How strict should you be when it comes to spankings for girls?
How strict should you be when it comes to spankings for girls?
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Spanking doesn't work.
Why do you say that? Were you spanked?
If you compromise, then YOU ARE the girl.
What is a no compromises spanking?
just be consistent.
All good girls want to get spanked
How so?
Be as strict as you want to be.
You're in charge here, not her.
Do so whenever you feel like, as often you feel like.
That's why I'm asking here, not asking her.
It might sound obvious, but the key to an effective spanking is to punish defiance and reward submission while maintaining control. Start off by telling her what her punishment will be - it should be some relatively small number of smacks to begin with. When she struggles or protests, you must immediately make her understand the consequences. Tell her that her punishment has just increased and follow up with an extra hard smack. Never lose your cool - just enforce her punishment fairly and calmly. The goal is to keep extending her punishment until she gives up any notion of defiance and breaks down crying. At that point, calmly carry out her remaining punishment and then give her a big long cuddle with lots of reassurance that you still love her. The aftercare should be at least as long as the punishment, preferably longer.
To help enforce a sense of submission and give her plenty of opportunities to defy you, try making her play an active role in her own punishment. For instance, you could make her count her smacks, make her say "thank you" or repeat an apology after every smack, or make her go and retrieve her own spanking implement.
To make sure she is reminded of her submissive status after the spanking is over, you can also add various long-duration punishments to the end of the spanking. They should be degrading but shouldn't cause her pain or interfere with the aftercare. For example, you could confiscate her panties, make her wear diapers, or (for an older girl) lock a chastity belt onto her.
How harsh the punishment actually ends up being should be left entirely up to the girl being punished. If she behaves herself it could be mild, but if she stubbornly resists it just keeps getting worse and worse.
Honestly, if we're talking about 3DPD the science agrees with him, but why the fuck would we want to talk about 3DPD?
Any other ideas for involving her?
How long would the long-duration punishment be for? How do I tell what interferes with aftercare?
But the first factor has got to be what she's being punished for, right? What if she doesn't resist physically but shows cheek before, during or after the punishment, such as being sarcastic when repeating her apology or insisting she didn't deserve the punishment?
If she needs to be restrained during the spanking, get her to fasten her own restraints (as much as possible).
If you're confiscating things (eg panties), get her to gather them all up and hand them to you.
If something needs to be bought for her punishment, take her to the shops and have her carry it herself.
After her spanking, make her write an essay or record a video explaining what she did wrong and how the punishment made her feel.
You could even make her decide on the severity of her own punishment, with extra punishment if she chooses something too easy.
It depends what it is, but usually around a day would be best. If she doesn't learn her lesson it could be increased up to several weeks for repeat offenses.
Put yourself in her shoes. It shouldn't be anything which prevents her from feeling loved or being cuddled. If she truly submits and accepts that she's nothing more than a naughty little child, it shouldn't significantly inconvenience her. Demeaning clothing, especially ageplay related, is perfect for this. You could also take away certain privileges, although it would really depend on what she enjoys, how old she is, and what she did wrong.
You could make it arbitrarily harsh too, as long as it primarily induces feelings of submission and humiliation in the girl. For example, ban her from using the bathroom and make her ask permission to pee her pants when she needs to go. Anything to remind her that you're in charge and she must always obey.
Not really. Punishment for the sake of punishment doesn't make sense from a philosophical point of view. The real goal is to make her submit. A defiant child who made a small mistake should end up getting punished more than an obedient child who fucked up massively.
That is still resisting. She must be completely obedient in both body and mind. In many ways verbal defiance is even worse than physically struggling because physical actions can be instinctive but speaking requires conscious effort.
All that said, I think there'd be a certain joy in taking a well behaved, obedient, and intelligent little girl and just giving her a thorough spanking for no reason at all.
So what made you ask this question, OP? Do you have a story to tell?
I like this.
This is an interesting one. I wonder how it can play out.
Wearing a butt plug, not being allowed to change out of her swimsuit after a swim or having to wear it over the day before the swim, if she's being punished for being mean to her brother then he gets to pick what she wears tomorrow or she has to make him breakfast.
There's a lot of possibilities here. Any other ideas anyone? For long-term punishments or making her play an active role in her own punishment?
This is an unusual angle. It normally seems to be about making her regret what she did. But the logic for making it about submission is sound.
True. Unless she actually runs away or tries to fend off her punishment, it could even be called unfair to punish her further for involuntary reactions.
