Why do we all hate Mexicans again?
t. non-Hispanic American white (AKA muh 56 percent)
Almost entirely white (considered white by many census')
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i don't hate mexicans tho
nigger what are you talking about? See pic related for what the average Mexican looks like.
No it's not, it's a fucking 3rd world drug-lord culture where 90% of people live in dogshit poverty, 1% are in the aristocracy, and the rest are cartel members who run the cities.
only because they're
What kind of man doesn't mow his own lawn?
literally the same 5 ingredients re-arranged 1,000 different ways. it's good, not great, and contributes basically nothing to the modern culinary world.
because we're trying to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Weird animist versions of Roman Catholicism don't really count as Christian, my friend.
Native Mexicans are not white. The only whites are Spanish decent "from Spain". You can tell who is and who is not European decent just by looking at them. They mostly took on Catholic beliefs but like all sub humans they mixed in their own native beliefs also. They bastardize most things they come into contact with and only like doing simple jobs. They want to destroy all race but their own and will try to outbreed and leech off any nation. Most are aggressive when they do not agree with you and will resort to pure violence. Spain should have just genocided them long ago like the Mexicans genocided the people who built the Cities and Temples in Mexico.
A 2006 study conducted by Mexico's National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), which genotyped 104 samples, reported that mestizo Mexicans are 58.96% European, 35.05% "Asian" (primarily Amerindian), and 5.03% Other. Of the six states that participated in the Study, the state of Sonora showed the highest European ancestry being approximately 70% while the State of Guerrero presented the lowest European ancestry, at around 50%.[88]
According to a 2009 report by the Mexican Genome Project, which sampled 300 Mexicans who self-identified as Mestizos from six Mexican states and one indigenous group, the gene pool of the Mexican Mestizo population was calculated to be 55.2% percent indigenous, 41.8% European, 1.0% African, and 1.2% Asian.[89]
An study made by the University College London which included multiple Latin American countries and was made with collaboration of each countries' anthropology and genetics institutes reported the genetic ancestry of Mexican Mestizos was 56% Native American, 37% European and 5% African making Mexico, after Peru, the country with the highest Amerindian ancestry. Additionally, different phenotypical traits were analyzed, with the study determining that that the frequency of blond hair and light eyes in Mexicans was of 18.5% and 28.5% respectively,[90] making Mexico also the country with the second highest frequency of blond hair in the study, the reason behind such discrepancy between phenotypical trais and genetic ancestry may lie in the fact that the samples used in Mexico's case were highly unproportional, as the northern and western regions of Mexico contain 45% of Mexico's population, but no more than 10% of the samples used in the study came from the states located in these regions. For the most part, the rest of the samples hailed from Mexico City and southern Mexican states.[91]
An autosomal DNA study from 2015 found a similar profile "After conducting the meta-analyses, the Mexican population has a pooled 31%, 6%, and 62% of European, African, and Amerindian ancestry proportions, respectively."[92]
An autosomal study performed in Mestizos from Mexico's three largest cities reported that Mestizos from Mexico city had an average ancestry of 50% European, 1% African and 49% Amerindian whereas Mestizos from the cities of Monterrey and Guadalajara had both a European ancestry of 60% and an indigenous ancestry of 40% in average.[93]
An autosomal study performed in Mexicans from the states of Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi found the average indigenous ancestry to be 22% while 78% of the genetic ancestry was of Spanish/European origin.[94]
According to an autosomal DNA study from 2004, the Mexican population from the town of Tlapa in the state of Guerrero was characterized by a large proportion of Amerindian ancestry (94.5 +/- 1.0%), with small proportions of European (4.2 +/- 0.9%) and West African (1.3 +/- 0.4%) ancestry. The town is inhabited by an indigenous ethnic group known as Tlapanecos.[95]
A 2008 autosomal DNA study that analyzed eight different Mexican indigenous language-speaking Amerindian groups (two groups of Otomies, Tzeltales and five Nahua groups from different states) found that Mexican indigenous peoples show traces of European and African admixture with significant variation depending of the region. Tzeltales from the state of Chiapas show the highest amerindian ancestry at 93.03% whereas Nahuas from the state of Veracruz exhibit the highest European and African contributions, of 44.03% and 26.98% respectively, the median genetic admixture of the remaining populations was 75.84% amerindian, 22.50% European and 1.66% African.[96]
An autosomal genetic study performed in the town of Metztitlan in the state of Hidalgo reported that the average genetic ancestry of the town's autoctonous (indigenous) population was 64% Amerindian, 25% European and 11% African.[97]
