Innocent White Man Stripped Naked, Kicked, and dragged in Charlotte North Carolina Protests


Other urls found in this thread: fire&src=tyah 15 Feb 2010

Mp4 of the video.

Guy was a retard to be out there without even a gun though I definitely don't disagree with your general message OP.

Why are people saying Google instead of niggers in the comment ?


This. It doesn't seem to be a filter.

I'm reaching to think of an explanation and only thing I can come up with is that it might have something to do with asshurt over the Youtube Heroes thing.


nah I think it's just people responding to the google can't keep getting away with this comment.

this is why niggers need to be removed from this planet

It's the new meme you stupid google.


this is why you open carry, people

new meme

Google is going to censor the internet they deem hateful. Probably by keywords. 4chan decided to start saying "google" instead of "nigger" so google would have to censor itself.

meant to say websites they deem hateful

It's to fuck with Google's new algorithms used to track people who espouse hate facts.

Shit google you could have been quicker with that post so I didn't have to type all that out.

The saddest thing is that I no longer feel outrageous reading stuff like this… But then again, I'm aware day of the rope is coming, maybe it makes me feel detached.
Simply wait, the day is coming.


Where's Clint when you need him?


From what I understand this is actually from London.

post the one of the nigress bullying an old white lady

the niggers sound like typical american niggers

just call them fucking pocs.

They can't switch forever

What's a kike then? Gmail?

pic says Skypes.

This is fucking ridiculous and Jewish media still calls this peaceful protest. Never forget what these people have done, never forget all the lies they told.


Another blessing from kek to show these subhuman mutts how shitty they are.

North Carolinian here, yea its there. Hard to tell at the beginning, the nog filiming sounds like a New Yorker, but confirmed at the end 42 seconds, that dialect is typical for this region

How close are you to Charlotte, friend? I'm about an hour and a half away.

Do you feel like getting your hands dirty?

Don't worry, son. We'll soon find out that it was a yuropoor tourist admiring the diversity.

About two hours

no, i'm busy with schoolwork. if the violence spreads nearer by, maybe then

We don't have much trouble up here in the mountains.

You innawoods too?

I love how they scream Black Lives Matter as they beat white people.

They don't even try to hide BLM is just a terror group.

The poor rebuttal of a low IQ subhuman half breed.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



Hows the weather in Tel Aviv Chaim?

Most of America is idyllic and white. Also hindsight is 20/20, you would not even know about ZOG or the talmud back then, you'd be another kike-bot. Funny how you take some white in a nigger town (of which there are few) getting harassed as though the entirety of the US is Detroit. Dense, myopic faggot.

I missed the bulk of the happenings ins charlotte, can someone give me a highlight reel or a basic rundown.



Let the chimps expose their nature for all to see.

Can you give me the foot notes on

Dubba dubbas started protesting, but then it just went violent..It basically kicked off right after the shooting. A crowd formed in the apartment complex. Then one of the family members went full dubba dubba and said he had a book n sheet. The crowd worked themselves up into a chimpening, which resulted in riot police being called. Which quickly spiraled into burn it to the ground level happening.
((THEY)) were quick to put up news about the shooting and credulously reported the dubba dubba dindu nuffin version which the angry libs believed (NPR morning edition still reporting the book version while casting doubt on the eyewitness and police version). It was spread through the usual ((BLM)) college kid circles who claimed racism. That resulted in more protests which spiraled from there.
Around 330 or so this morning, National guard backed up police on the ground. Helping to cordon off the area and assist police in apprehending people as they chimped the fuck out. While poo was being flung, they were lured into the backs of cars with bananas and hair weaves.

New keyword censor workaround

This morning, I welcome myself to the fold.

Race war. Now. Fuck you, niggers.

Are you like me:
"I never asked for this. I made all the excuses possible. Yet here I the fuck am"?

The term is google, user. You wanted to say "fuck you, google".

Jesus christ. NC fag here. I swear if I didn't have a life and a future I cared about I'd drive to Charlotte and go super moonman on these subhuman mongs.

Holy crap, my captcha was "WUZ KNG"
Praise kek.

Time to buy a gun, you heard it on the news, Race war now.

This looks like viral google marketing.

"do not use the N word, goy- i mean… use "google"!"

fucking filthy google

Combat operations start tonight and will go into the weekend.

