is 8ch killed?
look at the logs:
is 8ch killed?
look at the logs:
i blame mailman for the downfall of Holla Forums
Natural and organic dubs confirms he needs to step down
8/b/ is certainly dead
there is a spectacularly dedicated cadre of shitposters who spend a very large amount of time and effort ruining the board with forced meme spam. their most recent venture is spanish language image macros lifted presumably from facebook or something.
and now i'm going to hide this thread because they are going to descend upon me for knowing what they're doing and why they're doing it.
mailman has one of his daily 56% meltdowns again…
there is a difference between self-sustaining memes and spam
You know what, fuck you ingrate bastards. I control spam and you say Holla Forums is kill. FUCK you. you can enjoy your border jumping spick spammer.
I wish that "spammer" could replace (((mailman))). She would make Holla Forums so much fun and engaging.
It's not spam, Holla Forums. You're losing fair & square. Put on your big-boy pants because this is what accountability looks like.
((( )))
ungrateful is the word you are looking for, frog
Fuck off kike
The fact that you are ignorant enough to make a claim like this is only surpassed by the fact that you are ignorant enough to actually believe that it is true.
You control NOTHING.
Why the fuck do you think Dysnomia couldn't find anyone willing to vol for this shithole before you dipshits waltzed in thinking you were gonna be a bigshot on 8ch? You fuckers all forgot to lurk first and now you are beginning to realize what a huge pile of dogshit you stepped in. I have no sympathy for you, no obligation to treat you any particular way, and you have no power or authority here where the users are concerned, so take your butthurt tears back to wherever you came from.
See those? Those are called "dubs".
What is going on with the log is called bot posts. The system posts threads and comments, then deletes then after they have been recorded in the system log and boost the pph and other site activity metrics. Meaning the site is on life support, essentially. Being kept alive by artificial means.
That is not a good sign at all, anons.
Sadly, user is right.
What sucks is that the bot posts are often more interesting than anything else on the board, and just when they start getting interesting the system deletes them.
Why bother posting at all at this point?
This, it's totally not one self-sustaining meme poster and his/her enabler making natural threads with esoteric memes in them.
:^) + :3 = ?
Captcha: cuy mej
What makes you think those aren't bot posts?
I think we should have non mod hours where everything goes
an agreed upon time interval
outside of this mods can work
Because I'm totally not the spammer. What do you think the spammer is buying in Amazon?
Meep meep tbqhđź’‹
That was supposed to be the whole idea behind the creation of 8ch. It worked great until Jim showed up.
Mods can ban for ban evasion, which is counter to the reason we came here.
A ban for ban evasion is no more meaningful than the original ban being evaded. Bans are pointless here no matter how many layers deep they are. That means that even the BO is really nothing more than a janitor, whose only real power is to delete posts. And since those posts can be reposted faster than they can be deleted, that is no power at all.
Board rules are irrelevant, as nobody (even the mods) follows them.
Mewch when?
Never. But you keep on posting and we'll keep on telling you to fuck off.
.t not cat
It's not dead, we just don't care enough to post.
i left
when they remove pedo
You made this thread both natural and organic!
Even spammers get tired. Just use another board till they fuck off.
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
I'm so happy knowing we'll soon dox and ruin (((hikki-obasan)))
What a natural and organic thread OP, too bad it's esoteric in the catalog… but I'll bump it and hopefully change that.
Yes it is.
A chan without lolis cannot stand!
Mewch bans all pictures of children. You'd be much happier there.
:3 + :^) = ?
esoteric mail transport
I'm still here posting