hahaha inb4 anybody can call it a mining thread because it is a mining thread. yo dog I heard xzbit used to work in a mine.
but seriously, mine work could be pretty lucrative. (fuckoff bitcoin miners)
hahaha inb4 anybody can call it a mining thread because it is a mining thread. yo dog I heard xzbit used to work in a mine.
but seriously, mine work could be pretty lucrative. (fuckoff bitcoin miners)
yo, I work in a mine. Can I have some shoes please?
wow op, wow
fucking pussies
fuck you, why the fuck you standing around when you could be pulling a cart? like a man. You're seven, be a man, start a family, hope everyday to die in a cave in.
this guy gets it. not everybody is some rich faggot who can wait until most of their life is gone at 18 to start working. some people have kids to raise.
(Okay these IDs are really fucking up my attempt at a magical samefag thread so lets all pretend you can see them?)
forgot pic
shut up and post moar kid miner pics, you nigger
Your thread is fucking retarded even if it wasn't for the fact you don't understand IDs.
That said I spent 5 years in the mines and recommend it to single guys under 25 but after that you need to get out if you want a wife and kids.
Top Miner
checking in
How often do you see mining threads? I'm just hoping someone else that has mined turns up so we can talk about the differences between locations.
i haven't mined. i thought about it tho. my uncle almost convinced me to take on a job at the local mines when i was younger. it would have been an awesome paycheck for a young man just starting out in life.
you faggots wanna tell us how much you get paid for mining?
is it just repetitive labor?
it cant pay that well
I understand IDs, I just forgot about them when I had the idea for this thread.
My threads are usually retarded but this has the best response of any thread I have ever made.
what kind of mine? do you get paid more at gold mines than say a peat mine or coal mine?
how is that 10k a bitcoin treating you?
20 years ago, starting wages for a basic bitch laborer was $12/hour. I can only assume it has went up by now.
these miners are straight shooters.
current miner count 1. (hint, if you hire another miner for your mine your production will double)
I get paid 12 and hour right now to wash dishes and they pay very well. 20 years ago it would have been 5 bucks an hour. seven more bucks and hour to maybe be crushed.
I bet they drug test though. I want to work at the artisanal mine.
In Australia mining is the highest paid profession, higher than doctors or lawyers. It varies mine to mine with my lowest pay being ~$3k a week before tax and my highest being ~$7k.
Operations sure as fuck is but I was working expansion / construction which is the same as any heavy industry construction and pays better than operations.
Mine type makes no difference, owner and total project cost makes a huge difference. My highest pay was on the Gorgon project for Chevron while my lowest was for a single mine company.
fllod derpected
cool, good to know.
starting wage for MINING
where your life and limb are in danger
20 years ago.
20 years ago or whenever
if you are a miner in a developed country you need to make 50-100k
otherwise itsa bad deal
mercury plus poor people equals
mining is a great deal. it the first job for many toddlers.
you don't actually need to drink the mercury
the mercury contaminates the drinking supply
mecurery for the penis
ok back to mining
only niggers and mutts throw mercury into their water supply
the English used to bathe in it to get rid of their pox
Yep. I work on this mine layer.