“Yuck, You Disgust Me!” Affective Bias Against Interracial Couples
tdlr, people subconsciously recognize that race mixing is awful
So the study is completely useless because it tested majority black/white subjects
Yep right in the trash
People don't use their brains on 100% because that's where the biggest redpill is being hid.
This just shows that everybody hates race mixing its just blacks hate it less
My brother finally kicked his south Asian gf to the curb. I was always riding him on it but I think it was when I showed him the japs community that he saw the light.
Hapa not japs
Well they have less brains, so…
What do, Holla Forums?
inb4 honor killing
Seeing mixed couples disgusts me too. It surprises me that even with the brainwashing more whites (a declining population) aren't disgusted by it since it's targeted at them the most.
t. halfbreed (parents were actually married for a few years before having me but then my dad became a psycho apparently)
Of course they like race mixing, they know they are garbage and it's the only way their liniage will escape continued mediocrity
Blast it with piss.
Send her to Mexico. Either it will redpill her or kill her.
What an ugly woman.
What else is new?
my sister married an arab. I'm just hoping she never has kids
Oh God, I sure hope she is a blond goddess or whatever. I hate seeing euro women with any form of mud.
inb4 honor killing
That's also what my brother married
their kids look like poster children for ISIS, no hint of whiteness at all
Told the bluepilled ball & chain that I didn't want our kids racemixing. She looked at me and went back to watching television.
I managed through force of will to not slap the back of her head, and went on with my life. No help there.
I'm trying to redpill my daughter without doing it so strongly that she decides to coal/curry burn when she's in her rebellious phase. My son may be a lost cause, as his best friend is practically married to an (admittedly sweet and cute) girl from Africa, and he appears to see no problem with it.
no inheritance unless they marry and have white kids
This where honor killing comes into play, her guy is a dune coon so he should understand.
Can confirm.
Been dating a Caribbean girl for the past 3 years and the amount of looks we get from whites and blacks is staggering.
She wants to be married soon, but I can't stand the thought of having non-white children. Oh well.
Yeah, right. Good luck enforcing that one. They'd either reject the pittance I'd leave them or they'd successfully challenge it in front of a juden judge.
just kill me now
Ur a fgt
Do you even know why you like them? I'm curious as to how these fetishes come about.
I think most people won't race mix to that extreme. The real problem is the 1/2 or 3/4 whites that become more palatable to some.
I would make sure they have an appreciation for European accomplishments and an association of non-white with failure. Let us know in a year or two what works.
y r u here?
The reddit influx was the worst thing that ever happened
not sure honestly could be the fact that the ones that are skinny tend to have great bodies naturally although their asses can be too big. I do prefer white and Asians over them. Plus I wouldn't want kids who look nothing like me. Basically Whites>Asians>Blacks. Fuck spics though, never found them attractive.
I'm dating a white looking hispanic chick with
It's normal to like fucking women from other races, it's what conquering nations always did/do when they win.
Just a natural instinct from the caveman days, but a harmful one as you can see in any country where it happened
Like any other fetish, I would assume. You watch porn, it gets boring, you search for something more spicy, and here you go, three years later you find yourself fapping to dismembered corpses, anal prolapses and cartoon rainbow horses.
Still expect your children to have an urge to behead people and rape children.
Puts hair on your chest.
You people have no value and should be killed. This is why Brazil is the fate of the US.
i usually do vanilla or solo things, very rarely videos.Use to be into some degenerate shit before I cut it down, now i am disgusted with those fetishes. I do sometimes relapses to dogs fucking girls and feel like putting my glock 19 against my head afterwards.
You're quoting the same person and that's just like your opinion man.
Both of our families are very rich and support Trump as well, so my 'value' is orders of magnitude greater than most people on here.
Goddamnit, Go The Fuck Back To Reddit You Faggot
Go away Jeb, noone likes your hispanic goblin
I'm going to include a pre-nuptual clause where if she ever gets as ugly as Jeb's, the marriage is annulled, so nothing to worry about.
I've been really ill for the past year, so I barely fap at all, simply have no desire to.
I used to be into the most degenerate stuff, but now I see clearly how disgusting it all is.
Doges are still nice though.
What's wrong with spaced out writing?
t. newfag
You tell me, Redditfag. You're trying way too hard to fit in.
The rebellious phase is a lie perpetuated by jews.
Oh well what? Are you having mongrel children or not?
I am half arab half white. Don't let her do this.
I'm sorry that you are the realization of your parents failure to their race and every single one of your ancestors.
