EVEN for Clinton this is fucking terrible, shes recording a fucking temper tantrum and trying to sell it as a reason to vote for her, its virile, nagging, and pushy. Its everything everyone hates about Hillary Clinton and it makes my dick crawn back into my pelvis its so sickening.
Clinton becomes fully unhinged "Why aren't I 50 points ahead of Trump?!"
Other urls found in this thread:
How'd her PR team ever let this out
That's horrific
Its like the nagging wife you want to throw down the well.
She's trying to act the way she believes Trump acts. She's wrong, obviously.
Comments are gold.
Crashing this Presidential election bid…
Does anyone else think this looks like really shitty acting?
She is probably reading off a script.
Dude the "basket of deplorables" comment she had been using for 6 months at fundraisers, she literally writes this nagging infantile shit for herself and thinks its good.
Her "passionate" speaking reminds me of those monotonous John Kerry speeches in the 2004 election, where his idea of emphasis was saying a flat word louder. That said, I'm curious what this is taken from because it seems atypical for her. Is she trying to be funny? Is she now copying Trump?
This bitch is going to come unhinged during the debates. Can't wait.
For someone so concerned about correcting records, she seems rather unconcerned about violating the Federal Records Act.
Or the laws of God and man.
yeah im pretty sure she just short circuited due to being so flustered she's losing to an amphibian.
No, you don't.
Quads of rightful german anger
Checked. Kek confirms we really don't know how sour krauts feel.
let it be known that kek has blessed this thread
Holy shit she is so fucking uncharismatic.
Cheer up, Germanbro. At least you got quads.
Kek is with us.
check out this this kike
I feel more like a blue kraut these days.
I need no further proof.
This is her body double practicing before the debate.
Is Clinton a Trump plant? I'm starting to think that there's a high chance of her being a Trump plant.
That or Kek has horribly fucked her up and given her the worst luck of any major politician in the last 50 years.
my sides… i cant take it anymore
Nah, Dukakis was (probably) worse, we'll have to see the November electoral map.
Seems like someone from 4chan trying too hard. Hits all the points. But who the fuck knows anymore.
Tell us how this digits feel germbro.
I think she's just completely unable to deal with not getting what she wants.
For a moment, I was watching that video and honestly thought I was watching something you'd see on 1984. Like, I could see her rolling something like this out, having it be broadcast all over the internet, replacing television with her scowling, yelling, and proclaiming propaganda on high etc.
It honestly scared me
Who thought this was a good idea?
What is she a fucking child?
Colin's email even described her as somebody with unrestrained ambition. The presidency is her One Last Campaign to Win before she's put to pasture, and she knows it.
This video was meant for a small audience in Las Vegas. Probably it is going to be pulled from youtube soon. Someone needs to webm it asap
Lots of people that work for HIllary have grown to utterly despise her, and are actively sabotaging her campaign with intentionally shitty ideas.
if anyone's a Trump plant it would be Jeb because that's who Clinton thought she'd be up against and that's who all of this propaganda was originally designed for.
We are part of the great chain of kek, going back to the primordial dubs
see (although an .mp4)
checked and checked
Wow, the way she raises her voice, it's like how my granny talked because my grandpa was deaf and she had to constantly raise her voice.
She's obviously reading off a script. You can see her eyes reading it.
Her voice sounds like a rattling chainsaw through a megaphone.
Nah mate Trump has absolutely fucking hated Jeb for years. Him utterly savaging and humiliating him was actually revenge.
Why do you fucking __'''''NIGGER'''''__ OPs never mirror shit?
YouTube links should be filtered and embedding should be disabled, because this problem clearly won't go away unless it's forced upon you. You have to rely on people like to do it for you.
She's been angling for POTUS since the 90's and just spent the last 8 years padding her resume and patiently waiting for Barry to finish his term so she could run on the vagina ticket again. If she's a Trump plant that just means Trump is sheev tier omnipotent.
quads confirm germany has felt feels that we have not.
Well at least now we can be sure that she's not dead.
A double or AI wouldn't fuck up this bad.
Typical hysteria-
Jews are notorious for it, but it could simply be nonwhite incompetence.
Expect more of it in the future.
Women are children in general
double dubs checked. praise kek
Honestly i'm really REALLY happy that Bernie didn't win.
He would have been much harder to beat than this walking fuckup.
Because making good quality webms is hard
I think staffers told her that she needed to sound stronger, like Trump. This is her attempt to sound like Trump.
Who is the speech for? Who is she addressing.
The way she says that sounds like she knows the true poll numbers and that Trump is indeed 50 points ahead, or at least close. 48?
She is using bernie mannerisms. Probably coached by cuck bernie
I tried
So she's at step 2 of the Yeb! cycle?
Is she doing that on purpose? Or is it her brain disease?
Imagine how this feels for her and feel fucking happy that justice exists in this world
Yeah and Bernie would probely have the common sense to stop if he got ill and move on, this woman will go on until she is either death or stark raving mad.
I hope the last one.
The Teamsters. They decided not to endorse a candidate this year, and this is her complaining.
Thunder thighs; crazy eyes,
Pants a-smelly; jiggle like jelly.
are we being raided by Plebbit or something? Holy shit.
it is, but it's also up to the states to decide
Or Flashgot and Xmedia Recode if you're a casual.
Right to work is wrong for workers
Wait not even the hyper liberal faggot Teamsters didn't endorse her?
Yes really.
The so-called "Right to Work" laws are really the opposite of the name. It's more like a "Right to Fire People" for the businesses.
The only reason we have to have right to work laws is because niggers sue for discrimination every time they get fired for being shit at their jobs.
Fuck you Maki is best girl.
Is today opposite day?
Only a fucking faggot who just started going on Holla Forums wouldn't know:
a.) how to change the fucking file name
b.)don't use shit from Tumblr
Also, fuck you for posting le ebin facebook frog. Pepe has been dead for years now, let ti go.
So… the problem is niggers. I believe this has been establish for some time.
Eh, no, it's worse - she's been in wealth and influence since forever and probably never had to deal with not getting what she wants. What we see here is her first experience of not getting her way. Actually fuck it you were right - 4 year olds learn that the world doesn't cater to them. She never learned that. This is her learning it after her entire life and it's just so completely foreign to her that she CANNOT comprehend it. Her whole world is falling apart. She's incredibly immature.
And God help us all if she ends up as president. She'd threaten everyone and everything and War would be unavoidable. Someone like her should hold no influence of power even at the lowest level.
