Angela Eagle will challenge Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership on Thursday, the BBC has been told.
It is understood the former shadow business secretary has the support of the 51 MPs needed to mount a challenge.
Angela Eagle will challenge Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership on Thursday, the BBC has been told.
It is understood the former shadow business secretary has the support of the 51 MPs needed to mount a challenge.
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Jeremy is truly a unique player. I love his hardline socialism on EU and Labour.
Make the UK red Corbyn
I got a bad feeling about tommorow guys…
Jez is in a bad place mentally, how could you not be with half of your supposed comrades turning on you? He must feel terrible and be questioning himself constantly.
if he does survive this, he must encourage deselection of the rebels.
required reading if you haven't already:
Godspeed to my British comrades
As an American, sorry for unleashing the horror of Blairites upon you.
They don't stand a chance. The membership is sitll behind him and I don't think people are looking for reformists, even if there is scaremongering both in and out the Labour party. Once the corporate media is scared of you, you're doing something right.
I'm not a raving Corbynite but the guy has done a lot of good in his career and I think he's making out to be a lot more moderate than he actually is.
Best of luck to him, can't get much worse than the Blarites. He needs to start cracking down on them and start being a bit more open about his hard Leftism is my only gripe.
was being ironic
eh, i guess jeremy "backed" EU because of
1) pressure from PLP
2) maybe some deals with Cameron - who knows
but i'm 100% sure he's voted leave. might have been a tactical mistake as PLP was going to plot/try to coup anyway — but obvs i won't have the full picture.
does anyone have an idea when the leadership is likely to be? august?
i don't think he'll question himself - if anything, he might be questioning why he's bothering at all. the backstabbing is incredible and pretty obvious, it's not like he's honestly going to think he's a "bad leader" or whatever. if 75% of the plp wants you out before you're even elected what are you going to do.
i'll never watch uk politics ever again if general election 2016 is eagle vs may or some shit
but corbyn is a reformist, certainly?
Can someone explain to a Yank how all this PLP coup stuff is supposed to work?
well, I guess the anti-Corbyn MPs thought they could pressure Corbyn into resigning by orchestrating a 24-hour-anti-Corbyn news coverage through a constant drip feed of shadow cabinet resignations. that hasn't worked so far and they've been very reluctant to call for a new leadership election because they know the party base is strongly behind corbyn. now they start to realise corbyn (as of now and hopefully the next days too) is NOT GOING TO STEP DOWN - so they'll have to come up with a leadership contestant (this being Eagle in all likelyhood)
So what happens if they come up with a contestant for leadership of the party?
I wish our parties were beholden to the will of ordinary members.
there'll be a new leadership election, with corbyn on the ballot as sitting leader. corbs is very likely to win as party members AND THE UNIONS back him. who knows what happens when/if corbyn wins again - will blairites fall in line (doubt it, they can't keep their mouths shut)
So what happens when the working class base of the party push in the shit of the Blairite scum?
He's pretty left for a reformist tbh.
Also, the line between revolutionary and reformist isn't what it used to be, but don't tell Holla Forums that or they'll shit themselves in anger that someone is interrupted the LARPing.
Anyone who isn't an IDpol liberal or neoliberal market worshipping drone is basically Lenin at this point.
At this point its basically a staring contest to see who will just say "fuck it" first and form a new party.
Burger here. How's the situation looking? Good or bad?
Corbyn won't back down, it seems.
What sort of party would the PLP even try to form?
take what we can get right lads?
corbyn will old on, chillcot will come out, blairites will look like bigger pieces of shit, corybn will win any election in a landslide, he will purge the blairites who will go to prison/become political pariahs/form a new impotent party no one will vote for.
The far left will triumph and regain the crowd of labor in the uk.
Then we wait to the showdown with the final boss.
Partially, although building up a Democratic Socialist movement can't hurt. If only in the transitional program sense.
I'm basically an anti-authoritarian SocDem, so this sort of thing is up my alley. Now if I could just get right 'libertarians' to stop sucking the dick of capital we could get somewhere.
*I and we
I'm speaking of my own experiences, of course. If I could make progress with my rightist friends, I could get them truly 'redpilled'.
