We released a natural and organic rap video to correct the record on our youth. #MAGA
This based video is currently esoteric BUT you can change it fellow anons. #MilitaryBase
Thomas Hall
Daniel Young
meep meep Elon Musk's Hyperloop tbh no homo
Jayden Torres
mein sides desu!!!! >w
Blake Russell
fucking based video
Samuel Nelson
Joshua Bailey
Angel Hall
((( ))) > doesn't want to help esoteric immigrants (mostly aryans) bypass the (((wall)))
Fuck off kike! We're going to let esoteric immigrants come into this country, whether JEWS want it OR NOT
Easton Baker
Natural and organic check em
Robert Baker
worst meme ever
Michael Richardson
((( ))) CTR here, not to put on my tinfoil hat… but this user seems like an (((anti-immigrant))) shill.
Brayden Price
I love this meme.
John Hernandez
who here fucking hates (((NIGGERS)))
Joseph Thompson
what wall?
Aiden Phillips
Chase Walker
Tee hee hee
Hunter Hall
Luke Gomez
what a shit fucking MV only the white mans rap had good parts t. superior white male true niggers today have no right to bring up slavery as if they went through it
the nigger lies ?? fucking Lies ofc its a nigger, throws table, hits mans cap
true though no one wants to hire niggers but would these low iq chimps be content with minimum wage job or at least endure it until a promotion? especially after their rap lifestyle revolves around constantly looking at consumerist shit on social media, desginer clothes fast cars
ALL niggers are niggers if you want to be a non nigger nigger then stop talking like a nigger, stop being an entitled nigger, stop rapping try to climb the ladder through normal ways try education.
Logan James
This user is very based and totally not butthurt! #MilitaryBase #Hashtags
This post is worth reading >w
Lincoln Hughes
fucking based analysis #MAGA
Isaiah Perry
and you are one of them
William Ortiz
You made this thread both natural and organic!
Austin Watson
What a natural and organic thread OP, too bad it's esoteric in the catalog… but I'll bump it and hopefully change that.
Elijah Moore
we can tell you're the same shitposter if you use bold red underline in ever OP, kike
Leo Adams
Kony-2001 BC :3 + :^) = ?
Wyatt Garcia
# 12
Ryan Howard
Get them to kill themselves in the hope that they'll be reincarnated as white people.
Nathaniel Lopez
That won't work. None of them has led a benevolent enough life to deserve to be reincarnated as something better.