And holy fuck those eyes are pure unfiltered evil. They don't look human at all. My grandpa had steel gray eyes and he couldn't muster up that sort of look even at the apex of his anger or passion. Those eyes of hers are revolting, evil, the eyes of a true psychopath. "Eyes are the window of the soul" as the saying goes, and that… thing looking out isn't human. I'm pretty sure this is how the whole Icke-tier lizard people thing started.
calm down autist
Godzilla is on a book tour, and he was the only competent person she had on her team. The rest are all there for political reasons. Contributors' relatives, sycophants, etc.
We sacrificed our beautiful Pepe to Lord Kek to be his avatar in the election of God Emperor Trump.
top kek at this retard calling anyone a newfag
Smart move, dumbass
I can't even watch it, anons. It looks painful.
By looking at the the thread she sounds like a senile batshit insane gradma that you want to leave in that retirement home till she starts to stink.
yeah, yeah, the kek meme bullshit. I know all about kek asshole, I'm just not stupid enough to post pepe. It's the biggest normalfaggot thing on the planet, Christ, Hillary Clinton mentioned it. I don't want to be associated with any normalfaggotry at all.
But user, that is what Hillary has become.
How do you fuck up that bad?
Can't we use this instead?
Say it louder Hillary, don't listen to the haters.
By being a Neocon
lurk until you die retard
So you are saying that once you hire someone, you should never, ever be able to get rid of them, no matter what they do?
You do know that Communists will hang on the Day of the Rope, right?
Seems that the Nazi Frog triggered you, Goldberg.
Then use MP4, mate.
and this is why we have filters
Kill yourself Goon.
You're all going the fuck down.
That's Heqet not Kek you fucking idiot.
That's not what I'm saying at all you touchy bastard.
Yeah, I'm a fucking Kike. You figured it out, I work for the JIDF because I don't want to be associated with 4chan culture anymore.
Fuck all of you Plebbit circlerjerkers:
Kill yourself Goon.
You're going to jail.
So… she expect the nation to prgress when all the citizens are dependant on wellfare?
She wants people without jobs to become criminals or state parasites?
Everyone should get a fair chance at a decent honest job, even if all your good for is mopping flors or washing dishes
Work dignifies, and gives us a chance to earn our living by being productive
Even when you have shit jobs it feels good knowing that you did your part as a cog in a machin to keep it working
This woman is retarded if she thinks anyone is gonna vote for her after this
i'd go for anyone who promised me a stable job instead of giving me charity shekkels on wellfare supported by taxes of the working class
Really, what has Holla Forums become?
Remember when we were /news/, and we supported Ron Paul and limited Government? And we had actual discussions? Now, if I don't liek a part of out culture, I'm not obsessed with it, I'm a Kike.
Whatever. I'm out.
Oy vey! Forget about this pepe frog thing, why don't you promote Pipi the Multicultural Toad instead?
honestly, something about her posture makes me wonder if maybe she was lying down while they filmed this.
You're just a tadpole, user.
lmao cya stupid hillshill xdddddddddd enjoy the oven
t. Holla Forums cuz we're the best
Never fooled me, mr. Goldstein.
holy fuck she's lying on a green screen on the floor
Checked, and why not 44?
I was actually around in those days. The meme du jour was Ron Paul, but it was a depressing meme about always losing and having lost control of our country. Now we have grown up and realized lolbergtarianism is an unrealistic meme ideology and have embraced nationalism. Limited government isn't the goal, a happy and hopefully white populace is. If you want to go purity spiraling in your ayn rand hugbox, you have been relegated to >>>/liberty/ now
She's trying to sound tough because it worked for Trump. Except when Trump did that kind of thing it was being himself, with her it's just completely fake and she just seems like a robotic politician reading off cue cards, which is what she is.
you should check out of life while you're at it
Shes sitting in an armchair thats the same color as the greenscreen
No, the problem is giving women the vote.
Niggers only have the ability to fuck people over because women voted in sycophantic shits who passed laws that empowered them.
You mean when we were /new/?
We only supported Ron Paul because he was going to take weapons away from the Jews, we have always been unabashedly White nationalist.
The Federal Reserve, neocon foreign policy, NSA… these are all weapons of kikes… but Ron Paul was never not a fantasy option. And he was never the perfect shitlord.
He was the best we had when the only options were McCains, Romneys, Hillarys and Obamas… Trump is our savior, our messiah.
Ron Paul was a decent early prophet, but he's still behind both Trump and earlier still… Buchanan. Maybe even behind Ross Perot.
"Right to work" laws ban closed shops, workplaces where unions require membership for all employees.
Care to elaborate you fucking google?
I might not go as far as to say savior and messiah but he has definitely knowingly or not accepted his role as some sort of mouth or voice for our memes channeled via kek.
It only works when The Donald does it.
I agree. The problem with Ron Paul was clearly exposed by the rise of Donald Trump.
Ron Paul was not aggressive enough. People (including his opponents) viewed him as feeble and weak (which turned out to be true). He had good intentions, but he was not an alpha male like Trump. Trump projects his power and authority… where Ron Paul just complains and suggests solutions without being firm and having what the Jews call "Chutzpah." Donald Trump has Chutzpah and that's what the zionists / globalists fear. Trump is 100% determined to win.
Why, Pepe, why?
Jesus fucking christ, I'm still in disbelief that this happens FOUR FUCKING DAYS before the debate
Colin Powell said that everything hillary touches turns to shit.
She literally has the Brown Midas Touch.
Jesus christ. Not even makeup can save this witch.
I lost D6 points of sanity making this.
Oh TF2, how have you changed.
So I just saw this and I cant believe my eyes. What the flying fuck.
She is memeing her hit squad. She is memeing trump. She is embracing her massive loss to Trump. What the fuck. Is this even real life?
Then making it into a 4 hour loop on youtube is probably out of the question
….and it might be her body double…
They are desperate for the young adult voterbase.
Doesn't she know that you can't force memes unless it being forced is part of the meme? I mean Milhouse still isn't a meme.
Fucking amateur.
Zach literally plays a Trump endorsed Trump commercial for Hillary. He is trying to red pill her.
Low energy, forced as fuck, lame as a leftypol meme. But yeah, Trump is an asshole, a racist and white power. Thank god mods nuke it.
Someone should cut the video to be Zach saying, "Do you like to have sex with little girls?"
at least she's qualified
No way that that carpet muncher would diddle little boys.
They even misspelled Parkinsons.
Hello fellow kids
By Hillary Clinton.
How would you like to be scolded by your mom every day for the next 4 years? If that sounds good to you then -
Laughed hard. 10/10
Had pneumonia
Has parkinsons
Her tone and inflection is always just so god damn awful. It seems to show up in democrat speaking more than republican. It's like a tone deaf emphasis on volume. I wish I could explain it better.