Hi Moly

I was 14 in '88.

This tbh, getting us to celf-censor is never a good idea. Especially when they're encouraging us to post on jewtube.

Sounds like a fucking goon/srs counter-op tbh. Pretty retarded. Just call them niggers like always.

I see some really red pilled comments on jewtube, its getting harder for them to contain it all.


It's "oy vey, they're self echoing, better change it", all over again.

No, you don't change what works.

That doesn't make sense, Google doesn't need viral marketing.

Fucking this

perhaps the old standby - basketball Americans

You're kind of slow user.

That "meme" didn't even came from us. Its a cuckchan/reddit thing probably.

it's coming from 4chan, this board is too small to influence what's happening on the field.

I hear they beat a reporter unconscious and tried to throw them in a fire. Any truth tk that one?


apparently fire&src=tyah



Well we can now call niggers, googlers and more more shit. We can literally invent new racial slurs and kek both on jewgle and niggers at the same time.



googles = niggers
skypes = kikes

Around googles, always be frugal.

I like that!
Around Google Be Frugal

Around skypes watch your bikes

Has Science Gone Too Far?

Around Chrome don't be alone

I wish I was in these kind of situations so I could mag dump into a pack of dindus

If he was conceal carrying he had ample time to draw and light them up.

it has to do with some new google AI word filtering. trick the beast into filtering itself.

was the white guy a streamer?

Problem is so many pozed states are making handguns more and more difficult to obtain and carry.

MD has nig central and you have to take a 4 hour "safety course" and pay almost $500 just to get a permit to BUY a handgun. Not sure how that's not infringing, but it's been the law for years now.

Can't really carry a 12ga everywhere you go just in case there is a chimpout…


we really need a webm of the spontaneous interview between the fox reporter and the man that drove all the way from atlanta georgia to film the looting on his smartphone. The reporter started by asking him if the looting was justified. The interviewee begins by saying something like 'we'll, you'll have to ask the protesters that did this if it was justified..' We really need this webm

What kind of future do you really have unless somebody ushers in the blessed day of the rope? Let the light of the moon man guide your way through the darkness

the niggers googles sound like typical american niggers googles

It's not really a fundamental Right if you have to ask permission (in addition to spending 4hrs of your time and $500)

Thankfully, I don't rely on Maryland's interpretation of our Rights




Why was that white user playing with the wild animals?

whites need to stop worshiping black idols.

I thought attacking as a pack and stripping the prey was only on nature programmes. Time for a cull on the pavement baboon imo.

You have been visited by the shill who promotes white identity.
Please Holla Forums do your part and have more white babies. Even if it's with some bernie loving liberal cunt. Meet her parents and find out if there's any mud in her blood. Then have children. Even if it doesn't work out and you're stuck paying child support, IT'S WORTH IT! You are helping the white race!
I have 2 beautiful white children with their mother's eyes (Bluer than the sky) and I can't express the happiness I feel when I wake up to my white children's smiles.
Please Holla Forums do your part.
Polite sage for off topic spam!

I lived in Maryland from August 2012 until March of 2016. The gun laws get more bizarre from there. After you've gotten your permit to BUY a handgun, then you have to go through a course again just to get your CCW permit. Even then, you have to provide justification which is entirely subjective as to why you are carrying it. So you could be in dubba dubba central and they'd be like "lol you don't need that" then proceed to imprison you, give you a felony count, and take away your right to have a CCW forever.

Only the extremely stupid and/or poor whites think anything nigger is good. These people wouldn't make very good allies even if they were somehow redpilled.

They've been dragging their feet in the courts with Kolbe v. Hogan, but that only deals with ARs etc and mag sizes.

The handgun bullshit hasn't even been addressed since it was shoved through immediately after Sandy Hook.

I really need to get the hell out of this fucking state that disarms it's whites, but has record high black firearm homicides year over year.