What would that do to her training and submission though?
In that case the goal wouldn't be to improve her behavior. She'd likely be more prone to disobedience in the future, but then that just gives you more opportunities to put her over your knee.
The most fun would be if she actually enjoyed being submissive and getting spanked. Ideally a spanking should be enjoyable for everyone involved, at least once it's over. Tears while it's happening are inevitable.
What sort of story would you like to hear?
Devilishly mean!
How can she be encouraged to feel that way?
used to spank my roommate all the time, started as a joke but it actually started to work and it's how i lost all respect for females
I think we need to hear the whole story user.
If you make her feel sufficiently loved during aftercare, she'll end up associating the feeling of submission with the feeling of comfort and love. You could also do things like make her wear a vibrator during her punishment sessions, or find out her fetishes and indulge them as part of the punishment.
Playing hypnosis recordings in her room while she's asleep could also do the trick.
I'm fairly sure I didn't. Not recently anyway.
That followed by chastity as the long-duration punishment afterwardsβ¦
Actually probably best to keep the vibe on during aftercare cuddling too, then the chastity belt.
Obviously it depends a lot on what her fetishes are, but can you give some examples of how it might be done?
and they said it would be hard to live with my sister as an adult
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
For once a twist ending that makes the story better.
good thread, you dumb faggoys
Important question, what does she get told about why she has to wear a vibe / why her fetishes need to be involved / why appropriate hypno has to be played?
I always spank bare bottom till the girl is genuinely sorry for her disobedience - not just because she is being spanked for it.
Just tell her those are the rules. Naughty little girls don't need to know why the rules are as they are. They just need to follow them.
Naughty little girls should always be spanked on their bare bottom.
What if she's naughty when you're out in public?
Take her to the restroom or wait till you both get home. Make sure she knows what will happen.
β¦but that's retarded. The most you'll get is them claiming to be sorry for disobedience.
When you know they are truly sorry, that is when the lesson is complete. If you've been around them long enough, you'll know the difference.
Haha, all the catladys and moralfags patrolling Holla Forums have turned this place into a perversity of Better Parenting. You dumbasses stick out like a sore thumb.
The punishment for x is y. Every time. And never use punishment to let off steam. In fact, don't punish when you're angry.
You're too kind. If she doesn't feel embarrassed by being naughty in public, she shouldn't feel embarrassed by having her panties confiscated and her bare bottom thoroughly spanked in public.
For extra humiliation, keep a child leash/harness with you and make her wear it as part of her punishment after her spanking.
Too many interfering brainwashed members of the public that would report a spanker. In principle I agree. Would encourage other kids to behave, as they watched her little bum turn pink.
who deep and porky should it be when it comes to blowing?
3D is PD. It's best not to let real world considerations get in the way of sexual fantasies involving cute anime girls.
Yes but realism is immersive.
Some countries are a lot more lax about that sort of thing. Hell, even in some western countries there are isolated communities where everyone would approve of a child being spanked in public.
Use a belt until she's 10 and an extension cord from then until she moves out
That seems a bit too crude and brutal. A spanking should feel like an act of child-care, not something used to extract information from prisoners of war.
If you need something more painful than a belt, go with the traditional approach and use a cane. You can even make her go and retrieve a suitable branch from the garden herself.
You either are strict, meaning you follow-up on your "promises". Or you're lenient and don't honor them. There is no "how" strict.
But if you are asking for my idea on punishment, I'd sit the girl down at the beginning of our relationship, and have her agree to. list of rules and punishments. I would absolutely carry out any punishment in full, if she breaks any of the rules.
Here is one fun twist: Most punishments would be based on how long she was a good girl. The idea is that the longer she is a good girl, the more severe punishment for breaking a there will be. If she knows you will always carry out the punishment to which she had agreed, and after you get past the initial hurdle, she will be genuinely afraid to break them.
Administer appropriate maintenance spankings if she's into them. Just so she does not break the rules just because she wants one.
Lmfao a 2-3" thick cane is somehow more humane than an extension cord. I'll use that if I ever have a daughter (god I hope not)
Yes, cane is more humane.
Depending on what exactly you use, the cord will be longer, picking up more energy. It will also be rubberized plastic, making it stick to skin more and transfer the impact energy better. / faster, resulting in deeper wounds.
Cane is bad enough, but cords are just nasty. That's why you don't see them in porn much after 90's. They kinda figured that one quickly.
