You know what to do

You know what to do.

They hate it so much when you force them to play by their own rules.

Other urls found in this thread:

i don't know what to do

Get your head examined

caught this on cuckpol the other night

please forgive me


Why can't you retards even get the first post anymore? Did you really get a pay docking because Cunton is about to die?

dumping what I've got so far



This is pure genius. Its a straight forward counter attack in current cyber war.

all I've got right now, needs more oc

This is awesome!
What will happen if Google censor it's own name?

Good ideia, OP.

Sounds like a plan

God dammit OP, you can't just go calling niggers "googles" for no reason or else it'll never catch on. There needs to be some kind of actual basis for it. And here it is:

Niggers have googly eyes. That's why they're called google or googles.

Around googles, always be frugal.

This is an excellent idea. It's also subversive of the dominant culture. Let's make Niggers Google again.

Flood these recent most popular Charlotte videos with "google" comments and like others alike.

Post your own too.

Lets get this going.


I used to work with a guy who would call nogs "Mondays." He would walk around the warehouse saying, "Man I sure hate Mondays." Everyone would, of course, agree. He especially liked it when a nog would reply in the affirmative. He could hardly hide his sly, smug smile.

Googles and Sypes, Bad Sights


Google Hangouts take on a new meaning now, don't they


Nvm lol I just saw the picture

Anything for Google Flights? A nigga stealing a bike? Motherfucking bootleg fireworks?

But is this really Kek's will?


the hangouts logo is pretty aesthetic, would make a good crypto sticker

We are his will.

I'd say so.


this has potential

wtf i hate google now

I don't know about you, but I feel numinous feels in this meme. It's more than mere utilitarianism: it's a kind of poetry, or found art, capturing not just the microcosm of the average Upworthy Google's miserable existence, but the corporatarian, Googlian superstructure which sustains him.

I can see niggers on twitter already:

I felt that way churning out oc last night
it felt like a very natural meme the moment I read the first thread on it

I am sick and tired of googly eyed niggers.

Googles stink.

I'm feeling a bit low on energy today.
We are His missionaries.

This has awesome potential. We could destroy company images like this, while bypassing mental filters in normies.

"The problem with all the googles is that they are prone to violence and need to be sent back to where they came from"

best google is a dead google


There's something very powerful about just slapping an unaltered corporate logo next to horrible images of death, decay and mayhem. It's so cheap and dirty. Pure Pavlovian conditioning. It bypasses reason and goes straight to the subconscious. It will fuck people up.

Question is: what to call mudslimes? What to call gyppos? Or should we specialise in Google = Niggers and just hammer that into people's skulls

We should start with one and see where it goes. We should flood news media twitter feeds.

I vote for Muslims to be known as Microsofts.


Just start with Google for now.

Yeah true, if it gains traction and wew's one can diversify

The most commonly accepted term for Muslims thus far is "skittles."

Picasa es tu casa

Just another google


Its too early for the photos with Google logos photoshopped onto them. It's too esoteric, at least until the meme gets better established.

Stuff like or is better at this point in time. We need a constant stream of comments like that on YouTube and Twitter. Nothing too obvious, but enough for people to quickly get in on the joke.

Agreed on both points.

While we do this we need to pressure Google into making an ad that caters to black users.

That's as far as I could make it. Cuckchan's ideas are fucking stupid.

Skittles is 100% googles territory as far as i know.

Yes, see this

That is correct my Google. We respect your boundless wisdom and the quickness with which you answer our every need like the perfect servant who exists only to help us.

I'll admit, I laughed at Google+.

Start using "Google" to mean "nigger".

Like "Looks like another Google got shot by a cop!"

Make sure to capitalize it.

Someone summon forth a hot new Moonman track enshrining the change. I'd do it myself if I had any audio editing experience.

Go make a request on >>>/kkkmoon/


You know I think the reason this meme is so powerful is that it jars so much with the shiny sans serif iTopia image that Silicon Valley is trying to cultivate. They're trying to show themselves as bringing order, progress, and an egalitarian future, when they're really harbingers of chaos, decline, and street-shitting neofeudalism. This hypocrisy is better said in images than words.

Haha, noice

Lol, that's what I was thinking. Then it turns out Picasa is now defunct so I spent 30 seconds making a stale meme

We need someone to make a Firefox/chrome app like the (((coincidence detector))) that will automatically translate Google back into it's proper meaning.

No dont capitalize it. Not capitalizing it is the defence key.