Wow, would that not be incredible? The Labour Party with its 40 seats and some Blairites… well, they might as well resurrect the "Liberal" moniker… Or better yet – oh what poetry this would be – do like Portugal did and call the Blairites the "Socialist Party". tenmillionkeks.jpeg
Apparently true
CPUSA is complete shit though
CPUSA just shills for the Democrats. Their leadership is entirely made up of liberals.
The CPUSA became almost the absolute laughingstock of US communists under Webb's leadership. Only the fact that he was head of the party concurrently with the MIMs existence saved it from being the lowest of the low.
Communist parties in america were always controlled opposition infiltrated by the fbi or constantly fighting with other commie groups and splitting and purging.
Whatever american commie party survived the coldwar has to be some sort of set up or mouth piece for the establishment/a joke.
I see lefties bring up the kkk all the time but most poltards will respond with " i dont want to join the fbi"
American leftcom party/organization when?
Leftists that bring up the KKK are out of touch with the far-right. It's like the right bringing up CPUSA when talking about the left in America. At least that's how I've seen it following right-wing retardation online.
The ICC and ICT both have their own sections in the US already, small as they are.
Is the British parliament always such a circus or have I stumbled upon a new consistent source of entertainment?
I want to hook up with the ICT, but I'm in the south so that doesn't seem feasible.
It would collapse from infighting instantly
from what I hear british parliament has 100% more bantz than the US congress or senate
Depends on how they structure it.
The american congress just wants to get in, get out, then go back to doing coke and fucking hookers, the only time things got rowdy was pre civil war when a southern congressmen beat the shit out of a northern congressmen with his cane.
Far as revolutionary socialist parties in the US go, the SEP is pretty big. Its analysis is always top-notch and they've predicted things few other major groups have (syriza) through rational use of materialist critique and a consistent stand against opportunism, pragmatism and identity politics. Very forward-thinking as well, dates back to the dot com bubble and reaches a much larger audience than comparable publications. Their investment in it seemed speculative for most others at the time but has paid off.
wsws is full of idpol apologism shit more often than it's right about anything.
I actually was planning to hook up with the SEP for the time being, but they don't have a chapter in Alabama. Only group we have, that I'm aware of, is Socialist Alternative and I would rather kill myself than get involved with that mess.
WSWS criticizes idpol fairly regularly. Maybe they aren't as critical as they could be, but they reject BLM and other shit like that.
Let the purges begin
Really? First I'm hearing about it. Do you have any examples?
Comrade North's latest book is -extremely- critical of postmodernism and the frankfurt school. Sure, they don't talk about "social justice warriors," but that's to be expected of such an academic-type communication style.
But nowhere says when the voting will actually happen?
Comrades, if you haven't already, make sure you join the party to vote for Corbyn - we can't let Eagle take this.
He's a very weak leader, ultimately. He has very limited people skills, no leadership skills, no ability to motivate people, and zero clue how to manage the press. Regardless of what his views are, his leadership has been an embarrassing disaster. Over the last 9 months, the Tories have left him numerous open goals where he should have torn them to pieces and established how Labour would have done things better. Instead he always ends up doing or saying something stupid, leading all the press coverage to focus on his blunder.
Both he and his shadow chancellor support (or supported) the IRA. After a group of IRA members were killed by special forces trying to bomb a police station, he gave a minutes silence to them. McDonnell has said several times in the past that he supports them.
Corbyn thinks that the Falkland Islands should have joint administration with Argentina. This has pissed off a lot of British people, as they are ours and we fought a war to keep them after Argentina invaded. The matter has been closed for 30 years, save the occasional politicking from Argentina when they need a quick distraction from their crumbling economy. To suggest that their nonsense claim actually has some validity is seen as utterly distasteful to the public.
His support among the (mostly new) Labour members isn't reflected in the nations voting population. Our local elections (like the US mid-terms) always sees the opposition more popular than the ruling party. Corbyn's leadership has seen the first time in three or four decades that the opposition is less popular than the ruling party. Even in his own party, he lost a vote of no confidence by 4/5ths of the vote.
Frankly he's been a disaster for Labour. It doesn't matter if he shares your views; if he's a wet fish of a leader, he's not getting power. He will hand an easy victory to the Tories again. He needs to step down and let an actual leader take over, unite the party, and present a credible opposition.
