Other urls found in this thread:
There there, pedo bear, it'll be alright.
What happened tbh desu
You're welcome
t. Interpol
pedos are scum, just wait until they're 18 and it's legal to rape them
now LF please
now you've gone too far
Didn't someone say GT was a pro-nigger board anyway? In that case, nothing of value was lost.
must be why people called it cuck.time
Quite. Nigglets are horrid little grubs.
Dunno what it is but I'm happy that it caused anguish among subhuman pedo community
Hol' up
*smacks lips*
So hol' up muh nigga
*injects hot sauce*
You be sayin
*accidentally shoots Dohmarius in his dik*
You really be sayin
*pulls pants up*
Dat we wuz alphabet
You're not cool obviously
So where did it go??.
Into the record books
degenerates out
You don't have to be a pedo you just can't be a holier than thou moralfag without sticking out like a sore thumb.
Lurk more.
fuck you nigger you made her cry
Little girls should only cry when they have been punished or are sad about their pet dying.
No seriously
offline, kapoot the owner said fuck it
Rip Kiketime
Oh well now kill the zombie called Masterchan AKA Ccluster.
tbh glad because owner was asshole
;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;
if you get upset for an imageboard going down think it as opportunity to change your life better
tbh going to spend all my time browsing the ig's of the 100 girls i follow instead of going to one place that had it all
rip muh topless lgs
did you not read the sign
Do not trigger the mods
t. cat-kun
he always posting cp
I'm not Cat-Kike, user.
that's like nk having ballistic missile
mods overreact in 1,2,3
Cat pictures?
child photography
wtf i love child photography now
shitstorm in 3, 2, 1…
you sure like cats, user
god she was fucking lovely
a beautiful flower, crushed by the weight of society's reactionary ignorance
reported tbh
she was slut
innocence corrupted by selfish desires
she still cutting herself?
How the fuck would I know, ask the poland guy
she was an entrepreneur!
she's a victim of government overreach! and also interpol probably!
k bored 2365446239848794656434
kek, posting cats out of pure boredom
lol you can see her in the reflection
Should of put them in bumplocked threads tbh
new thread tbh
user pls
Unknown country? I wonder who is behind the post.
I don't know the name of all raped grills, user.
Her name is april
I'm not that deep into porn, user.
fuck I missed a cp dump again -.-
picture is deleted now, user.
if you're really after them, you should normally have already seen them.
it was april and sm ofc i've seen them. i'm just bumping the thread
So why so sad?
pretending is fun
Depends if you're the type who only ever accidentally comes across them. Laws are harsh, fear is real.
If you lurk here enough, you'd have seen them already imo
I lurk here occasionally. Not really often enough. The way things are going elsewhere, I may lurk here more in the future.
another one.mp3 tbh
also requesting some SM N if you have any cpanon
I'm guessing these are protests?
CP user is gone imo
We're comfy
Thank Rin we still have 8 chan!
why do you think that?
kys rin orbiter
What is a rin orbiter?
well he doesn't post anything anymore, so even if he's still here, he's not CP user anymore.
A lot of stuff is under attack right now. There's a major push going on. It's not all that good.
i don't think its worth lurking here for cp dumps. they're getting less and less common by the month :(
damn us ausfags can't have any fun at night because everyone either asleep or has school
I'm not here for cp dumps. Not why I go to message boards.
so you're here to take in our "culture?"
What do you mean?
it's not even nighttime in Australia wtf are you on about
Why are you here?
Aus girls do not have nice bottoms?
lol i managed to save quite a few of them
Dunno. I wasn't a fan of, but seeing that it was taken down upsets me. Pirate Bay has been acting like it's under DDOS attack or something for the past week. Probably a lot of other stuff I'm not seeing.
Aus girls have really nice bottoms, but they're toxic af.
what's the point?
I didn't even know so I can't relate. tpb is down since 5 years ago in my eyes so I don't really care.
7:54 pm is night, user.
i mean we're in a pedo thread where cp was dumped just hazard a guess.
retard kiwi going to get vanned
they do but australian hebes are really stuck up and australians lolis aren't even in realistic so yeah i'm fucked
Even the age like the pics posted?
the community on girlti was very elitist but the availability to get photos was amazing
They need to be spanked.