Of course it's degenerate. That's the best part.
Gah, I was hoping to piss at least one person off with this post.
I went shopping with my parents when I was a kid about 6 or 7. I saw a black man with a white woman and it disgusted me so much that it's burned into my memory.
That's long before I knew anything about racism. I grew up in the South and saw blacks all the time and they didn't disgust me. Seeing that couple did, though.
One guy had maximum disgust and maximum non-acceptance at the top left. Look at all the cucks at the bottom right though.
figures it would be two fucking women writing this paper
who the hell titles a serious research paper "yuck you disgust me"?
retarded attention whoring
guess who doesnt get tenure.
Gas yourselves
Well now you're in a breeding competition with your sister. Get fit. Get a trade. Married traditional life and fuck your wife a lot.
The Chimaera is the highest goal of Jewish power, and racemixing is promoted for it.
I keep getting this argument whenever I express that I don't want white people to mix:
I'm thinking of arguing against this by showing how white people are different from the rest, but I'm having a hard time forming it into words.
It's a deconstruction attack. White is a real sociopolitical phenomenon and a biological reality. White is on birth certificates, identification, census and numerous other official documents. Whiteness is a cultural phenomenon where millions of people identify as white and are easily perceived as white by other races. To deny whiteness is to deny reality.
A deconstruction attack on whiteness is the default nowadays. People just parrot it because they think it makes them sound clever. Like they're saying some kind of profound metaphysical statement.
There's no point in arguing with someone that denies reality. If you refute their points entirely they'll deny that reality itself doesn't exist.
Atleast they'll be redpilled on Jews, it could be a Nig.
Well yeah, they are moving up in the caste system. Why wouldn't they hate it?
im guessing hes into besitality
So basically they've just proved that opposition to racemixing is a natural, healthy, normal part of human nature?
It's because you're a sperg faggot who can't get hot women of your race, so you think "hmmm, maybe i could get some higher tier pussy if i fuck one of those third worlders "
Original racism, implicit bigotry. This is why we need to exterminate white people :^)
Most of them are fuckable, like primal cave fucking, but I would never race mix or have kids with them.
No, they're shifting the focus of original sin. No matter how good you think you are, you have to continually show that you are progressing beyond your animal instincts.
I hope this is just demoralization propaganda…
What race did he marry?
Introduce her to a quality white man. Whites only racemix when they strike out with fellow whites. That, or just wait for him to cheat on her as all spics do and convince her to leave him.
Just subtly mention how sad it is that your son's friend won't have children who look or act like him.
while race mixing still isn't huge, it is becoming increasingly bigger here in burgerland among younger generations
The biggest overlap for whites is interbreeding with spics
is that 'marry a nice jew girl' stereotype really a thing with jews?
I'm in the process of redpilling her on jews. She already finds islam disgusting and I'm making her more and more nationalistic.
My end goal is to make her a cat lady, at least that way there wont be more future competition for my white children.
My father turned into a race mixer after my mother divorced him too so I'm surrounded by fuck ups, i'm not going to make that mistake.
product with black woman is cheaper kek
7% of newlywed whites are part of an interracial marriage so it makes sense that most would at least know someone in an interracial relationship.
Max disgust: 3 acceptance
What a faggot, smdh tbh fam
I'm afraid America is going to die via brazilifocation if shit doesn't hit the fan soonish. Young white are already going to be a minority be 2017.
Focus on making sure they understand the genetic reality of race and the link of race to stupidity, violence, etc
"Rebellious phase" is a kike lie
Probably the best way to frame it for him is: it's one thing to fuck nig pussy, but he wants a son who looks like him.
Ditto for you two
What the fuck are Native Americans? I don't have a spontaneous revulsion reaction to them like I do niggers, spics, or kikes.
Addendum: What happens when a white mixes with one?
Americoids are the descendants of mongoloids who came across Beringa and slaughtered the Caucasoids already living in the Americas.
Why hope, slip here something to make her sterile.
I was substituting for the In-School Suspension teacher. All the kids that day were brown and black, most of them mixed. They were jesting about each other's mutt pedigree, and then they said they wished for lighter skin.
Gave me a Holla Forumsack grin
Your brother got cucked, my man.
I was hoping something better would come out of it. Just found out that Seminoles, which I live next to a community of, have an ongoing settlement with the US government that gets each man, woman, and child 90K a year just for existing, no questions except proof of ethnicity asked. It's totally fucked their society, but it seemed like fertile ground to find a native QT and then let Uncle Sam fund a dozen white babies.
