this thread is for #CodeLikeAGirl
We need more women in programming. the truth is women are great programmers, but there isn't enough high quality photo shoots with beautiful models claiming to be programmers. this is what's holding them back.
this thread is for #CodeLikeAGirl
We need more women in programming. the truth is women are great programmers, but there isn't enough high quality photo shoots with beautiful models claiming to be programmers. this is what's holding them back.
Other urls found in this thread:
We already have enough code-monkeys.
What IT really needs are more fashion tips for women in Holla Forums. Things like what eyeliner truly accentuates your affinity for cloud services.
Ok wait.. So I was looking for some random chick behind a laptop as image and found this unironic shit instead.
I should've known I can't possibly satirize feminism better than it does itself. What the fuck...
Yeah, these women can come in the code monkey industry, but they don't deserve any child. You're either a mother, or either a modern. Not the two at the time, if you have any pity for the child.
Moreover, they certainly don't deserve to be in the programming hobbyist "club", of passionnated people who want to turn these things in the right direction. I mean, anytime a girl come in a men club, this club is getting destroyed. If you want to destroy everything, then do it, but you're gonna be responsible of that. Build your own women club of hobbyist programmer, but don't mix with us.
woah ther buddy! cool it with the misogyny! Holla Forums is a feminist board so please behave or leave
Feminists just have to build their own fucking club.
Even in the army, in some coutry, there are special division made just for women. They're not mixing everyone like the fucking retarded US army.
I have codebabes in my tube favs
reported! Holla Forums will not stand for such misogyny!
Sex segregation*
There is no genders.
Moreover, you're just gonna spoil the 1337 for everyone. They are just gonna be more and more closed community with only invitation, because of you cancer.
"gender" is a term coined in the 1950s by a pedophile sexologist named John ((Money))
There is no Genders
Just because there isn't a word for it doesn't mean it didn't exist.
You should've posted this:
Oh God. That's truly irritating. One more reason to use IceCat over vanilla-cucked FireFox
That's sex, not gender. Like said "gender" was coined to separate self-identity from sex.
We need to put all these women together with the pajeets in the same room so they can have a firsthand experience about cultural enrichment
I for one agree there are not enough models in coding. And be honest, they can't code worse than Pajeet and don't smell of curry.
fuck off jewgle shill
Is this bait ?
kek but degenerate
Not the user you posted.
You know nothing of misogyny.
If this user would want misogyny he would not have said that woman are "either mothers or a modern".
Misogynist are asking a woman to have no legal rights and obey to their master/husband.
Woman have no right they don't have the right to have a jobs except if their husband/master says so.
It's a lot like islam.
Actually this user could have point a if a woman wants a children she shouldn't be working and raise it until the child can take care of itself.
Well that's what I analyze when I compare the differences between our generation and the precedent.
I don't say that woman are the only responsible.
Of course beta males are also responsible for this horrible generation.
I don't say either that a woman can't have child or a job anyone should have the choice to do what they want.
But seeing how disastrous is the new generation since the new wave of feminism I am asking question.
Should a woman stop working to raise kids when she want some ?
Should mens go into mandatory military training for a year and stop being a faggot ?
People can just play the game just by downloading it
There's no need for a browser plugin if you don't execute it in the browser
What's the correlation between firefox and google ?
Is this bait ?
kek but degenerate
Not the user you posted.
You know nothing of misogyny.
If this user would want misogyny he would not have said that woman are "either mothers or a modern".
Misogynist are asking a woman to have no legal rights and obey to their master/husband.
Woman have no right they don't have the right to have a jobs except if their husband/master says so.
It's a lot like islam.
Actually this user could have point a if a woman wants a children she shouldn't be working and raise it until the child can take care of itself.
Well that's what I analyze when I compare the differences between our generation and the precedent.
I don't say that woman are the only responsible.
Of course beta males are also responsible for this horrible generation.
I don't say either that a woman can't have child or a job anyone should have the choice to do what they want.
But seeing how disastrous is the new generation since the new wave of feminism I am asking question.
Should a woman stop working to raise kids when she want some ?
Should mens go into mandatory military training for a year and stop being a faggot ?
People can just play the game just by downloading it
There's no need for a browser plugin if you don't execute it in the browser
What's the correlation between firefox and google ?
