be super nice to the goblins and don't post any more rare goblins since they're sensetive snowflakes who can't handle the bants, especially don't post them in this thread


there is no citation. they have no proof. they made up that number exactly like muh 6 million joos dead!

t. Prince Harry


also this. i am white and thought it was funny as fuck


nice teeth


where are the rest of the beta brits?
inbred mongoloids

you make other Americans look retarded on imageboards. hide your flag or something

No shit the 56% is based on the population of white people in america as a whole. who thought it was how genetically white whites were, the fuck?

i dont see why people keep saying most jews ain't white i cant tell the difference


t. kike

I find it to be hilarious how Americans are so offended by this meme.
I'm called a potato nigger all the time and it has never bothered me in the slightest.
I suppose Americans are just over sensitive.

post pics of glorious nippon

that all you got?
no matter who you're responding to
i could be an albino from africa for all you know

this meme is stupid and you should be ashamed for posting it

kys schlomo

me troleing you

The goblin face being posted with it is what's misleading.
You say 56 percent and then post a shitskin mutt caricature and most people will assume you're calling them a mudblood halfshitskin.



This is what I mean.
You post this in association to 56 percent and it's no surprise nobody realizes you're talking about population ratios.
If ypu had have posted them separately from the start you would've gotten a more interesting reaction instead of the shitty "that's retarded" "LOL BUTTHURT" back and forth this causes.

Why is leftypol so bad a memes? It's as if they don't comprehend how humor works.




Thank you for proving my point

lol dysnomia confirmed to be 56% white

memes are serious business

The point of the image agrees with your point though.

Get a load of this poorfag, I bet you live off of NEETmemes

both hotpockets on suicide watch, deleting threads xD

So it is about genetics andnot population ratios?

dude i can't tell if you are actually this retarded or not; do you need people to explain jokes to you at a comedy club? i mean holy shit this is next level retard

So it's population ratios?
I'm writing a paper on this and I need information.

based vol BTFO cuckchan crossposters.

Keep posting 56% memes. They're fucking hilarious.


just got banned by this fat fuck. he called me out for "ban evasion" even through i wasn't banned before.

I didn't even spammed anything at all, I jsut argued with some guys on the pol-threads and I made a thread about the sticky. Then the mod had his meltdown and deleted all of my posts. Whenever you expose the butthurt american fat fucks they really get upset. He literally admitted he just used the thread as an excuse to ban me.
"how dare you, I'm 100% n'shieeeet, only my grandfather was a negro"

The butthurt Amerimutt is ridiculous.

So it's genetics.
Explain the joke pls
t. Meme University student and scholar

just quit. your raid just got shut down.

Nice proxy ya got there nigger


they're paranoid lardgoblins, what do you expect?

thanks doc

What raid? You mean this one single recovery thread i made about Amerimutts after the board was wiped?

This thread you are talking about was bumplocked by mailfaggot.
He literally said "stop triggering me".


one meme that changed the world - because you are only 56% white

yeah but spamming the same tranny pix for a fortnight isn't pathetic at all tho, true story

go back to /int/ where you belong

Only kikes propagate the 56% meme

You get assblasted…..wonders why people posts it…..really nigger


Remember, Holla Forums can't make meme, so they stole the 56% meme from Holla Forums

wow autistics really do lack self-awareness lol

sh/int/skin detected.

Back to Holla Forums mulatto mystery meat

oh noooes theyz posted it again

I'm not from leftypol nor intl.
lefypol does not even like this meme because its racist.

But I know a someone else who doesn't like this meme either - it's (you). Because you are a shitty 56% white American.

t. ugly 56% white American

shouldn't you be sucking porky cock or something?

That's the first thing that comes into your mind - sucking dicks. That's who you are.

I feel like we're going in circles here

The 56% meme is used by niggers and mixed race undesirables.

Clearly they try to down play the whiteness of America, just look how Aryan I am.

Anglokike detected


You spammed this 1 stupid picture all over the board for weeks now. Where is your ban?
Where is this ugly fat fuck emerakul when it comes to delete real spam like that of yours?

