When - and how - did the Arabic lands become lands of savagery and barbarism?
The Arabs once were – while, as we know, Mohammedan "jihadists" no less than today – people exceeding in science, technology, art and architecture.
Just WHAT happened to this civilization that it receeded into the cannibalistic, child-raping tribal poor man's version of what it once was?
And HOW do we avoid such a thing happening to us?
When - and how - did the Arabic lands become lands of savagery and barbarism?
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Learn to read
lol lol lol
No, the Arab conquered Roman and Persian libraries, science centers, and philosophers which survived for a bit under Islam
The middle east use to be wealthiest part part the ancient world, the Arabs were barbarian tribes which swept out of the desert following a massive plague and war between the Romans and Persians
Race mixing
Eh, not really. Even back then Arabs only really exceeded at warmongering and savagery. Most of the discoveries of the Islamic golden age were either the works of crypto-Zoroastrian Persians, translations of Greek findings, or stolen from the Hindus.
nothing, they were savages who took over other shit and then rewrote history to say it was theirs. wherever and whenever they got wiped (eg mongols) they couldnt rebuild because they didnt know how and never did. all arabic 'discoveries' were just them translating old roman, greek, sumerian (yeah some really ancient shit) etc. texts detailing whatever and then saying they invented it, algebra is a good example of that
voltaire had a quote on it, something like 'turks have built no cities; they merely skulk in ruins' (turks meaning ottomans hence muslims in general)
Wow you must be new to the internet.
I thought everyone had seen this video which explains it
I blame the abandonment of zoroastianism
Is this what this website has come to?
S A D!
when technology progressed beyond their ability to maintain. being smarter than the nigger they were able to succeed in simpler days. when technology progressed beyond their own abilities, you get this result. its why niggers are better off living in mud huts, modernity is too complicated for them. lesser races regress the further they get from their natural order.
you can still see that policy in the Gulf States where it's impossible to find pre-Islam ruins/artifacts/etc because they destroy them on purpose if they can't fit it in
Yes you wouldnt think today that North Africa and a lot of the middle east was buddhist, Hindu, pagan etc before they invented Islam.
If the Egyptian pyramids werent built so well they would have destroyed those too.
If you look closely at the bios of "Arab" scientists and philosophers, you'll find that most of them are of Persian, Greek, or Egyptian descent. There was also many great thinkers from Andalusia (Muslim Spain) but I expect most of them were Berbers or Spanish converts.
what booty blasts me the most is that the Muslims wiped out the Roman and Persian irrigation systems in the ME and N. Africa, leading to the destruction of the fertile crescent
Yeah what the Arabs had was horses and good sabers and a nearly inexhaustible supply of fanatical zealots to put on those horses and arm with those sabers.
You know how they call the period of time after Rome collapsed and was invaded "the Dark ages"? The fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1919 created a similar outcome. I realize this is way oversimplified but it was a huge factor in the way the region works today
You might be onto something here. As far as I know Europe post-Rome was also theocratic states (Karolingian Empire comes to mind).
They used to call North Africa the 'breadbasket of Europe' back in Roman times. Before Arab herdsmen drove out most of the farmers and left the place to decay and become a desert. When it goes like that you cant ever get it back.
You can still see evidence of the massive grain silos they had on the river Tiber that held grain grown in North Africa. The scale must have been ginormous back in roman times.
Yeah the dumb ass Ottomans thought they could join in WW1 and kick it with the big boys. But they chose the losing team and got themselves fucked over.
Somewhere between the Wahhabi revolution and the discovery of oil.
But I would argue that they were already centuries behind the times at that point.
All the "Great islamic thinkers" were Persians. Or as we call them today Iranians.
Who ultimately merged their previous religious thinking with Islam which got more entrenched when the Shia/Sunni split happened.
When Rome fell the light of the world went out.
The dark ages were thus named because of this and they were quite literally a post apocalyptic era.
Mankind was unable to reproduce many of the works of Rome for centuries.
No, whites once lived in Arabia. There’s a difference.
And you know nothing about the Dark Ages. thanks for telling us.
Not quite, first off "dark ages" is literally just a Renaissance meme when all the leading European powers became huge Romaboos and considered the Empire's fall the worst possible thing that had happened in history when it really wasn't so
As far as the Ottomans go, they had already regressed technologically long before they fell. Even when they were at "Great Power" status, they couldn't really compete on an even field against the European big boys like the HRE or France
But you are right in that the break up and Sykes-Picot did fuck up the region, namely that the various Arab nations are nothing but a bunch of tribes that were given a flag and told to make a go of it. For example, Syria while a religious conflict, is also a tribal conflict between the various Sunnis, the Kurds, and the ruling Alawites. Same deal with Libya, they'll never be a nation, they're a bunch of different tribes that have broken down into fighting each other constantly now that Qaddafi is gone
You should read God's Battalions, a book in one of the shared zip files. Basically:
Oh goody, it's Black Science Man. Thanks for the link Reddit!
