This "doctor" really thinks that any sane man would want to give a man in drags with a cut-up penis "oral sex" to get...
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How would a cut up penis get wet anyway, saliva ? I doubt there would be enough.
According to Tucker Max, they slip away to rub lube into their wound.
This chick's name is Lindsey Doe. I decided to look into this bitch, and guess what?
She's a hardcore SJW who self-identifies as a feminist and got her degree in "sexology" from an unaccredited institution known as the "Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality".
That pretty much means she went to a borderline degree mill to say she's a doctor. Quackwatch (a watchdog network that's been around since the 60's) classifies the IASHS as a "Questionable Organization"
Basically? She's a fraud. She has a degree in a field that doesn't really exist from an institution that isn't trustworthy.
Ah interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I am still subscribed to her for the lulz, she is part of the Greens brother Empire.
great name for a pre-op tranny
Jesup christ, what in the everything fuck did I just watch?
"Lifeless eyes… black eyes… like a dolls eyes…"
Holy shit there is a name I haven't heard in a while. About 12 years ago his site was one of the more politically incorrect sites out there. Guy totally imploded when his movie bombed.
The people on this board should become P.I.s or something, goddamn.
Same here. I just remembered the bit about tranny lube because there was an article where two fags convinced him he'd probably been with a tranny, and… well, I was younger, then, and more easily scarred for life than I am now.
Can we do it from home while eating chicken tendies?
Yeah i thought his book was funny. Then he became a fag
The light that burns twice as bright…
His problem was that he started out too edgy and had nowhere to go but down.
Now days the first thing cops and PI's do is check the facebook page of the person under investigation. a bit of websearch after that and its usually done.
There are very few school friends I cant find and i have no facebook page. Usually i can pin them down to a business or home address. I if wanted to i could walk right up to them and they would have no idea i was even looking for them.
not that hard and we do this shit all the time here.
Took me than 5 minutes because missoula does their property records different than I'm used to. Information can be really easy to find if you know where to look.
Confirmed. My best friend is the lead prosecuting attorneys for one of the largest cities in the country. He is constantly laughing at all the shit they find on Facebook. They don't even need search warrants these dumb nigs and spics put their illegal activities in the open on their FB page. He'll get them on the stand and when they say they have never heard of some gang he pulls up pictures from their FB with them hanging out in with other gang members throwing gang signs, threatening people etc. etc.
Have another friend who works for the CIA. He never once got a FB account and deleted all traces of himself from the internet.
Who else immideatly checked to see their eyes?
Luckily I am fine.
How complicated is it to become one ? Also, how do you get hired ?
She answered a question on why tranny's aren't mental saying
No it's exceedingly fucking gay related you dumb bitch.
Is that the same "lady" as vid related?
If it's not the lady in this video needs her own doxing thread.
Duh, you'd only make crazy eyes if you felt like you were freaking out at the time.
'Sent from an iPhone'
Wow, the fake sex doctor business must not be very lucrative.
Just when I think I haven't vomited enough, this thread shows up …
yeah, I've seen her pop up a couple times. she's basically an uglier and less marketable version of Laci green (and that's not saying much).
she comes across as some kind of authority on sex and relationships, but she only regurgitates the same subversive feminist/cultural Marxist propaganda
highlights include:
every awkward sexual encounter is rape ( regardless of whether sex took place are not),
there's really no such thing as male or female
licking your partner's anus is a great "healthy" way of maintaining intimacy in a relationship.
she's a complete tumblr tier quack in every sense, she feigns legitimacy and unfortunately people listen to her garbage's.
Getting paid to browse and post here 'fellow channer'?
Eh, it's worth 156k. That isn't bad for for a fake doctor who is an e-celeb.
It's not worth a measly 150k to parrot that sick shit, talk about licking arseholes and the rest, as a woman she is absolute trash and the shekels won't comfort her.
They believe it. They truly believe it. She isn't selling out. She believes she is some sort of hero fighting for what's right.
Maybe we should tell her the alt right just need her to lick their assholes and then they will not be so angry and then will vote shillary. lol
All libtards have these eyes. Is libtardism genetic? If so, that means we can control it via eugenics.
Diploma mill is generous.
Wew think it's possible to get these faggots to believe if they use our memes and talk racist like us we would vote Hillary?
Leftists think it's bigoted to refuse sex with trannies.