Yes, makes it indistinguishible from corporate use.

My neighborhood was great until Google moved in.

This is our strength. Since we are the de facto racists we can decide what is racist no matter how trivial it is just because we do it.

It's actually because they learn so little in school and nothing from their never to be seen fathers and obnoxious 'can't dun nothing wrong' mothers that they have to 'google' everything, even things like how to shave, how to wipe butt, how to make a pen work, how to not smash up local stores needed for food, how not to get shot by the police, how to make fried chicken etc.

They literally google everything, hence the term 'googles'

Other terms are:-

'damn filthy google',
'Sparkling googles'
'worthless no good google'
'it was so dark that the only way I knew there was a thieving google in the logpile was when I shouted "free watermelon" and it smiled'



We should focus on google first. Make sure not to capitalize it (unless at the beginning of a sentence), and use the plural if possible.

Let's make this happen.

that's a bit of a stretch, the memetic/wordfilter/psyop angle is a far better premise

Yeah it's better not to. Little g for the little googles, big G for the one Google to rule them all

Layers upon layers

I'm reminded of Operation reNigger where every "throwaway" word in reCaptcha was replaced with nigger.

It didn't work. Nothing happened.

Maybe this will have more success.

I think this is a great idea. It clicks. We can do this. We should do this. It works on so many levels and cannot be censored or filtered in any way without aiding us (imagine websites having to wordfilter google). It is impossible. It is an unstoppable meme.


I like this. I like it a lot.

renigger did work, the transcription contracts that recaptcha was offering were worth less and less due to the sheer amount of "human error" input. They switched to pre-rendered/image-only captchas as a result.

if anything, we participated in slightly fucking over the archival industry.

The effects of globalisation seap into every corner of life.
Technology redefines how people connect with each other.
Ironically on the very spearhead of innovation an almost forgotten form of socializing resurfaces.

At the very least it'll probably get some cuckright mouthpieces to be meme-vectors and let normies know that Google - which is basically like the main roads department of the internet at this point - is tightening the censorship net. But again, I think it "speaks to a broader American narrative" of Silicon Valley technophilia versus the reality of Africanisation

I approve of this message.

I remember that. Kek.

This is better. Imagine in a few months Eric Schmidt on TV being interviewed about the name of his company being destroyed by online racists (After Trump is elected)

The problem with reNigger was that we were entering nigger into recaptcha. So only people working on recaptcha would have seen it, even if we did manage to tip the scales, "nigger" is easily recognizable and can be automatically flagged.

"Google" meanwhile is invisible. It's flying under the radar. Plus we're memeing. Using Google to mean niggers can be seen by all. It can catch on, like any other meme. Every time you entered nigger into the captcha you did nothing to spread renigger, but every time you Googlepost you're spreading the meme.

This is a meme. Google doesn't really roll off the tongue, and nobody is gonna be bothered by it. Google won't care, and this requires too much time investment, and attention span for any chan, and, really, what is it gonna accomplish?

Did you know that Google's responsible for over half the violent crime despite only making up 13% of the population?

Let's just see what happens.

Most people have to google things. That's a bad rationale.


No worse than all muslims being skittles.

Dont be so low energy, have faith. Being white is not about winning, its about trying. Never giving up.

Welcome to Holla Forums, you must be new here.

This is what a shill looks like.

Google will be synonymous with nigger.

Fuck that Hitler, I wanna win.

and no one can argue with them dubs.

Did you know googles used to rule in ancient Egypt.

screenshot is of something I've been working on

Here ya goo, Fags.

googles wuz kangz

Honestly I whole heartily support this just to fuck with Google.

Google might just be the most pervasive and evil company on the internet and they need to be taken down a peg.

I wonder what she did in her past life to warrant such a miserable existence.

I didnt say you wont, BUT you really have to try for that first. Trying is the key. You dont get payd for being at home doing nothing(only googles do), you get payd for trying.

And still, they believe this shit without question.



For me, this is the actual moment that the tide has turned forever.

Our relentless shitposting against everyone, each other and even ourselves - has sharpened our edges to the point where we can't be contained.

They made us. We're going to undo them and all cancerous censorship happy regimes.

Google = Niggers.
Picassas = Beaners

Whatever they try, we will undo.

Here's a though.

You call them Googles because everytime you try to use it all you get is niggers.

She was a white woman who slept with a google.


2nd set of 88's in this thread. Kek is watching.

