Russia goes full HALAL


What you are going to read will give you a cultural shock, especially for people who are very pro-putin here.

Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Tatarstan started to investigate clip "Zhanym" by singer Rezeda Ganiullinova, who was filmed against the background of the mosque. According to the agency, "the actions of a woman may be signs of a crime under Art. 148 of the Criminal Code (violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion). "

The video was published on the Internet on 19 September. The clip was filmed in the town of Bolgar near the White Mosque cathedral. The next day the imam of Kazan The Thousandth Anniversary of Islam Mosque Seydzhagfar Lutfullin census roll with the words "the shame of the Tatar people", the singer called "stripper" and demanded that it "immediately repent to Allah." The clip also spoke Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Samigullin, wrote in instagrame that "the mosque - it is not a place for dancing."

The Thousandth Anniversary of Islam Mosque imam, accused the singer of "desecrating the house of Allah," and wrote that she has time "until tomorrow" to remove the video from the Internet.

Here's the video itself:

Other urls found in this thread:


b-but muh white nationalist superstate

They are slavs, they aren't and will never be whites(europeans).


Of course they are "white".
There just isn't a singular "white race".
There are several distinct white races

Does anyone have a translation? Because this looks suspiciously like a "Come on, you immigrants!" type of song.

are there different species of humanoid? if so, then there are many different white races. Otherwise the typical nomenclature would be "white ethnicities"

It seems like this isn't news about something in Russia, retard.

No need to worry the counter revolution is next year and the tsars are coming back to murder all musliums and hang putin from a light pole

You mean those Rothschilds that claim that they were royal families n shit?

The duma was won by Putin's party by over 88% (kek), so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

No whichever slavic warlord leads the rightwing death squad and murders putin gets to be the new tsar.

Im sure the pols taken by putin are super accurate and the kgb agent wpuld never lie about anything in a country renown for corruption

It's literally over, fuck off, kike.

the only people that defend mordorrussia are non russians, because actual russians are banned from 8ch and non russians dont realize how terrible russia is

protip: russia is europe in 50 years

cockhols arent butthurt about things 24/7 at least


Hang on.


The moment Russia goes ethnically nationalist they can wave goodbye to 80% of their country.
Just not going to happen.

wtf I love russia now

Taken the putinpill I see? How dare i question the white nationalist superstate where everyone is happy all the time.

And? The same could be said for the US doesnt mean I dont support nationalism in the US.

They sure are wearing a lot of Flektarn.

Oh well, better than sending our surplus to Bosnia or the Kurds, at any rate.

Take the Zyklon pill, lad.

Savior of the hwhite race

I really have trouble picturing what American nationalism would look like. What do you propose?

But it's not all bad, if Russia gets rid of everything East of the Urals, they'd still be one of the strongest economies in Europe, and won't waste most of their money on subsidizing their East. Might actually do them a lot of good.

to be fair, if muds hate womyn and enforce anti womyn laws in their cults the very least we civilized people should do before we manage to deport them all is respect their backwards cult whenever they contain it to their designated cult worshiping places

If you bitch about Putting banaing womyn for being Haram in front of a Mosque, then you are a hypocrite if you suport him when he bans faggotry and tryes to keep it away from churches

besides, this looks more like an attempt to get rid of Arabic looking and sounding shit in the Russian media

Look here, you little kike. Putin, much like Trump, probably isn't the second Hitler, but that doesn't mean he won't make something like a second British empire either.

Im not saying hes all bad, he doesnt deserve the praise he gets. He is mostly shit he just had the balls not to be a slave to the US like most countries.

Except the exact opposite is happening, """white""" Russians have below replacement birthrates, while the Muslim oblasts shit out kids like crazy and send their excess to the western Russian cities for work, where they build their own little communities and refuse to integrate

Proofs? No really because I don't know.

