New Pleb Leddit Memeia

New Pleb Leddit Memeia.


niggers have really fucking disgusting nails




t. Jay Bauman

Holy shit our gal btfoing Marvel! How will they ever recover!

This nigger did a far better review than RLM. Fucking fags.


Why you keep sharing this garbage here? Webm or gtfo, you battered wife.

So was Mike saying little girls need to be looking up to Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton supposed to be ironic or not?

newfag detected

It's Pleb Leddit Memeia though



Can't get into a capeshit movie if I can't project myself onto the hero. Why do I want to pretend to be some dumb broad.


ourGals life anyone would want tbh familam.

No you suck my dick.


Its just not worth wasting a half hour to watch these hacks say





Top lel. Love him or hate him, you're thinking about him either way.

>>>/interracial/ is pretty hot tbh


that's me on the left.

Still Asshurt because RedLetterMedia are the best movie reviewers on YouTube.



Nice tits dude

go back to the oven, kike.


Enjoy your aids



Do you even realize the irony of these statements? I mean even if these were just attempts at riling one guy up and getting replies it's a complete and total failure as you're expending more effort than him to get less results.
The whole point of trolling is to get an absurd reaction out of the person, not for you to provide the absurd reaction for one liners in return.

every time you post >pleb leddit memeia i win. its that simple.

They know.


i win again, lews therin

Liberals making a liberal review about a liberal movie.

feels shkreli af

So who's gonna make the webm? The GAY COMMUNITY?

Probably by throwing money at Pleb Leddit Memeia so they'll shill the next Guardians of Galaxy or whatever the fuck is their next capeshit flick.


i win again

It's amazing how many people are desperately trying to mock Alex Jones after the Trump win. It's like these people don't even know what progesterone is.

Alex Jones made a mockery of himself, by among other things getting JUSTED by his ex-wife.

"Red Letter Media was a mistake."

- Freddit Breddit, Redditor Gold

"The user who does the gay Freddit Breddit shit was a mistake"

- Random user, Holla Forums Regular

This board is awful

its how we like it

Then you should be fine. Steve Trevor is the one that stops the gas bombing of London. WW just takes out Ares who basically didn't do shit.


ur mom is awful LMAO #ownd #420

Ever smelled a shirtless, musty nigger? It's one of the worst stenches imaginable. Barnyard animals smell better.

Why do you go around smelling niggers?

It's like how beaners always smell like fuckin Fritos.

The look in her eye, you just know they banged, etc etc.


Mine was mostly a funny, harmless may may

West Texan here. Can confirm. "Beaner" is a misnomer, they do in fact smell like sweat and Fritos all the goddamn time.

Mine wasn't.

t. Actual cuckhold

Half of the Marvel movies are pretty shitty though
They have had a lot of stinkers.

every capeshit movie is bad



Some can be kino.

no. capeshit is utterly without merit as a concept. a idea so stupid only burgers could have conceived it.


it's more than that, but yeah.
decades ago it was common knowledge in scientific fields that there were many molecules that had the same effect on mammals as estrogen, soy, various plastics, all kinds of shit.
it was only later that this common knowledge was labeled a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Too bad every single civilization has an equivalent concept and it actually has it's origins in early british comics that were essentially proto-superheroes.

Logan made me a pedophile so i'm kind of conflicted here

t. proud cuck who declares victory at the drop of a hat.

Just watched that the other night and still love it.

I want to marry Gal Gadot and get adopted by kikes.

Wonder Woman is confirmed kino

Its shit like every single capeshit