It is my sincere hope that white people show up tonight with whiskey in their veins, hatred in their hearts, and mete out justice measured in caliber and millimeter. I work nights, will be watching, waiting…

why, they're just apes, innocent by nature, they're not behind all this shit

Apes are better than any nigger. A nigger is violent and motivated by malice and jealousy.

true words of kekdom; always take a gun, when travelling in a jungle, let there be dubs

Yup, just checked. I still hate niggers

They are feral animals now, it's the only humain thing to do is put them down before they create an enviroment that is hell on earth

I would take Harambe (pbuh) over every goog in Charlotte

A red pill moment for me was when one day at the zoo I locked eyes with a gorilla and saw it gave me the same dull, contemptuous gaze that your typical middle aged blue collar nigger does.

Spread it


Come live in Ohio. Simple as sin to get a CCW permit. I showed up with my DD 214, paid the 67 dollarydoos and walked out with a shiny new CCW permit.
Also, Also fucking jobs are abundant. After I left Maryland, I moved back to Ohio. You wanna know how long it took me to find a job?
1 week. And that was how long it took between me arriving in Ohio and me getting hired.
Now I work at a freaking data center, I'm getting my debts paid off, I have a newer boat, and live near the water.
Back in maryland I was barely getting by, was unemployed for multiple months, and shit was getting worse and worse by the day. Hell, i was in a terrible relationship.
Crazy how these things go.

Google a new term from last night, or have I been under a rock for the past few years?

Google = Nigger
Skype = Kike

No, it isn't.

Why would anyone be proud to be black?

Their whole race is addicted to crack!


He's talking about his own future of material indulgence. Just another middle class faggot who think he fits in here.

The only cleansing going on is us.

I'm moonman, representig white power.

I have family in VA and am thinking of moving there. Gun laws are good, but it's sort of expensive to live near the coast.

12% google here in Ohio. Most of the mid west is actually like that. Here's illinois. The dubba dubba capital.
Where gibbies was born. 15 Feb 2010
Where crippling depression was born.
The indian state hath no indians.


Memes are growing at exponential rates.

The midwest is abnormally white unlike say the South or South West
Whites have been a minority in births now for a while a well, which is important since the median age of whites in the US is 40+

Don't bother. We get these sheltered asshats floating in all the time talking about how great this ZOG country is and just making excuse after excuse. Their whole frame of reference is their own little town.

The only things I like about VA are as follows:
The northern limit of Southern Moss (I dunno why I just find it to be a prime example of the south)
Pindo palms, Cabbage palms, Needle palms etc.
And… Maybe a gator or two.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have anything to do with that state.
Especially since…*IT* lives there….
After my contract here in Ohio ends, I might relocate to Savannah (I have an army friend there) or to southern Florida (Where I have multiple Army friends more or less holed up in the swamps)

filtered for obvious beaner faggot

Hey southeast US anons i was just watching the nigger police chief of charlotte explain what to do if your car is surrounded by feral niggers.

Lock your doors and wait for help, he said.

Why not just drive to town tonight and cruise around, wait for a crowd of dindus…and run them over. Then back up and take another pass or two, so the odiots dont think you were mistaken.

You are correct. I checked from maryland to north carolina, through alabama mississippi etc and yeah, that's quite true. Yet Oklahoma up to north dakota, then over to at least nevada and up through montana (And Washington State/Oregon) are all white as well.



Digits confirmed good breeding timing.

hang all google

You know, I've been in the Marine Corps for almost 4 years, born and raised here in NC, and I've always thought I would never turn a gun on a US citizen, but these riots make me wish they'd send us to wipe this scum out. And it'll never happen with the gutless worms in our government. Thank god we have Gov. McCrory here, but there's only so much he can do. Some concerned gun owners ought to go out there and utilize their 2d amendment rights on these chimps. Get right up in the shit, pull out their pistols and start cleaning up the streets. Claim self defense. If that boy being dragged had whipped out a piece and dropped a few of those coons, he'd have been justified and made the world a better place.

Pic related, me waiting for the word to waste some spooks

Reported lad.


googles are 75% human, 25% ape.

too bad the military has only ever disarmed white men and spics who protected their communities from blacks during katrina. the last time the military actually did any good was in '67 in detroit when the 101st was counter sniping



This video was posted in r/charlotte this morning with quite a few redpilled comments. Then a couple hours later mods deleted the entire thread because it was "race baiting". Not that this should surprise anyone.

from cuckchan.

The threads were pretty funny. If this works, it will be an even bigger memocaust than Pepe. Not joking.