MUH none whites doing jobs we wont do is retarded. Thats for niggers they shouldnt be in Russia.
He doesnt purge any degenerates the highest murder rate drug use and abortion rate in europe is in Russia.

What will be left of us at the end of the century

proofs? proofs?

Did you read the article? The mosque is in the background. Mosque is considered as a holy place, that like filming porn in a church.

All of the retards will use it. It shouldn't exist, but the people that would even use it shouldn't either.

Putin is a white nationalist and will save Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thinking drug use kills the bad ones is retarded. Its diseugenic as fuck because just about anyone of any sort of intellegence and background can get caught up in it. DURR THE ANSWER TO SHRINKING BIRTHRATES IS TO KILL EVERYONE WITH DRUG USE!!!! If we removed everyone who was ever at one point in thier life a drunkard or drug user from our race many of our most brilliant would be gone.

You kikes were really triggered by the Russian incinerating those 50 ISraeli terrorists in Syria?

People can still fuck while on drugs. And it fucks up their kids too, and spreads STDs since they're probably whoring themselves out.

Pic2 is the distribution of ethnic Russians, but it doesn't go all the way to the East.

That's not what I'm saying at all. Drug use in America spikes because kikes say it doesn't kill you, which is true, but that doesn't mean it won't damage your neurons and make you into a walking husk after eight uses either. The difference is that the degenerates here keep shitting things up years after initial use.

Everything is controlled oposition.

shit thread

Savagery radiates outwards from the steppe, unconquerable, always generative, changing racial incarnation as old invaders become new settlers.

Russia thinks itself the virile savage, but though once it was, now it isn't. Russia is now merely the shores of the European mainland, facing out across the barbarian land-sea. Invasion is inevitable.

Sup Chaim.

So traditional multiculturalism is okay now? Please elaborate.

He's a fucking clown for thinking that the difference is any more than one of degree; but at the same time, there can never be a true nation on the steppe so he's right for thinking it's silly to criticise Russia for its multiculturalism. Only empire can exist in that realm, because it's an impossible, ungovernable, indefensible multicultural space.

it's literally just "russia has been a melting pot for chechens, mongols, and slavs for the longest time, why should we change that now goy?"

If traditional multiculturalism is having sixty villages of caucasians around yours that all have slightly different ways of making QT dresses and cooking then there's no issue. Nonwhites are the problem.

1 shekel has been discounted from your salary.

That's a huge difference.

She wasn't on the mosque's property she was on public property and the camera happened to include something that was far away but visible.

If I film a video on a mountain and it includes some images of area 51's walls that doesn't mean I violated state secret preservation.

my thoughts exactly

Some white race traitor whore shilling herself out for those poor arabs who need our help…
serves her right.

Hey there Goldberg

This is in Tatarstan faggots, which is an ethnic republic for the Tatars living in Russia.

It's just a bunch of butthurt imams and everybody in Russia including the tatars themselves are basically telling them to go fuck themselves.

The imams are using the laws for protecting religious feels which were voted after the Pussy Riot demonstration in a church.

Ahmed pls

dont lie ahmed

muslims in russia commit most crimes and are dumbest of the population (like everywhere else in the world)

As if it doesn't completely fit the trend of the exploding influence of the church in Russia, and in Russia's courting of the Islamic world. This is only the beginning

I am talking about Tatarstan though.
Tatars are pretty okay.

The muslims in Russia who cause problems are the temporary work migrants who will have to go back, and the chechens who are numerically irrelevant and the last time they seriously chimped out they were killed by the truckload.


Le liberator face

No can do. It's in a double bind. Russia needs the foreign workers, because their remittances keep the buffer nations economically dependent on Russia. And it needs these buffer regions so that China, Europe and the Mudslimes don't go Polish Partition on Russia.

Its like when Texans or southerners talk about based niggers and its pathetic

Jesus fucking christ you putin dicksuckers are sad

Belly Dancing in the middle east predates Islam by 1000 years. How ironic.

