Ask someone involved in local, state, and occasionally federal politics anything.
Ask someone involved in local, state, and occasionally federal politics anything
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Are you a Democrat?
What do you think about the whole Bernie thing?
Will you vote for Shillary?
Timestamp or doesn't into reals.
I've worked for both of the major gangs and a few minor ones. I'll probably run as a greenie.
Pretty cool. He's already proven his point about the system being rigged for anyone paying attention. Don't know if I'm 100% with him on all issues, but he seemed alright.
It's her or fucking Trump, but my vote won't matter anyway.
what state nigr
What's the least weird thing you've masturbated to?
Vanilla sex doesn't do it for me anymore for the most part, but it used to.
how do most of your co-workers react to communism
It's something that isn't openly discussed. Some people are closet socialists, some aren't.
have you ever tried converting people to communism
At this point most people are familiar with it. They either are or aren't on board.
what do you do exactly ?
are you a senator, a secretary or mayor or what ?
None of the above, though I've worked with or for all of those people.
so what do you do
if you can't say can you give us a hint ?
I'm usually the man behind the man, but pretty soon I'd like to be the man.
Holla Forums on suicide watch
How do you plan to deal with people who say you are just like Obama or that you love Cuba when you openly campaign as a socialist?
ever ran for president ?
fuck off bernie
That would just be bad form.
is there any chance of a portion of the democratic party breaking off and becoming socialist/communist ?
Bernie Sanders did it and got pretty close.
Yes, IDpol balkanization may result in a big chunk of pseudo socialists flooding the Green Party.
Bernie is a socdem
They played softball with the old man because he's a senior Democratic Senator from a safe haven state who wasn't viewed as a major threat. Hillary more or less was guaranteed a win by super-delegates from the word go, so they didn't have to make the election ugly to beat him.
what man are you behind ?
I was behind three or four of them, but now I'm behind two or three as of two years ago.
can i get a name ?
Some semi-important fucker.
did he ever run for president ?
I've worked with people who have, but not the one I'm presently behind.
The FBI is trying really hard today.
What is your plan for immigration? It will always baffle me how Trump manage to get such a big spook and ride it all the way to victory.
thoughts on the USSR
My plan? Streamline the visa application system. Let more legals come in and the racism has to be naked instead of veiled, and reduces exploitation of the undocumented while giving us a better handle on cartel affiliates slipping in.
That said, white identity is going to expand to include well integrated, light skinned, and well spoken latinos within the next twenty years. Bet on it. Nationalism isn't dead, they'll redraw the lines around new memes.
The DotP and other movements that appear as "vanguards" of the revolution are nothing more than Fascism narrowly kept in check by oppressing the proles who now "own" the means of production. Revolutions without a militant aspect die a quick death to the security apparatus of current states though, so I guess it's something.
Bernie is most likely a socialist who campaigned as a socdem, but called it socialism.
How old are you?
How (more or less) did you get into your position?
What do you plan on doing from your position to strengthen the left?
In my 20's.
Showing up and looking credible. Seriously.
1. Encourage the right to go further right until they can no longer guarantee political action on the part of their constituents and backers because too many crazies are in power.
2. Watch the Republican Party split like rotten fruit.
3. Watch the capitalists shit themselves as they have to pick between SocDems/flimsy Libertarians/Green socialists.
I've come to believe that the only way for a revolution to effectively overthrow capitalism is by having sleeper cell socialists in all facets of the system. We need more people like you.
I'm more inclined to believe that Capitalism will evolve into something else more like Socialism but different, and that system will have its own problems and merits.
what makes you confident in capitalism evolving reforming into quasi socialism?
Because if it wants to survive it must do two things that historically work to stave off revolution long-term:
1) Increases wages relative to capital gains.
2) Allow the worker to buy in, effectively enabling class mobility
At a certain critical mass I think you will eventually end up with something that looks like market socialism with some inequality still existing, particularly between vestigial capitalists, worker-owners, and technocrats who are paid primarily in terms of royalties and can thus afford to buy in as capitalists.
That still kind of implies that revolution will eventually happen, even if capitalism does capitulate. Revolution occurs when reform fails, and whatnot. Eventually, reform will fail.
