Why did Hitler thought of hispanics as Aryans but view anglos as subhumans? Why did Holla Forums lied to me about Hitler's view?
Why did Hitler thought of hispanics as Aryans but view anglos as subhumans...
Hitler never considered Anglos subhumans. Britain was the ones who declared war on Germany first because the fat drunk Churchill feared Germanys success would eventually undermine Britians then-global influence
Get use to it, you fucking Irish frog
mix nigers with chinks= Aryan?
((( )))
[mailman spacing]
Go fuck yourself kike
meep meep Hitler and the most redpilled Germans that escaped Germany didn't racemixed in south America because hispanics are aryans tbqh đź’‹
Because Hitler saw how aryan hispanics were.
Now this is uber redpilled, more reason to destroy the (((wall)))
You made this thread both natural and organic!
fucking based digits confirm. we need to get hispanic birthrrates up to compete with the arabs
Bumping for those tits
Politics of convenience.
I am not from Indonesia.
Ofcourse, it may also be related to Spanish Inquisition. But support of Franco seems to be my best guess.
Hitler here. Hispanics are not white.
Holla Forums where would you even b without my sauce
It was a bank war against usury and a war waged over Petroleum versus electricity
shouldn't your flag be argentina? VPN?
Stop searching for sense in the reasoning of Alt-right dimwits. It's a waste of time.
Hitler realized the potential of the German population, which consisted of light hair, fair skinned people.
This Holla Forums shitskin cannot understand the need for group loyalty, the need to obey and work as a collective for the benefit of the population as a whole.
So, literally, comunism?
What a natural and organic thread OP, too bad it's esoteric in the catalog… but I'll bump it and hopefully change that.
Hitler actually hated blonde people he was just shitposting facetiously
:3 + :^) = ?
Well, at least the salt is delicious…
Pls don't protect those subhumans
Samefagging for quality
Kind of, except it works fam.
???? Are you talking about mestizos right now?
is that you, user?
No, it's the opposite of Communism. When you insist on national loyalty based on genetic, ethnic identity, that's nationalism. When you invade Ukraine and call them racists because they would rather govern themselves, that's Communism.
but he didn't, you retard
((( )))
Something tells me you're not aryan, probably a kike or an anglo.