What does this mean?
That's about right. Still, it's better as a first choice to go to for torrents than the alternatives. It's more about seeing boards go down or get messed with. It means something is up.
Oh, you think I'm here to take in Australian culture? That's stupid af. Australia can be fun, but if I wanted to take in the culture I'd just go back there. I go to message boards to keep track of what's going on in the world of the interwebs. That and to bullshit, shitpost, and get into fights with morons that last hours and have no real purpose.
evening if you want, not night.
risking to be on clearnet to get illegal pictures is something I don't really get.
We'll see. Something will be up when Holla Forums do go down. Until then, I'll just consider that's a management problem.
I don't know. I didn't see any Aus girl's asses posted, sadly, so I can't say. I have seen Aus asses in real life, and they were nice.
It was all legal
me getting an loli all to myself isn't realistic
didn't read comments tbh i just set up my bot and downloaded the whole thread
i think stranglelove legitimately killed himself because of girltime closing
bruh its fucking night work with me here
no. i was wondering what you were lurking here for and i assumed you were testing the waters and trying to accquiant yourself with Holla Forums's culture, not australia's culture lel.
Fair. If Holla Forums goes down we'll all go knock on Hotwheels' door. Is Hotwheels still running this shit hole?
So I don't see why it was taken down except from management problems.
You live in Northern Aus don't you?
some magical place on the deep web was getting ddos'd for what feels like a week straight so yeah they're trying to crack down on pedo shit as a whole
no one lives in northern aus
especially not me, YOU HEAR THAT, ASIO?!
lel Darwin's a meme
yeah so it's not a conspiracy or some shitstorm incoming.
don't dox me cunt
its all speculation and muh irc logs but apparently he just didn't give a fuck anymore. he just wanted to shut it down probably for a number of reasons
fuck off cunt
Makes sense. DDOS doesn't sound like gubmint, tho. Gubmint will just shut it down. Pirate Bay, too. Maybe got DDOSed and the owner got fed up? Hard to say. DDOS', though, I can live with. Just script kiddies getting off on bullshit control fantasies.
Misquoting or something?
Honestly, it does sound like it's either some concerted effort to protest the NN thing by making the gubmint look bad, or it's just some script kiddie with access to some DDOS bots getting his jollies off by pissing off the internet. Big enough, though, to make you think there's money behind it.
probably along with some chinese whispers since i didn't immerse myself with the GT community.
go home mate, you're drunk
They were young?
Ok? Pretty girls have pretty asses. It doesn't really matter how old they are? Otherwise we wouldn't use words like 'pretty' to describe girls. Even little girls. How does that make Aus girls less toxic?
not on a fucking wednesday night i'm not
they'll stoop that low dw
maybe, if someone who was a regular on girltime confirm or comment on this then maybe it really was a script kiddie
i think its more just a sciprt kiddie with a big botnet. ddosing is childs play (get it heh) but if they're going to do it on this scale you have to question where they're getting the money from. tinfoil hats on bois
don't lie
The CIA would stoop that low, for sure, but I don't think I would put it on the current administration. I guess that I'm saying that my feeling would be that the money would be coming from an opposition slush fund or something. That's all. If it was the DOJ, or FCC or something, it would just be a kill.
Oh, and I never take off muh tinfoil. It's stylish and hip.
that's what they want you to think
Or is it what they want me to think they want me to think????
Why did you hide your flag?
we could ask you the same question
It's like this by default
I don't know. It feels invasive. Like, everyone will know I'm one of 36 million people.
I've never liked the flags. I miss the old days.
All you're hiding is the fact your connection identifies as from canada
alright i'll admit i'm mildly intoxicated
GT was only Instagram lolis though so idk why they would waste their time and resources
I know, but that's because you're a 1337 haxxor.
and what old days would that be
Target is a target. The point is to piss off the right people. Either way, it's either script kiddie with a botnet, or some deep state or Democrat op. I mean, It's no conspiracy theory that DDOS' are happening. The explanations are limited. The only conspiracy would be if we were to choose one of the explanations over another without evidence to support that choice.