Prior to Islam, the Arabian peninsula was full of child sacrificing pagans and bloodthirsty savages. Muhammad conquered the Arabian peninsula and created order.
You can't blame Islam for everything.
Honestly I think that their achievements weren't theirs at all. After conquests and islamization there still were remnants of older cultures. They were integrated into the islamic world, but were never halal - yet it took quite a bit of time until their spirit died out under the religion, and once it did the Arabs lost all higher culture and sciences, which weren't theirs in the first place.
I somehow feel and suspect that semites (both Jews and Arabs) are actually worshipping Satan without them knowing it. It would explain much. Since the advent of monotheism in those parts they've been nothing but a curse upon the whole world, every culture, every race, every civilization. There is something wholly and inherently destructive about judaism and islam and the people that adhere to it. Furthermore it would explain the Jew hatred for Jesus Christ. The Old Testament God has nothing to do with the God Jesus spoke of, and he called out the Jews on their bullshit quite explicitly and to the extreme.
Now consider that these people have been worshipping Evil for untold generations. Think of the implications. Think what something like that does to a race and its soul.
I guess some things never change lol.
But in all seriousness Hindus and Buddhists (who were the majority in that region) dont practiced animal or human sacrifice. They are hippy peacenicks.
In fact, when Islam started to conquer India, the Hindus were so omitted to peace that they refused to fight back. They had to create a new bad ass religion called SIkhism in order to fight back which the Sikhs certainly did effectively.
A lot of Islamic scientists were from Central Asia, now mostly Turkic.
The Islamic Central Asian states were utterly destroyed by the Mongols.
This was the end of the Iranian peoples of the steppe
They were replaced by states of
No the arabs looted everything, including 2 out 3 of the majors Roman and all of the Persians learning centers (libraries, what was places higher education) and utterly destroyed them (Alexandria, Babylon, Antioch) and cut almost completely the east/west trade (which was only reestablished by the Finnish Emperor Kublai Khan).
So for a time as the surviving knowledge was only in their hands they had better science tech and (arguably) architecture, but in fact lost it little by little because of a state of near constant internal war. Meanwhile when the west stabilized after the Roman collapse, tremendous effort (mostly spearheaded by the christian church, even after the great schism) to recover, conserve and develop technology was taken, which ultimately led to the Renaissance in Italy (which is born of those two factors, the Finnish emperor secured trade routes through the Muslims lands he conquered and the available knowledge painstakingly safekept by christian monks).
Arabs were always shit. What you know as islamic scholars, poets or learned men in general were almost exclusively Persians or North Africans (obligatory mention of white admixture and WE WUZ), ben Battuta, al-Bukhari, Rumi, Ferdowsi and Algorithmi from the top of my head.
If you think that Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Italy were the richest parts in the Roman Empire, and only Italy is the only semi-decent part of the lot, you don't need a huge leap of faith to proclaim that this demon worshipping death cult didn't improve any part were it reigned supreme.
the religion of the conquered
Only in their visible castes, their underclasses are literally a race of slaves who are brutally kept in line.
I'm not saying that's a bad model, either
He does actually make a very relevant point about half way through the video.
He talks about how in the 11th century Islamic scholarly thinking changed from a study of the outside world to a study of the quran and nothing else.
There was a quote that said something like
Prior to that they were discovering stars and translating books in to Arabic etc.
And after that point, the Muslims discovered and contributed absolutely nothing to the world.
This thinking has carried on to this day which is why they are so far behind.
wait wat
How come people always say the Royal Libary of Alexandria was islamic?
they ran out of white people to run their shit. Probably after the mongols raped and pillaged the shit out of them
Fair enough, Islam really did fuck shit up. Europe is next if something isn't done immediately.
Arabs have always been shit. Anytime you read about Arabs inventing something or making some discovery, it was really either from Persians or Berbers or recovered knowledge from Greeks. Arabs have no original culture. They just steal because they are nomadic desert bandits.
When Mohammed was born, the world would've been better off if the middle-east had just continued practicing zoroastrianism and their pagan religions.
Also this: , the middle-east is full of different ethnic groups just like Europe, full-blood Persians/Berbers/Assyrians are extremely different from shitskin arabs.
I think you mean the Persians.
