is this what Holla Forums wants?
To Holla Forums
only thing missing is a black dude dicking her down
no isnt that Holla Forums?
no they want the porky cock.
You're thinking of Holla Forums, Holla Forums's autistic little brother.
Good one Shlomo
That's literally their entire motivation tbh fam
why has the woman got a penis?
Images attached is what Holla Forums wants.
So… men in uniform then?
=='''why did Hitler sensei thought hispanics were Aryans? Also why did redpilled Germans thought (((anglos))) were below Africans but above kikes?
this is what Holla Forums gets
not unless she has a dicc
because hiitler actually knew an aryan was, and hispanic people are aryan. anglos are essentially kikes
shut up fag
>why did redpilled Germans thought (((anglos))) were below Africans but above kikes?
This is literally nonsense.
Kikes are the lowest form of life on the planet and the Germans greatly respected the Anglos, even though they are (((eternal)))
Hitler respected anglos, just not as much as africans… and rightfully so.
it's true. some Africans are remembering their ancestors who fought bravely in the Wehrmacht, and getting woke to the rise of national socialism
I want a sexbot, and technology to make myself more then what I am. I use Holla Forums daily.
he knew brits will never be great again after empire every generation brit is a beta
They look aryan tier
No, really. Who is that really? Gotta know.
He didn't respect africans, none of the NSDAP did. They called negroes subhumans on many occassions. They respected the Arabs though.
volta para o ptchan, cumps.
she has a dick you fucking morons