Which forced meme was the most cancerous?

Which forced meme was the most cancerous?

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dunckachino because the others made it out of this hell hole

Dunkaccino is the saddest attempt to force a meme I've ever seen.

Baneposting took off organically.

Dunkaccino was just flat out unfunny. Baneposting and Colbertposting are funny, albeit the latter won't stand the test of time like Baneposting will.

I can easily foresee our grandchildren, perhaps even our great grandchildren, baneposting. It truly is a modern classic.

I see the charm in Al Dunk and Bane, but not Stephen, mainly because it's a very stale remake of Ted Cruz buff pose
But it took off due to familiarity (gook anger), Bane was a complete success in all ways
The DD Meme Brewing didn't due to its extreme forcing and subconscious feeling of giving Sandler any comedic credit

The Dunkaccino meme is the best out of the three. I'm not surprised that autistic memebabbys dont get the joke tbh, protip:You are the punchline. The whole point of the meme was to mock you repetitive halfwits and your repetition based memes and it worked perfectly, the fact that you morons still don't get it is a testament to its ingenuity. It is the Patrician's meme of choice. Memekiddos can stick to their bane and cuck posts.


Why didn't Reaganposting ever take off?

Because you are a cuck.

Bane is the best. The others are just a passing fad. I wish we get more lasting shit like [CURRENT YEAR] and Baneposting, but I can wait, I know something will come eventually.

You are autistic.


Well that is a requirement for posting here.

Louisposting and related cuckposting are pure cancer and both should carry the death penalty.


Do you feel in charge?

Everytime I see the duncaccino video I expect to laugh but ultimately feel a big build in my stomach as I realize that this, this is the epicenter of everything wrong with the world. The extras niggers with nonnigger women, the song, the idea, the jingle, the rhymes, "my chocolate blend". I'm sickened by it.

bane has so much goddamn OC, you must have brain damage to think it's repetitive

going to have to try harder than that to rewrite history

I'm not going to defend it, nor i want to, but that's the whole idea of it in that horrendous movie













Was being retarded part of your plan?

Stop trying to be an ebin "muh milhouse" oldfag. Only redditors try to act like arbiters of memery.


not surprising tbh

What episode what that Steven Colbert face was from? I still haven't seen it.



you are the fag who looks like he browses KYM. Are you projecting here? it looks like you are

the prequel kino meme
thankfully we're now putting it aside so that all the redditors in here can understand star wars is all shit



what did he mean by this?

Back to reddit, kid.

Orsonposting was kino, pleb

The Dunkaccino meme is not funny, it's like if Sony and Sandler decided to use meme magic to promote their financial scheme.
The Colbert/2 Scoops meme is funny because it involves edited pics of Stephen Colbert with red text next to it. It won't be the new "current year" because it's not an argument for a political debate but it's funny because it's about the mass hysteria in Hollywood regarding Trump.

Every Holla Forums meme is forced and unfunny. This board is the refuge for all failed meme kiddies.

All of them when people stopped caring about film.
You see kids, memes were made to display emotion through comedy and in jokes, but It's main ingredient, whether praise or hate was always emotion. Memes had substance because they were minimalistic reactions to films, a picture could speak a thousand words more than text ever could. So when oldfags gradually left, or simply submitted, uneducated new fags kept coming in and misinterpreted the entire point of memes, they just became stale and overused, there was no discussion just attention baiting.
All be it Holla Forums was always about shitposting, but it was smart shitposting.
Now it's gotten so bad, shitposting would be a compliment in this day and age.

what kind of faggot sages on Holla Forums? no oldfaggot for sure.


reddit is the other way, pal

back to r/movies, kiddo

back to r/cuckold, buddy


back to r/movies, kiddo

lol whatever r/pedo

I see the leddit brigade is in full force today.

dunkaccino was not funny. It never was funny. You're not funny.

Politely escort yourself back to whatever subreddit you came from, my unfunny fellow poster.

dunkaccino is one of our best meme, second only to truthseeker

You are the cancer killing everything.

t. sudocuck

I see the hothead has not been gotten outta here.

I agree with this

Yeah there has been a lot of pro-Trump shilling lately.

the GWC

Colbert zlubfposting is an amalgamation of Holla Forums memes. Baneposting and Orsonposting came from 4cuck. Truthseeker started on Holla Forums and posted on Holla Forums as often as he posted on Holla Forums.
The Bogdanoffs quickly died out here and found a new home in 4cuck. Cuckposting has its origins in Holla Forums memes and also started in 4cuck.