No it isn't. Southerners brought the niggers themselves, while the tatars have lived there longer than the Russians, they were conquered and aren't remotely comparable to niggers.

Just because you have extremely shitty minorities doesn't mean that everyone else should want to genocide theirs.

Tatars are not a demographic threat (their birth rate is the same as Russians), they are almost all secular, patriotic and get along fine with the Russians (who constitute 43% of Tatarstan compared to 48% Russians) and many of them are actually pretty fucking white, probably due to all the mixing with Russians.

In Russia children from mixed marriages adopt the non-Russian identity, kind of like black and white parents make black kids in the US, but they still feel Russian in a civic sense.

Russia has pretty much the same multiculturalism model as Byzantium from which it has always drawn heavy inspiration. This doesn't change the fact that the ethnic Russians are still the foundation of the state, and every minority adopts the wider Russian culture along their ethnic identity.
You are simply ignorant of history and of models completely different from modern Western civilization.

It doesn't sound much different than their cracking down on Pussy Riot twerking inside chruch.

Thankyou Ahmed. As usual, a largely burger audience doesn't understand that CIS is not a white dominion but an empire with mutual respect for the constituent nations.

The takeaway is this is Tatarstan not Rus, and jiggling your tits in the courtyard of a mosque is just the kind of thing to let a censorious mullah get some air time and show he can handle the fly bitchez.

No. It comes from former Kike central, Chechnya.

Look at the bottom left of the map.

I'm actually Bulgarian.

My knowledge of Russia is due to speaking Russian, spending time in the Russian part of the Internet and having Russian friends IRL

It's absolutely fucking nothing

You missed the first post goldberg



Jewtin yes

Get a load of this rag head

give them citizenship, and they'll take your liberties, safety and quality of life

all for some cheap labor, ethnic food, diversity points for peer approval.

It was the other way around tartars conquered Russia and raped and murder into Europe they are gigantic niggers you putin cocksucking cucks

Nobody on 8ch are pro Putin. It's all Russian Orthodox shills who also push Christian D&C. They are a cancer that our MODS haven't been able to figure out because they think it's about numbers and not quality.

It's 4chan cancer

The only people who are constantly sucking russian dick on this site are burgers you subhuman niggers. MUH GREAT MULTICULT STATE

The pro christian shilling and pro russian shilling are the same retards there not even Russians the few russians who do post are not pro putin

you actually know your stuff, are you from the old world?

New worlders (mostly burgers) are fucking retarded, the only good conversations I have these last 10 years have been in European and Latin American forums or threads.

speaking of how retarded burgers are, here is this guy

Barely they eat up the SJW attitudes quicker than we have in the west. Good luck Russians I wonder how long you'll be taken for, will you fall as low as us in the west? Or lower?

Russia is where the (((NWO))) will move if Clinton becomes president and causes the ultimate collapse of the US.

Does anyone else like Slavs but hate Russia? Whenever I hear about degeneracy from Eastern Europe, it's always from Russia.

Hey, they just had elections, they voted for Putin's party.

Also Soros, you'll never ever regime change Russia, despite attempts just before this election.

I'm a civic nationalist now

What I mean is, the Russians had a chance to vote for the Communist Party for example but most of them refused. For some reason, they prefer Putin.

As such, since this election has just been held, we can only assume that this is the direction the Slavs want for Russia.

Die CIS scum.

putin runs an empire and doesnt give a fuck about anyone else.

he likes european nationalism because he wants the EU gone

this is why RT will be pro trump yet run stories about muh poor refugees. anything to destroy the EU and america's kiked out foreign policy.



The ruling class of Russia used to be purely of Germanic origin, as Slavs are unable to create large empires. The Rus carved that land out of nothing just like the Franks had done, the Jews took it from them in early 1900s and now all think they are entirely Slavic.

