I was sexually harassed by him. He used his position as BO of Holla Forums to show me pics of naked children as well as drawings of children engaged in hardcore sexual activity and made me feel uncomfortable for not acting like I enjoyed them.
This is now inexcusable behavior according to US law. I urge anyone else who has been a victim of Dysnomia's sexually abusive behavior to stand with me here and demand that he be removed from 8ch. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
Egas really let himself go after all these years.
t. Holla Forumssvk
remove yourself, you pedo scum.
t. closet pedo
No wonder everyone hides your posts, you are clearly fucked in the head.
*hides your posts*
Haha you don't like drawings of children engaged in hardcore sexual activity what a fucking faggot.
pretty gay actually
#MeToo too! Thank you guys for speaking up, it is good to know that there are others out there!
I just reported that. I expect that Dysnomia will leave it up in an effort to promote it to others as normal, further stigmatizing and victimizing board users.
I heard from some of his new vols that the interview process was a bit "unusual" as well…although I haven't seen any of the photos involved.
If you reported that then you'll love this one.
Jim forced me to make out with a pig while he watched.
This artwork is phenomal; I saved it
Hmmm…harassment is against US Law, and repeated posting of sexual images with the intention of harassment is sexual harassment, so by allowing those pictures to stay up Dysnomia is *technically* violating US Law by abetting in the harassment.
OP's little joke may not actually be so very funny.
Is it still harassment if you don't feel harassed?
Don't you dare try to keep me from speaking my truth.
I'll be reclaiming my time now.
Artist is asakuraf, one of my favorites.
This is legal and I refuse to take it down
Pic related
The content may not be illegal, but the context underwhich you posted it is.
context matters
Technically all porn is illegal in the US because of obscenity laws
He is in a position of leadership, and this sort of thing should not be tolerated by 8ch.
He should be removed.
There is no federal obscenity law, numbnuts.
Porn is legal. Using porn to harass or intimidate is not.
your resistance only makes my penis harder
18 U.S.C. § 1466A- Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
So these cartoons ARE illegal!
Harassment is done with intent– he seems to be posting porn independent of your feelings of it.
You can also not claim harassment via someone posting porn in a public domain with prior disclaimer. You we're upset before he said anything to you therefore you can't blame him for being upset.
I never claimed to be upset.
not a child its a midget
I won't be responding anymore– I just cooked me a burger /w fries and I don't want to miss this!
I am offended by your nigger pic.
Remove Dysnomia now!!
These drawings are all over 18 according to the artist, officer.
at least thats what she told me
He's not? Is he at least Senafag?
No, he's not. Dysnomia is just some millennial faggot who became a mod by sucking cock in IRC.Uncle is a pedo tripfag who came here back in the day. Somehow, these two became one in the same.
.t 100% white american
I think the missing puzzle piece is observation
Some newfag started posting pictures of uncle claiming it was dysnomia and then it caught on with other newfags. That's the missing puzzle piece.
I leave for however long and I'm still being talked about?
People still talk about memeseeker, as though he ever did anything of interest.
eh, I liked seeker from the bit I talked with him
Well yeah, I enjoyed his company while I had it too, but he never really do anything to make him memorable.
We can't help it. You taste good in your mouths.
why do you have to trigger me, please stop
First one's pretty clearly a nigger resisting arrest, second one's a
avatarfags like you make me want to jack off to scat porn, if you know what I mean.
americucks everyone
Oh god, that's priceless. It's almost like you think you are above us. That's so cute.
They are above us look at a map
herp derp analogy fallacy
no u
fag tbh
oh no, you got me. I better tuck my tail between my legs and jack off to tranny porn, as they say.
No, please explain
I'm saying the nigger should have remained calm and explained himself and he wouldn't have been beat
i'm just glad i don't live in a 3rd world country like you tbh
It's like when you are in the desert and have the sudden need to evaluate your self interests while thinking about buying new shoes.
Well okay, just dont do it again.
and who is committing homicides? It's the niggers
found a slightly better source from my first search result, not going to bother to get that oecd study up rn
and this
the source is the OECD who is a partner of the UN; so you are literally retarded for thinking you just posted a different source because it has the businessinsider watermark on it. your results are clearly from one isolated year or a different range than the one i posted
do amerilards really not know the different between primary and secondary sources?
I wish I lived in a commonwealth country controlled by the Rothschilds like you. Then I would truly know what it's like to be white. Maybe then, I would be able to make fun of the silly white people in the USA, and wouldn't be called a cuck in the process.
business insider would do the same too though
If this vpn I'm using didn't have 3rd world speed I'd have the report downloaded. Looks like the one I found is from a different agency too.
Hi Dylan is that you?
Do you work for CNN?
I got the study pulled up on my phone now, looks like generally the states most infected with shitskins have the highest homicide rates. Shocker.
oh shit looks like 1995-2012 Canada and the US didn't even break 5/100,000 combined, let alone 6.1 in the US alone
>but (((business insider))) is a much more reliable source
it must be because of the white people…. Oh wait. Cities with the highest crime rates are controlled by black democrats.
Hau ab, Hans
That meme of yours is pretty shit too, 56% hwite doesn't mean every person is 56% white you soviet rapebaby
meant for
pretty soon we'll be in the negatives though and become orcs/goblins