It isn't revolution, first of all. Revolution would only be an accurate term if it were Anarcho-Primitivists, Feudalists, or some other anachronistic group that won.
Here is the thing: violent rebellion almost never ends with the right people on top. You will have shitty frothing-at-the-mouth radicals at first, and eventually the person who puts them down will be a strongman who restores order, but not an ideal one. Reform is really the only way to go.
Both of these are true statements. The correct answer is to keep trying revolution until it works, which it eventually will.
Man, this is why idealists suck at politics.
No, it's why politicians suck at changing anything.
Politics would eat youalive m8.
Are you Krist Novoselic?
No. kek.
You aren't concerned that immigration inflates the labor market?
It doesn't matter if they are in the country or outside of the country. Outsourcing and immigration have the same effect, but the difference is that immigrants have a better quality of life and a wage hike, while outsourced labor is faced with transportation costs and labor.
Same shit, different spin.
that's funny, because the right think we already are.
John Birch was ahead of his time.
You can't just "handle" cartel affiliates. They're practically state employed at this point, and the boarder provinces along Mexico are part of their Failed State.
Drugs are targeted at the consumer, and supplier and can't be targeted at their point of production.
But there will always be a market and a profit under a prohibition. So there will always be a cartel.
They have their own standing army and radio communication network, they can rival the Mexican army let alone meagre state employees; save one very irate United States Postal Inspector, one of which could resolve most any concern.
Everything is relative.
You're right, but that's because the middlemen are monopsonies. You would know that word without having to google if you studied econ post-marx.
I've seen everyone from Republicans to Green Partiers back legalization. It's an issue not addressed by the means of production shifting in ownership.
Yes it is when the primary funding of cartel groups is drugs, this is a cornerstone of their entire operational costs.
They simply can't make the same numbers and thus produce the same growth with slavery and other criminal businesses.
You mistake me. We discuss the consequences of damming a levee and you want to speak to me the contents of a pie.
Is the show "Veep" on HBO true to life?
How miserable are politicians and their staff?
I haven't seen Veep. But I've seen House of Cards. That's… pretty accurate.
Would you say the government is more incompetent or corrupt?
The overwhelming majority of shit that you see and don't see is incompetence. The really insidious shit is corruption.
never seen House of Cards, sorry.
Is there some satanic ritual that politicians go through in order to be bought and sold like a whore or were they just trained to sell all their beliefs?
Kek. Well….
You are mistaken as to who owns who.
But we already understand how to deal with addicts, Swiss proved it simply.
Addiction is just the result of isolation & depression so a co-dependency is formed with drugs- simple to treat, we just use harsher methods to achieve the opposite result.
We should be more concerned with which groups are profiting most from this, prohibition only serves to undermine Central American liberty.
That said, we just need legal weed which is happening anyway.
And since Afghan Heroin and crack cocaine are CIA projects, to legalize them would be to defund good American earners, so that is not happening.
Enlighten me, I am a dumb prolie that has only the faintest hint of what goes on behind closed doors.
Yeah excuse me?
Why aren't you doing shit?
The capitalist revolutions were wildly successful.
You should watch it. I've felt like it was realistic ignoring the foreign policy bits which felt idealistic at best compared to the cynical tone of the show.
In my experience drugs are used to mask an issue, to meet a problem with substances, or to socialize.
We took them hostilely from who held them previously. The game is go, not chess.
Power trumps money. Money trumps poverty and weakness.
More than you'd think. I'm working on backdoor legalizing prostitution, because sex work is work.
Positive and negative liberty.
All art does not quite reflect reality, as reality does not do justice to art.
Sure the idealism and much of the enlightenment values of the capitalist revolutions were abandoned, but the important part was the change in the mode of production. A successful socialist revolution will be judged by whether socialism is a accomplished or not.
No. There was a single capitalist revolution that was a success. It is understood to be unique, and era defining. The rest are distinct in nature, perhaps to a degree that you do not perceive.
What do you think of the French Revolution?
Well, that does tickle me pink. What a strangely disarming comment.
Regardless, Bush Sr. prior to becoming CIA director fomented the crack cocaine epidemic.
Regardless, it has since been a revenue development technique in a toolset for the CIA, regardless of how they've handled rival operations.
