Please get rid of IDs. IDs are not a feature that happen during the good times.
Official Protesting IDs Thread
nah, fuck off
Not really, personally it's samefagging without any effort.
as a samefagger, i like IDs. it makes my samefag posts look more legit when i switch IP.
Switching IP takes time and effort
also, most free VPNs are shit
IDs are telling us we literally have to pay to samefag
I have 6 or 7 browsers opened, each in their own labeled sandbox with a different proxy configured.
that sounds pretty hard to set up tbh
what village is this
bring back snacks
post infograph/text of setup
was gonna ask this too
I like IDs
OP is a samefag faggot
all me
doesn't say anywhere in the rules that samefagging is against them
all meme xd
.t samefag
Flags and IDs are like the chan version of stewed prunes. The same amount of shit drops, it just drops faster, makes a horrible mess all over the place, burns your pucker, gives you the cramps, and has a tendency to leak out and stain your shorts in front of that cute hottie you finally got the nerve to talk to.