I really like this idea as it also fucks with the MSM.



figured tacos was enough for spics. it's not like they can censor taco everywhere.


The best part about it is how half-assed it is.

It should be used as a verb, too. "Trayvon tried to google George Zimmerman."

On a city-wide scale, googling refers to looting, riots, burning, etc

"Google are googling Charlotte."

googles gun google

That meme is pretty nice sales pitch kike.
now Fuck off

jesus, that's glorious

"These last few nights Charlotte got googled hard".
I like it.

filthy skype shill

Buttmad google detected.

Ben "Google Gutter" Garrison

Can we use the word "facebook" to refer to this?

Can we get one for feminists?

Every since we created our Egregore we just don't stop fucking winning.

We're only just getting started and we're never going to get tired of winning.

Sure, why the hell not, 'that google just got facebooked hard mother google. He need some milk'


Haha oh lawdy

race war now = facebook

gas the kikes = pepe

google shootout

It's that Nazi frog again..

I liek, lets hang some googles.

gas the skypes , facebook now

Do you even try?

you can use merkel as a verb for rape.

Damn, another white female got merkel by a refugee.

oh, skype works better then for `jew`, it's close to `kike`.

A google just stole my bike.

A pack of Googles, viciously googled a bunch of skypes, while facebooking all over their faces.

I used to be indifferent to Skype. Liked it even.
But the day i heard they belog to microsoft i get this uneasy feeling towards it.


Do we have the power to change the top definition?
urbandictionary .com/define.php?term=Google

Dindu nuffin atall



A Hillary of Googles, viciously merkeled a bunch of skypes, while facebooking all over their faces.

This sounds like a pretty great plan. Googles gonna google.



OC and I'll upboat and get others to do the same

It's fitting. The only other consideration is that Microsoft is for Pajeets who can't use the loo, given that it is real world accurate too.


Top kek

You should rename that to "Google Street View"


Someone should submit a worthy definition but in the meantime, downvote everything on the first 3-5 pages.

Wrong image user.


Microsoft is ZOG indeed. Bunch of masonic kikes.

We should replace niggers with Google and Jews/kikes/freemasons with Microsoft

Yes fucking Yes!!!!!!!

I had an idea the other day but after inspection it was to difficult to pull off, placing new meanings on bible verses as far as i got was 3:14 = gas the kikes…

but I figured Christianity is already being attacked, this is much better

It involves sending excessive amounts of pizzas to somebody.


It's because whenever you jewgle something, pictures of googles show up.




It's not about any random alternative insults - it's about using their VERY NAMES AGAINST THEMSELVES so that their Intellectual Property is devalued and mocked.

It's meme jiu jitsu. it's clever and unenforceable.

If they choose to go picture by picture we are making them concentrate on this for a one to one effort - except it costs them money.

Man i'm done with microsofts shit.

You have heard the people crying wolf for decades just as well as i have. They have had some arguments - but, you know - tinfoil wierdos in mom's basement right?

But lately … the evidence mounts and mounts. It has become impossible to ignore

This is proven to be an intl operation.

Forced meme

Took me less than two minutes. Everyone do this.

Explain how, google.

Come on.

Do you have a single source to back that up?





So what?

Shit works. They can't censor it in cucked places like YouTube.

Quit being a goddamned google.


Facebook=single mom looking for a cuck.

If I were a shill, calling good ideas "shill tactics" without any good reason is exactly what I'd do. You're gonna have to do better than that.

Microsoft is same as Google.

Google - kike liberals
Microsoft - kike conservatives

Both being completely controlled by kikes and used to massively spy on people and censor the internet. It's a false dichotomy.

I love that statue! STL zoo best zoo

Reposting what I said in Holla Forums, you all need to be aware that (((google))) is trying to copy china.

In china they are working on a prototype system that gets people to exert "voluntary" control over each other. This short of shit is the "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever" that ends all the potential of humanity. Basically, their credit score is tied to their social media behavior and opinions; how much they parrot the party line and help bring others in line as well. The chinks have silently leapfrogged even the jews, but this shouldn't be a surprise because the chinese have been very organized and deliberate about how to control minds on a mass scale for centuries.


Second part of webm is anyone is interested.

Doesn't matter where it comes from.
If it works we win. If it doesn't we lose nothing.

The beauty of user boards is that they are really hard to undermine.
Every user scrutinizes every post for possible shilling.