Slavs are the newest arrivals to Europe that's why Germanics have never liked them because they brought the Hun also the Cucuteni and Trypillian cultures. Those stand in strict contrast to our Ertebolle and Maglemosian ones. Funny though that a lot of peoples we call "Slavs" are actually Germanics, they were forced to learn the language of the Slav during the times of the USSR, of course even before then over conflicts. The reason why Hitler wanted the Polish corridor among other parts of the newly put together country was because it used to have many German Kingdoms and why there is such a thing as as Danube Swabians, look into Lebensraum as well.

Why can't Germanic peoples no longer fight for their destiny?



I dont hate Russians I think many of them are very cool. But they have an underclass of dicksucking faggots on this board that make excuses for putin because andrew anglin on the daily stormer took the putin pill.

our destiny was put into question by the first world war

We need to realize the only reason Russia is doing fine with its Muslims is because Russia has had them for hundreds of years. They didn't mind being ruled over by a Czar, there has never been a problem, besides Chechen (((wahhabis))). Remember, Wahhabism has only been a problem that has appeared in the last century, and is literally Jewish in origin. Point in case, Russia is probably doing this to keep the relationship between the various minorities stable, in light of all the refugee shit going on. I can guarantee you a Syrian refugee would get his shit kicked in around a group of Chechens for chimping out.

Chechens are 10 times worse then syrians. All the pimps, drug dealers the mass amount of terrorist attacks are done by chechens. and no you fucking fanboys need to understand Russia has never been like this central asians and muzzies were never allowed to flood into traditional Russian lands like this they are taking over the country.

That's pretty anti white

Basil II did nothing wrong, except perhaps not going far enough.

Why do you guys shill for the cuck regime of Russia do they pay you?

just kill me fam

Checking your double dubs to confirm. I honestly wouldn't have known about this since I didn't know about Tatarstan being a kebab vassal.

Chechens are much whiter than the syrian hordes coming in, physically as well as genetically. I'd rather have 10 million chechens in my country than a million negroids or pakistanis.

these are the same pictures and almost same comment from the guys that was shilling the chechens are white and better then Ukrainians thread. Is that it? You are a shitskin subhuman living in Russia so you always come out to attack anyone who criticizes the modern multicultural state

That's not very smart, user.

Did anyone expect anything else? That place is full of muzzies

you have no idea.

those fake "nazis" are funded by a literal group of kikes.

Igor the kike in this first pic actually takes the symbol and turns it into a MENORAH.



The people leading russia are literal kikes and other then those two images I have never seen real proof of that. I do seem to remeber an old communist tactic being always accuse the opposition of doing what you are though

aka projection aka spielberging

alright then give me some facts convince me

opps sorry thought you were the other guy

lol I'm not from Russia you retard.

You sound like a crybaby ukrainian with a victim complex. Nobody cares about your eternal butthurt.

The facts are that Russia has less nonwhites than the US has negroids ALONE. Not to mention the tens of millions of brown aztec midgets as well. I'd rather live in a white caliphate than a brown neo-Brazil christcuck nation. Chechens won't let those outside their tribe touch their women, which I have the utmost respect for.

theres dozens of articles showing the details

now you can rightfully go fuck yourself.

fake nazis in jewkraine are just a false opposition to scare the dumbfuck goys into thinking OY VEY DA NAZZIS ARE BACK ITS GUNNA BE A WHOLE NUDDA SHOAH!!! all in order to invade ukraine.

unless youre only here to shill, then just face it, youve been rused. there are no nazis resurging, its just a D&C plot.

Ramzan Kadyrov is the Savior of the White Race, and Chechens are 14/88 guerilla warriors.

Ramzan Kadyrov training young white warriors for the Holy War

Im not a ukie and russia has the most musliums in europe its only 80% white stay salty ivan

the sources say what I already knew not what you are claiming. That US institutions funded radicals in Ukraine to overthrow the government and fight Russia it doesn't say anything about azov being funded or lead directly by any jew.

Hey look I have some fun propoganda pices for you to