My theory is this is our sort of "aristocratic" speak of the political elite and pretty much only appeals to that group but they can't drop it. I know people from all over and nobody speaks like this except politicians.
She's looking pretty creepy
insanity inducing!!!
She must seriously be dreading Monday, while Trump is probably counting down the days with excitement. I just see a lost woman here who is trying different approaches to attempt to find something that works, she's copying his tough rhetoric and even his style of speaking in front of his airplane.
Her mask did not just slip but dropped. That moment where she said that, it's the closest thing she has ever expressed with any honesty in public. Reminds me of vid related.
Well, can't argue with that.
Clinton's team does not allow her to ad-lib because anytime she does she puts her foot in her mouth. That's why she doesn't have press conferences and so on. Everything she does is scripted. At the debates, you will see her repeating from a script while Trump annihilates her.
Is this what it feels like to be nagged by your wife? Jesus Christ.
She'll have plenty of it after the elections.
reminds me of that image of that grandma with "this makes me moist" or something like that
I'm in vegas :^)
The moment Hillary realized she made a grave mistake.
Checked. Hillary confirmed to be grown up version of Veruca Salt?
No my wife induces a lot more tears than this robot could ever bore.
Yeah, that mannerism showed up when clinton was talking to that vet who asked her that question that riled her up in the first televised non debate. She talked to him like he was some hired help who dared to question queen hildawg.
Then maybe she shouldn't be your wife.
Nah, man, she has always been this dumb and out of touch. Like her Benghazi statements or Libya. She is an idiot.
(nice trips)
It really seems like they edited Zach in later to say witty shit without running it past clinton first. Shes probably furious about how stupid he made her look.
I need my daily salt intake. Couldnt live without her.
She looks better from behind.
what's "right to work"?
man what the fuck is up with zach, it's another example of the trump aura where some shitty leftoid public figure is suddenly acting way out of character. Curious.
Looks like she's trying to decide if she wants to suicide him or not.
This. So much this.
Sounds like ya'll are pussywhipped.
It takes power away from unions by not allowing them to force somebody to join when they take a certain vocation, as far as I understand.
Nah, I club her good enough when she gets out of hand.
Basically we should be relieved. This was a great chance to get some good PR but she blew it. She's really condescending, unfun and like a robot. To bad he's not doing one with Trump. Don would knock it out of the park, no doubt.
Law that says workers can't be forced to join a union, but also allows employers to terminate an employee for no reason.
It was meant to stop union abuse, but then allowed for employer abuse.
If you like nigger ass
top kek what a madman
Holy fuck. She thinks this will HELP her?
Yeah, no. And mine actually doesn't nag me at all. Sometimes I wish she did. I forget shit all the time.
She does have lots of hysterical feminine fits, but those are just entertaining.
called the cops, you're done fuccboi
It's bargaining. Clear bargaining. 'Please vote for me' is what she's saying
Look at her face and how she talks. The unspoken word is basically this: "Despite I'm asking for your help, I've already realized in November I'm fucked, so don't even bother coming out to vote for me, I'm just going to sit her, tired and depressed over this. I mean just look and my damn face! I can't even pretend to care now."
did she really wear that hat or is that just a really good shoop?
Galifianakis just got threatened by the democratic "Candidate"
Based ring modulation
You realise /fit/ love fat chicks, right?
Please just say the word normally.
Only niggers spell "ck" words "cc", and that for nigger gang reasons.
kikes are fucking retards
No. Thick women are very different than fat women. Just because fat obese cunts are trying to steal to words "curvy" and "thick" doesn't mean they are.
Hips are important.
watch the between two ferns link and start reading the thread before posting your banal thoughts. you're literally shitposting at this point, but without any talent.
Clinton: I've paid you dumbfucks millions of dollars! You'd better come up with something that works soon or I'll feed your corpses to the alligators!
Campaign staffer: I-I've got an idea, you can stand in front of your 737 when you speak. That'll project your dynamism and strength just like Trump, r-right?
They're probably working on a Here come dat boi tier animated mascot for her campaign at this point.
/fit/ here, can confirm, but they fucking deny it.
I was larping faggot. My waifu is Akari. I cant get a 3d qt :(
Yes I was correcting you for implying I was Tumblr and not /fit/. "Fat" would be the right word either IMO, thicker women there's a limit of course give birth to healthier babies.
stop pushing that false narrative, everyone knows /fit/ is full of faggots, and I mean that as distastefully as text can convey.
which is fine, it's their fucking business.
She made tons of money embezzling from Haitian Relief efforts, she's not really in a position to talk about how Trump has 'stiffed' people
some bernout fags made a video mocking her last year where they did that dat boi shit
Get your head examined.
Great shitpost my friend
You're going to jail Goon.
isn't it more about having alternatives to joining a union if you start working for a company which hires a union?
so if you get hired for a factory, road crew, whatever, you aren't necessarily forced to join and pay union dues in a monopolistic fashion?
I heard shit about a southern factory that had two different unions an old and a new one that their shifts had to be completely segregated because they'd get into brawls on the clock on the production floor.
Kek. Bing really is better than Google.
Campaign staffer: I got a great idea. Lets send you to get roasted on Zach's show, then show an endorsed Trump campaign commercial at the end, and you can talk about how wonderful Trump's wedding was. You can have a scornful face the whole time, and even pretend to send your kill squad to suicide Zach.
This will surely get you votes!
How about no?
This thread was about the Hillary video and then you come in and leave a comment without a reply or quote and I'm shipping because I don't understand the context?
Kill yourself Goon
Those zombie eyes, man.
When you are mentally unstable and sick, it is going to show when put under pressure.
this has got to be shopped, she looks bad but not this bad
Perhaps, but she would consume their souls.
You were saying, Goldsteinberg?
The upper lip is shopped, the rest is natural I think.
i think that's mark hamill in a wig
looks like she has FAS
You suck.
could be worse though…
Did this thread fall out of bizzaro 8ch?
brit/pol/ is shitpost central lad.
What makes you ask that?
Low tests detected
At first I thought this nigger was Correcting The Record, now, I do believe we had a visit from an SA Goon who's black heart jsut isn't into it anymore.
This is what winning feels like. The Goon showed up tossing his football in the air like he wanted to play, but realized we all now his game, turned around, left and cried about it before even engaging us.
Eat shit goon. You stand for nothing and you'll fall for anything.
At least you got that right faggot.
it isn't difficult to make webms but longer (8min+) videos won't look decent as webm
I can't even believe these are real. Why would you do this?
Including Bill, funnily enough
In response to these lads
Upload size is 12mb now nigga
After we found of all Stonetears I think that the Goons are on suicide watch and are just lashing out.