Rat paradise summed it all up so nicely.
It's one thing to use, but in excess usually is to do with some form of isolation.
The French revolution was done entirely by middle class artisans that defined themselves by wearing pants, they were not friends to the lower classes by any means.
hahahahahahahaha go fuck yourself you piece of fucking garbage
Well, it works for Arizona.
Entertaining stuff, but as someone who has worked in politics as a canvasser and a field representative this dude sounds like he is taking the piss.
These positions have names. Even outsiders that don't actually work for the state have position names. Come the fuck on people.
So you think that most intelligent CIA case officers in the field would choose to risk another Iran-Contra for millions in order to avoid drawing from the hundreds of billions per year of the government budget?
The drug trade is a different sort of thing these days. We don't personally touch it anymore. Nice pseudo-political opinion though.
I've had everyone quote me this shit before. I've never seen it used as part of a good argument.
Funny, I was talking about positive and negative liberty. We aren't speaking the same language because I can code shift out of your narrative, while you are bound by it. Consider that.
Come on kiddo.
This is how you know that Feminism today is shit. Go and read a neat book called "Sex Workers Unite" and you will understand how deeply and fundamentally the Feminist movement of 30 and 40 years ago abandoned sex worker rights and the rights of working class women.
Please don't throw liberal sex positive feminism in my face to defend a cheap move you're making for an industry that treats women like products regardless of their own wants in the matter.
You're such a liberal schmuck
Congratulations for fighting the good fight in the American government, needless you're fighting for everything this nation has set out to represent. Cruelty hid behind ideal all too transparent.
Motive all too transparent.
Sex-negative feminism is just a facade for crypto-conservatism.
Years before I was a politician I was a journalist who worked with sex workers. Most escorts are self employed, and simply want the right to work like anyone else.
Right back at you, you theorist cunt. You infantilize women of lower socio-economic status in order to justify your IDpol posturing, and it sickens me.
In fact it doesn't just sicken me. It sickens vice-cops I know who want to see legalization so that they aren't pitted against women just trying to make ends meet for the sake of your aesthetic preferences.
Fuck your entire movement.
Pot, meet kettle.
Right. Because the movers and shakers give a fuck what faggots on Holla Forums's Holla Forums think.
No it's not. Quit treating me as a prude conservative I'm fucking a lesbian, I've done things. Last thing I am is some fucking rightist liberal.
I appreciate the sentiment but I'm against prostitution for the same reason I'm against any form of capital. I just find this more repulsive.
This isn't idpol posturing, I'm against forms of capital that make women their sexual product for men. Maybe more biased against other forms of capital because of how gag inducing that is.
Fuck cops and fuck pimps, fuck em both.
I could call you some names for actually attempting to be in the United States government.
No I mean you want to fuck a hooker.
So you think.
Let me ask you a sincere hypothetical.
Conservatives want to use sex-workers, who are in a position of stigma within our society, as fodder for their moralisitic campaigns, which is treating these women (and men) without agency even within a capitalist framework.
Now, you hate the framework that makes people labor for profits for capitalists. So you want to implement that… but onto who? Oh, sex workers? You're telling me that you want to impose your views onto a vulnerable subset of the population that doesn't have the option to resist, just like conservatives?
Do you sense why this makes me deeply sick?
You're against labor within the schema of capitalism. ID-pol is why you don't see the workers revolution is a panacea against abuses against sex workers as well as workers.
One is a laborer, albeit lumpenized. One is a black market capitalist. You speak your own words.
Do it. Swing away.
I've fucked hookers casually. Because when they clock out they're people too, with normal concerns and normal lives. Maybe you should examine your biases.
I know what they want to do. I don't want those fucking people either. I just want to see women safe.
I don't have any answers. I'm just skeptical of the benefits sex work has. I know the plight of sex workers, and I know I sound cruel. Human trafficking remains a substantial issue and I don't want people eying the United States as a business opportunity for trafficked women.
I don't see a way you could vet sex workers like that.
No it's beyond that. I'm worried about issues of human trafficking right now, especially from Mexico.
in the interim before the great reform/revolution outlawing sexwork doesn't do that.