Thanks for copy-and-pasting the standard anti-Corbyn talking points from the media.
Let's go through them, shall we:
He has never had the support of his MPs. They've been trying to throw him under the bus him since he was elected as leader. Leadership requires that people are at least somewhat willing to follow you, but the PLP are clearly more interested in organising a coup.
The press have never supported him either. The BBC unquestioning regurgitate falsified PR stunts by Corbyn's opponents while giving him very little coverage except when they want to take an off-hand comment and turn it into an anti-Corbyn headline. Just compare how they attack Corbyn to how they bend over backwards to give Farage and Cameron air-time and soft questions.
This is possibly the most absurd claim of all. You're trying to simultaneously assert that his support comes from new members, and that he doesn't appeal to people outside Labour. Why the fuck are people joining the party to vote for him if he doesn't have support outside the party? When was the last time you saw thousands of people march the streets in support of a candidate in a party's internal leadership election? If the Blairites think that he's so unelectable, why not just form their own fucking party with a more electable leader?
The PLP have been airing their dirty laundry for the past 9 months in a concerted attempt to make the public hate Corbyn, and you blame this on him?
The guy isn't perfect, but right now he's more or less the only MP in the Labour party who isn't trying to make the whole thing crash and burn.
That is factually untrue, comrade. Labour has won the latest local elections in both actual numbers and projected national vote share.
No, he needs to show strong leadership and crush the Blairite putsch.
So that's why more people rushed to join the Labour party under Corbyn than have since 1997? That's why his approval ratings are higher than any party leader at the moment? That's why there are huge online campaigns from grassroots movements to defend him against this sabotage by his own party?
Well, it should be clear that the "Jeremy is a bad leader" argument isn't really one, as leading people effectively assumes that there is a certain minimum of willingness to be led. Anti-Corbyn MPs have been plotting from day one.
What is the opinion on BoJo withdrawing from leadership race?
Also, THE BEST BITS from a threatening letter to Corbyn from some "Jamie Reed", apparently the MP for Copeland:
I think this is the most ridiculous, out-there letter I've seen so far. Without any sense of irony either. Anyone seen a better one?
Anyone know when we can expect to have this vote actually take place?
Early August I'd say. Anyway, I just signed up to the Labour Party to vote for Corbyn. It's literally 1GBP/year if you're a student. Can I still vote with that contribution? Seems too good to be true
Yeah, you can still vote, as the rules currently stand. Pretty hilarious, huh.
Media are trying to paint Corbyn as a nazi now.
No way are the zionists going to let this go unnoticed.
Angela Eagle is the classic Blairite shill.
This is a fight we must win.
Quote from some "journalist"
Source: Guardian
Just repeat it until it comes true.
What are your favourite Anti-Corbyn memes?
I'm fond of
It's what has killed the left in Italy.
i'm pretty happy about it, he was the most likely to win a GE out of the current tory crop
if Theresa May gets leadership, she is less likely to win a GE, but if she does it would be a total disaster
I'm rather partial to that one, too
Still not clear if it's going to be Eagle or Owen.
This is hilarious.
More images like this! We can win hearts and minds!
m8 you should see aus politics
nice trips. must be true.
>Rather deftly, Bernie Sanders has somehow managed to combine defiance with admitting that the game is up.
I am SICK TO DEATH of hearing this meme from journos that somehow by saying "Corbyn's done. Corbyn's done." as a mantra somehow, by the properties of magic, makes it true, cuz that's how politics works
It IS how propaganda works, of course
the fucking game is up, you reactionary parrot??!!!!
the only people who can say that
and until they've said it's true,
ty, and nice dubdubs to you
This is litterally gamergate teir
you might as well just drop the pretense and call yourself a capitalist
dw m8, it's Thatcher's fault.
I liked it when he didn't bow down enough
and when he was anti semetic by having the words Hezbollah and friend in the same sentence
Come on dude, I understand it. You're young and you voted out of protest. We've all been there but at some point we've got to grow up and ask ourselves - do we want to throw our toys out the pram, or do we want real, achieveable change? And I think the latter is only offered by a moderate Labour candidate.