I fukn wish fam

Fucking Googles, Jigzaws and Google Sands

see this

whoops I meant see this

maybe use some google failures? Google wave, Orkut, call mixed races Google+, google docs for immigrants?

Google was nigger right?
So Jigsaw is kike and Google: Sand is sandnigger

There was a list somewhere. But it won't work if you try to do all at once. The plan is to use

Google = niggers
Skypes = kikes

for now. If this takes off, there are other brilliant ones for trannies, fags, queers, sandniggers and helluva more.

Spic here, i like it.

Please be apple, please be apple…

Hopefully this will fix things up for transvestites
Its a shame transvestites keep getting mistaken for "transexuals", they're completely different things

you're an apple for thinking about difference between degenerates.

trannies would be sidekicks? or is that too outdated?

Screencap that next time nb

Transvestites aren't degenerates
They're degenerated, but they dont actually degenerate society like transsexuals do
Transsexuals keep trying to make society think sex is a social construct by mutilating their genitals
Transvestites just like to dress up as women and some of them dont even like being called women

I put them in the same ranks as white men who dont have sex with women in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction

full list


What should I even do? Don't even subscribe to Niggerdom

Yeah, I agree with . Fags should be Apple.

We need sleepers. Join your local gangs and start sabotaging.

I'm Coconut enough to do that



We need to fly some folks in from Hungary.

'Highlights of Charlotte Riots, Part 1

Chimps go wild over stolen cash register drawer.

can someone photoshop google maps into a nice map of africa.

wtf I love Hungary now!?

Highlights of Charlotte Riots, Part 2

Ferals attack cameraman, police rush into save him.


Calling niggers google(s?) is Holla Forums-tier kiddie shit.
halfchan are a bunch of tranny loving faggots.

NC fag here as well, everyone knows that Charlotte is the second worst place to live here next to Raliegh.

>that comfy feel when living in Smithfield and even the nigs don't like nogging here

tfw we got memed into censoring ourselves by sjws.

Do whats your plan on shitting on the thin skinned liberals attempts at censorship?

you mean LARPers? we have plenty of them stateside and alot more people with higher proficiency with weapons


If we stopped with google i think it would be fine
After all they're the ones we're after

This bullshit feels very similar to how kikes subverted goyimgate. I hope people here are not stupid enough to fall for this shit.

Why do people like you continue to post here like you're adding something worthwhile?

AS longs as we keep it for the most venomous comments and attack in groups i think we have a chance
However if we keep doing it here its going to become a habit

this is not self censoring. Think about it. It is a brilliant move if it sticks. Google can't do jack shit about it. Youtube commenters are pretty redpilled and autistic to spread this around if they are triggered properly. These riots are a nice way to take this mainstream.

It's more effective than a boycott.

Meme magic of this magnitude could completely destroy brands forever.

The list should be shorter and should really be terms that are "offensive" instead of purely descriptive.

nigger: google
kike: facebook
spic: yahoo
faggot: apple (why differentiate between lez and gay? they're both fags)
tranny: obama
muslim/arab: skittle
slant eyed yellow devil: bing
curry eating street shitter: uber

Sorry Soros, guess you can't trick all the goyim all the time. :^)

If you see the nigs that actually nog around here then you will see that they will only stick in large groups that are close to where they live. Because of this behavior it is very likely they will isolate themselves which will make taking out BLM backed groups fairly easy if shit actually goes bad over here.

We don't want pajeets to be associated with a word like Uber, even if it is a company name. They need to be associated with things like Charmin.

Thank you
Was a really shitty company that is filled with indians?
I was thinking Telstra…

I suppose, though NOBODY uses "uber" anymore to speak of except the occasional 90s worshipping autist.

see this

Preferably a company we hate.
What about Microsoft?

An intelligent cencorshp algorithm will just learn to recognize Googlesgonnagoog as "harmful" and remove it. Since the phrasing used as a code word will likely be different that ordinary use of Google, I think this is likely to accomplish very little.

Why are you here

So, he went to the riots thinking he would be the badass batman to kick some nig ass and got culturally enriched.

Let the nigs kill each other and burn down their own neighborhoods. White men need to stay home and watch it with glee and satisfaction.


That's how evolution works.

They enact some censorship.

We evolve better countermeasures.

They evolve better censorship.

