Gamergate, Cumskin, dumpf, MGTOW and MRAs BTFO
Gamergate, Cumskin, dumpf, MGTOW and MRAs BTFO
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Gamergate BTFO yet again
Holla Forums must be pissed.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
All baiting aside. All the mental gymnastics cuckchan been doing is pretty assuming. They are desperate to somehow call Wonder Woman a flop. They think the mummy remake will do. betreue because it's trailer has a view count just like power rangers did.
You need some covfefe, user?
So how good is it anyway? Critics love it.
>biggest opening for a female director
I'm sure it did fine, but by in comparison to every other capeshit movie and every other action movie in general, Wonder Woman is just painfully generic, does nothing remotely inventive or interesting, and is just an all around moderately okay movie.
It's been 3 fucking years, m9. I know it's your boogeyman, but most people outgrow fear of the imaginary monsters lurking around every corner.
But there is a vagina!
That's important. When it queefs you should gobble up all that stank fishy essence being forced down your throat and then thank and ask for more or else you are Islamophobic.
What a surprise. None of the reviews are talking about the quality of the movie, just praising it for muh vagina!
It wasn't bad. In fact, it's actually very light on the feminism. My favorite scene comes from when WW is trying to talk to British generals, who keep writing her off for being a woman. She doesn't get mad or offended in any way from that, but instead only loses her shit because they're fighting without honor and needlessly sacrificing soldiers.
It's certainly not a fantastic movie, but I don't think it's praise is completely undeserved. It's a combination of low expectations from the other DC movies and normalfag taste that give it the high ratings, but I went to see it in theatres and didn't feel like I wasted my money.
how will they ever recover?
we only care about kino and this shit ain't it
Good for a superhero film but average for an action film.
Is Darkman Kino? It certainly looks Kino. Why are movie posters always blue and orange? Wonder Woman is Jewish.
All time opening weekend rank: 43
Doesn't seem that stellar to me. Not a flop, but certainly not something exceeding the range by much for this type of movie. Every recent DC capeshit has made more, and they had much worse reviews. But I can't wait for the kikes encouraged by this to start hiring female directors for their blockbusters who won't be up to task, and will eventually waste their money.
They are complementary colors,and they seem most natural to people.
Aren't you scared user? You should, we are still around
I like how every mediocre performance at anything has to be A new record for a woman [X]!
Yeah, but regular directors have been mopping up hundred million dollar weekends since the 80s.
Yeah, but M'bobo Kwalabubagungo did the same jump back in 1952.
Men have been senators for thousands of years.
Still less than what a man makes LOL
Sorry, Junko Tabei. Edmund Hillary did that shit in '53. You're 22 years too late for anyone to care.
Look, everybody! A woman has done something that a man did decades ago! Let's give her the recognition she deserves! How about no. Want to catch my attention? Let the first two hundred million dollar weekend go to a woman director. Then she'll get my congratulations. Until then, she can fuck off.
Having said all that: I'd never pay to go watch WW in theaters, but I will torrent the fuck out of it when quality copies hit the tubes. I'm down with some capeshit. And I thought the attractive jewess was one of BvS's few saving graces. This movie's supposed to be some feminist/empowerment nonsense, but whatever. It's not like I watch movies to make myself smarter.
ok son.
Nothing in nature is blue and orange.
t. britbong
What did he mean by this?
Saw the movie myself. Apart from the Mary Sue ending (which is more or less Neo in the origimal Matrix), it was better than I anticipated. Action scenes are decent enough, she has to deflect bullets unlike recent depictions where she's invincible, and it does a surprisingly good job of saying that WW1 was shithouse.
Wasn't a waste of a ticket, but it's in the same pit as the original Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, in that it is unremarkable apart from a VUHGINA protagonist. Still, it's a step in the right direction and provides that their social commentary remains as sedated as this, I'm not bothered. If it goes full Fembusters however, then it can go to hell.
Interesting that all the headlines now reference world wide opening. Americans are probably not watching this shit.
and of course with a huge support network of men to help her do it.
And on that day, Ed realized what being color blind truly meant.
In my defense, I don't go outside much.
They always have to qualify it to make the women feel good. That isn't equality.
Maybe equality isn't actually what we need?
But on the other hand, women's bodies are shit ouside their purpose of birthing and nurturing infants, so when a woman manages to achive some physical accomplishment - it is notable; it is notable because men had created such a world where good-for-nothing-other-than-birthing-shit-bodied women could achieve such an accomplishment.
Daily reminder that jews and turd-worlders are a problem today becuase the white and foolish forefathers let them live.