It isn't about how "humane" it is. It's more an aesthetic thing.
Also I think a proper cane or switch should only be about half an inch thick at most.
i just get a quick hug and them i'm sent to bed
how do i get my step-daddy to give me real aftercare?
They sound like good communities.
4 - 6 Hand
6 - 8 Hand and/or wooden spoon when needed
8 - 10 Introduce the hairbrush for serious or repeated offenses
10 - 12 Increase the length of spankings
12 - leaving home : Keep her in line as she irons out those issues going into womanhood
beat the shit out of her
What about any tips on including her fetishes in punishments or making long-term punishments that reinforce finding submission enjoyable following a spanking and vibe session?
Mr. Subtlety.
so unfair :(
Are the spankings the same as you would usually receive?
Now I miss my daddy!
don't ask for a source, got those from a previous spanking thread.
Thanks for posting the clips. Shame many of the spanking models look years beyond their intended age.
yeah, I have yet to find a decent spanking vid. For some reason only ugly people are into doing this on camera this.
girl is hot, guy has a ugly hand. It's always the same, even if the girls are hot there is something else that ruins the scene. It's always either a old guy spanking them, a fat pig, or a guy so hairy he could be mistaken for a gorilla.
the same as i normally get at home yeah, hairbrush if it's my mom or hand from my step-dad.
if i was punished at school that could be worse tho, hand from the teacher or paddle if i'm sent to the head.
It should be pretty obvious for most fetishes. What particular ones can't you think of anything for?
I could just describe how I'd do it for my own fetishes, but I've already mentioned them in this thread and I don't want to derail things too much.
You dont spank you curb stomp
Or you can just outright leave her to fend for herself for a few years. Or forever I'd personally pick forever but to each his own
What are the common fetishes for girls? Say it for them.
Do say for your fetishes too, it's not derailing when it's explaining best practice for spanking.
From what I saw so far, spanking, public sex, exhibitionism in general. The other shit, like femdom, cucking, cfnm and all that gay shit are just beta male fetishes.
Do they allow you to keep your trousers on?
only boys get to wear pants. i wear a skirt or shorts during gym sometimes and no i have to take either of those off for paddling and at least lift up my skirt if it's by hand.
at home i have to take my panties down too usually unless it's just one or two quick smacks and not over the knee.
Would you like to chat more about this?
There are rules here
ok any questions?
I meant on a messenger, due to the personal nature of the topic.
Holla Forums is a perfect place for talking about deeply personal topics. The anonymity here is stronger than that provided by most chat programs.
This is true
Do you ever get aroused by being spanked (or the thought of being spanked), or is it strictly an unpleasant thing to you?
if you have email i'll send you.
but i kinda like talking about it in the open. helps me get my mind around it. and it's only anonymous anyway.
It wasn't just anonymity that was my concern.
Desperate? There's nothing desperate about corresponding with someone.
i kinda do yeah. it's pretty embarrassing. what's wrong with me?
if i'm horny and i know i'm going to be spanked soon i can't stop thinking about it. it just chases away other thoughts.
then when it happens i feel frightened and it hurts and i'm unhappy but somehow that all makes me horny too even if i wasn't before
Nothing's wrong with you. You're unfortunate to have been born into a fairly primitive period of human history, but other than that you're fine. Sexual arousal is probably one of the healthier ways of coping with being mistreated by the adults around you.
We've all got various kinds of fucked up fetishes here, but that doesn't stop us from being good people. Learn to embrace your fetishes and you'll be able to have a much more fun sex life when you're older. There are plenty of successful guys out there looking for a cute girl who enjoys being properly disciplined. It sounds like you'd probably enjoy the whole DD/lg scene, or at least something similar.
Do they punish you in any other ways?
are they mistreating me? apart from online nobody says they are.
i don't want to cope with it this way. i don't want a fetish. can i have a normal sex life without anything like this and without thinking about it any more?
yes i'm punished other ways. at home i get grounded and made to do more housework and they cut my allowance. at school there's detentions.
Let me tell you about Christian girls and why they're awesome.
From now on when you see a feminist ask them if they are Christian, it will blow your mind.
Post tits or fuck off, i can roleplay as a girl better than you.
If she has a spanking fetish do I need to do any work to make spankings more sexual to her so she accepts them better?
So make her spanking sessions public.