An autosomal study performed in Mexico City reported that Mexican mestizos' mean ancestry was 57% European, 40% Amerindian and 3% African.[98]
Additional studies suggests a tendency relating a higher European admixture with a higher socioeconomic status and a higher Amerindian ancestry with a lower socioeconomic status: a study made exclusively on low income Mestizos residing in Mexico City found the mean admixture to be 0.590, 0.348, and 0.062 for Amerindian, European and African respectively whereas the European admixture increased to an average of around 70% on mestizos belonging to a higher socioeconomical level.[99]
A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics Y chromosomes found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%), followed by Amerindian (30.8%) and Asian(1.2%).[100] The European Y chromosome was more prevalent in the north and west (66.7-95%) and Native American ancestry increased in the center and southeast (37-50%), the African ancestry was low and relatively homogeneous (0-8.8%).[100] The states that participated in this study where Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Sinaloa, Veracruz and Yucatán.[101] The largest amount of chromosomes found were identified as belonging to the haplogroups from Western Europe, East Europe and Eurasia, Siberia and the Americas and Northern Europe with relatively smaller traces of haplogroups from Central Asia, South-east Asia, South-central Asia, Western Asia, The Caucasus, North Africa, Near East, East Asia, North-east Asia, South-west Asia and the Middle East.[102]
In 2011 a large scale mitochondrial sequencing in Mexican Americans revealed 85 to 90% of mtDNA lineages of Native American origin, with the remainder having European (5-7%) or African ancestry (3-5%). Thus the observed frequency of Native American mtDNA in Mexican/Mexican American Mestizos is higher than was expected on the basis of autosomal estimates of Native American admixture for these populations i.e. ~ 30-46%[103] An autosomal ancestry study performed on Mexico city reported that the European ancestry of Mexicans was 52% with the rest being Amerindian and a small African contribution, additionally maternal ancestry was analyzed, with 47% being of European origin. The only criteria for sample selection was that the volunteers self-identified as Mexicans.[104]
tl;dr: mexico is literally 56% bland.
so Mexicans are the true 56% lmao
That 47% will shrink over time. They have genetically killed the european genes. Sad that Spain let this happen.
Nice IdPol fam
Um, hate to break it to you, but genocide of natives (at least in case of Mexico) is a fat lie. Spanish king even gave out nobility titles to local subjugated rulers.
And it's pretty well mixed by now, at least in general population. There are still some decently-sized communities of natives though, but those tend to keep to their own, because of traditions and shit.
>>>Holla Forums
stirner fags get the rope too
I ment they should have genocided the natives..
Becuase they're catholics.
See uk,usa,uae
Im going to take it easy because I don't expect you or 98% of the world population to have prior knowledge on exactly why its a "drug lord" culture. It might seem on the surface to be about drugs, but in reality it is entirely about financial influence and military prowess. Its the reason why the gangs over here are nothing more than small groups of low lives with some handguns most of the time while in mexico these people control entire cities and militias. These cartels are run by warlords, not businessmen. The drugs and the money are just means to an end, worthless to leaders of these cartels if they cannot bring them the power to run their own countries. This sounds completely irrelevant, but you know which two nations also had these problems centuries ago? Italy and Spain. The "drug lord" culture in mexico isnt native to that region, it comes from the old imperial, fuedal ways of the often ruthless and macavellian politics of the mediterranean. Mexicans practice an old and forgotten European structure, and in my own opinion is a lot more respectable and traditional than the pathetic, castrated republics that do nothing but act as a bane for the white race.
Your pic is mainly Norther Mexico, South Mexicans are very white
Mexican Spanish is kinda annoying, but I don't hate them… besides for their sheer numbers. Honestly whenever I feel annoyed at them, I thank my lucky stars they are neither niggers or mudslimes.
I feel the same way. Most Mexicans I know hate niggers. Which is why we see in places like South Central LA niggers and Mexicans segregate themselves from eachother. Nobody likes niggers, except cucked whites.
maybe eastern europe
Honestly, if the Cartels and ISIS went to war with eachother the Cartels would fucking destroy those degenerate Muslim faggots. While ISIS kills themselves bombing eachother the cartels would have their US Government issued weapons ready while they sawed their heads off doing lines of coke off their rotting corpses.
Hitler called Mexicans Aryans… Are You saying you know more than Hitler and the most redpilled German officials?
=='''__I'm also trying to secure the existence of our people (Russians, salvadorians, dutchs, ecuadorians, slavs, Brazilians, hondurans, Canadians, etc) and a future of white children.
Hitler considered injuns Aryans. He wanted to dismantle US and reestablish ethnic injun states.