I know a single mom who is a sex worker. She was one of my most candid interviews. She worked to provide her son with a mother and with his financial needs. She made sure that she would be able to be around (only saw 3-5 clients per week at $250-150 per session) so that she'd have time to make sure that someone read to him, got him ready for school, and made sure that he was loved.
Critique that.
Tell me how you would have helped Bindu Pariyar.
Pretty fucking easily if you know what to look for, but since you said
I guess you're a fucking expert, right?
Let's talk about anti-organized crime tactics and anti-trafficking scrutiny. That seems to be a skillset of yours. Please, tell me what you think that keeping prostitution illegal does to help trafficking victims that outweighs utterly fucking over independent workers.
I have reasons why I reached the position I'm at now. I used to be all sex positive and things and I've grown cynical with time. Most of my opinions you wouldn't like, and often times I feel for the time I wasn't so cynical and often times that part of me looks at all this and I get angry at myself for coming to the conclusions I have.
I feel genuine sympathy for all these women, and I wish I didn't sound condescending.
It just isn't all butterflies and rainbows, there's abuse inside of it as well, outside of more upper class places. You could say legalizing helps, I'm just skeptical of it.
I don't have any answers, or answers you'd particularly like. I just don't like it from my perspective. It seems dangerous, but not legalizing it seems dangerous. I just wish there was more I could do.
So do everyone from pimps to the bourgeois.
Nobody needs your pity party. Sympathy is shit, try empathy.
Not everybody is pimped.
It DIDN'T help in the EU. The productive thing to do would be to talk about that instead of bickering about rabbit holes.
You don't indeed.
You're right about that too.
I don't dictate from the high horse of my aesthetics. It's an ugly practice.
If there is something I could say, the part you're not going to like.
Women suffer from rape and domestic abuse, more than men. We're mostly the primary focus of that. I'm just worried, on top of everything else that women go through, in this age of the internet by suggesting moreover we can be used for profit. Women are already looked down upon more than we used to be, I don't know of positive effects that come from making that argument. Or that women won't be abused often, or trafficked women won't come in.
But at the same time you're right about legalizing it making it somewhat safer. But how much safer?
It's just questions that make me probe problems that make me feel ill and make me want to cry that we even exist in a place where any of this could happen. As hyperbolic and nuts as that sounds.
Anyone with any knowledge of sex negative feminism knows these groups often work together.
Yeah I talk to my friends in the GOP all the time. We all love the GOP.
50% of domestic abuse is mutual. The term "rape culture" originated from prison rape against men.
Outside of prison, you can still say that more abuse is against women, sure, but you're playing a disingenuous game.
A hitman in the US costs $4,000. A sex slave in the Ukraine is the same price. For the exploited life is cheap everywhere.
Why don't you meet some sex workers at your local SWOP chapter?
That genie is out of the bottle.
In theory you deal with nice, pretty ideology wrapped in a bow. In politics you deal in nasty, gritty realities that make you sick to your stomach. That's the real world.
Would you like me to dig out the recent drama where a feminist group allied with the religious right in the US over transgender bathroom access? Perhaps the well known debacle of the Canadian porn ban instituted by Dworkin and Steinam?
Cut it user. She's never read "The Handmaiden's Tale".
No, the real world is knowing the average age of entering prostitution in Western countries is between 12-14 and that the same people who once dealt those little fucking girls in profit could be free from any judgement after the fact due to the legalization of all this, and none of them go punished for it.
Real life is knowing most women who go into prostitution, or at a young age, get into it because they feel worthless as people because of sexual trauma at a young age.
Real life is knowing all this and knowing underage pregnancy goes hand in hand.
You can say legalizing this can help, the men responsible will continue to make money safer, then.
I believe in the rights of trans people to use their respective bathroom. It's a non issue.
Is that what Law & Order SVU, oh I'm sorry, the FBI's basically made up crime statistics tell you? Or the NGOs that get funding based on donations motivated by the shock value of numbers like that?
No, real life is knowing that most sex workers get into it for the money, but that the ones who are lured in by pimps are lured in through emotional manipulation like you have described.
Should we crucify teens for fucking each other? Sounds very Christian of you.
Not with proper sets of laws in play. But that's a hard trick to pull. Nobody has done it 100% successfully yet.