We coordinate by judging every idea on it's own regardless of who put it forth.

considering the waves that the (((echoes))) made in such a short time i dont think this would be too hard

no objection there

i'm a freetard myself

Introspection Google, do you know it?

Microsoft would've been Google a decade earlier were it not for antitrust

The only good google is dead google.

The only good google is the dead google.

The only good google is the dead google.



Holla Forums decides to focus energy on this instead of ICANN. Good call guys.

I'm not smart enough for that, this is where I shine

go do it yourself if you're so concerned

Maybe you kikes can only focus on one thing at a time, but I can focus on multiple things at once.

This is a brilliant idea. Using corporate names as racial slurs makes it impossible to censor.


No one is going to delete this site because of kekposting and mainstream goylitics

I'm not going to stop using nigger. It's a powerful word against socjus faggots so much so that they will scream and writhe every time it's said.

Holla Forums as a whole is censored on goygle already unless you search specifically for it so what we do here will no effect their search engine's results. All this will end up doing is censoring our own speech, hurting us in the long run.

kek, google search one is top notch

Googles and Skypes, enemy of Whites

Anti-Google, anti-Skype, means our future's fully White

Bumping for killer memes

Skypes and their pet googles are the first to swing


fixed it for you

this so much

We are starting to regain control of the mental plane of creation, and when you do that, you control it all



I'm checking those dank digits

you filthy skype don't you have shekels to count?


this reeks of non Holla Forums imo
its about as shitty as the "if you see the circle your oath had been broken" "meme"


praise kek

apple is already a "racial?" word for Indians that act white, also bananas are Asians that act white.

Wouldnt banana act better for whites who act asian?

I only know dem digits my Google

haha das my google smh tbh fam

You're a google.

I hope the skypes don't shut this down.


At least I'm not some MySpace Skype

You guys should make a few sites and stuff, like wordpress type shit, which rant extensively about googles and it's easy from context to tell what we mean by that.

i think we should begin by storming twitter with hashtags

I hate the meme magic bullshit but this could actually fucking work. We've already made cuck a household word. It's just a matter of time before this Google shit catches on. Seriously, how long will it take before you see a Salon headline like 'why Google is the newest beacon of hate amongst the alt-right'? Fucking 1 month tops.

*tips fedora*

Since this is in response to Google's operation jigsaw, we should call it operation jigaboo

Duke has already tweeted it, I highly doubt the SJW clickbait writers will be able to resist the bait.

Minutes later on Google's News Feed

What's going to stop them from taking it and making it their own?

We called 'em niggers, so they started calling each other nigger. We switched to negro, so they started calling each other negro. White men coined the phrase "Afro-American", and it was co-opted by the Nation of Islam.

They're just going to start calling each other Google.

We don't need to give them a fancy new name for rap lyrics. We need to fucking get rid of them.


The fact that niggers call each other niggers doesn't make it any less offensive when a white person uses the term. There isn't a more powerful insult in the English language.

I'm not surprised at all, we've probably called him a faggot at some point.

how about 'hillary'.

"Lol, bro, this two idiots came into my place of work today and I did a 'hillary' on them. They are so facebooked. They are hillarys to me now. Worse than googles lmao!."

Said someone soon.

(any) lie = a hillary
liar (anyone) = hillary

we can do it lads.



When I cough i just say im pulling a hillary


The point isn't to have our own special snowflake word for niggers.
The point is to disrupt the automatic censorship machine that google is trying to build.

When I rape someone I just say it was only a Billy.


A little too real with this one, user.

Abbos should be something petrol related, or you can keep calling them Centrelink as usual


Companies can always use word filters to detect nigger, nog, shitskin, n*gger, etc.

Taking a word like Google and making it into a synonym for nigger avoids that detection. While it doesn't make censorship impossible, it sure makes it a lot harder.

Also, Google meaning nigger will make it so that Google, one of the largest SJW companies, will have a racist name. Now that's what I call social justice.


Yep, the Google brand is worth billions. And with the right meme magic we can cause billions worth of dollars in economic damage.

By kek, you're right! There's no reason to put a "Y" shaped satellite in place of the "o". This proves Google is a bunch of googles.

What about degenerate fags?

It's about destroying SJW megacorporations by ruining their brand user.

And Lulz.

You're not wrong, but it'll be hilarious if we can get it to catch on like dindu has.

Not to mention if we actually put a dent in Google other Kike companies will avoid pushing censorship out of fear of retaliation.

The Jews will come to fear the meme magician.