That's not true at all. Hitler had an admiration for Americans brand of Nationalism. He was also a big fan of Walt Disney. He did consider Native Americans Honorary Aryans, in the same sense the Japanese were honorary aryans, in this context he meant they should be honored as a noble people or race. It wasn't necessarily about "dismantling" the United States.
Nazi Germany also had a trade pact with Mexico but this was only because Mexico wanted to spite the US
joj lmao
hitler would have rather had germanic north americans relocated into russia
That article is some kike fuckery my dude
Slovenia pls
Well if you want full read go through what Kershaw writes. It was all recorded; Hitler hated US for being a negrokike state, and he praised injuns for being aryan-tier. Of course he wouldn't want to keep US to exist, and of course he would be glad to be able to take German US population back so he could settle Russia with it; leaving them in US simply isn't a sound geopolitical move.
But hey, Hitler wasn't exactly the brightest when it comes to geopolitics anyway.
Not only does your article not come to that conclusion at all, but whatever first hand sources he did have were cherrypicked. You're out of your mind
Please elaborate. Are you redefining to how Stalin was a kike traitor and violated the USSRs trade pact with Germany who needed oil? Learn history
Yeah. Because before Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, there wasn't massive anti-Soviet propaganda in Germany, and the whole """"pact"""" was more Hitler trying to pull off a retarded move in order to close the Eastern front while he's busy in western Europe?
Let's not forget that in his ideological self-confidence, he didn't even consider the option that UK wouldn't want to be voluntarily annexed.
Also, Stalin was in no way Jewish, in fact he even actively persecuted Jews.
-white USA here
Mexicans are mostly not bad, really
1. ancient cultures with advanced capabilities (Aztecs) indicates general intelligence
2. country has reasonably modern universities and hospitals
3. most Mexicans coming into the US are looking for a job, they don't want to cause problems
4. some Mexican chicks are hot
…some poor immigrants do cause problems in the US due to lack of basic immunizations
…there's a lot of property crime in the US along the border, of stuff getting stolen and hauled back to Mexico
…there are some problems with corruption in the Mexican govt, but even so-
a lot of the problems with domestic violence in Mexico and further south is due to the US prohibiting narcotics
the US tries to engage in shadow colonialism by causing crime problems in these countries (by drug cartels) and then gives them money for police in exchange for other various promises
there are US dollars constantly flowing to Mexico criminals through the drug trade, and that IS the USA's fault
I dislike narcotics personally and don't advise using them, but it would be better for {people overall} for the US to legalize them to cause the profits to fall
A lot of medication is significantly cheaper in Mexico than in America, including brand-name shit. I know people who drive down to TJ just to pick up insulin for example, because shit's so expensive here.
Mexico would be a solved problem if their government just fucking worked with ours, and if learning English was mandatory. Corrupt government and language-barrier is the root of all of Americas problems with Mexico
heyo that sounds like european culture to me
Hitler thought hispanics were Aryans
Half-Mexican from one of those "white" Hispanic families you're referring to (all of Mexican descent, but lots of blonde hair, green eyes, red hair, light skin, freckles, etc.) Lived in Texas virtually my whole life, primarily in a border town. Let me spell it out for you.
Not really. What has become the ruling class are basically white, but the majority are still heavily mixed with the natives.
About as European as Louisiana, but who cares? Europe is a shit heap now.
The two aren't compatible, and they're not really Christian, they're Catholic and practice shit like Santaria. They're the sort of Christian that worships alters and believes in magic spells. Anyway, their Catholicism makes them religious in the same way as blacks, publicly they say they're old-fashioned and hate shit like abortion and faggotry, but they vote for the handouts and socialism which is always the party for abortion and faggotry. So in practice they're not conservative in any way that matters.
They're a collectivist society where it's expected that the children will take care of the parents and live with them forever.
This right here, this pisses me off. Authentic Mexican food is complete and total dog shit. It is bland, flavorless and vomit inducing. Have you ever seen actual Mexican candy like Lucas Limon or Chiclits? It's all fucking awful. They put chile powder on fucking everything. EVERYTHING. Yogurt, watermelon, lollipops, shit is fucking disgusting. Corn tortillas taste like bland ass when soft. Their tacos are horrendous. I can't count the number of times I've been invited to eat tacos and then privately groaned when I discovered I was going somewhere "authentic" and the tacos are tiny, filled with tiny cuts of blackened cheap cuts of beef that get stuck in every single one of your god damned teeth, and then topped with onions, a shitload of cilantro and a side of WAY FUCKING MORE ONIONS. Oh, is that bland and gross? Just douse that greasy pile of shit with hot sauce.