#Why #in #these #gay #girlscancode #kodewithkarlie #things #everyone #has #a #macbook.
There are no genders, you stupid fuck
right, but that's not a real thing, that's what we're saying. sex is a measurable quantity, gender is invented bullshit.
This. If there's gamer gurrrl meme, why isn't there progggrmr grrrl meme?
It's because secret patriarchy meetings shut this meme down.
Gamur grrlz exist because game streamers started the gaming celebrity meme, whereas patriarchy stops programmer celebrities in their tracks. Barbie needs Ken to aspire to after all.
3000/10 bait. too much Holla Forums in here this week. must be summer
When you're forming an OSI layer 7 protocol on top of TCP sockets, there's the common pattern of sending something to the client that describes what kind of content you're gonna send (length and maybe other things like the type), but how is the client supposed to know the length of the initial message? Do you just pick an arbitrary size for the descriptor, or is there some kind of bootstrapping convention that people use often?
btw I'm a girl so please be understanding.
That's how antifas receive their state funding.
Are you dumb or what?
Google is responsible for the Botnet browser. And it is the main threat to the web as we know it, because it's already the most popular browser and if it gets 99% then nobody would care about web standards again, and everything will be fucked in ass.
And FF or derivatives are the only thing that's not based on Botnet.
what about opera?
I've gone to school with a few women who were genuinely interested in programming and they were all pretty cool people. There was one girl who was there to be the flamboyant gurl coder and she just ended up cheating off of everyone and getting betas to do her work for her and eventually dropped out. I imagine actual women interested in this field are really put off by campaigns like this because it singles them out even more than they were before, and then they also get associated with the air head stereotype. I think stuff like this is just going to make more women disinterested in coding, especially the ones that would actually be capable of doing it which is too bad
it is also Botnet derivative, and nonfree
if you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't be here
women are dumber than pajeets
wew. The point of having gender as a separate property is so that it's easier for us to speak of people with dysphoria relating to their sexual characteristics, and of those who have irregular/mixed sexual characteristics (such as people with chromosomal disorders). Genderfluid and bigender and demi-helicopter etc. are very likely just made up special snowflake categories, but saying that MtF trans people aren't people of the male sex but female gender is either missing the point of the words themselves or a denial of the phenomenon of dysphoria.
Probably, but feminists don't give a fuck about women. One nigger I went to uni with (there were like two niggers in the whole CS dept) was really pissed off when the university was forced to dismiss better candidates in favor of niggers because he (correctly) thought people would think he was there only because he was a nigger. At the time I was... not in favor, but not against quotas since I was a stupid commie. Student quality dropped real hard with the quotas, it's a completely different crowd.
there were 5 I saw, 2 graduated. The program had about 120 people in it. I was in classes with maybe 75 of them. I only really befriended one of them but yeah not many either way
colleges only give a fuck about money at this point so I'm not surprised
#define int bobblysweats(lol){ if I am cute { thank_you(exe) else { kill[self]}end}
this thread again
cd code
What kind of IDE is that? Why she is logged in to it? Do I need to log in to IDE nowadays?
I know you do need to login to Visual Studio Community Edition at least last I checked but that bitch is using a Mac and I doubt she knows she can even use Windows on it even if she wanted too so I doubt she's using that.
Probably Rubymine, but not sure.
Which makes me wonder.. Why do chicks and SJWs seem to go for Ruby so often? It's not exactly the most straightforward language to start with. Could it be some basic female thing, like they're attracted to shiny things, so they pick the language solely because Rubies are shiny and expensive, and Pythons are icky scary snakes?
There's the ruby on rails program. Which is pretty targeted at girls/kids for no other reason I can guess than tainting them to other languages. Most women/nu males (same thing) only care about computers as far as it makes them look. They are to computers what niggers are to America; a useful tool to build things that turns into a nuisance after we have what we need.
you made my day, sir
What's so damn hard about Ruby?
Mods please delete cat hopped on keyboard
From what I've read and seen its like perl in that you have a few hundred different ways of doing the same thing. So it winds up looking like abortion spaghetti if someone didn't comment things out.
Why do all the back-end languages have the same problem? Is NodeJS the only actually good one?
False, the only good language is assembly.
I protest the low quality of this bait.