Either way, pilfered Greek science will only get you so far. If you have a system of polygamy set up, eventually your society will be run into the dirt while all the able-bodied men are on a quest of muh dick.
Dubs confirm, arabs were barbarians which at least had the sense not to kill their betters, and used them for advancement of their cause savagery
he means mongols they like to make fun of finns and call them mongols because americans are not white and it makes them feel better
I think I just fell for the Finnish = Mongol meme
I always like rumis poetry
it's a meme from /int/, either cuckhan or KC, mostly perpetuated by finns themselves
Not true. Hindus have always sacrificed animals and still do today.
That's atually a theory of what Jihad was created for, the deal with the huge mass of men of didn't have access to women
Completely agreed.
Remember Islam invaded Europe and got as far as France before their own stupidity and divisions meant we could stop them.
Now its our stupidity in Europe that is bringing them in.
You just described Europe from day one all the way to the end of WW2. China didn't fare much better either. I think they just might be dumb as rocks and poisoned by islam.
Also consider that the Ottoman empire's officials and basically men in any position of power/influence or with actual goverment jobs to do were Croats, Serbs and other enslaved white people.
Islam as a religion is smart with that: conquered peoples get to live as long as they pay Jizya.
After Mongols killed them, civilization depended on Arabs to begin to work,
So what if Islam were run by whites?
The 'cultural' side of this whole phenomenon is detailed in book related. Basically they adopted Al-Ghazali's fucked theology . Tldr "Shit doesn't happen as a particular instance of a natural law. All shit just happens immanently whenever and however the fuck Allah wants it to happen." . So they stopped looking for patterns in the natural world, and just follow Koran as Allah's commands. all the polygamy and inbreeding probably didn't help either
That's barely true. The structure of society was dominant for sure, and with very little mobility, which was true the world over due to various reasons, namely lack of rapid growth, and mobility. But you also have all sorts of Varnas, and Jaatis work interchangeably in different professions all throughout the subcontinent, throughout history.
Brahmins for example, while very rarely owned land, in fact they were in many cases prohibited from buying land, other than having possessed it through royal donations, did agriculture, and became "Bhumihars".
Another example is that both the dominant texts Ramayan, and Mahabharata, are both credited to lower Varnas, as one is written by a Fish Mongerer's son, and the other written by a Bandit/thief.
And a last example is Sadhus where one can eschew society, become a monk/hermit, and renounce all bounds to society, including name, and therefore one's "Caste". But that would mean that according to society they would be declared "Dead", and as such were limited to the involvement they had in society.
Thanks for the correction.
I once punched a cow and some Hindu dude got really upset.
Polygamy is disgenic. It would ruin whites unless the whites who were in charge of Islam were to overhaul the entire thing.
but why
also, why the fuck did the mods bumplock this thread
That area was always a bloody murderous shithole.
Bosnia. Chechnia. You might've asked
It's mental and spiritual poison.
Cows are fucking evil..
They purposely have that dumb look on their face so you dont realize what devilish schemes they are plotting.
read up about the finnish korean hyper war
Entirely not true. There have been Hindu and Buddhist warlords before, they're just not nearly as murderous and chaotic as mudslimes in general.
Low IQ reproduce more.
Because apparently no one in this thread understands the islamic golden age, let me do a quick rundown, Ill use two islamic "legal" terms and two islamic group terms that will be incredibly helpful if remembered in shutting down islamophiles in arguments.
The Shia/Sunni split:
The split in the two groups of muslims we have today occured over a thousand years ago with the death of mohammed, the followers basically had an argument of which was more important: carrying on allah's words through mohammed, or carrying on mohammed's words through his family. Think of this like catholics vs protestants. The sunni ended up having the bigger, more violent numbers (as an aside, taqqiya come from the shia, they were permitted under their more flexible rules to lie about being shia so sunni would not kill them for it), and today they represent at least 90% of muslims world wide, this is all very important because of how each group sees sharia.
Taqlid vs Ijtihad:
Taqlid is the practice of being a sheep. This isnt a joke, that is exactly how you practice Sharia in sunni islam, Taqlid is obedience to the religious leaders as if they themselves are conduits for god. Again, they are the violent muzzie version of catholics.
Ijtihad is the practice of finding your own path, and is a purely shia interpretation of sharia, not all shia practice ijtihad, but you wont find a sunni doing it period. With ijtihad you dedicate your life to your own spiritual, intellectual, and moral perfection, and as a result you generally leave people the fuck alone because to interfere with someone else's personal life is to disrupt their own ijtihad, and is forbidden. A person following ijtihad CANNOT interfer with another person's path, it would be denying them a path to god, when a sunni forcefully converts someone, ijtihad says the person cannot truly find allah because his path has been obfuscated by resentment and mistrust.