Corbyn had his moment and steered the Labour ship through difficult times. He's a great human being and certainly a beacon of integrity, but I think he should keep his dignity and not hold on to a post he's long lost. He needs to realise that the game is up and the people are looking for real change, not a protest vote.
Those things combined with his disgraceful incitement of violence against what his supporters call "Red Tories" mean that we urgently need a new direction for the Labour Party. With the death of Jo Cox, we have seen what unfettered hate and vitriol in politics can lead to. Corbyn must not become complicit in her murder by allowing this political climate to build up any further. For the good of the party, and consequently, Britain's working people, he needs to step down.
(can I be a journo? what do you guys think?)
how about no
'ees doin' a bit, m8
Thar' ya' go lad. 'ees a good man, 'ees been a good man there, but 'ees gought tah do tha right thing an' step dune ta' prove himself.
I forgot to add that it's not just about the Labour Party. It's about our national political discourse. There's just no effective opposition right now because Corbyn is not enough of a leader to unite the Party. We urgently need someone to take the reins.
Consider also his excellent relationship to Jews - I think where there's smoke, there's fire. And there's been an awful lot of smoke coming out of the Labour Party recently. I think a man who considers Hezbollah his "friends" and to whom Israel is the Jewish equivalent of ISIS will not be able to provide a safe space for Jews within the Labour party - as has been shown by the behaviour of Ken Livingstone, one of Corbyn's closest allies who tried to downplay the significance of the Holocaust, and by the despicable attack on one of Labour's Jewish MPs at a conference earlier this week.
dont know how excellent got in there. lol. freudian slip or is that a word filter. lol
Please tell me yore doin' a bit, lad.
you might as well drop the pretense and call yourself a FBI shill
It made me rage, so preddy good.
This is an impressive level of trolling.
What's "Clause Four?"
Hope you kill yourself tia
This part was cut out and it was discussed for a while to reinstate it.
This is just turning into gamergate
#labourgate when?
The media benefits from the status quo the elite provide, its why no one trusts them anymore.
Unfortunately for them in the age of the internet they dont matter anymore
Meh, most of the content on the internet is just regurgitated from the big media brands, they still set the narrative
Not only that:
Understood in its totality, the spectacle is both the outcome and the goal of the dominant mode of production. It is not something added to the real world - not a decorative element, so to speak. On the contrary, it is the very heart of society's real unreality. In all its specific manifestations news or
propaganda, advertising or the actual consumption of entertainment the spectacle epitomizes the prevailing model of social life. It is the omnipresent celebration of a choice already made in the sphere of production, and the consummate result of that choice. In form as in content the spectacle serves as total justification for the conditions and aims of the existing system. It further ensures the permanent presence of that justification, for it governs almost all time spent outside the production process itself.
The media wants the status quo because it is a huge driving force of spectacle. What is the aim of spectacle? It is nothing more than to justify itself.
If you're member of an affiliated trade union like Unite or GMB (there are others), you can already vote in the leadership without having to become a full party member just so you know.
I'm a member of Unite, and I voted in the last leadership election before I actually became a full party member.
Basically socialism.
It was a part of the Labour party constitution which required the party to work towards securing common ownership of the means of production.
It was removed in 1995 by Blair.
Red tories are running scared.
rip, my irony detector just blew up and killed me
jesus benis
Although the old Clause IV was already a compromise between the Marxian influenced ILP and the Fabians. It's actually fairly vague.
someone tell the CPGB-ML they can dissolve their party and join labor now
did you guys know that burnham referred to something as simple as property tax as the "politics of envy"? why is that fuck in the labour party anyway?
Fucking oath m8, compared to what goes on in Canberra, the UK House of Commons is merely a rowdy, crowded pub
How spooky.
The Israeli government and military are racist monsters and Corbyn has done nothing wrong, but there's still nothing wrong with Jews. Judge people as individuals, not by their race.
Burnham doesn't have any politics. He's the most career driver polito I've ever seen, (witness him supporting Corbyn because he wants to be the candidate for Manchester Mayor).
Rebel's just fucking with you.
Holla Forums really needs to get better at obvious sarcasm
Holla Forums has proven that if you pretend to be retarded for long enough, you'll eventually attract actual retards who think they're in good company.