Silent Women

I believe that women should have their vocal cords surgically removed before they are a month old. Then they should be raised to believe that women have never been able to talk.

This would solve 95% of humanity's problems. Just imagine how often in your life a woman opening her mouth has worsened nearly every situation. It is a plague on humanity.

Can't argue with that

What are you sliding, chaim? reported

Go join ISIS you fuck

are you even trying, kike?

ISIS would just cut their clitoris off so that they don't have to feel ashamed their small dicks can't pleasure a woman.

My proposal would be a clinical fix to a species wide ailment. The uncontrolled pollution of inane ideas weighing down our collective psyche. The majority of these originate from women or people who heard too much from women when growing up.

Yeah goy those stupid Whyte woymn amirite goyim. Why even breed and have white babies. Woymn are so dumb amirite?

Not being able to control a woman well enough just means youre a cuck.

Power fantasies like that also make you a faggot cuck.

Thats about it.
Kill yourself my man, youre going to die alone.

No, no, no. If you want a surgical intervention that solves 95% of the world's problems, then just remember to spay and neuter the entire Jewish population.

Well, more like 99% of the world's problems.

This is a measure of control. Unless you mean we must be limited to inefficient methods that eventually lead to the society we have now, because such methods rely on men being ever vigilant.

My solution solves it without relying on personal feelings getting in the way.

That is giving kikes entirely too much credit. There isn't a kike putting words into the mouth of every woman.

Hello fellow national socialist alt right white supremacist brother.
Your solution is quite good but it's not complete.

Remeber to also hack off their limbs, so they can't do sign language.
Gouge our their eyes so they don't morse blink.
Paralize the rest so they don't do any floppy sort of signalling.


I'll bite anyway.

They have to learn sign language to use it. Nobody has to learn how to make sounds, they just start imitating them. No vocal cords, no imitation, i.e. no speaking. There is no way they will imitate sign language.

Same goes for your other nonsense. There is no way for them to inform each other how many blinks for apple or how many blinks for X. They can't talk and won't learn to read or write. No need for unnecessary removal of limbs that still have uses.



You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam!!

The greatest lie the kike ever told was that he didn't have complete control over the US system, and uses that control to debase and destroy the white man, whom he knows to be his most dangerous enemy.

Seriously fuck you, cunt. I hope you die a lonely man. Better yet tortured to death by ISIS.

Try slicing you own throat, it would help a lot.

Come on user, you gotta give him credit. This is the best slide thread topic I've seen lately.

Okay you mudshit insect, I hope you enjoy getting cucked by your third wife that cheats on you with your other wives.

Cuck yourself for the white race!

White babies are more important than the fidelity of your marriage.

GB2 >>>/incel/ you're a genetic dead-end, anyway.