All ethics are subjective, so only you can really answer that. Personally I tend to err on the side of maximum individual freedom - you can consent to whatever you want, but generally people shouldn't be causing you physical pain without your consent.
Fetishes are fun. A spanking fetish is about as mild as it gets. Approximately 35% of women report similar fantasies.
Maybe. You probably won't be able to completely forget about it but you can certainly try. It's your choice, but I'd advise against trying to repress your fetishes. There's no sense at all in denying yourself the pleasure of indulging in them.
Ehh, those are boring. If they're going to punish you for stupid reasons, they could at least make it fun and interesting.
If this is also you, just ask for a longer cuddle. No sane man would turn down the opportunity to cuddle a cute little girl.
Don't hold back
Reminded me of this
What would you have told her if it didn't arouse her?
Go on then!
W-Well i didn't mean it that way, user, you're gonna make me awkward π
Great way to ruin the mood of the thread, i knowβ¦
Okay, I'll give it a go:
By far the most common fetish is simple Dom/sub play which is already covered by spanking and punishment in general.
For exhibitionism, making her spend a day without any panties under her skirt should do the trick. Be sure to take her out to a few places and have her climb plenty of stairs. Obviously you should pick a suitably short skirt for her to wear rather than letting her choose her own clothes. In private she should be kept completely nude.
If she's into any kind of bondage, you could make her wear various kinds of restraints or restrictive clothes. For example, padded mittens which don't let her grip things, a collar with attached wrist cuffs which prevent her from reaching anything below her chest height, or even just shibari (rope) under her clothes. The more she has to ask you to help her with basic tasks, the more she'll enjoy it.
If she's into petplay, making her wear a dog collar or a tail butt-plug for a day should be sufficient. If that isn't enough, try putting an absorbent puppy pad in the corner of the room and making her use that as her toilet for the day. You could also add rules that she has to crawl everywhere on all fours and/or eat her food from a bowl on the floor.
Finally, my own (main) fetish is ageplay/infantilism. I'd start by giving her one of those mini-bottle pacifier filled with castor oil and telling her to keep it in her mouth until it's empty. It tastes pretty horrible and has a slow acting laxative effect, but she'd be in for another spanking if she didn't finish it all. She'd also be undressed and changed into thick diapers and the most babyish clothes that would fit her. She wouldn't be allowed to use the toilet for the next 24 hours, but she would have to ask permission every time she wanted to have an 'accident' in her diapers. She also wouldn't be allowed out of my sight and I'd be sure to take her for at least one trip out in public so she could show off her cute outfit.
Since diapers don't really stop her from doing anything, I'd be tempted to extend this punishment up to several weeks if she continued to be disobedient on a regular basis.
On an unrelated note I do like the idea of giving two sisters matching punishments for the misbehavior of either of them.
Come on faggot, you heard Russian user give us more fun and interesting punishments.
The trip in public also covers exhibitionism which the German user said is a major female fetish too.
So alongside immediate punishments there are two kinds of longer-duration punishments, those that inconvenience her a lot like crawling or wearing a tail buttplug for petplay, and those that can be extended longer, like diapers. Which other punishments fit in each?
What about your others?
Cute. Other things can be done with sisters too, like having them spank each other so how harsh the punishment is depends on their own feelings towards each other, or having one choose how to split a certain number of spanks between the two of them. What else?
i do consent by living with them i guess? and they are the ones raising me. how should i be disciplined apart from that?
i don't want the pleasure of indulging it. i just want normal pleasure. why should i have to be submissive? i feel like i can't be normal any more. are the 35% women who get turned on when it happens for real or as a fantasy for the bedroom?
yes it's me. i hate being left alone afterwards. it's like when it happens at school but it shouldn't be like that at home.
sorry me getting spanked isn't hot enough for you
Consent is a tricky subject when it comes to situations like that, but if I was your parent I wouldn't make you choose between getting spanked and being kicked out on the street. Maybe the best way to consider the problem is to ask yourself how you would treat any children you had.
My parents never spanked me and I turned out fine. Kids naturally want to please their parents, especially if their parents respect them and show them love. My parents always explained why I shouldn't do certain things which was a lot better than just being told "it's the rules". The worst punishment I ever received was being sent to bed early or having games confiscated for a day. To answer your question, if I was your parent you wouldn't be "disciplined" unless you explicitly asked for it. There are entire countries where spanking children is very rare, and those people manage just fine.