They know that once Trump wins they're all going to jail.
I wonder if Bill got his aids from her rather than the other way around.
Yeah it could have been this guy →
I don't think they've fucked in 30 years, if they ever did.
But you are the guy with dubs trips.
Nice dubs guys
You mean puerile.
12 MB / 400 k = 251 seconds = a little over 4 minutes of decent nonstatic video at 480p / shit video at 720p
(est 320k for video / 80k for audio)
Better than 8mb though, amirite?
You can't deny some of that was pretty funny
Thanks kek
sauce on that.
kek'd unhealthily loud at that good job lad
How to spot a psychopath:
He/she is surprised that he/she is not popular despite doing everything to the book or his/her impression of what it takes to make people like you.
William H. Macy
I have been using my shill Twitter account to retweet and like all posts I can find of Greens bashing Hillary and making arguments that Green Party is a better choice than Hillary.
Is this a good idea?
(((Stein))) has no chance of winning, but she could help draw and demoralize Dems away from Hillary. My thought process was that electioneering pro-Trump stuff is preaching to the choir. I want to also push Dems we CAN'T win over to a candidate that poses no threat. Like how the (((media))) keeps trying to push the Lolbertarians in polls.
The Jews use very effective methods of public manipulation, and I see no reason we should not use them as well.
Hillary's into women.
Woman are suppossed to have a higher bodyfat% than men. Also that girls bodyfat isnt even that high. Women with good fat storage big butts and bewbies give birth to higher IQ, HEALTHIER babies…
I don't have a suitable reaction of that magnitude, so have a grin man instead.
If you want the expats to vote for you in a FUCKING LANDSLIDE, you just need to say two things:
1. Repeal FATCA
2. Residency based taxation
You will literally get ALL EIGHT MILLION expats lining up at embassies around the world to stuff a ballot with your name into the box.
That was pretty fucking funny.
Galifinakis's "Two Ferns" schtick is to brutally mock his guests and so he gets some pretty great zingers in there even though it's obviously designed to be anti-Trump.
Don't tell the Hillary campaign, but I actually think Hillary would be doing better if she used this snobby cold bitch persona all the time — which I'm betting is close to her real personality — if for no other reason than it is at least better than her fake attempts to be warm and caring. It's like when Al Gore embraced his wooden personality with deadpan dry humor.
If you can somehow use the Greens or any other third party to spoil the election for Hillary, then yes, that's a very good idea.
This was meant for -→
I don't think you guys are being all that serious with this shit. None of what she said was explicitly wrong, and she's starting to use the body language of Trump and Bernie to considerable effectiveness.
I've kept Clinton on my radar for a long time, and one thing I noticed is her above-average oratory skill. Granted, nothing against the fucking earth-shattering shit that Trump pulls off, but the interrogation with Comey, for example, showed her to be just as articulate and cunning as Bill in his hayday.
All I'm saying is don't underestimate her just yet. Trump has an advantage in verbal talent, but Clinton is much more experienced in the art of brainwashing an entire crowd.
that man makes me want to mongle cocks tbqh fam
Does that look like heart disease to you? (fucking checked)
Yeah, all that and shitting your pants.
Her health has only RAPIDLY declined recently, so she's still a rank amateur in the art of shitting your pants.
Is she TRYING to lose at this point?
More like why am I 50 points behind. Hillary's picture belongs in the dictionary above the word delusion.
Jeb serves Amphibian overlords of his own, the turtles.
Bill let it slip that the incident at the 9/11 memorial is a fairly common occurrence
This has never been tested
This is a real video? Holy shit!
When someone says "lately", they usually mean sometime in the last year.
Point is that my grandma has about of decade of experience shitting her pants. It's a very delicate art, combining a particular walking stance with a bit of social engineering to make the rest of the event go well. She's just not qualified for the position right now. If she keeps shitting her pants until the next election, she might have a chance.
She's been having these fits since at least 2012
Anyone else have a feeling this isn't Hillary?
so used to spouting out this line that she won't even bother saying all the words anymore
Teamster here. She backed out of her support for the Keystone Pipeline, so the top brass completely disowned her last September with a unanimous vote not to endorse her. They expressed interest in talking to Trump because of his anti-TPP and anti-NAFTA stance, but I don't think that has happened yet.
A year later now and I think the Teamsters are just going to lay low for this election in terms of official endorsement.
Don't fall for the whole "Hillary body doubles" thing. It's a desperate attempt to make people who dislike hillary look like crazy folk. It's to discredit people who are trying to bring to light the horrid shit she's done. If they wanted to use a fake hillary they have software that can plaster her face and voice into a fake set easily, they wouldn't use a body double in this age. It would be foolish to imagine the government or governments of the world hadn't already refined this technology.
As opposed to this?
Lord have mercy on my sides
Tell them to not be fucking pussies, if they can endorse buchanan in the 90s they can endorse Trump now.
they were retarded if they honestly thought a modern dem would support an oil pipeline. these faggots are in the saudi's pockets.
Texbook Communism here Vølk. Use force to make everyone belive your "logic and reason" whilst creating a total communications blackout of your opposition. Cant stick your head in the sand without the rest of your tratious bodies you heretics
This got me thinking: I think I've figured out THE ONLY WAY the ONLY WAY in hell Clinton can win.
You see, here she comes off slightly likable, because she's able to speak long enough to identify with a common person, but not long enough for her to elaborate on her own policies or let people know she's a jaded patrician who wishes the common man crawled into a hole and died.
If Hillary wants to win, here is what she has to do:
Starting with that military forum EVERY public appearance sonce showed her being super energetic and awoke like she just did a line of Meth.
I don't know what she is on, but I am SURE it is a stimulant. Watch the debates.
See if you can find tells. Twitching, extra wide eyes, yelling, irrelevant answers to questions not asked. See if you see it as well or if I am crazy here.
All of my JUST
And how's that working for ya?
Good news then, I don't know a single upper that will last her the 90 minutes of debate without her crashing and not coming on state whacked out of her mind.
How many years has the Democrats pushed the "war on women" narrative? All that yapping about abortions, freedom for women to choose, toxic masculinity of white men, harassment of the poor womyn online fucking Sarkeesian and Quinn, all that for the first female president.
All to be wiped away by a property mogul and dozens of shitposters?
**If I were her, yeah I would be pissed, but thank God I'm not.
good thing for her there will be a convenient (((protest))) outside that causes them to cut it short after 30 minutes.
I pray to Kek shes stupid enough to take some hardcore stimulant like meth.
