Post your pro-white picture to boost the morale amongst the white people.
Pro-white picture
White people don't need to have their morale boosted. Morale automatically tops out when you are white.
Dude, I don't know if you've been paying attention to the news the last ten years or so, but the situation is rather fucking dire.
The pigmentation of your skin is completely meaningless, especially now with the revolution of transport making the separation of the races nonexistent.
What you should be proud of is your culture not what shade of skin you have.
That's odd. The white people morale is dropping across the countries that are plagued with PC.
there so no reason to assume that different genetic populations that evolved under different circumstances would have have the same capabilities and dispositions, this includes cognitive ability, arguably the most important thing humans have.
so no, race does matter, and you're a fucking idiot if you think you can take a shit ton of low IQ, unskilled 'people' and integrate them successfully.
If your country had culture, you would understand.
Anyway, both culture and race are important and worth protecting.
Discussion about what is more important should be avoided. It's just a waste of time.
I genuinely feel bad for people who aren't white. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin. I have not only a genealogist in my family whom traced my lineage back over a thousand years, but also have had DNA tests come back 100 percent European. I'm one of the whitest people in ">56 percent" land at this point
This poster is probably a goblin
I'm mainly Anglo (English with some Potato Nigger) with slight Eastern European
Regardless, my surname has been traced as far back as around 500 AD to England following the fall of Rome
I'm b l o n d e and b l u e eyes too, over s i x f e e t 100% European origin. We should start a club and rub out feet together
The out-of-Africa theory has been challenged many times so I can't call it conclusive. Especially with new findings that Europeans may have more Neanderthal DNA than previously thought
wew, you took the memes seriously?
You take "theories" seriously because it's on a shiny and neat-looking infograph? There is clear ideological bias behind the out-of-Africa theory. And even modern biologists conclude Sub-Saharan Africans DNA is more distant than the rest of the world, albeit only by a small margin, this can make a major difference. It seems like in every culture in history, East Asian, Indo-European, Arabic, niggers have always been the odd ones out
So you dont want to rub our feet together?
Begone, foot goblin
exactly, that's why out-of-africa makes the most sense everyone else comes from an outlier group
though, it is debatable where this africa is, I'd actually say it might be southern arabia
You guys are absolutely pathetic tbh. I'm white, but I don't go around screeching about muh ancestors or whatever the fuck it is you faggots love so much. Stop taking credit for what white people did in the past and actually do something to help the world, other than larping as a viking and screeching about DA JOOS.