Debian Stretch

Where do you party today?

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reskinned redhat windows
zero fucks

Debian is the single best linux distro you grumpy nigger

It's GNU/Linux, you fucknut.

It's "Linux", Tardo.

It's just GNU. The kernel doesn't matter unless you're using Busybox/Toybox instead of Coreutils since Busybox and Toybox are made specifically to use Linux.

Better than being a Poettering thrall
Install Gentoo

The rage is real.

But Debian supports HURD and kFreeBSD.

Install Gentoo

I love debian but even I know this is untrue

I upgraded my server. So far It Just Werks.

Installed Debian GNU/Linux "Stretch" on new laptop for elderly music teacher this weekend, and connected it to her MIDI keyboard, so she can continue composing music as she did previously with Ubuntu. She seems happy with Stretch.

Then is GNU and whatever kernel you choose to use.

what a time to be alive

That's great. I installed Stretch today, too. Been using Jessie. What hardware interface and software is your music teacher using? I have a MIDI guitar I'd love to use with Debian.

Installed Stretch on our webserver. Here is a small guide for those who are running a very minimal webserver with php5, mysql, nginx, certbot and apt-transport-tor installed.
Debian Stretch uses PHP7. This guide assumes your code will run on PHP7. (If it doesn't, then might help you along your upgrade).
This guide also assumes you already have a backup of your system.

Stop your webserver.
$ systemctl stop mysql nginx php5-fpm

Edit apt sources.
$ apt edit-sources
deb tor+vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian stable main deb tor+vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian stable-updates main deb tor+sgvtcaew4bxjd7ln.onion/debian-security stable/updates main
Make sure you remove the
deb tor+vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian jessie-backports main
line if you don't need it (for most webservers, it is only required to install cerbot).

Save your custom php settings from the /etc/php5/ directory.

Uninstall php5
$ apt purge php5 php5-common php5-fpm ...

Remove the php5 leftovers:
$ rm -r /etc/php5

Make a dry run of the upgrade
Optional: Make sure bloatware apps (in my case exim4 and other system utilites) that are not required don't get installed.
$ apt install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests --dry-run

If you are happy with the dry-run (it should show 100-110 NEW system packages to be installed) then run the upgrade.
$ apt install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests

Stop nginx and mysql until php is properly configured.
$ systemctl stop mysql nginx

Install php7
$ apt install php7.0 php7.0-common php7.0-fpm ...

Restore your custom php setting (The php.ini file can now be found in the /etc/php/7.0/fpm directory).

Change your nginx configurations (by default it is in the /etc/nginx/site-available directory) to proxy the php connections to the right place:
Replace this line:
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
with the following:
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;

You are ready to go. Start your web services.
$ systemctl start mysql nginx php7.0-fpm

Post a reply if this guide helped you. :)

use loopback if you want to handle a high amount of connections.

use FreeBSD if you want to handle a high amount of connections.

tails dot boum dot org

She uses an M-Audio MidiSport adapter with her MIDI keyboard. Its firmware is in the package 'midisport-firmware', which is unfortunately nonfree, so I had to enable the non-free repo.

I forgot to mention that she uses MuseScore to compose and transcribe music. (I also installed LMMS just to try it out. LMMS was fun to play with, but I don't think she uses it.)

I took out non-free from my source.list. How can I now remove all non-free packages which were installed previously?

Use the output of vrms.

Thanks very much. I know some other professional musicians who use musescore, too. Nice to know that the M-Audio interface works with Debian. I don't mind using non-free firmware.

Is it worth updating from Jessie to Stretch, now? Or should I wait a while for the new stable branch to mature?

Stretch has been frozen for a long time. Waiting a week or so may be reasonable, but I wouldn't wait longer than that.

I didn't have any trouble upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie, so I don't think there will be any problems, this time.

My only concern is whether or not Catalyst will work correctly. When I reinstalled Jessie it wouldn't work correctly and I had to fuck around with it a lot.

Nice job stretching the old lady, user.

How dry was it?

Devuan Ascii stable when

Debian is my favorite distro and I'm used to having to load the missing wifi firmware but
have to use Ubuntu until they fix their shit.

You force me to defend my music teacher's honor! She is a good Catholic woman! A loving mother! And surprisingly wet.

Debian Stretch your buttcheeks for the systemD.