It's doable, so long as you stick with 32-bit Intel.
NodeJS is going to be the big meme for the next 7~10 years. You better start learning NodeJS now to get those meme jobs.
And after 2~3 years learn GO because thats going to be the next meme after NodeJS.
If it comes to it, I'll learn Go. But not Node.. That is where I must draw the line.
Serverless is going to be the next big thing.
I'd try rust, but they expect me to install Visual Studio for it. Fuck that shit.
4 incoming loonix rage: yes, I'm a winfag, fuck you
Gender is a made up word created for an experiment which failed and ended up ultimately in the death of 2 innocent people after years of psychological torment as children.
Gender doesn't exist. Sex exists. To propogate use of the word gender is unethical.
I doubt it.
a miserable pile of forced memes
Why am I not surprised?
you are living in a world where social media data mining is sustaining the U.S IT sector. They're not going to commit suicide by developing P2P technology
Because sucking cocks is all you ever think about?
Serverless is form of platform as a service offered by cloud computing providers.
why has no one called her out on her shit.
She's not hurting anyone. It's just fun to watch.
An unworkable design that no one stopped during the idea guy phase.
Can you please give some example of things that are wrong with Rust programming language?
The one that should be obvious is that it doesn't scale. Even with what they're calling incremental recompilation the time taken is a factor of the size of the project instead of the size of the change. That might be fine for a webdev language, but systems projects get pretty big and are frequently modified. Also, rust's version of incremental recompilation is largely unusable by professional teams as the binaries produced differ from "release" binaries so testing would need to be done on the non-incremental version. If you don't understand why you need to get some experience working on large software.
The other is that the core of the language is so half-assed that you'd end up having to write replacements just to get real work done. Internationalization, for example - how do you do it when formatted strings are /compiled/ in rust? You can't internationalize it without putting each translated string into the code with a conditional which is mindblowingly stupid. While they recognize things like this and their standard library are a disaster, they make very little progress on replacing them. Looking at the bugtracker, they're still arguing about how to fix that formatting issue some 3 years after systems people took their first look at rust and laughed at it.
Thank you for posting this. I did not know that Rust is that bad before reading your post.
You made me curious and I looked it up too. It looks like site hosted by Wix, which seems to be one of those free "build your own site easily" hosting provider, with ready made templates and all that. She probably hasn't written a single line of HTML/CSS, let alone any code.
Nobody gets that excited by a coding school. Are they trying to trick these girls into thinking it's something incredibly fun again?
pick one
The Dunning-Kruger effect in this place gets stronger by the day...
pick one or install the gnu toolchain
GNU toolchain MINGW or whatever is advised against because in introduces all kinds of issues. And whether you install the entire VS or get the VS build tools alone, you're getting all the free telemetry bullshit with it. No thanks. I'll take any language that is stand alone over that any day.
are you baiting?
holy shit you are that muh internationalization faggot.
are you fucking retarded?
btw i have no clue what you are babbling about the incremental compilation.
here we go again with that shit...
Look, I'm sorry (not really), but I'm just not installing Rust with VS. Whether Windows itself is or isn't CIANigger proof, I don't care, I just don't want my own executables to be included in their telemetry shit by default, which has been shown their compilers do.
The rest is all a bunch of bullshit. Believing Linux is any safer than any other OS is fooling yourself. All it takes is a handful of "sponsored" contributors who deliberately leave open a few tiny holes, while you keep telling yourself some nonexistent GNU police is keeping a watchful eye on every change in the code (and checks out every contributor in their own CIA database) and will notice any possible exploit before it ships out.
Gimme a break.
But I don't feel like having this conversation in this hole of fanboys, so let's just keep it at this being my retarded opinion. You believe whatever you like and sleep blissfully.
you originally said that rust required visual studio which is complete nonsense. now please stop sperging out about requiring a c++ compilet to compile c++ code.
Even if they leave holes for CIA or whoever to hack into computers running Linux it is still better than being subjected to constant data collection that is used to target you with ads.
this nigga just went full retard
You can ship broken shit and nobody will call you out on it because it's the norm in ruby. There's no culture of testing, dependencies are solved by creating an entire new installation per program you want to run, and they're too busy self-congratulating at DiversityCon to notice their code is worthless.
i'd fuck her
People with dicks can do a falsetto.