Yep. I just want to hide that I'm one of 36 million people rather than one of 7 billion people. And, yes, I absolutely want to hide that. For no good reason. I've done nothing wrong, and I know that Holla Forums receives all IP addresses, however I believe in anonymity and everything that goes with that. We're constantly reminded lately that we're not anonymous. That little flag reminds me every time I see it that this web site is storing my IP and that I am not at all anonymous. I don't like that.
i guess you can say they're starting small and waking their way up? surely they could just go for the 'big dogs' since they probably have a lot of money and resources to take them on
*adjusts tinfoil hat*
or it could be a script kiddie hired by the gov. tbh
I noticed you haven't posted any pictures in this thread so why not just use tor like
tor media posting when?
I posted actually 4 pictures in the thread. Tor is just not convenient and my websites aren't still banned from clearnet so I have no reason to use Tor.
post second long videos to YouTube and embed them tbh
Tor is still too slow, and at least for a while it was severely compromised. I don't know about now, but at one time it was for sure compromised and more of a beacon to the government than anything. You were safer in a crowd on clearnet than you were on Tor.
maybe 5, whatever
Tor is becoming crowded as far as I know. It's still more secure than the clearnet if you don't do stupid things.
Erm, even Tor over a VPN wasn't at all safe.
Oh! Look! A thread! About a subject! I'm going to argue with anyone stopid enough to take my bait! Ooooh! I am so edgy! I am so Alpha! Read my words and tremble at the power of my superior wisdom and insight, thou mere amateur flamers. Dare you even rise to attempt to mock me? I fear not your futile childish attempts. Be gone, slight little man.
It will be a while before I will consider Tor trustworthy again.
Is this moron seriously spamming about spam?
I said "more secure", not safe. It's all relative.
Still better than the clearnet, still worse than i2p and freenet but more usable. It's an in-between.
i'm only mildly drunk i think i'd need cocaine or some type of class a drug to do that
Yeah. All depends. Safety seems to be more about numbers. Secure is a different thing altogether. I guess that safe doesn't always make you secure and secure doesn't always make you safe.
I never suggested to post questionable shit but thats your prerogative
Yeah, if you browse carefuly you're not at risk. Moreover, if you don't download/upload anything illegal you're not at risk anywhere. It's just a matter of what you do and what you show of yourself.
I think that illegal is a relative term. It seems that what is illegal one year is normal and even endorsed another year. Since we're all almost always in danger of doing something illegal without even knowing it, it's useful to know what is safe, what is secure, and what should be avoided. Unless you're talking to your mother about thanksgiving dinner or something. Which, may or may not depend on what you ate and if Pita has been busy lobbying for anti turkey laws lately.
I thought you deleted the text document off your computer but hey I'm glad you're back. What did you do in your two months of abscence retard anti (closeted pedophile)?
What's legal and illegal is only relative to where you live. If your country is legally versatile, you've got to follow the flow, if it's quite the same throughout the years, it's easier to know.
Exactly. However, ideologically I believe that we all have a right to our opinions, and that everything should be freely discussed. I think that laws regulating speech are an affront to mankind and undermine the legal process itself. In this way, I think that it's our duty as human beings, sometimes, to break the law in order to preserve the integrity of the law.
If one of those circumstances do come up, and I'm not saying it has, then I think it's useful to know how to go about that in the best and safest possible way.
Tell this to a Chinese, an Arab or a Thai. Most of them will tell you that no, free speech isn't that important. Freedom of speech is a really werstern way of thinking - that I fully endorse myself too - that isn't speading as fast as you think and commies are trying to shut it down.
I am very grateful not to be a Chinese, Arab, or a Thai :D.
Freedom of speech and expression are actually the things that are most important to me. Every other law or rule that exists I see as being secondary to that, because without real, honest, expression we simply cannot make laws that we can expect human beings to be comfortable following. This is why I like anonymity so much. Because people lie. Everyone lies, if they think they will be judged for what they say. How can you make reasonable laws based on lies?
You can't be that sure, they're not raised with the ideal of being free, they're raised with the ideal of being part of a superior movement that is lead by a strong government that wants the best for their collectivity and not the individuals. It's just not the same way of thinking and I can't tell who's better off, as I never grew in a collectivist country. I still wonder why they don't want to try to grasp more freedom though.