Clearly you are jealous of my pure 100% Bavarian phenotype


Hi mailman… tour speech is so natural and organic!

okay since you obviously know better than me, how about you walk us through it?


Try google you lazy nigger

So you don't. And you're barebacking this imageboard. Got it.

not the user you're responding to, i was calling him a stupid nigger you stupid nigger

sorry, my bad

Look at this, even the homegrown board slut is just a shit skin with some tiny percentage of white DNA. This picture only 12.5% white.

Select the Tools Menu
Select Options
Select the Advanced Icon
Select the Network tab
Under connection select Settings
Under Settings you can chose "Auto-Detect Proxy setting for this network" or "Manual Proxy Configuration"
If choosing "Manual Proxy Configuration" Enter the IP address for the HTTP proxy server
Enter the port of the HTTP proxy server
Click Okay

So even the 56% left aren't really white


intl is shilling against this meme.



no they are spamming it all over the board so the mods ban all of it including the legit threads


Doesn't exist

I don't know who's worse, the fags who blew the "American" meme out of proportion in the first place or the fags who take it seriously enough to consider those people Jewish shills.

You don't know much because you are American lol

Jokes on you fag.


Americans have trouble with banter tbh
If you say something vaguely bad about them they are very sensitive to it. I don't know why they have this mentality.

This is not true. They only get angry if you post the 56% meme. You can call them whatever you want:
Traitors, lairs, backstabbers, jews, niggers, scumbags and faggots. I doesn't not insult them at all, but call them who they really are, "56% white", and they get all red, look at you and say: "Oh no, I have been exposed"

me on the top left

They also get angry if you call them child rapist
It's like they have something to hide.

ITT: butthurt amerimutts

wait, why the fuck is this thread stiky? are you that triggered?!
what kind of faggot are you?

you have to roll again



I'm not even American but this meme is so boring. Plus a board mod posted on pol that the people who post this meme post EXCLUSIVELY this meme across many threads with screenshots and everything. Wonder what is their purpose.


Yuropoors are all mixed with arabs and jews and niggers.

stupid amerimutts never learn

How about you prove that you are not proxyfagging right now?

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH LMAO silly amerimutt. may i suggest you to wear a helmet when you walk in your room

nice one gökcan

Now that's just effortless. I didn't even say I was white or anything, I just said your meme is boring and proved that I'm not a proxyfag as you tried to imply.
Kill yourself, shill.

I can't believe this is considered an achievement. Makes me feel sick. Bunch of shitskins.
t. delusional mutt
There are fucking half niggers who post on Holla Forums about how they are actually white, because they are going to have children with a white woman, and this will save the white race.
If leftpol wasn't retarded, they'd use this to destroy the altkike, but 'muh construct'.

Turkish or hapa?

I am willing to bet they consider even the swarthiest Eastern European, Pikey, etc. to be 'white' as well in order to get that 98,6%

Tjena, Söta bror! Hur mår ni i Svitjod?

They are all just mad that varg btfo them. Sad.

He didn't say who he was because he was afraid to lose his job:^). He is a vol on Holla Forums and many other big boards. He used it to show what shills post.
The 56% memers exclusively posted this meme, nothing else.



Holla Forums is run by a 56% white American. They did not eve deny it. Imkamfy(now HotpocketX) is a turkroach


This meme is the best thing to grace the web in a while - the amount of butthurt it generates is delicious.

kennedi check'em

Danke schön, mein Herr!

Dubs of truth


Hvorfor har jeg følelsen av at du ikke heter Medelsvenson?

Jag är inte norsk

Nei, jeg antar du er amerikaner slik som du driver på.

och var är du ifrån?


I dare say this thread has somewhat backfired.



leftyfags sure are salty today…..moar

this is just sad
just live with it, mutts
not much else you can do really


So, witch is it, are they European or 99% European?

What's with all the hair in upper right?!?


Fake website.

how do you not know how this works? the more your bottom is bothered the more we spank it.

Pheeew….. finally I found the original.


mein neger


The irony. Attempting to make fun of Americans while using a cartoon made by an American that was originally about an American election.

Who signs your paychecks? I really am curious.

