im currently sat in my front room contemplating murder Holla Forums this piece of shit just roofied my gf, now claims she whitied, my gf is a stoner chick and has never whitied, ill like his facebook to this page. any Holla Forumsros fancy a little bit of fucking with someone please do, he lives on glenmore road ferndown dorset england not sure of direct address. im probably gonna get laughed at but i cant go against him directly and he knows someone jumping him will obviously be me, give me a hand guys this is the end of my rope i just wanna kill him but i cant at least we might make him suffer abit
Give me a hand Holla Forums
Noah Robinson
Other urls found in this thread:
Tyler Reyes
Hunter King
fuck it your right ill do this myself
Owen Lopez
any ideas to fuck with him instead?
Jack Powell
let's dox OP instead
Nicholas Long
TBH fam shes probably lying
t. a guy who had to fight a nigga over the same shit because bitches b lying
your girl fucked some dude and made shit up when you found out
Lucas Phillips
here's his pic in case he deletes it. we have a good idea of where he lives around; and we can see many of his friends
Gavin Young
fuck it ill take it down
Connor James
too late nigger you fucked up
Robert James
OP's Facebook page, you're welcome.