Dunkaccino is the only meme in the world that can call Holla Forums Holla Forums its true and only home. Dunkaccino is the only meme that's truly ours. Some claim that dunkaccino is forced, but all the best memes really are. The best memes are the ones that take off because they get spammed over and over again solely because it makes people mad. Baneposting started this way, as did ISHYGDDT. Dunkaccino, like all the best memes, was forged in the fires of butthurt and cooled in the waters of autism. And it happened right here. Some would say that Dunkaccino is shit. That only makes it an accurate reflection of Holla Forums's core philosophy itself: through shit, comedy gold.

Furthermore, it's immune to reddit tarnishing. Reddit doesn't understand irony and would therefore look upon and reject Dunkaccino as praise for Adam Sandler. This is actually sort of why Baneposting is currently taking off on reddit: they love Christopher Nolan and view Baneposting as unironic praise for him. In this regard, Dunkaccino has the potential to be a much better meme than Baneposting.

t. major in meme theory

ive read some bullshit before but this one is top quality. mostly lies with just a sprinkle or two of truth. perfect recipe for excellent bullshit.

Oh God
I never thought that this sad day may come, but i now feel like dropping Baneposting

Thanks for explaining it so eloquently. Couldn't have said it better myself.

t. drumpfsperg

t. failed memester


If you ever want to feel suicidal


Drumpfsperg was an 8/tv/ original, it wasn't really a "meme" but it was made just for this board.

Drumbf was forced but managed to get a chuckle out of me every once in a while.

Baneposting is 100% organic. It was only forced in it's first few months of life, but with the amount of OC produced, actual magic prophecies told, it's on the line between internet meme and godform.

Dunkaccino is just forced and unfunny, perpetuated only by bait, and retards taking the bait. It only exists because you faggots aren't taking the 2 seconds to determine if a post is made only to get (you)s.

Cuck King's pretty funny, but not much in the way of OC besides pastas.


all me

Another important thing about Dunkaccino is that it is quite possibly the first "post-meme", in that it exists solely to take the piss out of the concept of memes itself. A "dadaist" meme if you will. The reason it bothers so many people is because it makes apparent a very unpleasant truth: We are living in a post-meme world. As hard as it may be to admit, the age of organic, conventional memes is over. Memes have become both an institution and a business. They've lost any soul they once had. The fact that memes were a deciding factor in the 2016 elections is proof of this. This fact has also attracted the attention of (((those))) who seek to capitalize on everything (((they))) see as profitable, until it's been completely drained of any value whatsoever, to memes. The only memes that can exist outside of this industrialized meme complex are "dadaist memes" or "post-memes" like Dunkacciono.
Revolutionize memes? Don't mind if I do.

Addendum: The reason this happened to memes, besides natural life-cycles, is because the people became aware, or even self-conscious of them. Like when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, gained knowledge of good and evil, and were cast out from the Garden of Eden. They could never go back and neither can we.

Interesting shitpost. What do you think of
Does it belong to the same nonsense kind of meme as Dunk or has it transcended the meme medium and formed a synthesis with marketing and pure capitalism? Is it a thought provoking response to Dunk or merely a mirror or a reactionary traditionalist meme response to the new modernistic meta meme?

Sorry for the repeated posting, but there is one last point I feel I must make. I am not saying that Dunkaccino is the savior of messiah of memes. That has yet to come. Dunk is more like the fig leaf used to hide our shame for the time being.

Honestly, I'M LOVIN IT is a bit harder to dissect, but my gut reaction is that it's a reactionary response to Dunk, though I could be wrong.

I think it could be said that Dunkaccino is Holla Forums personified as the reason a true kinographer enjoys Holla Forums is the knowledge that people take shit way too seriously and enjoy "taking the piss out of people", if I may quote you. Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and all the other board cucks will never understand this. Nor will plebbitors. I would argue Dunkaccino comes from the realization of stripping away this pretense. Dunkaccino, in this way, can be seen as a proto-meme as well alongside of being a post-meme. It's the type of meme of old specifically built and maintained cause it annoys autists.

Perhaps it is not the messiah of memery, but it is a step in that direction I believe.

I realize you desperately want to defend your failed meme, but you're investing way too much time and effort into it. Just accept that it didn't catch on.

I don't know about most cancerous but I do know which is the best meme Holla Forums has produced.

Also, I should say as much as I love Dunkaccino, Signature Spice and the thread in which it originated (the indiana jones trilogy thread) was the most fun experience for me.

