Would you fuck a trap?
Would you fuck a trap?
stop posting trap threads or neck yourself OP
Like a Scooby-Doo trap or a bear trap?
stop being a faggot or I'll dox (((Hikkichan))) and make her suffer like the stupid face she is >:3
I would, but I'd probably lose a testicle or my dick in the process.
Yeah op just post in dennis' thread.
heck ya
I have fucked multiple.
Not really worth tbh
if you had a mutilated penis you would try just about anything in hopes of finding an answer.
Trap =/= tranny you humongous fucking faggot
They are both mentally ill. If anyone is a faggot that would be you.
it really isn't, traps and trannies are both almost always insane.
Traps aren't real.
No, I'm not gay
Men are better at being women then women.
meep meep I would trap a trap by buying a snare and baiting it with semen and then I would decide what to do with it tbh no homo
Traps aren't gay either, just like you are user.
But men don't have a vagina.
No, I would take a blowjob if they looked enough like a chick though.
meep meep you can bet the white race I would tbqh đź’‹
You made this thread both natural and organic!
esoteric dubs confirm
Fuck off back to leftypol nigger
meep meep oink oink tbh no homo
Hey Vsauce Michael here, I love sucking cocks on the side. Let me explain…
*obligatory music starts playing*
No because I'm not a faggot.
My semen is only for beautiful specimens of the white race.
most here would fuck a trap
most here would even fuck a monstrous troll tranny
No, I think there was a guy on Holla Forums who got infected by the lying trap who claimed that she is girl. He didn't know this until he found out. Do anyone remeber that poor guy? That is what it will happen to the guys so don't ever eff the traps. They will infect you intentionally.
What a natural and organic thread OP, too bad it's esoteric in the catalog… but I'll bump it and hopefully change that.
and some butt fucks
Lost cause