who has more self-sustaining memes?
Who has more self-sustaining memes?
natural and organic trips?
What a shit thread
my dicc
more like military based, amirite fellow centipede?
[reddit spacing]
should auto link to twatter so we can optics tbh fam.
omg what if we did #famaga, but had the M both upper and lower case in a gif
[mailman spacing]
like omg, that would enrich 8ch with a whole new generation of memeers, we would become self-sustaining officially and then we could like attack tumblr ><
[mailman spacing]
we need to get based Josh on this ASAP!!
is mailman spacing a new forced thing i missed? coming back from haitus
it's an esoteric meme
[mailman spacing]
nothing to be suspicious of
omg fuckin BASED MAGA hahahaha
[mailman spacing]
owning libs with fuckin BASED JOSH meep meep
fucking BASED thread
Josh should bless this thread by giving us hashtags already!!
[mailman spacing]
Asian girls would love him!
i hear he died eating out a fine asian totally a girl. forgot to tilt his head sideways after 24 hours of cocaine fueled oil field sex
was more of a subgen than discordian, same shit i guess
this one
fucking based natural and organic memery
self-sustaining rescue
Your my favorite user
it was dead last in the catalog. almost too late tbh