First 15, shes on the ball, awake, almost Trumplike in her energy. But it is a false energy
15-60: her energy is all over the place, shes tweaking out, not abiding by the debate format, her answers are unrelated to her question
60-90: Crashing this drug trip with no survivors. Hillary becomes agitated and deeply depressed. Think jeb after consuela falls asleep during his birthday bj. Meanwhile Trump finishes strong and proves himself to be the High Energy Emperor we all know and love.
Than plan is to meme away her defenses for the debate. Any drugs/stimulants/occult shit or anything else they do to protect her, we need to meme holes in it so that it fails at the worst possible time in the debate.
That includes memeing the moderators to fail to protect her. If they fail as hard as Matt Lauer did, it will be a success, but I want them to fail 11x harder.
all the comments are NAG ATIVE LOL
about her harpy rant.
this is going to back fire, worst than a luney toons shot gun.
That's exactly the pickle blue collar Democrats find themselves in these days. The upper echelon of their party has completely forsaken them. A chunk of them have seen the light and are getting scooped up by Trump. If we get another 2-3 elections with Republicans embracing blue collar workers entirely, they will all abandon the Democrats.
Part of an entire fucking family that takes stimulants on a daily basis, for legitimate reasons and otherwise: the peak of the high is about half an hour to 40 minutes after you take/snort it, and shit can keep you feeling good and focused for like 2.5 hours. The crash starts coming at the three to four hour mark, depending on body mass and dosage.
Blessed be the frog of chaos and darkness, the bringer of light!
ayy fucking lmao
The Big lebowski was a shit movie tbh.
Is that how she percieves Trump? Trump just glows with positive energy and can-do attitude. He criticises, but he does come off as hostile so much as a kind of blundering honesty.
If there was one thing I wish that i could see more of on Holla Forums it would be One Piece.
She's Jebing out!
This was supposed to be easy!
This was supposed to be her turn!
Rarely have I witnessed Rage and Embarrassment on that level. Zach may have an (((accident))) if he's not careful.
Can you imagine the amount of cunty screeching she did at her team after this. She probably "yelled" at someone so hard he went home and "shot himself" multiple times in the back of the head.
I created a thread specifically for this kind of shit and a lot of you faggots just ignored it.
It's a thread dedicated to teaching people how to make good webms/gifs. Someone there posted a really great fucking site, saveitoffline.com where you can rip quality webms from youtube in a few seconds. Just cut paste the link and it does the rest. Partner it up with avidemux or any other video editor if you need to trim the webms and you're up and running.
Where were you when Hillary lost the election?
Here she is using it in a Google interview at 2:00
Here, that's the most common site people here use to mirror videos. Download the youtube video then upload here, then post that link along with a subject line, summary, and original video if necessary
There's literally no excuse for so many threads to direct link without mirrors.
That statement is an act of war.
What he really means is that they cannot win this war, that they are waging against us, if we repulse each of those deadly poisons that he mentioned. He means to say that the only path to peace is the destruction of the Skype's enemies.
oda is pretty fucking red-pilled tbh
True, and Black Beard is obviously a Jew.
I don't know. A hyperinclusive crew, with a speaking animal and 2 stronk independent wymen, the arc under the see which was a rehash of civil rights strive in the jewnited states (if you think of the fishmen as niggers, the whole story makes sense), things go on and on.
And that doesn't even talk about the latest dozen chapters which furry fanservice till the sun comes up.
The thing that bothers me is that she's still the favorite at the bookies, and unlike the polling companies they lose a lot of money if their numbers are wrong. Either they know something we don't or we know something they don't.
Shoving those exploitables right up my tender memehole, fam
Why wouldn't you just use ffmpeg?
Her face looks sort of… melty.
When the antabuse finally hits
That Cunt's voice…
those strong independent womyn are legit badasses in their own right. fishmen are basically niggers but hey I'd prefer them over (((world nobles))). Luffy also fucked up pretty much everyone involved, claimed the island as his own and set up the current arc pretty well. Carrot is probably going down in furry history though unfortunately.
Lel, they really thought calling Trump a Nazi over and over again would actually work. Prepare for a post-Brexit style meltdown from leftists when he wins.
Did somebody say "Down the well" ?
confirmed for having never browsed /new/
By actual discussions, do you mean tripfags spamming "the free market with fix it" all over the fucking board.
Also, did you just fucking reply to your own post?
What do Hillary on this video and this partial arts black belt have in common?
Carrot is most likely a spy for Kaido, this is why she went to Big Mom's territory with the Straw Hats
Yeah nice dubs. Hillary's daughter is Hubles, not Bill's. Thats why she lets him have sex adventures with anyone. Also I think he shoots blanks.
The problem with that comes with longer videos. The immigration speech, for example, would have never in a million years been something we could compress down to a size Holla Forums would accept in a webm.
Good. Now get your attention-whoring ass out of here, nigger google.
Do you know where you are and what's going on in the world around you?
Dilbert man is calling the election for Trump in part due to this.
t. user 2k16
Nobody noticed that she talks exactly like Obongo. Same intonation, same mannerisms. Probably has the same coach.
I used to micspam Moonman songs in TF2.
Most people liked it.
cd %userprofile%\desktopffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 640:360 -aspect 16:9 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 1 -preset veryfast 1.webmffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 640:360 -aspect 16:9 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 2 -preset veryfast output.webm
For people who don't want to use webms for retards.
Record status, corrected.
Scott Adams pls go.
my parents once asked me, "do you really want Trump near the nuclear button?" and my mom said I'm an idiot and disconnected from the world because I don't watch bloomberg and the BBC
just kill me now fam
tbh theres shitloads
t. stimulants pro
I dunno, that sounds more like something Bill might say.
Scott Adams said (months ago) that Hillary reminds people of that annoying wife and that this is an election between daddy and mommy.
Since we have ISIS, people will want daddy to get the baseball bat.
Hey nasty neck skin is enough to make me uncomfortable. Let alone her nagging tone
holy shit
Can you put a gun next to her or something suggestive?
Binders full of women moment right here
Our daddies always taught us not to be ashamed of our small business.
that guys is bullshit their is nothing about right to fire for any reason you still have to pay severance and unemployment and all that bullshit but if you piss off the union all your workers wont be forced to go on "strike" until you suck the union heads cock.
corrected to match the actual quote
When you pull images from a database, like google images, it keeps the filename from the source. Doesn't mean he went on tumblr and got it from them, it just means he doesn't lurk enough to get his memes from other anons.
Richard! It's been too long old friend. So you're on board the Trump Train, right?
Kek will help us avenge ourselves and clear our names, brother.
Our time is coming.
so is bait but here you are doing it
This is SO fucking cringe-worthy. Holy shit she's a fucking lizard person.
That was her real self coming out.
Clintron needs to go in for serious repairs.