And this is what happens when you disable JS
Best part is the scholarship application form is broken
nigger pajeet where we going there will be no hardware just pure code, sunshine and farts.
that pretty much sums up everything have said and will ever say.
those girls sure are smart
I can't wait to see which revolutionary thing they will program.
I love how her actual coding work is nowhere to be found on the site.
It's not that bad. And as soon as Linux starts running the software I need, I'll switch, but for now: can't.
I know you guys better than you think.
Honestly though, considering how girls love to make lists, they could be the ones that bring Lisp back in view.
Spying domain.
This is all that page contains.
New Venture Fund
Board of Directors:
>Climate Interactive:
>Equity and Excellence Commission:
>Every Mother Counts:
>Hamburger Hummus:
>Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders:
>WASH Advocates:
Ruby is based on the ideas and concepts in lisp.
So technically they have brought back lisp. They just gave it a gayer name and a CoC.
did they pull this data out of their asses?
1: [citation needed]
2: this is plausible, as women tend to choose degrees in worthless fields such as art, language, and tumblr studies.
3: Are you surprised? Women are ultra goys and willingly devour consumerism like Chad's cock.
#1 makes little sense. All startups which were sold for billions to some sucker or actually are worth billions were started by men. I can't think of a single one started by women.
#2 is true. About 60% of degrees go to women. Even fields which used to be male-dominated are close to 1:1. This is a guess, but I'd say one reason is guys more often have to work while women don't have that pressure. Another obvious reason is you have general grants and you also have female-only grants so they have access to a larger pool of money.
#3 seems highly suspicious. I'd buy that women spend more online than men do, but it can't be THAT much more. If the number isn't pure bullshit maybe women usually do the purchase when it's a couple buying.
Uh, exactly what in the fuck is going on with the guys' code? What's up with the pointer fuckery in the first i assignment and what the fuck is the next assignment doing besides a rightshift?
It's the square root function from the Quake engine if I'm not wrong.
that's the console though
First one I can't find.
The middle on seems to be true.
The last on comes from "simplerelevence" and while I don't know how they did the study, they said "85% of women make or influence consumer spending". What defines influence i don't know.
Why do women in almost all pictures of the tech industry are using == apuls == instead of == think == pads ?
Because Apple makes fashion accessories, not work machines.
Yeah, though it is a bad comparison. Carmack admitted he copied the code and had little idea what it did.
Also if I remember correctly, the image is shopped.
Google Fast Inverse Square Root
Quake 3 Arena
They removed the comment that said "what the fuck"
That picture on the right makes me so fucking angry.
You do not need to needlessly increase the file size with worthless information and lecture notes to make code work. But great job lady you know how to code some shit I did as homework in community college. Somebody paid you to make things I did as homework look like an abortion.
And while I'm here I might as well point out some other shit, this woman seems to have no respect for anyone reading her code by constantly commenting out every function and act she's doing. By the way great job you seem to have a created a call function that could be done with one of the prebuilt java classes or more simply been an if then else if statement
There is no need to rewrite the book of genesis every fucking line with /* just use // like a normal person you fucking heifer.
Its because of people like you we have to make shit go beyond the point of diminishing returns now to make up for your lazy work. Really fucking random isn't it you dumb bitch.
/* real man's code */
int max(int a, int b)
return a > b ? a : b;
oops i'm retarded. how do i do preformatted again, i've never had to do that before
You forgot that if a == b then you have to return 5 because apparently 5 is ramdum XDXD.
i have a modest youtube channel i code on and looking at stats viewers are >90% male. 18% computer science degrees earned by women seems a dubious claim. if women are so naturally eager to code but oppressed by the brogrammer patriarchy i would expect to see more women secretly watching my videos. tragic that these marxist fucks hoodwink girls into a career they don't want and that doesn't benefit them.
At what point does commenting become excessive for a begginer or a retard? She's obviously going full retard by even commenting the obvious like "return b if a is less than b", etc, but I remember I used to basically write the algorithm/pseudocode as comment lines then fill the function with proper code while leaving the comments for future reference. Nowadays I just add a "this function does X stuff" at the start and comments where the function would begin some complex loop or set of assignments.
What's wrong with using /*?