I think it not catching on was the key to its success with what it attempted to do. If it had been spread the joke and point of it would have been ruined.

honorable mentions should be of course Truthseeker, but also the user that made the sort of tranny diagram images with the arrows and stuff. those always made me chuckle, wish I saved a few.

Second for best meme

Sure, buddy.

Dunkachino is such a vile meme precisely because of the unimaginative motivation of the nu-trolls that pushed it. The scene is essentially Sandler contemptuously saying to his audience "Eat my shit vermin. Pay me now and eat what I just shit into my hand. Aren't I clever? " and the meme of this is basicly the same thing with the cheap memesters flinging shit into the face of any film lover and demanding to be paid attention and declaring how clever they are. Anyone with a shred of human decency can see how evil a thing the Dunkachino scene is yet spamming it here is like spamming scat or gore on /christian/ . It is just obscene.

third for best meme confirmed

t. the dude who made the first copy thread, starting the meme

My thanks and appreciation for starting the meme.


It's also pushed by the same 2-3 guys who pushed Truthseeker and some of the other forced memes.

It really is summer.

go back to reddit

is this an SNL skit

Back to SA with you.

please go back to wherever you came from, we don't want you here

GWC isn't a meme cuck boy, it's reality.

kys Adam


Is that Harambe?

This is exactly how said redditors would react to Dunkaccion. I guess he was right.

As the first guy who spammed dunkaccino to cement it as a meme, this is basically spot on. I get off on flinging shit into the faces of internet denizens like nothing else. This is why I will always be here to post dunkaccino. It gives me the same rush that dumping my 'lol butthurt' folder does. Really, I regard Holla Forums as my designated shitting street, and I shit in it because I think it's hilarious.

Become the cancer that's killing Holla Forums? Don't mind if I do.



so glad i have a job with a pension and a social life so that i will never know how this feels. you are an inspiration to us all.

fuck off my Holla Forums

or what

yeah that's what i thought

Feels good not being a jewish wage slave tbh.

Holla Forums created TR8-T0R you forced meme nigger.

Anyone got that tr8or webm meme with the Metal Gear Solid Rising music?


It got popular here like a day before Reddit and Facebook and other websites found the character to be a meme, but the Disney shills here are still angry about that shitty meme because they wanted it to be the new Baneposting, even though it was completely different from TDKR plane scene.
The opening scene of TDKR is so funny because its unintentionally bad. Its on a shitty sound stage, with stilted and awkward dialogue and goofy acting but you're supposed to take the scene seriously, that's what makes it funny.
For the memes about the the traitor scene in TFA, you're just unironically calling the character awesome when that's what the filmmakers want you to do. Its just an advertisement for the film. The fact that it got popular with normalfags like a day is testamount to that, because the character was designed for Bazinga-tier references.
It wasn't stolen from here, Holla Forums didn't create that shitty forced meme character, Disney did for obvious marketing for their film and to have an obnoxious catchphrase to print on t-shirts.
The only good thing to come out of it was the webm with the Metal Gear Rising music over it.





The shots inside the plane were a sound stage.

My bad. I thought you meant the exterior scene with the prisoner/pavel/briefcase transfer.

Found the commie xir trans quadrabinary on SSI

Why did he do this scene? Does Al need money that badly?


Orsonposting still IS kino, my man. In our hearts.

Dunkachino was pretty bad. I'd also like to add: whoever keeps saying cumskin should stop. It'll never have the same insulting effect that you want. It's about as forced as trying to make a girl who usually spits semen swallow by punching her in the gut. It has run its course.

hotcuck: the thread

Disney created it, you fucking retard. TR8-T0R is a forced shillmeme and nothing more. You fell for it, you gullible fuck.

litterally spreads cancer shrek'em

No. Phasma was designed to be THE character that everybody should love. TR-8R success is like Boba Fett, unexpected.

You are fucking stupid.

Well done shitposters, well done shitposters.


Bumping to draw attention to this post:



That post means nothing and does not change Dunk' value. Like Socrates said, most artists have no idea what they're doing when they create art. may have just been trying to shit up Holla Forums even more, but he unintentionally created one of the finest memes of our time instead. Death of the author and all that.

Film isn't an artistic medium and thus -as Holla Forums continues to demonstrate it daily- it's not possible to have a meaningful conversation about it apart from its technological side, the craft of filmmaking, something Holla Forums is entirely unversed in. Shitposting and memes are merely consequential derivatives of this epistemological void.