Keith Olberman has retired from Politics. He has left GQ, his show "The Resistance" is over, he will no longer be covering Trump. The left is crumbling, the resistance is over, the fight is done. President Trumps has sent Kieth Olberman into tears. Trumps strategy of exhausting his enemies is working. Trump has won this fight and he will win many more.
The Resistance has failed
This is just a bitch fit. He'll be back.
They can't help themselves. They are attention whores more than Trump.
Most likely but the irony of a show called "The Resistance" failing is too sweet.
Mark Dice is laughing at more liberal tears.
wonder how Holla Forums is taking this?
Why are you being so high an mighty when your claim of grand conquest and razing consists merely a sand-castle which inevitably would have been washed into the sea?
Some sloppy liberal whining on the media which's nearly literally preaching to its own choir does not constitute a resistance nor does the fact that it runs momentarily out of steam -as expected, as always- and dry on its supply of hurt fee-fees constitute a victory of any worth.
Grow up, you childish thing!
The battle is fought in the peoples streets, their minds, and in the legislatures and bureaus which represent them. Disrupting a non-contributing tear-jerk achieves less than nothing, it's a wasted effort.
The educated left knows this. They have been organizing for a century while you wank to memes and play the blind fool for the liberal idpol-spectacle.
Bumping with crying lefties
You are gravely mistaken.
This is a friendly warning. It is dangerous to declare victory prematurely. Suicidal.
Nothing is over before the victory is complete and total. Turing smugly one's back to ones enemy only rewards a blade to one's own spine.
who said that? Sun tzu?
mark dice is painfully unfunny
Ironic how this is exactly Olberman has done. Declaring it is over from Trump as he runs away in tears.
Is that why you watch, user, for comedy?
Keefums likes anime.
Damn that's so punk rock.
Trump dumbasses gotta dumbass
Daily reminder.
I realize this is probably news to you, OP, but Keith Olberman was never in Politics. He was a comedian. An entertainer specializing in humor. And not a very good one, either. But he was never a journalist or politician, even though the character he presented seemed to be a bit of both.
But it was a role he played. Not a job he had.
just a cohencidence, goy
you forgot your ((()))
found the jew