The islamic golden age occurred because for a short period in their history ijtihad was a valid option for many muslims, and so the point of life as a muslim at that time was to pursue knowledge. They studied the civilizations that came before them and tried to improve upon their work, while the golden age was not as perfect as the media wants you to believe, its a far cry from what followed.
muslims tried to be smart and mind their own business, but the dumb ones chimped out, killed all the intellectually curious, and became a warband cult.
I should note that so far, the government of the US and europe have targeted middle eastern countries which have living shia populations.
Its very clear the western governments want the taqlid savages to be unopposed in their own land, and let loose from the control of dictators.
Iraq was the first step, It almost actually worked, had we dedicated ourselves to building the nation back up they might have gained control over the sunni, but obama made sure that couldnt happen, now him and his ilk want to destroy Iran, the last big opponent the sunni have. If Iran falls, the Shia are dead, they will exist only in inconsequential numbers outside of the middle east, and the sunni will gather their numbers and begin their final jihad on the west.
Screencap worthy, tbh.
This essentially confirms what they say about the United States; that it's liberty is the cause for it's prosperity.
Thats what I was clumsily alluding to with the black science man video.
He uses those to terms in the lecture. But im not sure if that is shown in the video.
They were not even particularly good at warfare.
They had very good timing with their coming out of the desert, just after the Roman and Sassanid empires had essentially wiped one another out. They found vast, rich, ripe and plentiful lands with essentially no defenders to all sides.
After that they enslaved people and used these vast slave armies to get stuff done. Man for man their record is absolutely terrible.
As mentioned all 'good things' that came from them were Persian with the occasional first generation convert from Egypt, Greece or Spain. The religion forces people to stagnate due to their lack of belief in 'natural laws' (everything comes right from allah, so it doesn't matter if they set up a camp near or far away from a source of water; they'll get the water if allah wants them to have it…) coupled with their communistic approach to business (the rich are expected to pay for the poor which means there is little reason to ever try to accomplish anything as it will just be taken away from you with threats of impiety). One of the worst scourges to ever afflict the world; people living in the same area over 2000 years ago in places like North Africa were more advanced than they currently are. Its absolutely disgusting.
Yeah they always say Inshallah. Which means god wills it. Or in other words, lets just randomly do what feels good and hope everything works out.
I have even tried to explain to them why inshallah is a dumb thing to say but they wont listen.
It was actually called the dark ages because someone had a gigantic fucking hardon for the Romans, as was the style at the time, what with the Latin names and shit.
It is way oversimplified to a point - the Ottomans were barbarians and it was their ejaculation of Arabs all over the previously decent areas which ruined the Middle East forever.
Mo was from the South end of the Arabian Peninsula - an area the size of Britain full of child rapists.
You're being a bit misleading but only becouse you're looking at it from your point of view.
Shia Islam is basically Zoroastrianism with a thin veil of Islam. They adapted their own beliefs into the system of Islam
The Persians were overwhelmed during the invasion and had to survive somehow. That's why they're still that different.
Guess which countries had a big population of Persians as part of their colonies in ancient times.
forgot pic
This is true.
Shia is hated by kikes and its cryptokike brothers saudis. Thats why almost every zog action in middleeast hurts shiites more than sunies.
You're thinking of Persians. Arabs always were sand monkeys that had their few years of Persian (and exiled Greek)-inspired fame until some other sand monkey wrote a book saying that mathematics are haram and then the rest of the sand monkey tribe followed.
Arabs just stole shit from the Assyrian and Persian empires
You're close. It means 'God willing', as in it will happen if God desires it.
It is not the Christian variant of 'Deus Vult'; that means 'God wills it'.
The Christian variant is an affirmative, pronouncing that the action we are performing is the will of God. Their version is about pondering the will of God; "I will see you later, God willing" = "If God allows it to happen, I shall see you later." As opposed to the Christian statement of "I will retake Jerusalem, God wills it." = "God desires me to take Jerusalem, and so it shall be done."
The faith is a perverse blend of communism and standard idiocy. It is not surprising that it has ruined so many nations.
The Middle East and North Africa - MENA region - was white. White and Christian.
Then a monk named Ozim decided to make his own cult and use a honorary title as his name - Muhammad.
The Crusades were an attempt to kill the head of the beast, but (((someone))) opened the gates from within.
Now we have Arabs were the Whites lived olive-skiined in Europe.
Christ will give us another Ice Age as he gave us another burning bush - Kek.