Nothing wrong with /*, but since (iirc) C99 // is also accepted as a C comment. Stylistically, use /* for a block comment explaining what the function does, and // for smaller shit like TODO or FIXME.
She's a retard because she writes functions that lie to the user. This function doesn't return the max of two numbers because when the two numbers are equal it returns 5.
Comments go at function declaration saying what the function does, what it returns, and what its arguments are. They go at the definition of the function saying how it does it along with a citation if it's someone else's algorithm simply because you're probably going to fuck it up and want it as reference. Finally, they also go inside the function when something weird is done that cannot be obviously explained via variable names, or when you have to stray from the algorithm as given. The first one can be omitted if there's other function documentation available like a user guide or similar, or if it's a private function clearly labeled as such.
If you do comments every single line, then you're needlessly bumping your line count with useless shit and teaching anyone else who reads your code to just ignore the comments since they don't provide anything meaningful.
/**/ block comments are for faggots who can't into emacs.
C-space to begin selection
(select code)
M-; to comment / uncomment selection
the only reason to use block comments is when testing blocks of code and even that is debatable. if your code is too long to comment / uncomment with M-; your code may be lacking in modularity.
I mean shit like the function description comment before the function
/************************ * This function does some shit * \param P1 a parameter * \return Some more shit ******************************/
fucking jews, I tell you
we are talking about people here who can't recognize math. I wish there was some secret one line of hacker code to break into shit.
I believe the right image was fake.
Obviously because of it's superficial tie to webdev, which is where like 90% of these "coder"-types go.
There's a reason you don't see many (esp. women) trying to learn anything above/away form this tier (Python, Ruby, JS, & Kind); They don't want to program -- they want to make websites and/or what they see it to be "easy money"; Gloried CSS pedlers, not one's of care regarding theory/craft.
Every program can be ran in wine or on a VM
90% of my coworkers either:
A) are from a different field and bring their subject matter expertise to the software
B) got into programming for the money
What that means to me is that 90% of my peers have a career that they don't want. The money benefits them. I would rather women get a career that they don't want so that they aren't another fucking feminist statistic. If they want to wear the fucking pants, they need to get a job which allows them to afford pants. Fucking retarded "women's studies" degrees don't pay for pants. "Art history" degrees don't pay for fucking pants. And those are the types of degrees that these dumb cunts would be getting. Fuck you and fuck your white knighting.
Look, most of my coworkers want to make money. We need to stop telling women that they can do fuck-off whatever they want for college and expect to make middle-class wages. All that does is serve the feminist victim and oppression complex, and gives them statistics to contort into outright lies.
inb4 the fucking shill callers reee at you
What you are talking about is continuing a loss of meritocracy in this field, where people are now getting into this field because they were managers nephew or some crap like that.
And if feminists want to choke themselves as a demographic great let it happen, let these shrill fucking harpies remove their influence of capital eventually if they are as shrill and unpleasant as they are now they will be a worthless demographic like neets online.
I want to say the guardian had an article on what they called the glass floor and while it was sjw bullshit, it was conceptually true in the regards that these people will not fail this generation but their kids and those like minded to them shall fail very much so in the next generation.
And returning to the original point you will have cheapened the field for short term gains of some semblance of peace.
The only reason that the field wasn't like this before is because it was new. As the field matures, it begins to look like a mature field: nepotism reigns because Human Resources is hard. It's easier when you know that employee's family and can shame them through it.
The fact is that the bulk of people in ANY field are the children of the relatively affluent who chose a career to maintain the affluence that they had in their childhood. They aren't there because they like the field. They are brick stupid, barely competent at the work they do, and form the foundation of industrial society.
I'm just frustrated that feminists claim to want women to be able to maintain affluence, yet they personally choose, and advocate for other women to choose, a college path that keeps them from doing so. "Doing what you want in college" is mutually exclusive to "choosing a career path for your desired economic outcome". Men understand this. Women either need to understand this, or they need to stop going to college.
Absolutely correct. Also, doesn't a pimp count as a model view controller?
All you fucking college kids pretending you are any better than them need to stop larping and go back to the fucking fizzbuzz threads. Retards.
I imagine the inverse is true as well. But a mature field reminds me of those twats during gaymergate who came out and said "Gaming needs to grow up". Fuck that.