Daily reminder that feminism is a result of a world made by white men such that women are enjoying its fruits, and of the fact that those white men proceded to destroy themselves in the two world wars.
The only thing BTFO here is Palestine state.
the ride never ends
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Women are more than welcome to make watchable flicks and maybe even kino some day, nazi women could do it. As long as they are not making shit and getting undeserved money and space in the industry, I couldn't care less about what they identify as.
How often does anyone see those animals though? Are there common, everything things in nature that are blue and orange?
thats pretty much why the media is losing their shit over it, because a DC superhero movie other than Batman turned out ok.
Plus the Cali Media love it when they get a chance to write "Women can do it" articles, like everybody thinks Women are mentally disabled or something. It really shows what type of bias they come in with.
Yeah this is capeshit kino
Was he autistic?
Why the Frak are Germans still the bad guys in WW1? Wtf? Why is Wonder Woman fighting for ANY side in the Great War?
This is not only Germanophob, it's not only falling for 100 year old war propaganda, it's also stupid and an americanized version of WW1.
She is literally commiting an evil act by fighting for the Allies and against the soldiers. If she was a good superheroine, she should have assassinated the political and military leadership of all sides, so that drafted men no longer have to fight against their will.
She should just go around and kill the Officers.
Where I live there are small lizards with blue and orange coloring and they're all over the place when late spring/early summer comes around.
There's even some articles comparing it to Iron Man's $100 million opening weekend, disregarding the fact that it was nine years ago and the advantage of ticket price inflation and 3D surcharges have in helping WW.
She's fighting for 'murica because Steve Trevor gave her, her first cock
is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
If she hasn't starred in a BLACKED kino then no she isn't.
I think her fiance is part black. good enough?
Blue is the color of light scattered in atmosphere, so everything has bluish tint. And human skin is in the orange/red spectrum, unless you are a nigger.
Still not going to watch it.
Would you like a cookie?
You may as well be a nigger.
So is every single review going to be some feminist bullshit? Now it's "important" that boys like this movie?
yes this will certainly infuriate all those people who think WW1 was a walk in the park
Don't be a nigger. There are plenty of movies that romanticise war and treat it like a mere distraction for exciting explosions and gun porn.
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Batb grossed 340 something million and was the highest opening for a female lead film, this gross is pathetic compared to that, nobody gives a shit.
Anita was right, tbh.
Mania is one Hell of a drug.
Who even remembers gamergate? They did nothing.
Modern people have been meme'd into thinking that all direct action is "violence" and therefore wrong. they can only talk politics "safely" through the lens of fiction.
Basically kikewood are doing the trick they kikes did with cigarettes back in the day. It was like having a little dick hanging out of your mouth and made wymin feel like they could be half as cool as a man even if it smelled like shit and gave them cancer. Same thing here, the entire movie is one giant penis envy driven vehicle that prints money. I almost feel sorry for the dumb cows who flock to cinemas because they are salty over not having a dick.
Seems more of the "to be a stronk woman, you have to be more like a man", which they never will be.
There's definitely elements of lesbianism in the film but the drive the bovine social media drones have to go see it stems from an inferiority complex over not having a dick.
Assmad goon detected, go lick cum out of Zoey's gaping asshole.
What did he mean by this?
I was surprised by how little there was. There was some pozzing but in the end Wonder Woman stays good because Kirk put his penis in her.
Well.. congratulations to women for achieving the kind of moderate success that tons of men achieve every day.
Wait, they're NOT mentally disabled?
That guy has most obviously not seen the movie
They aren't actually. The bad guys are two very evil Germans. They go out of their way to kill the German high command because they were trying to get the armistice signed. The movie is entirely about how wars happen because people are shit, not because there are good guys fighting bad guys.
wew, i wonder what its like when all your achievements have to constantly be qualified in this way. no wonder women are so bent outta shape most of the time; knowing deep down you are inferior yet emotionally resisting the truth of it as you perpetually consume media that encourages you to continue to deny the truth.
now now, she did also get beaten with a kendo stick
I lot of girls already know, as a whole, they aren't as good at things as men….why do you have to be so mean about it?
Women should be giving birth and nurture healthy offspring. Women have been slacking on the one thing they do better than men. Women are worthless, then.
ayy lmao
What a time to be alive
Is that a white Hideo Kojima?
No, Orwell was right.
Anita is just another propagandist trying to shill for judeo-marxism.
So the movie is about how bad germans are, and how germans are nazis even if its WW1.
Does Adolf make a cameo in the movie too?
Also bots, which libruls might as well be.
SJWs are maoists, not marxists.
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