Sure you can be "normal" if you want to be. It's not like you have to choose between having a normal relationship and being a sub 24/7. You can have a normal relationship 99% of the time, then just enjoy a bit of spanking when the mood strikes. You have complete freedom to live your life however you want. You aren't a slave to your own desires or anything - ultimately your brain is you and you choose how you act. Just don't feel guilty about exploring your own fantasies and desires. There's nothing wrong with having those feelings, but it's up to you how much you want to indulge them.
That statistic was just for women who admit they've fantasized about being spanked, but if they've fantasized about it they would no doubt enjoy it under the right circumstances. Regardless, there's no obligation for you to be "normal" and there's nothing wrong with being "weird".
That sucks. If they're going to spank you the least they could do is give you a proper cuddle afterwards. The most frustrating bit is that proper aftercare should actually make the spanking more effective, so it would benefit everyone.
It's actually very easy to combine lots of common submissive-type fetishes at once. For example:
Hey, I was only agreeing with Russian user
What about less submissive fetishes? Which are common in females and how can they be included?
I like that bundle of related punishments with a general ageplay+bondage theme. Got more bundles like that, maybe bondage+chastity?
The petplay bundle can include things you mentioned earlier, crawling, tail buttplug, eating from a bowl, the absorbent pad for a toilet, as well as sleeping on the floor/in a pet basket.
How would she be trained to follow command words? She'd need some quick punishment right away when she disobeys, or a treat for obeying.
If one sister's more responsible and doesn't get in the kind of trouble that get her a punishment enforced by her sister then she might be trustworthy when it comes to not colluding on punishments she's enforcing. That could lead to an interesting dynamic between same age sisters.
What about a brother? He could enforce his sister's punishments too and perhaps be more involved, spanking her himself.
Does that manga continue?
There's 167 pages of it, plus another one by the same author which isn't translated yet.
Spanking damages the outer layer of the buttock's soft and smooth skin, so I'd avoid it. When it comes to punishment, confiscating pantsu for the day reduces physical damage while increasing psychological damage. This method is particularly effective in windy areas.
Just insert a metal buttplug and dildo into her two holes, then hook them up to the two terminals of a wearable electroshock generator. You can give her an immediate punishment at any time, even in public, and you can finely control exactly how painful it is. If you add a vibrating mode, you can make it serve as a reward too.
It would also work great for training such as this:
I love the vibrator kink. Want to RP something along those lines? I'm open to including other things ITT too.
you forget how weak the female organs are down there
just one vibrator in labia is good, esp with a big battery pack
the arousal should make her feel embarrassed in public
I guess you could try a zapper too, but if you can't control voltage, there is no choice between pleasure and pain, and that's no fun at all.
I wonder if I can train boys too
If you want horny girls it works just fine.
just checking. please ignore
we already did
Hikkichan Dox
Name: Ashley Hanrahan AKA Noriko
DOB: Unknown
Age: 19 to 22
Landline: (757) 497-3731
Location: 8013 Stowbridge Ln Norfolk VA 23505-1406 - Naval Station Norfolk
Education: Rappahannock Community College.
Usernames: nadeshiko, 37564nadeshiko,4649nadeshiko, visiunadeshiko, zombiebeatz2000
Email: [email protected]
AIM: Flight M32
Skype: noriblasters
Family: Mark J Hanrahan , Suzanne M Hanrahan , William J Hanrahan , Yasmine M Hanrahan , Alexis B Hanrahan
Social Media
Other information:
She has dual citizenship in USA and Japan
Father is in the navy
Yeah, sensors like that have existed for a while. The trick is to link it to a speaker attached to her clothes which plays a recorded message saying something like, "Everyone look! Chiyo-chan is wetting her diaper," or maybe, "Quick, get to the potty Chiyo-chan. You're wetting your diaper."
The important thing is to make sure that she can't just discreetly wet her diaper in private. Any accidents must be public knowledge.
Remember to be consistent with spankings over Christmas and the New Year. Family gatherings can be stressful but that is no excuse for girls and boys to misbehave. If they do, there are consequences.
Would you really spank a cute little loli on Christmas Day or her birthday? She might get harsh punishments throughout the rest of the year, but I don't think I could bring myself to spank her on those days.
Spanking should be done in a ragefuck
The day after then. They might get a visit from Krampus as well.
oh shit you found me! Fucking faggot. Try going outside instead of browsing through dead threads you fucking nigger. Kill yourself honesty