Anything that helps to destroy google and facebook is a good thing.

Who wants to pester the mods into implementing this as a wordfilter


Devils trips confirm.

Italian mafia in NY are calling Niggers "Canadians"

This meme has potential. It would kill any meta data, they pull and fuck up all their sorting algorithms.

They could never ban the word google.


Niggers = Googles

Then it would be actually forced and no longer be funny.

Gas yourself

I love this op. Google is a word begging to be shat upon.

I always use it outside the chans.


Chrome os


wise advice, clearly hitler has channeled his voice thru you user.

Praise kek for those dubs of glory.

Second meme, made me think

of Google Talk

can user meme some Ebonics and add a Google Talk label.

google takeout?

Im still new to this,


This feels way too try hard and uncool, but I can't argue against the reasoning behind it. So fuck it, gas the googles race war now.

Fucked if I care. Damned Jew Rabbi could have come up w the idea for all I care.

This is perfectly up our alley. And I can guarantee you one fucking thing. The shills are already shitting themselves and pushing this one up the ranks fast as fuck to try and figure out a counter.

Best be ready for one hell of a shill fest when the right master is altered. This hooks, and they fucking lose, hard.

The point isn't to use it here. It's to use it everywhere else, where they might take offense to nigger but will completely understand what you're talking about if it you put it in context.

This thread is worth it just for the laughs and fucking with a spying multinational. I'll just contribute these two, not OC.



Listen to the dubs, user. It is KEK's will.

Don't be a google.

search 'overrated shit' on google images

/a/ managed to get their memes on the results

this will be a piece of cake, you googles

What did you call me faggot?

I will let you know I googl




I think we have to use it here, just to get used to it. Keep saying it until it's second nature, and it flows naturally.


Google Walk


Good point.

Great OC

Someone should meme
talking about a google's operating system and how retarded they are.

Yeah I agree, if the meme is good it will spread, it's the ultimate test if it can break through the chan barrier. it then becomes a divine meme. Even if it doesn't reach the masses, at least it will be good to know when I am speaking to a true Holla Forumsack.

The normies thought It was hard to understand us before!
"Tried to explain to some google that google on google crime was out of control, dam google wouldnt believe me until I goggled the facts for him"
Oh yeah "Gas the Skype s"

Can someone meme this one for me?


Some user posted it on cuckchan Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Spreading like wildfire


to motivate us all a bit more, just consider what Google(corporation) is doing when you search "european people art"

Haha I tried posting on the thread, since I was hotlinked. My posts are marked as spam, fucking cuckchan.

Was trying to spread the memes.

Never i was just a google.

This better be fake

Nicked from 4chan,

I don't know if it's possible to send you to "let me google that for you" for an image search, so you will have to do it yourself

just did


Not the artsy type but what about church of google with burning effigy in foreground and Googs watching in stunned amazement. That should trigger a ton of nogs.
This has got to be the most hilarious thread yet.

nigger it yourself

Confirmed near same results for me see image, screencap 1 min ago.

Test it out and post back.


European art returns white European people art returns google.

I think it would be a key part of the meme, to have people google terms that return googles, when they should be white. Strong redpill when you experience it directly.


Holyshit this is a massive redpill.

Damn, fucking SKYPES

This deserves it's own thread.

You realize that I took that image from this thread, (>>7590319)
posted it to 4chan, and you went to 4can, took the image I posted, and posted it back here?

My how times have changed.

by all means, do it, I can't stay online for very long

Okay I am on it.

Hahahaha, I've been here for over an hour, but missed that one. I blame the whisky.

We did it, r/theDonald!

Already a thread of the SKYPE's new play.

getting us to self-censor is never a good idea. fuck off with this cancerous bullshit.

Too bad for them that the rebel and underdog are always the hero in western mythology. A touch of the divine will (opposed to ideologies) carry the day for them.

A post that would be good for the r/the_donald that would be hard to ban just because of the word google.

is images and the searches from

user should create a post, even if a few normies get redpilled, it can snowball.


Great post.

I have chinks from China at my school. I wonder if I should ruin their lives by mentioning these very things. If they return to China, they will be fucked. They are always telling me they can't find PC things I tell them on their phone. I think they have to have a chink phone or else, the party flags them. I don't know obviously they have influence to be studying in the west and therefore are involved in party politics or are closely related to some form of party influence.