Calm down, user. They're just memes, they can't hurt you - physically.

A kebab restaurant owner probably.


I'm 56% sure that the Australians are behind this and that Americans cannot handle being made fun of.

My God, are you saying the USA has an immigration problem

The butthurt.

what a great rebuttal, frenchie

So how are you doing this fine evening, my fellow 98.6% white indo-europeans?

this indicates the goblin is confused and can't comprehend its situation

lel, benis garrison truly is the voice of a generation

You really think I could go pro, user? Can I list you on my resume if I decide to do this for a living?

The state of Francistan

kek meeeeme

Post more amerimutt OC.


I'm 2% native American, also I have blonde hair and green eyes which means I'm more aryan than anyone posting the 56% meme.

Also, I specifically went outside today and saw nothing but white people with blue eyes. Didn't see a single pair of brown eyes, put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Sauce on that?

guess what pol fags you're a fucking joke

Very sad! Many such cases!

glad im not the only one who notices that

grug entu pooku booku riggy?



would have been irish/british mix otherwise


why are there so many amerifag newfags here? In 2008 or 2010 or even 2015 people fucking knew when to shut up to let a meme die but now with this amount of confirmed butthurt coming especially from mods this is gonna stick around forever. GJ America mission accomplished!

Unless he is a complete moron he is using a VPN, thereby making the flags even more useless than they already were.

It is almost like these retarded mods around here haven’t heard of the ‘Streisand effect’ before.
That being said, I quite enjoy this meme – the reaction from the mods and American shitposters is quite amusing.



…b..but what if the helicopter will crash?


This is the meme that keeps on giving.

Thanks for your opinion, I really needed a swede's commentary on racemixing.

tbh im only here because i enjoy making fun of americans


It's not about White people individually not being White, it's about the population being 56% White, which is only a slight exaggeration.

It's way more than 56 percent.


It's better that 70% muslim and moorish

by keeping it in the family

The 2010 US Census said the US is 72% White.

Only problem is that the census relies on the integrity of responders to self-identify correctly, and it counts MENAs as White.

Many who identify as White Hispanic think they're White, but they're not.

The census does not account for millions of people from Mexico and South America living in the US illegally.

We're 7 years out from the last census, the actual proportion of Whites is probably a lot closer to 56% than you think.

I don't understand why it matters so much to some anons anyway, the US is probably going to be split up in the next 50 years and the niggerer and more spic infested regions will quickly succumb to infighting because spics and niggers fucking adore killing themselves and one another. All that should matter is you don't pollute your own family with brown kids. You can try to convince others not to, but, as we've all seen, people into bestiality are nearly impossible to reason with on anything but an emotional level.

Says the inbred island mutant.

The Italian guy looks like an Albanian

this is a okay meme but it’s completely forced

Fuck you Carmel Agius

harry's mum cucked his dad with an egyptian

That slut deserved to die

What a tragedy her car crashed. Accidents happen all the time.

So they'd be the physical representation of the uncanny valley?

America = Europe's unwanted incestual gay cousin.

True. I have yet to find one getting angry for being called a burger.

Remember "clapper"?
That one was my favorite.
I especially liked the greentext stories about foreign anons going to US walmarts and being lassoed and dragged across the floor by gun wielding cowboys while obese people clapped from the sidelines.
Not one of the batted an eye at that shit, but tell them they're being invaded and WAAAWAAAA MODSMODSMODS WAAAWAAA MODSMODSMODS
Americans should be genocided tbh

Apparently not European enough. I could fly in say i'm a Yemen refuge and get gibs.

At this rate the US is about 4 PPM white. This shit's been running around cuck/pol/ for awhile. No matter what we do or what we say, all Euro's will hate the shit out of us. Thankfully their replacements also hate the fuck out of us.

Burgers are under so much pressure to come up with a Yuropoor countermeme that their dicks went limp from performance anxiety.

Learn to feed off the hate, it's great.

Why bother?

Ulf is an old meme and the one you posted is the only one



I understand why all those spics wanna move there, I do too.

