All you EU loving, SJW, redditing, newfaggots have ruined this board.
All of the quality members left and now we just have you liberal faggots.
I hope you all kill yourselves.
This site was better in early 2015
obligatory "im angry and you suck" thread.
Dont worry user, you'll get over yourself soon enough.
Im also pissed at the SJWs but whats the problem with the EU? Sure its a breeding poid and large organisation of neoliberalism but the core idear is ok. Europe used to be a bunch of nationes fighting each other. Now they are united, there werent any controlled inner boarders (well atleast pre 2015) so these countrys could exchange economic goods more easily. This also allowed people to travel more easily. The EU has maneged to be the place with the best enviromental protection and consumer-protection laws (and as we all know the enviroment and the consumer are often victims of capitalism, these laws allow some protection from unregulated markets.) Also, sharing the same currency is good for the exchange of goods and services, and therefore beneficial for the economie. I know I know this sounds really spooked but you have to be pragmatic, the classless society cant be constructed when the economie is weak/unsteable. The all the euroskeptics: it whould have worked perfectly without allowing greece to join, their depts were way to high but they pruned the numbers. Now they are in and we have to be solidary in financial thems. ( another factor that allowas stabilty and whealth) What really sucks is the massive lobbyism in the EU parliamint. The financial idear to controll the markets via central organisations ( Centralbanks for example) is a step into the right direction, although it sucks that most of the money that was send to countrys like greece was just used by the burecrats to seve the banks. The idear of the revolution from the inside makes the most sense in my opinion. All attemps to establisch socialism by force have been failed, violent revolution should be the last mean ( for example in case of a fashist takeover or a plutocratic push.) A completly unified Europe is a good chance to get something rolling.
inb4 idpol
Next thing is: If your pissed that there are people w/ different opinions here than you dont belong here. Just a little reminder that there are two groups that like an isolated place wheer they are herdly being confronted with opiniions they dont like: The SJWs and their savespaces and the racists, ah I mean "alt rights" that have shit like Holla Forums which is baicly a giant fucking safespace for people who have a "special white aryan snowfake complex" because they are spooke d with the idear of race. I get it libfags can be annoying when they start taling shit a bout: " oh muh job creator, muh free markets, muh Hillary Cilton" but if you have a problem with them beeing here, that you should just GTFO. It whould be understandeble to get them out if they whould start a successful agenda to get this place neoliberal or lolbertarian but untill than it would be wrong.
And just ignore the typos.
I generally agree. Why can't we talk about this more?
Because Holla Forums is too far up the ass of its own ideology to be self-critical.
It is way too early in this board's life to start having nostalgia for the good old days of Holla Forums.
m8, I have nostalgia for a few months ago. This place has rapidly degenerated into shit like every other board on Holla Forums.
Fuck yeah man. Remember the checkers threads where anons would argue with a brick wall? Or when milo/megyn would be around and we'd argue about muh IQ with the trannychaser? Those were the good old days man.
Overly sensitive people bitching about a kind of over sensitivity they don't appreciate.
At least they were amusing. Now we don't even have any regular shitposters to enjoy hating. It's just a bunch of faceless Holla Forumsyps and newfags shitting up the place with wanton abandon.
I fucking long for the days when Checkers spammed this board with his shit compared to what we have now.
Well, we have a bunch of tumblrinas shitposting with the anarcha-feminist flag. They aren't particularly funny though.
One of them was here far before you were it seems.
You see, this is what I'm talking about. You need to come up with bigger, better bait if you want to join the ranks of the famous shitposters of Holla Forums.
I'm not in the mood to contribute to making this board worse by shit posting. If you would like to contribute better bait, instead of speaking of author's and philosophers, make twelve more threads complaining about contemporary leftism and missing the mark in every criticism. We hardly have enough of these threads.
Stale meme lad. Read Goldman
Checkers was funny the first time and other than the tranny shit milo wasn't much different than the random racialists we get. The only thing that's changed is we got more Bernie Sanders memes and a couple of namefags with pootube channels.
m8, don't lie. You know that you miss Checkers and milo. As terrible as they were, there was something endearing about their profound retardation.
I'll take them over social democrat shills and some mediocre opinionstube fags with unwarranted self-importance any day. At least we still have Satan-chan though.
Where is Satan-chan anyways? I haven't seen her for a while
And sho on and sho on *sniff*
Nice strawman faget.
that's great.