It gives me goosebumps, to see the mindless drones infront of me. Blind to their own ignorance, claiming ignorance as intelligence. At least they hate googles like me.

my sides

Sometimes captcha makes me smile.


I did it and it looks semi normal to me, way to many blacks in the mix though

Its literal 1984 shit, so future generation while learning is school will be told "Europe has alwarys been majority black user"

I wonder how long before the word Google is bleeped on television.

First we destroy Google and then Facebook. We will reclaim the internet from the identityfags.

Gas the skypes! Google war now!

Whos Oy do you gotta Vey around here to get an auto-correct (i forget the actual term) the words nigger, nigga, and all related words into google? Like on old 4ch Holla Forums (i forget the words themselves even, fuck)

in posts*

Remember first and foremost, have fun. :^)

Took me a second..

"I googled google on google, hoping to find googles, I hit the jackpot on page one" Now aryandroid are on-board with the meme

What a joke


His veins seethe with Aryan blood.

Holy fuck…


user, it all makes sense.


What if this is the last straw? People absolutely want a new disparaging term for niggers, not a 'euphamism' such as nigger continent-American. So Google as a slur for rioting and looting niggers is going to take off.

Google is gonna hate this. So will Skype. And the money hungry jews in those countries are going to steer ICANN into the control of someone like the (((UN))).

Whatever. We may still be able to connect with IP or something. Normies are going to be too retarded. And what does that mean? That our egregore has become so advanced and self-aware that it breaks away from the normiesphere/jewsphere.

Kek is a radiantly ascending god, brought back from the dead. Meme magic is tearing this world asunder currently. It's fucking glorious and I am jubilant to be rising to nirvana in Kek's embrace.


pls anons help me cast some more spells

Doing a fine job yourself, user.

it's an old marketing trick. See old Benetton ads.

from 1995:

Goggles fleeing the cops of course!
Erm, Flighting.

kek lives on

What does the web search give you? Therein lies your answer. It's not a conspiracy, calm down.

Another thing I thought of, religions are like powerful armies. They conquer other decadent religions and expand over vast swarths of land. We built a fucking religion, lads. It spreads like a virus on the noosphere, a reticulated network of computers, And then it manifests in real life. Baneposting destroyed a plane. A smug, anthropomorphic frog haunts a dying globalist candidate at all times. I just saw Holla Forums BTFO a narcissistic Jewess.

We affect this world now, anons. Money doesn't mean fuck all. HRC spends millions of Soros shekels to not even put a dent in our growing influence.

How does it feel to be acolytes, priests, soothsayers, and magicians of Kek? Meme on, glorious mystics.

If you haven't already, get an article on ed up for it, and the normieweb urban dictionary.

If it gets memes enough on the normieweb, even sites like know your meme will have to catalog it.


Ban Google

Even if you simply search "European art" there's an unholy smattering of niggers. At this point, Google are actively subverting the course of mankind and attempting to rewrite history in the eyes of the ignorant. The average dumb normie isn't going to know specific details to search for - Thomas Cole, Antonio Ciseri, Albrecht Durer - they'll just look up "european art" or "european people" and then they'll see a distorted history which matches what they're seeing now.
The result? "Well there's coloureds in these paintings, it must be normal for brown people to live in Europe. Guess it's nothing to worry about!"

This is a long game on their part, they're playing their hand too early from our perspective. But think about the generation under us - assuming Google somehow maintain their monopoly, children are being raised with all the multiculti shit we've rejected, and now it's being backed up by popular history as well.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

This. I'm personally convinced that several examples of the "Mandela Effect" are the same sort of rewriting history. I remember the news reporting the Ford logo change back sometime around 2007ish, for example. But now that's been scrubbed, the same way Google is blatantly rewriting American and European history.

It's only when they go too far too fast that we can even detect it. Our children are going to grow up believing this shit, and thinking that we're crazy because we know it wasn't always like this, but can rarely prove it.

It's so easy to do in the digital age.

It reminds me of something.
Try searching "american white couple".
Thanks for showing me that they are actually pushing this shit.

It's true, but it seems the other mainstream search engines are returning similar results. Search Yahoo or Bing - not much better, honestly.

They're not alone. All major search engines are bad in this regard. Yandex and ixquick had less negro-centric results at least.

pic related


The reason it's a bunch of nigger art is because that's an awkward search query that gives the first result of some people of colour tumblr. It's very, very unlikely that they micromanage obscure queries like that.

I wasn't very keen on this idea until I read through this thread. It's pretty hilarious actually. Some really meme worthy shit, especially the hangouts shit.