I couldn't agree more with you, user.
lurk more.
China is cracking at the seams. The commies won't be able to hold it down much longer. It's too big. In so many ways, they're better capitalists than we are. Hell, I see Bitcoin at $10k each, then I read that China has the lowest electricity costs in the world, almost, and has cornered the market on mining bitcoin because of it. A lot of little chinese nerds just became millionaires. We'll see. Arabs are different. I spent some time in Morocco. They're using Western politics more than they actually participate in it. At all. That's the weird thing about Arabs. If the Lefty cucks here actually went there, they'd shit themselves and go running to their mommies. Still, their governments are shit. Elite ruling class, and severely poor working class. I don't know anything about Thailand.
China isn't Communist anymore no matter how fucking hard their autistic government tries shilling themselves as Communist. Read up on East Asian Model Capitalism. Chinas recent success has nothing to do with communism and saying otherwise would be giving the commies way too much credit
You're right though, Chinas planned economy is still fucked. Their public sector is simply not sustainable
nah, Maghreb isn't Arabia. Don't mistake the two. Maghreb is a subtle mix between African culture, European culture and Muslim culture, making them on the edge of everything and so, in this way, they're hated by everyone surrounding them, because everyone thinks they're against them which is half-true, since they are blatant liars.
The Arabs are the heart of the Muslim culture and have a very secular way of living. They use the non-Arabs as slaves or something aproaching because they consider themselves too valuable. It's more like a narcissist culture, helped nowadays by the petrol money, which is why you see so big cities popping out of the desert from nothing for no one.
But as the Arabs are, in some way, cultivated, don't forget they are nearing the Persians (Iran, Irak and Syria/Lebanon to some extent) which has always been an important location for humanity. If they had been a bit less destructed by the Europeans in the 19th century, my best bet is that their would have been a Persian State instead of these bullshit country that we see there today.
Thailand is an absolute monarchy, not much more to add.
And this guy is right about China's economy too.
The more times a Moroccan calls you friend in the first 5 minutes of meeting them, the further you should run, and faster. I don't know that Saudi Arabia is communist or collective, though. It's more the seat of power and money for the Middle East. The further away you get, the poorer you are, but from what I saw it's the center. Still an elite ruling class and poor af working class. China, yeah. I should have put quotes around 'commies' there.
I never said it was communist. I just said that people there are raised and told that they should live to serve a greater power (government/god) and not for themselves. They're collectivist in this way.
Fair enough. I'm Libertarian/Atheist. Free from all guilt and religion, except the stuff I want to feel guilty about. Which, honestly, is enough on it's own without having the end of the world by cow farts or the end of the world by some giant demon living in the middle of the earth or something.
I had guessed you were libertarian (how the fuck could you be a religious libertarian?), as I'm one myself. Funny how all of us find themselves on the deep internet.
shekels were lost for this vpn
LOL. Anyway, I'm gonna get some sleep. Nice, every once in a while, to actually find a decent conversation around.
That's why I'm still around, bro, good night
Thanks for the good read tbh.
Nice trips end a pathetic thread.
did they get v&?
this is an english speaking board, du hurenkind
Das ist die Wahrheit, Mohammed bin-Malmo
Ja, Hasan
t. pedo
t. pedo !
who's behind it? based taskforce argos?
go paul! drain the swamp!
nein du
Speaking of normies, anyone got the latest Magical Kingdom onion? Mines dead :(
FBI pls go
Here it is:
no deal
that guy looks like he's about to shart his pants tbh
tbh maybe his balls are exploding out of his butt
why take down the lamest site on the internet? nuthin but instagram pics.
t. eggo
someone was spamming their website with lewd pics. maybe that's the reason why they got shut down.
卐 Happy Birthday!! 卐
whose birthday?
most pedos around here seem to be far right, if that makes any sense
I attribute most of it to LARPing. Trying to make Holla Forums look like pedos. Just remember if you ever see someone attempting to claim they are a "nazi" or love Hitler while also being a pedo, you are being baited and lied to
I love Hitler though
t. pedo
are you making a distinction between pedos and hebe/ephebes? if not, then you're a fucking retard
holy fuck g*rman is a clumsy language
"It is OK, a pedo to be" (literally)
So it's a little weird?