WTF is happening to her?
She's broken beyond repair
I laughed my ass off, it's fucking gold but the shill mods insta bumplocked the thread.
Also there was a pic with her fingers.
One has her ring finger longer than the pointing one, the other not.
Have you ever debated and trolled an SJW to the point wher they break down and start sobbing? I have.
This is what's happening to her, Trump started deniying a women who didin't hear the word "No" in her whole life.
I was thinking that too, she is reaching Jeb Tier levels of failure here…and it is glorious.
For the same reason "the year of linux on the desktop" is perpetually [current year]+1
I did once. I had her backed into the wall with: "Doing what feels good, may not be effective or doing what is right." She couldn't fight her way out of it, delicious liberal tears.
Then he says, "fine. enjoy losing then"
Why the Taxi Driver music?
Holy shit im dying this bitch is so weird
This was supposed to be funny?
Say what you want about Obama, I've never seen him chimp-out. Not like this anyway
it only seems that way cause someone else is writing her script.
Holy shit.
Zach Galifianakis is clearly drunk in this interview.
I know this hollywood shit is meant to make Hillary more likable to young voters but boy did this backfire.
I think that really sums up her whole campaign.
Oh, no doubt he's buttflustered about Trump, but whenever he spergs about Trump he sounds more like he's about to cry, as opposed to the spoiled brat tantrum Hillary seems to be displaying here.
Obama is a giant pussy is the thing. The more cowardly niggers don't chimp. Especially if they are a mixed breed like King Kang, then they play up their white side in their youth to fit in with whites so they don't have to deal with their chimp brethren.
to be fair, ififififififfi doesn't have much T in his body other than when Michael gets through with him.
I mean, we've all seen him "lift" weights and bow to foreign leaders and fuck up things as simple as a handshake. Him being assblasted is his version of chimping out, the problem is his kike mother's side of the family neuters the aggressive nigger genes leaving a pile of tepid, unimpressive space.
I remember just a few months ago people thought Hillary was going to be difficult to beat, now she's become Jeb tier.
By the time we're done with her, she'll be even more laughed at and irrelevant than Jeb.
But I'll never feel sorry for her.
wow i'm #ill now thanks friend
Haha they really are sabotaging her
on paper the script for that interview probably wasn't anti-hillary, however Zach's delivery changed that. I wonder if it was intentional on his part?
This looks like a skit from a comedy show. Ever since Hilary and her Controlled News Network denounced Pepe; these meme wars have been absolute insanity. It is too hilarious to sound true. I think the White Nationalist Frogs hit her so hard that she actually cannot do anything but scream no on her painful, humiliating ride down.
The meme wars have gone mainstream.
The champions of the realm are arising.
thinking of how often she must throw tantrums like this to her staff because she has to face trump instead of jeb as planned makes me feel all warm inside. i think she may actually kill herself if she loses
It IS a comedy sketch, but it backfired and wound up making her the joke.
Dubs confirm she looked like shit warmed over.
I wonder if she'll lose her mind and attack random people like Jeb did near the end.
You might be on to something. She was completely unhinged in this video, what's next? Especially with her medical problems, if they dope her up too much, it will be a disaster, if they amp her up too much, she will go off the rails. What a time to be alive Fam…
She can't believe this is happening to her
Rectum Status - Corrected
Man, if only that guy sounded like Jeb, because he looked exactly like him.
You mean virulent?
Seizures and convulsions while shitting her pants during the live debate with Trump.
The Obama one was on par with that, I'm surprised Obama could handle bantz
It can use you.
At best I'd say he's hedging his bet.
Perhaps. If that's the case, then it's over for Hillary.
If Hollywood wavers in its support for her due to the rational self interest of actors then she's fucking done.
That's divine justice. Evil deeds eventually catch up with you.
Eh, I highly doubt that. Didn't Kaido's men just buttfuck her country? Why would she spy for him. (Sry if were derailing this thread)
There was one thing that was kinda dissapointing.
Instead of saying he was gonna use the pantsuits to "dress like a librarian from outer space" he should've said "I'm going to dress like a diseased serial killer"
Holy shit
Is Pipi the Multicultural Toad a skank?
Does she say "I get around".
Hillary, back when she was adorable, in a way.
When I think thick, I think speed skaters.
wew that's spicy
Image, DOH.
outline it with red, please
We will win and we will win and we will win.
This is amazing. Got a youtube link?
That makes no sense. They weren't recording live and they didn't have an audience, if she had any health problems crop up they could just stop and do another take. I mean for all we know that whole video took 40 fucking takes. Why would she wear a pissbag and tube for something they can just stop and redo at any point in time?
sorry about the autism kid
She literally says "My Dad was a small business I businessman"
She did one take and then had a seizure and had to lie down.
Right to Work means you aren't forced to join a union if you work in a union shop. "At will" employment is the right to fire people.
put some fucking pants on pepe
This guy is going to have a happy little accident. Killary did not like being there at all, it was torment for her. I love it.
Perhaps it's a colostomy bag, you can't go without one of those or you literally leak shit out of your belly.
She probably thought it was great comeback too. But she's so terrible at showing emotions it comes of flat and threatening.
That means sexually potent, but can be used generally.
She's been abusing ants? Does she use a magnifying glass?
So her father explained to her that she was a girl. Where was her mom?
it's autism to point out that something doesn't make sense? you're trying too hard.
Wrong video, you mong. You're talking about the video in OP which never goes below her torso, why the fuck would we be talking about a pissbag in a video that doesn't ever show you her lower body? We're talking about the Zach 'between two ferns' video.
if she has one of those then it's permanent. i feel like that would be far more obvious than some catheter tube though, if she had some colostomy shit then we would have spotted that a month or two ago.
The bag is about the right size, they don't need to be that big. Especially if she changes it before and after she makes a public appearance.
Holy Shit.
The Tide Really is Turning……
no, moron, it's a joke about the face she would make when getting a new catheter
but of course, concepts such as "emotions" leave you in confusion
oh shit i'm retarded thought you were replying to a different post originally
Not yet. She is growing desparate, angry, and so are her masters. Not a good look when courting votes, but they are devious cunts so I'd never turn my back for a second as long as they are still in play.
Most of hollyweird is still pro crooked clinton, but some of them might be wavering every time they see how repellent she is whenever her mask drops. And it is starting to drop more frequently. Even hollyweird magic has it's limits.
Beautiful digits
If she was really wearing a bag in the Between Two Ferns video then she and/or her handlers are absolutely fucking retarded, but given what we've seen of the recent shitshow that's pretty understandable.