Then why do you want them in a sensitive field? Why would you want to drag a million Zoe Quinns into an organization like the U.S Military? These people if they commit economic suicide are going to be gone.
This used to be a nerd field, but it has become a normie field. Get out normies! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
It's about milking fellow woman for potentially no gain.
It is about getting as much people as possible into programming to lower wages.
Don't disrespect the fizzbuzz.
You do NOT want trannies in the army. A military organization operates in real time, so effiecency, cameraderie and cohesion is of utmost importance. If you have deragended trannies in the military, soldiers are going to say
You don't have to be a nazi, to at least remain critical of accepting transpeople into the military.
Never forget. A closed thread, with this image should be stickied.
That will not change until the Republicans stop bickering in the house and bring the federal agencies to heel. Until then Obama era policy makers are going to remain in their positions within the pentagon and decide policy that way. Although talking to old vets they'll tell you this fight was lost 30 years ago when they started trying to integrate the barracks.
The reason why it's happening is the field isn't growing anymore so there's no mobility for talent. It's the secret the tech companies are keeping, that they're producing false growth through extreme cost-cutting while simultaneously pushing absolutely everyone to get into the field to increase competition for jobs and decrease wages. We're closing in on a massive dotbomb, and with student loans already largely deferred, it stands a good chance of taking the economy with it.
No, comments shouldn't say how, they should say why. Every programmer is guaranteed to occasionally do something in a completely retarded way, and he will need the comment to justify it and explain to future maintainers why it was done in a retarded way, so the future maintainers don't try to fix what's not broken unless they really know what they're doing.
The code should already tell you how it's done, after all. Haven't you heard of the self-documenting code meme?
For something as mind numbingly simple as a function to return the greater of two ints you don't that mind numbing level of commentation.
Funny story about comments:
that would never have happened in a memory safe language
I put those why comments at the line the completely retarded thing happens. The one at the function definition is "This function does XYZ using method from paper ABC" whereas the comment saying why you deviate from the paper or do something weirdly is an inline comment.
ayy lmao at all these comments.
Is this Holla Forums's pet peeve? Hating on this woman?
max = lambda a,b:a if a>b else b
It's already a built-in function anyway but if it wasn't this is how you'd do it.
Holla Forums hates everything that crosses their awareness, but you only notice once they go after your waifu? kek, faggot.
Well duhhh, they're watching videos from klossy, of course. Why would they watch a MAN program, ewww.
link? i am a trans woman.
Clearly you scare them away with your sexism and racism you disgusting penis beast.
< XD
when the fuck was the last time you picked up a weapon? Fat 15 yearolds like you don't know shit so keep your fat face shut
I tried watching one of her videos.
How does something like this gets an approval for upload?
A reddish- or yellowish-brown flaking coating of iron oxide that is formed on iron or steel by oxidation, especially in the presence of moisture.
feminism же.
you shut your nine-to-five wageslave mouth
I still get all warn and fuzzy inside when I recall the K&R I learned programming from, some 18 years ago now
(well, _technically_ it wasn't a coding school, alright)
and this is why 10x programmer myth is not a myth
(hell, even 100x)
It doesn't define "leader" - a company with a female "head of marketing" could count.
It doesn't define "success" - merely not going bankrupt in the first year might be the measure used.
tried a reverse image search nothing turned up
This is why women belong in the kitchen. Anti-spam bump 5.
Node.JS is a JS api, not a language.
I have no words.
Please be satire.
Great trolling.
Corrosion forming on iron and other ferrometals.
This is ridiculously insulting to women.
"There should be more gays in the military, because what could be more terrifying to the enemy than a bunch of gay guys, in the middle of a desert, charging after them!"
~Gilbert Gottfried.
go back to codecademy
You brainwashed linux cultists need to hear the facts every now and then.
no, is islam.
societies grows strong when women are not allowed on the internet - plato
get your bitch ass back into the kitchen and leave coding to men.
- schopenhauer
She has a wix advert that I keep seeing on YouTube and I legit wonder if there's something wrong with her just based on the way she talks, I'm not even trying to be mean. She sounds a bit slow, cute though.
yes it is.
I mean, ignoring how cucked putting up with ads and shit and rationalizing it with "its not that bad alright" is, the proactive spying absolutely is.