Memeball Thread



m8, Europes total population is about 750 million, twice that of the United States. Europe absolutely has more whites than America

That's not really the issue here, the issue is the 56 percent number is 1.) Completely pulled from somones ass and 2.) Makes no sense in the context of the meme

The Official Census puts Americas European-White population at 61 percent as of 2016. If you include hispanic-whites then Americas total white population is about 80 percent. And studies show white Americans rarely racemix and the average white American is roughly 100 percent European. So even if the 56 percent number was true the face just doesn't make sense at all


The 56% part comes from dna tests where people consistently get 56% white results and 44% other results.



=behold, a man=
stay mad, ratio-cucks


fucking kekearoni, the online treat. you "people" never cease to impress with the mental gymnastics.