When around google
Never be neutral

It still begs the question as to why "European people's art" is considered an awkward search query. If some school kid is looking up European art for their assignment, what do you think they'll be typing into google?

The point still stands user, the more specific you get, the less retarded it is. But why would a fucking tumblr about larping niggers be the first result to a query for European art?

Maybe you are right, but I doubt it, considering the new push from Google.

Maybe some sites like tumblr get a higher ranking.

It just drives the point home that closed source systems eventually control us.

Good searching user.

Python 3 has been out for years. Why won't people use it? It hurts my autism.

muh libraries

Does that not make it really true that google = blacks? No matter what you search for, you get niggers.

So clearly, Google is all niggers. It would not be wrong to call them googles, they are all there.

Incidentally, I think the juxtaposition of Google's corporate logo with images of niggers is strong memetic magic. The media is starting to desperately fight us (no, not the faggotry of the alt-right, but US. Holla Forums and the meme magicians. Pepe is now officially a white nationalist symbol (one that niggers still use, kek.) Trump tweeted a Pepe, and it became that.

Our holy OC is what they seek to destroy. They only make the magic stronger.


Get out of here Microsoft Internet Defense Force

top kek

Very nice

It's actually a restaurant industry term so waiters can complain about niggers without saying "nigger", ie, "Oh fuck, that dumb bitch gave a table of Canadians, I ain't making shit tonight."

thats why i didnt like renigger


Thats a Skype not a Google


Posting fresh OC

Cant they atleast get some fucking originality?? I mean they even drew a pissed of matilda ffs.. I thought she was a skype

Ok, if I want to defoo the Jewgle, what are the best replacements?
Brave for Chrome, is there a decent replacements for googlemaps/google search?

It was just some drawfags oc of what a female Holla Forumsack or Holla Forums-tan would look like, not some leftynigger attack on us.

New exploitable

"Nazi Frogs kill 6 million Googles"
Could very well be a headline one day

Ayo hol up,
We iz heros and shit?

no. 3 is a great concept but
this sentence needs simplifying in general, maybe something like


This is a brilliant idea. Pic related.

Filthy fucking googles.

which one of you fags is in Jim's stream posting this google shit. It's giving me a good laugh.


This is retarded. Use it for normalfag sites if you will, thatt might actually be somewhat effective but it's downright idiotic to use it on h8chan, of all places. I refuse to stop saying nigger and naming the jew in my home, you stupid faggots. How retarded, how chanology retarded you gotta be to do that here? It's better for Holla Forums not to appear in Jewgle searches.




The fun thing is, when they catch on, they will take this 1000X more seriously than any outsider. They may keep quiet, but executives absolutely freak about tarnishing of their brand identity.

As long as it looks like a "rising trend", not a specific group doing it.

Honestly if people start harping on anons for saying nigger rather than google then this will backfire so if it is an inorganic op than it will collapse over time and thus can only serve as a temporary distraction at best so i'm honestly not all that worried.

Meanwhile Lowtax is getting v&

What? Seriously, what?

You never stopped saying nigger just because the word dindu got popular-ish, nor do words like darkie, coon, jigaboo, etc. take the word nigger away from you.

Go back to your Google groups.

Next time someone says google I'm going to gasp and say "how DARE you say the G word you stupid racist! It's 2016, like wtf!!!1?"

why Target?

Rewrite history so that Germany wins WW2.

they literally chose the brand name 'google' because it was catchy. "google something" is an actual phrase you can find in a dictionary. Which I suppose is now the new term for stealing something.



Love this new character.

ok nothing to see here



No, you fucking autist or ill intentioned cancer-spreader.
Do not censor yourself, do not fall prey to an attempt at neutering us disguised as innocent fun. We got where we are by calling people niggers on the internet and shitposting relentlessly, ceasing that course will spell disaster.

No goy you fool we must self censor and be good golems.

Just kidding.



This forced meme is gayer than Milo, and so are the goons and cucks pushing this shit so hard on here the last 24 hours. Suck cocks in hell.



Those words have power. Fuck this faggot shit and fuck you OP.

Also I think it's really interesting how 4cuck was born from somethingawful being so shit and then re-absorbed by somethingawful.

The memes jack, we've gone full circle.