Even if she was wearing one all they had to do was put the bag on the OTHER side of her leg, facing away from the camera. I find it nearly impossible anyone could legitimately be voting for her, I can't wait for election results to show she gets 20% of the vote because all the talk about her online was just shills and underage b& and foreigners talking shit.
There is something on her left leg in a lot of pictures, and it's about the right size and shape to be a bag. Perhaps they think it's less noticable than diapers would be. Maybe it's something else but she is wearing something.
Threw together some OC
She's really going to go completely insane, isn't she? That video is soooo bad for her image.
top kek
Where's Ukrainian girl?
She's Russian.
The "my DAD was A SMALL BUSINESS" bit cracks me up.
It's hotsauce, the same type of hotsauce that helps her minor coughs and carried everywhere all the time even while landing under sniper fire in Bosnia.
Literally my mother. I had a friend over for dinner last week and she sperged out in exactly this way in front of my friend. About Hillary's age.
We changed the subject.
That's because she is a reptilian trying to act like a human
Whenever she tries to raise her voice it always just comes off horribly awkward and robotic. I would say condescending as well but that's just about every time she speaks.
Vid related is almost just as bad.
What will she have on election night?
Chunky tear soup or seizure salad?
He's one of the chosen, they probably won't touch him.
Am I not
Nigger grammar from a niggardly candidate.
He probably asked Trump, and he probably wanted to wait until he's president.
She was ready for Jeb!, not for The Donald.
Hillary and Jeb! had pretty much the same corporate sponsors. That was the initial plan: Hillary Vs Jeb! and Hillary wins.
Well, I'll be cursed up and down this board for eternity.
But however, this video really "grinds my gears", and must comment about it.
I am one of the target markets Hillary Clinton is trying to get to vote for.
I am TG (yes, I know that's a death sentence on this board), union worker and live in a 'dark' blue state, so it's fair to say that while I have seen not many Hillary'16 signs and bumper stickers, it has been more than I have seen of Trump '16 signs and bumper stickers.
This latest outburst(?) Is just pathetic, Your whole campaign could be described as "give me give me give me".
You aren't even trying.
You just being annoying.
You are are being so useless, that you pander to a a group that doesn't even come close to sharing anything close to American values, (18th century, 21st century or whatever).
You will sell out to anyone with even a little cash, no matter how far they are for from your base of Progressive liberalism and mollycoddle them at the expense of your base of the everyone thats American.
This whole time from the early nineties, your time as a person in D.C. politics it's been "me me me".
Do you understand what you are getting into?
This 'job' you want is no cakewalk. It is intense, and not for the weak of heart. Go ahead and read into that any way you want to.
I am a locomotive engineer, and my job responsibilities are massive, and I get paid, not as much as I want, but rest assured I earn far more than minimum wage.
For a good reason.
If I fuck up, at the lowest levels of fuck up, I just lose my job. At the higher levels of fuck up, I could possibly kill thousands.
And as it should be, it will be on me.
But I am a little guy in many more ways than one.
I am at near the bottom of seniority, I am short of height and fat.I am not much to look at, or even be around.
But that's it. I am but one of many of the people in this country who thinks that we are in some of the worst trouble this country has been in ever, short of the the Civil war.
And so how do you respond?
Give me give me give me.
Hillary, I don't feel sorry for you.
I'll be honest, I never really was in the mood to vote Democrat, but you killed any desire for a very long time.
The point that I am making is that when I fuck up, I have to pay for it. You want a 'job' that has even far more responsibility, but you act like a little girl in front of a camera, and still want to vote for you?
I could go on and on, so I'll cut it short.
You want the power, but not the responsibility.
You are not getting my vote.
Yes, I live in a 'blue' state, but damn it bitch, I will make you bleed red for this state's electorial votes.
Hope you realize now that they rig the election she and her people will purge us. Not out of the internet, but out of life. See : Stalin.
Hope you are ready to either run like a faggot coward as far from this nation as possible. Or are ready to fight, fight big, fight hard, fight for kek.
I'm getting uncanny valley vibes from this. Something is going on here
doubles confirm body double
listen faggot nice blogpost nobody cares, just end your life now instead of waiting another 10 years
Dam thats a nice ass
Is this the new "Please Clap?"
I really want to say it's just as low energy as Jeb ever mustered up, but turtle man at least had a pathetic, pitiable quality compared to this robotic script reading.
Imagine some user hacker changing Hillary's entry music to this at a rally.
I saw this little gem in the RCP news sidebar.
Split it!
This! Lern 2 use ffmpeg. Or maybe WebM for retards might be a good choice.
What a stuck up cunt!
Not exatly what you were asking for but see pic related.
That distinction should be made. I always thought "Right to Work" was a codeword for "I have a bad day, you're fired!".
Best scene from Bruce Almighty.
Webm here!
All contingencies have been planned for.
All outcomes have been calculated.
The moment they pull the pin and collapse the economy is the moment they permanently seal their fate. They know this and so each generation attempts to prolong things to avoid the inevitable.
There's the hypothesis that she is making it worse on purpose so she can get some more money, in addition to the campaign money, by forcing (((them))) to bribe her out of the position she's squatting.
She certainly would be the first one to try and outkike other kikes.
RCP is a gaggle of MSNBC-worshipping cucks.
The unions became poison.
Thanks for coming here and telling us how you feel. We know your sentiment is running deep through the country this election. You have a voice here among us other anonymous.
However, you must know one thing.
I have a desire to slap that ass for days.
Dubs confirm lolbergs for defeatist cucks
You sound like a filthy Redditor. Get the fuck off Holla Forums.
That music is cringe as fuck. The normies will love it.
Designed with Normies in Mind™
the only white person worse than skrillex is AIDS skrillex
fuck off back to your containment site, halfchan pleb
I Love the way this board meshes politics with humour like no where else.
I'll miss it so.
I wonder about the theory that there are disgruntled staffers inside the clinton campaign that are subtly sabotaging things from the within. From the looks of things if there are any of them inside the belly of the hildabeest campaign, they'd be hard to detect because there seems to be many out of touch, yes-men that hildawg has in her camp. Even if there isn't, that would just make it more funny that the fucks really thinks the shit they've been doing doesn't look out of touch or repellent to people outside their bubble.
You know i can't blame bill… He's probably a cool guy. Who wouldn't cheat on her?!
The 4kids dub ruined one piece for me for life.
This has to be a pasta
Oh my, check'd n kek'd
Quads just told us to check it and shut it.
Smooth Operator
Galifianakis looks like he's on drugs or AIDS
where's it going?
She seems entirely off her game, even by low energy Illary standards. Either she's on new meds or whatever caused her to collapsed has been rapidly progressing or left permanent damage.
In the shitter the last few months.
