Why is starfleet such racist pieces of shits?

Why is starfleet such racist pieces of shits?

Oh yes, the studios knew what they were doing then. Pull something like this today and it's literally the second holocaust.

Starfleet is 97% human

The terran empire is destined to rule the galaxy, that's why Trek writers refuse to move forward post Voyager.

I though race was only skin deep?

racial insensitivity much?

Is "Gul" a Cardassian name or a title?



This is going into territory like
It's a tired trope, while true, is something alt-right retards on /r/the_donald repeat to sound edgy and profound at the same time. We know leftists make statements and humor based and race and stereotypes. Blacks have big cocks and can jump, white guys are boring, asians are good at math, etc. They are a confused bunch that is just trying to escape the reality that oppresses them daily. The only cure for this is genetic engineering in the womb and everyone comes out smart and aryan. This is the only cure for liberalism.

The only aliens they should recruit are Bajoran woman to sex slavery.

go away dukat

Name anything worse in any show ever. I'll wait.

Discrimination against manlets?

Best waifu

Too bad it's fiction, huh?

I could never reconcile this character and the voice of Starfleet Computers.

Leftist utopia's always fail because of pussy. Star Trek never deals with the fact that most men would be rendered useless because women have all their material needs met. The whole society would evolve into polygamy and harems.

wow you sound really smart.

if only real humans were smart enough to work together.

Sarcasm aside, they never deal with mass NEETdom in Star Trek. Barkely does not count really count.

The workshy get shipped off to colony worlds "to improve themselves". If you watched the show, you'd see that all the nice planets like Earth are exclusively for large appartments and estates of the high ranking Starfleet personel.

How does private property exist in Star Trek?

Jadzia / Worf romance episode

The computer voice was Counselor Troi's perma-horny mother. This lady was Nurse Ratched.

Name a single character death episode more meaningful and gut wrenching than finding out that Morn died.. Offscreen, no less!

Well, comrade, it doesn't. But try redistributing Picard's family wineyard and see how well that goes with his pals in orbit and armed with precision weapons of mass destruction.

You know, despite its overall crappiness I find Voyager very watchable, especially the early seasons. I've probably watched the first three seasons more than any other star trek show, it's just so comfy.


men kissing other men treated as a joke..

so homophobic



It's fiction even in Star Trek if you pay attention to the first two seasons of TNG, or any of DS9.

racism against holograms?