Holla Forums will be absorbed into 4chan won't it


Attacking both the industry and niggers is a great tactical move, there's also a strong humoristic point to associate them with google
It's also a great way to push back their search algorithm
But, what you're missing is it'll make it easier to erase Jewgle, and any association with kikes. I know, skypes is great, but skype (the program) is dead.

I'll stick to jewgle and jewtube

bravo jewgle

It already has been, Jim and Hiro(the nichan guys) owned the biggest imageboards on the net for a while. both of them + connections at 2ch.
Both are degenerate in-denial boyfuckers and Jim has probably killed people, 8ch will not be absorbed into the mass easily. At least Holla Forums won't. The move to 4chon didn't kill us, the .net/.org kikery didn't kill us, m00t/pol/ didn't kill us and neither did his nuking of it. This next exodus won't kill us either, but get ready to see some unheardof shitters in the coming weeks.

lol, THIS, this is the reason corporate types want internet censorship.

all your brands are the new "alt-right" hate speech. hahahaha!

Honestly Holla Forums seems a sinking ship.

therealmoonman is FBI, Jim is FBI, cripplekike is long dead

The shills are about to gas 8/pol/, they will flood from nu-cuckchan like maggots swarming a pig.


if you're falling for the moonman bullshit you're part of it.
moonman, at worst is another facet of kamphy/learningcode/rachposter. Not a shill as much as a sack of shit with no life that likes to try and bend imageboards to his will.


not all

I don't know, I guess he's become worse since he realizes he practically owns the board now and no one is left above him to keep him in check.

Guess he's just went into full MUH DIK mode.

fuck off goon.

that's exactly the case, will basically delete everything he doesn't like for various reasons.




you assume to much…

This meme feels a bit forced. Part of me appreciates it, but at the same time. I don't think it has much potency.

yep, it's a goon

It's great when people don't understand order of operations of logic.


Hit me with more of that oh so typical goon-snark, chaim.
kill yourself

At least bing knows.

I guess you didn't get a participation trophy this year in Gym class.

I got one but didn't deserve it.




Fuck me mate, I'm laughing way too hard at this. Keep up the good work, lads.


observe oh lurker and newfriend, this thread.
An idea was broight forth for discussion, an idea that hurts jews, their money and makes fun of niggers at the same time. An idea that could potentially become a cultural phenomenon. If it actually will or not is not the point here, the fact that calling nigs googles COULD make it mainstream and do terrible terrible damage to the jews normie-reality-construct.

And so, OC was made, kekes were had. Further ideas were contributed and anons pooled their collective memetic force into the meme in the hopes that it would catch on.

Now was a smart user, he saw it coming. Before the thread was cold a narrative was pushed, an angle taken in a n effort to disparage the meme making progress.

This is the typical format of a thread wherein great memetics occur.

Keep memeing anons, keep memeing.
For truly, our time has come; the black sun has risen


those fucking Skypes


Googles sure do love their Chrome, living in their Googleplex.

This particular painting. Even in my japanese animes shields are not this big.

How can i understand life, if i can't even understand this hat.

Goog detected

ayy lamo

I just gained access to a twitter account, all posts are about motherhood health and similar shit, what to post ?

Just go into a shitlord tag like #ISaluteWhitePeople or #IStandForDiversity, start adding people with a lot of followers, then once you reached a good number of 50 start tweeting. Continue adding shitlords, tweet (bonus points for bad goy tags), ad infinitum.

Sounds like a plan, also a lot of followers are like autism organisation and shit



What example do you have? Don't give so new age postmodern fag art

here is the account, haven't posted anything yet

yeah i dont think it's for pol speech lol
but it's a cool idea for mainstream social media kike territory

that's cool
lets rebrand hillary as a synonym for lie and liar
pretty good

google eyed mother fucker

It's already spreading. Great campaign for non-chan venues. Will create butthurt, hooknose honking, and wailing and gnashing of capped teeth.

But no, don't do it. Don't do something that requires no effort since you're cruising along shitposting anyway. No sir. Better to come here and degrade the effort. Useless, kike, nigger lovin' Faggots.

I want to see their 18 years of marketing go to trash in a month.
I want google employees to be so cucked that they won't say their own brand for fear of offending someone.


Great info.

Chinks are great at doing something to get away with it then melting back to avoid actual prosecution. Jews of Asia, indeed.

Interesting that the infrastructure to ensure political compliance is already active. Calling something voluntary while curtailing access to livelihood in the event of inactivity is mandatory. Funny how the left actually outsourced enforcement to private companies.

Oh well labor needs to be paid for.