Thanks for the answers.
90k a year ?
That's completely fucked up.
I just thought about it, you could get a tan and some feathers.
We had some clients come in to the family business, just fucking draped in solid gold jewelry. To a degree that made rap album covers look amateurish. Seminole kids are so flush with government gibs and casino cash that it's not uncommon for their first cars to be 100K sports cars fresh off the factory line. International vacations are a given, fancy clothes are ubiquitous, and now clubbing culture has taken over.
Imagine an entire race of trust fund babies. They genuinely mean no harm, but their grip on how to maintain a functioning society is in shambles. I think their divorce rate is through the roof even by modern standards, too.
But yeah. 90K a year. That's for Seminoles; each tribe gets their own settlements based on historic stuff, I hear. Seminoles have one of, if not the, juiciest packages around. False claims of Seminole ancestry have gotten so bad you have to have both DNA and anecdotal evidence to qualify. Hence the idea to marry in and actually put tax dollars to some good use.
What's with you amerikikes thinking that mixing with a non-european mongrels gets you hwhite children. Fuck your Great Melting Pot and you should stop embracing it, the USA is the prototype mongrel nation before Hapa Kalergi even laid out his plan.
Native Americans contain European DNA. I just didn't know how much of it would come out in resulting offspring.
The indioes slaughtered the original caucasoid inhabitants. The mummies dug up in the Americas that have caucasoid DNA were simply THOSE people.
Every mongrelspawn has European DNA, idiot.
All of your dindus also have a significant European DNA percentage due to forced mixing with Irish slaves. Are you going to look out for some 'qt sheboon' as well to pop out your mongrel 'white babies' while cashing in with the affirmitive actions dollaridoos?
If you aren't already a subhuman LARPing as a European, you are definitely one in mind.
I bet you the magnitude of disgust is the highest among WW/DM. I don't feel much of a negative reaction when I see a white male with an asian female for some reason..
Not saying race mixing with asians is good or anything, just an observation.
I know that happened, but I've heard conflicting reports on which was which. I went into this mostly blind.
I wonder if Solutrean DNA is still kicking around in any of the Native populations.
Would that really work ?
I would just say i was gay or something even though it says it's for white straights. I don't have any problems using sjw tactics against them.
You're not even talking to the same guy
I've seen this line of D&C pop up repeatedly now. Apparently putting a space between lines of text means you're automatically from Reddit, even though I've been doing it since 2006 on 4chan. I even remember a conversation with my brother about it when I introduced him to /tg/. It struck him as odd that we didn't leave spaces, because it was the norm elsewhere.
Pretty sure the will has final say.
Thanks for proving racism, scientists.
>tfw I have some Injun blood so it doesn't matter what happens to me
>tfw have an obsession with halfie and kike women because I just want to get my fuck on
I'm gonna learn a craft so I can build my own oven.
no oven for you user.
Just go down in a pool of nigger and mudslime blood. I probably wouldnt want you in my neighborhood depending on how much injun blood you got but id fight beside yeah and raise a glass to ye when youre gone
Grandpa was half, I think. Some more Injun ancestors from the 1600s - 1700s. Some a bit over 1/8th, I think.
>"Well, how do you know what reality is"
Even though these are the same people who will say we're on the "wrong side of history" as an objective statement.
idk user, thats cuttin it pretty goddam close. The usual consensus is that as far as americans go is either and eighth or a sixteenth is the cuttoff.
unless its nigger blood
unless we establish a glorius aryan imperium or some shit in the coming decade, youll probably be okay
as long as you look white enough
Does one drop rule for niggers count when you have a random ancestor in the 1600s too? Curse my miscegenating ancestors for this shit.
Dark hair, hazel eyes, aquiline nose, I get reddish-blonde in my beard. Most of my ancestry seems to be Anglo-Scots-Irish-French.
eh youll probably get buy. I wouldn sweat it. Dont expect ot get any love from euro snobs tho.
eh i wouldnt worry bout that i supposedly have a kike greatX6 grandma.
stills sucks to have nigger blood.
Alright, cool.
That's such a rudimentary way of viewing reality. The subjective experience doesn't negate the existence of an objective reality. The whole point of discovery is to use your subjective experience to reveal objective truths. Kikes have really done a number on the western mind.
tell him he's a fucking disgrace and that you will disown him if he maintains a relationship with a shitskin.
The story of every single mother ever.