I don't think so shlohmo.

i think its pretty funny how my nationality makes foreigners so asshurt they obsessively make memes as a coping mechanism

Sweds are not white?

whiter than you, avi

We are also not white either, Nigger!


what were you trying to prove?

that's a tan, ezra

Hey Europe, you might want to take a fucking look at this shit

If you don't stop pic related from happening, Europe is going to be far worse then the 56 percent memes ever could have projected onto the United States

It's a pink or nothing Amerinigger

why do goblins always fall back on this stale-ass shit?

u wot m8?

Muslims chase off jews and are in return chased off by them, it's its own self preserving ecosystem.
It's the niggers we don't want, they're like vultures, not even jackals eat them.

That's how it works in the United States. We have so many neocon Jews here that America as a whole has developed an outspoken hatred for Muslims outside of liberal cities like San Fagsisco

Unfortunately, Europe doesn't have the same luxury, the Jews want Europe flooded with Muslims

I doubt it's their plan.
I'd be more inclined to believe they want niggers here in order to lower the base incomes and feed the corrupt system some more.

They want to turn Europe into a Muslim shithole surrounded by brown people and replace all the centuries old Christian Churches with Mosques. To keep them out of their Holy Land, and you cucks are letting them

I'm not doing shit fam.
We italians are so racist they're doing campains to make us less so.
If we could we'd send them all back from where they belong, the polish, the gipsies, the niggers and the chinese.

Counter-campaign, although I know it's not that simple. The problem with Europe is that it's become so cucked with D&C since WWII that there's a lack of brotherhood among actual Europeans. It has to start from the bottom. I wish this could happen overnight for your guys' sake, if Europeans looked out for eachother then there would likely be no Muslim hoards. Try forming a stronger sense of community

Since i doubt this news made it to America, we recently have a skinhead group trespassing on a private agency that was pro immigration, and reading out loud a statement about their beliefs.
And now the politics is all over this, since half the politicians condemn them, and the more conservative applaud them.

that sounds intense.

Source? This news didn't make it to America

It still wont make a difference though until these Skinheads gain a foothold in politics

I don't think you picked up what i wrote.

Again, some politicians (namely that fat fuck Salvini) already support them

Call him a shitskin to his face, please. I want to see that. His name is Mariusz Pudzianowski.


Indeed I did. well at least there doing something good for country


Did I insult your Husbando, Faggot?

No, I fap to girls, faggot.


56% of them are 98,6% white.

ha he likes girls, what a fag


Nazi here. I don't understand Holla Forums's 56% thing. White genocide is a common theme on Holla Forums, yet this meme seems based in mocking denial that it's been happening. It comes across like "drumpf" where the left seemed to think they had a great attack when no one on the right could figure out why they thought that. Could you explain why I should be mad at 56% memes when I believe that the decline of whites in the west is a major ongoing issue?
The only thing I can figure is it was born from Europe's inferiority complex and the US left picked up on it not understanding why.

It's just a fucking meme, you cumgurgling nigger. And judging by your (ie Americans) reaction to it, it seems to have hit a nerve. You want to make fun of Germany, Sweden, France and the UK for being over-run by mudslimes and niggers? Go right ahead, just don't ever joke about Americans being non-whites!

The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a moron, religious nut, fatass, warmonger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Stopped reading right there. You are not a Nazi(dubs confirmed), you are a stupid 56% white American


Time to blow your boyfriend, so stop posting.

Bump Holla Forums shitty 56% meme was extremely forced


Not sure you understand how this works; pure white genetics don't exist, there's not a single evolutionary biologist who will tell you homogenous groups of humans have ever existed. The "pure genetics" are watered down and this establishes a new baseline, for example, if a population has 70% on-average white genetics this 70% becomes the new baseline, as in, this 70% is the "100%", if you are lower the number changes correspondingly but never increases, hence the baseline. In other words, you don't really have 98.6% out of 100% white genetics, you have 98.6% out of the original 70% which establishes what we refer to as the "100%", again the baseline, but not full-blooded.

TL;DR you're an amerimongrel. Embrace it. Also white skin is a genetic mutation, the original humans were black. You can derive white from black, but you can never derive black from white. Look this up, get some education in biology.