All the best innovations to Mexican food came from Mexicans after they moved to America. Nachos? Invented in California. It's just like Egg Rolls and fortune cookies.
Some years back Mexico basically had a Communist revolution. This was well over a hundred years ago. All the rich families fled to the US, my grandfather on my hispanic side, his family was one of those. They bought their way into the states and made a life here because in Mexico they were killing all the rich, killing all the farmers and making it illegal to own land. Now the government owns the land and everybody's poor. There's no work in Mexico, no education. That's why so many of the young flee here. Their intentions are good, they want to get educated and make money to take care of their lazy, stupid families. Those are the ones we want. If there was a way to prevent the money from being sent back to Mexico at all, illegal immigration would stop.
The others who move here come here just looking for a handout. They're thieves, they're scum, they have no sense of pride, decency or honor. They bring shame to every halfway normal Mexican in the country. My grandmother on that side ran a bunch of apartments, despite being Mexican renting to those illegals over the years made her racist. See they had a pattern she saw repeated again and again and again and again. They move in and pay the first month, these are small one or two bedroom apartments, they claim to be one person or a couple, then every day for the next ten days the number increases until it's ten people living in there. I've seen them marching out of some of these apartments and just baffled asked myself "Where in the fuck do they sleep? How are they even making all these kids if they're all sharing rooms?" Usually it's two adult couples, another adult male, an elderly couple or just one old man, and the rest are a bunch of fat kids not in school. After the first month they stop paying the rent. They then live there using squatter's rights until they can be evicted, at which point they repeat the process somewhere else. While there they sit in their underwear getting drunk and barbecuing in front of their apartments and blaring the worst Tejano until four in the fucking morning. Cigarette buds and beer cans fucking everywhere. When finally kicked out you enter the apartment to discover rats, soiled diapers, shit smeared all over the walls, roaches, entire walls torn down, shit that any normal tenant would have complained about instead of intentionally doing to the apartment so it would cost you a ton to fix. I've seen tenants bring in snakes and spiders and other shit that isn't even local to the area and leave them there on their way out. They just flee in the middle of the night like roaches when you flip over a trash can.
My mother hired one as a maid once, met her at church, she said she needed money to help care for her four sons. Her four sons from four different men. "I would never get married, if I got married I'd lose all my benefits for each son." She robbed my mother's place blind.
When I was little I'd go across with my grandfather to eat once in a while, even then when it was still "nice" it was still poor and depressing as fuck. Nothing but beggars on the streets selling chiclets and bootleg merchandise. Elderly men openly weeping everywhere. Misery and animal shit everywhere. Now? It's been over a decade since anyone I know would even visit. The cartels completely dominate everything. The cops are completely crooked. They will arrest you for being a tourist, rob you, rape you if you're female, shove jalepenos in your ass either way (they seriously do this) and if they think you're really wealthy put you in a barrel filled with gasoline and hold a lighter over your head to get you to call your family and offer a reward for your safe return. If you don't seem rich? They force you to drink alcohol until you pass out so when you wake up they can just dismiss all your claims as you being drunk.
I can't deny many of this shit. If just to clear it out, all of the guys arguing that mexican are europeans or indigenous. get this:
We are mostly Mestizos, or a mix, thus the 59% european gean study or something that a guy got.
We are fucking racist and it shows, indigenous roots usually equals poverty and looked down upon.
You want some not so fucked up life? get to a big city. but a caveat is corrupt public institutions. ("white" people here) Arrogant fucks are the norm.
Got to small or rural areas and there's where drug lords and "cartels" thrive.(poor=uneducated=indigenous roots) the young admire those with power that abuse of it, so many get involved with the cartels looking to be "cool and successful" not understanding they are cannon fodder.
From any of the groups a good chunk is a bunch of "religious" hypocrites and retrogrades, they keep family values for the family and fuck the rest, everyone wants to get the top stepping on others while complaining that they are being stepped on (wonder how those in the government got so corrupt huh?), so is a constant game of looking for your own not caring who else gets affected that doesn't promote peace or improvement of life.
There are people waking, education works, there's people trying to fight egotistic and arrogant tendencies but to say we are a fine and dandy country in development is bullshit.
Also I like mexican food…fuck you
That never happened but it should have.
Go south of Panama and everything you said applies (except Brazil), north of that is nigger tier.
THAT never happened but it should have
Make it happen.
Actually, to be precise, Kingdom of Naples/Sicily, which was under Spanish crown until 1706, or something that decade?