Yes, push Jill Stein and the Greens and Gary Ayyy Lmao among Hillary people and Bernie people who would never vote Trump.
I thought Teamsters would be against Keystone pipeline, won't that take away a lot of trucking jobs? I mean with a pipeline all those oil tanker runs aren't needed.
This reminds of that video where Norm McDonald is roasting Bill at the White House Correspondent's Dinner and Hillary looks like she wants to dig her claws into Norm and strangle him.
Yes, goyim, vote for the crazy old lady with most her body already in the grave.
Found the absolute retard
Yes I do, but times have changed idiot, niggers are openly calling for race war and you want to sit their with your head in the sand and ignore it. How long can you ignore it for? At what point do you break your precious NAP and realize that we need to forcefully remove these people from the country?
Libertarianism has no plan to stop the demographic destruction of whites in their own countries and without such a plan it's a useless ideology.
Go fuck yourself lolberg
Bring them!
This was clearly meant to be anti-trump, pro-hillary.
It's just not funny at all though, aside from the gun comment
The unions simply need to be stripped down and rebuilt. They are a symptom, not a disease. The AFL-CIO needs to be completely dismantled and reorganized into a force that actually helps the skilled trades and is run by actual tradesmen, not simply (((college-educated))) pricks who haven't so much as actually seen a hammer, much less held one.
Why is she yelling?
hahah wtf
Right to work doesn't stop employees from forming a union though, only that being a member of the union is not required to work.
If I don't want to join some shitty union to work then why should I be forced to?
The autists out of us could at least sympathize with his kind of pathetic. Jeb comes off as the kind of guy that would be infinitely happier being a grocery store manager who donates to Floridan turtle shelters, with a less-goblin wife and maybe an equally autistic kid or two.
I mean, did you hear the shit his mother said to him? Positively brutal.
I don't like the guy, out of principle, but fuck if I don't feel sorry for the dumb brute.
Also, OC incoming.
Curious who got
have some faith, user.
everything will have its rightful place.
this is what's inside your heart right now. a sky that has become this lovely, will not always remain sunny. there will be times when rain will fall and storms will carry on. the scenery will change, but if it is left alone, it will stay changed forever. for that, you must continue to fight, because that is to live. To live is to fight.
fucking kike niggers.
oops, meant to reply to this.
Far right is best girl
and this is bad why?
That finisher was beautiful, it reveals how weirdly robotic and scatter brained she is.
Libertarianism has no plans on anything beyond, "Hey, let's mentally masturbate over idealized abstractions, reality is statist!"
A few days ago a video with obnoxious spicks appeared. I thouth it was a false flag because it was disgusting. Now this? Are they really that stupid?
Why? I'd barely heard of Jeb before this election.
Rise up german bros, do it for your future!
The primary reason we can't get our stuff out of here is that we are fired if we do.
So tell me, how is this exactly a good thing?
Is she one of Frankenstein's monsters? I think I can see the stitch line on her neck where the head was attached.
Hillary's dad confirmed pedo
Karma is a bitch.
This man deserves an answer.
Why has Trump hated Jeb? From my understanding, Jeb is just another member of the Bush family. Papa Bush, head of the CIA is a genuine psychopath, Dubya was… okay? Jeb was just the defective younger brother that Dubya picked on for fun or something. He went off to marry a mexican troll and live peacefully while Dad and Brother do their shit.
kek is the divine accountant
Is it just be or is this video being censored on jewtube? If you search it, it never shows the one in OP, with the most views
Holy Kek!
But really we had testimony that she abuses her workers, acts like a queen, demands people hide themselves behind curtains as she passes so she doesn't have to look at them, yells and screams and abuses them, just a vile, nasty pile of crap. Worse personality than marie antoinette. Who was that cunt who dodged taxes, big case with the irs, and declared taxes were "for the little people"? She could be hillary's twin. Every time I see that coughing fit, pants of shit greenscreen projection corpse I think of that IRS case.
Christ. As a writer I want to learn the secrets to writing such an unlikeable character. I think it's the contrast of having a cartoonish villain, over the top psychopath, trail of bodies, heavy dose of corruption, and entitled princess attitude, but instead of giving them a villain's role you play it off deadpan serious and you have no one turn to blink. Imagine that faggot tranny lobster guy off the powerpuff girls, but he's IRL and running for office. it's disorientating. Like when lex luthor ran for president? Except luthor can be charming and charismatic if he wants, and he can actually lie and get away with it. If this was a book we'd have english majors sitting around picking apart killary's character, trying to figure out how the author managed to write such an unlikeable, devious arsehole. It takes skill to be that bad.
I can't imagine how much I'd need to be paid to clap for her instead of retching my breakfast onto the floor.
more like a tad/pol/
The thing is, if you created such a character people would not believe it. How could such an unlikeable person become so powerful? How can a person have not a single good quality? Nothing adds up.
Exactly. That's the magic. Truth is stranger than fiction I guess.
Killary is just such an astoundingly awful person. The only "redeeming" quality is a vagina for the bitch vote. "ooh a woman how progressive." Maybe that's how you write it, that's the joke. A bunch of ridiculous cunts vote in queen cunt for a female pres, not knowing how bad that makes women look that the first female president (if they had their way, but they won't) is a lying, manipulative, sociopathic, murderous, lying, corrupt, greedy, entitled, hissy-fit throwing, verbally abusive to subordinates, vindictive, grudge-holding, hysterical tyrant. She makes Bernie Madoff look like a schoolboy by comparison. She makes the wicked witch of the west look like a good neighbor. You could have your main character going, "everyone has something good about them, everyone has some good quality…" and he walks by hillary clinton and goes, "Well, not everyone." Like some horrible joke, only this is reality. And the moral of the story is the dumb women don't get why voting a corrupt liar into office might not be the best move for women.
Leona Helmsley.
Thanks for mentioning the "taxes are for the little people" line. I was trying to remember her name earlier.
(People were saying Hillary's health scare is to say she's too old/feeble to stand trial and go to prison. They said the same about Leona Helmsley, and then she almost lived forever after that.
Goddamn, I hate anyone who uses muh nukes as the end all be all reason not to vote Trump when Hillary, and the MSM literally want us to go to war with Russia
Please yes.
Yeah that's the cunt. Reminds me exactly of shillary. I heard they made a movie about helmsley…good oc farm. We could propagandize it. Millenials won't know but it was a huge case back in the day, we could target middle age shillary cunts with it and turn their mouth to having a sour taste of the affair.
If I can find a copy online…
I'll take a vacation and a good blunt just for this debate.
Hillary and Verruca's immature, spoiled behaviour explained by a proto/pol/ shitlord, or Why good goyim never win archive.is