It's definitely something I thought seemed off intuitively, even when I was a kid and bought the marxist lies that race-mixing is tottaly fun and everyone should do it. Like deep down whenever I saw examples of it in TV or movies I mentally noted "this doesn't seem right", but lauded it off and never verbally admitted it because I didn't want to be labeled a racist, but the fact of the matter is, I don't think its really a matter of having knowledge of WHY it is wrong, but rather some sort of built in deterrent against it. Even the most pozzed SJW will intuitively recognize abnormality with racemixing, though they'll never outright admit it. Pretty much every case of it IRL that I've seen is either short sighted people with Yellow/Jungle/Taco/Oil fever that want to fuck the shit out of some cute brown/yellow chicks or some old white perverts picking up some young chink GF to sugardaddy in exchange for sex
At the end of the day these people are either ultimately unsatisfied or perversely content with their deeds, bonus points if they've had a kid from the relationship and it grows up not being either race, but being a mongrel abomination of both that's shunned by both sides
>TFW halfway redpilled friend with a full on 1488 dad is dating a taco-chink mongrel that makes his life horrible but gives him okay sex so he stays with her
This is why anonymous image boards are necessary.
black and white mix looks like arab ,(((they))) use this to conditon us ,more Rapefugeez ,its ok looks like the cucks kid next door ,sneek more in .whites get mad ,we go to war (((Greater sand pit ))) .Check me
Question: Are racemixers who haven't had kids and don't plan to on the same chocking block the rest of Marxist science experiments are on DOTR?
I mean at that point its not a total lost cause, right?
They still joke about the "knuckle dragger" I dated in high school.
Of course she also looked like pic related.
Literally the same shit with "Rock the Kasbah" a Song about the Kikes and the Arabs living it up in america together as friends that go to dance clubs together and break apart social norms
and yet we wrote it on some of the first bombs we dropped in the gulf war. It's fucking hilarous
Counteroffer a free blow job from them and if they slap you without accepting THEN sue.
So what happens if you ditch an "in school suspension?"
Treaties. They override the bill of rights in your constitution.
What a stupid thing to put in there.
Dirty fucking self-degrading garbage. Only whites can be Americans.
how will the jews solve this evil problem?
by not only cutting off the tip of your dick but your insula, and the amygdala too.
Like, what the fuck people, is this Holla Forums or an episode of some random kike-produced sitcom!?
To the ovens the lot of you.
it's like life is a nightmare i just cant wke up from
Source on this?
Bet a buck your father-in-law's a good man
Any data on this to fix the chart? What's a US Jewish household's average income? In sure it's conflated with whites and distorting it even higher
Closest I could find was Pew poll findin percentages of Jews falling under income brackets
42% over 100K (highest in US)
26% between 50-100k
32% below 50K
Any mathfags know if it's possible to pull a sort of median from this data? Doesn't need be truly accurate, the fact is placing kikes at the top of the list is far more accurate than their glaring omission regardless of the numbers.
Have fun realizing you married into an affirmative action family.
I just wanted to point out how low-energy your d&c is, and that you haven't actually said anything constructive or worthwhile. In fact, your assumptions have been failing you all day, and I recommend you give up.
how can this be measured accurately when these people are ugly and repulsive as individuals
Tom Metzger used to say that when one was in the presence of them, you should retch violently as it says it all and can't be prosecuted. You don't even have to be obvious about it, as most people will feel the disgust from only slight cues.
race mixers get reincarnated as mutts so it all works out
Why, God? Why?
fucking kek
Just document it, and display the results to white guys.
Shit, meant white girls. White guys probably too.
Nothing good comes from race mixing dude.
No matter how "light skinned" the female/male is. European genetics, 95% of the time, will take the recessive route, and be lost.
I understand if you race mix because youre a brainwashed normie bluepill. But if you have all the facts, and are on Holla Forums at the very least, you really have no excuses for doing it.
I smashed 5-6 Japanese prostitutes when I was stationed in Okinawa, and a girl I dated had a kikey family tree on one side which I didn't know at the time. The noses should've tipped me off. Currently with a good freckly white girl with Mormon heritage, so pretty sure I'm safe.
I'm sure that interracial acceptance has to do with how close the races have to do with each-other.
Like, a White man or White woman wouldn't be as turned off by a Beaner with a White as they would be by a Dindu with a White since Beaners are closer to Whites than Dindus.
I don't think it's pure genetic proximity. It's also connected to similarity in certain kinds of traits. Most people are more repelled by white/sandnig pairs than white/asian pairs - even though the sandnigs are technically closer, whites and asians share many traits through convergent evolution.