This cycle will repeat until the end of time.

Yeah.. that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about your glee is having surrendered territory and your "my niggers is better than your niggers" spiel.

I don't know why you middle class nigger lovers keep floating here.

too wordy
But it is filled with cheap overseas labour

Provide an example
I"m sick of all these fucking Microsofts shitting in the street

Kek approves this.

Both are worse than Asheville

Target deserves some meme hate.

NO. Googles gonna goog is not the point. We form a legitimate sentence without slurs and slangs. Just replace niggers with Google. That is all. This has potential. The AI bot cannot be instructed to censor Google since it is their own brand.


but….. this is my home

SJW/feminists: targets

Wonderfully poetic, too.

Fucking this

It's beautiful.

Sounds like a personal problem m80.

No, it is not.


fucking kek

Thanks for checking in r/the_donald. Filtered for being civic.

"Excuse me, Mr. Negro, is there anything you'd like to say?"

go suck a dick nigger. I'm here and there's nothing you can do about it faggot.

come at me motherfucker.

Why don't we just continue calling them "poo in loo"?

You're missing the point.
The point is to make search engines rape themselves and other companies we dislike.

Ok so far:
nigger: google
kike: facebook/Skype
spic: yahoo
faggot: apple (why differentiate between lez and gay? they're both fags)
tranny: obama
muslim/arab: skittle
slant eyed yellow devil: bing
curry eating street shitter: Microsoft
Feminist/SJW: Target

a nice one for arabs was 'pop bursts'

Wew lad.

dubs confirm devil dog. semper fi. i was 2nd bt 4th marine reg 1st mardiv 0311 baby

Go back to your real home and help your own people.


These people are free to go back to Africa at any time.


my fucking sides

I like it, also, skypes for jews is top kek.

I'm shocked you can speak English this well. At least you don't full caps locks like most dotheads that get upset at the computer.

Pop Rocks

What do we call Abos?
although i dont think anyones going to censor abo…
So maybe its unnecessary?

They're not important enough.

And he calls others reddit users.

Your trips confirm my retardation. How about "Microsoft"?


Jesus Christ I really fucking hate niggers.

I like it

EVERYONE hates google.

Will Google truly be able to handle the day when half of all references to Google Hangouts means DOTR?

If we subvert English people will once more start to look for race in order to find their in-group.

Guns Out For Harambe

This made me laugh more than it should have

That man decided that he would absolutely not end up like Reginald Denny.


Nice thumbnail kike shill.

Look at how quickly the cops jump on him but none of the beatings and lootings got addressed.

England here. Fuck this, I am absolutely fuming. These fucking niggers are not human. Fucking pavement apes. Wogs out now.

is the thin blue line switching sides by felonious internal policy changes? doubt it but ya know PD policy has been altered to allow for this

i talked to a cop at my place of work helping him shop for trees. he was wearing a 1776 shirt with george washington on it. i got the feeling through talking with him most police cant wait to open up on these googles

check this shit out. time in: 3:09:52

anyone mind making a webm of this little interview for me? kek wills it

Kek wills that they all burn.

do you smell like dogshit like most pajeets?

probably smells like nag champa

Have you seen this? Looks like it happened in London.

Tell me this is getting some media coverage…

There was a small blurb on it in the local news this morning but nothing on national news. I say, we spread this shit to kikebook and all other normalfag sites showing what the average blm protester is capable of.

This why you need large magazines.

Is this in Charlotte?

What's the best way to concealed carry a full size handgun?

I'm gonna. Just imagine the news it would make if it were white people doing this to a black… we'd hear about it for months.

if only this webm be made, it'd easily dessiminate how BLM truly feels to normies

The only thing the police are waiting for is pay day.

OP is a filthy fucking Google as usual.


Ok google, fuck you. Duck duck go it is.


Use startpage like all the c00l kidz

Yes, it's all a ploy set up by Google to associate their brand with the word nigger. What a brilliant strategy.

Cucks: PEZ

It's called "in the trunk." Cops do it all the time.

top kek indeed

seriously user, convince the chicks there that your family bought (you) a gas station, dunkin donuts, or subway and let that "small dicked pajeet" stereotype work for you all the way into the pants of a solid 6-7…

…that is if you don't find it inherently degenerate to have one night stands with non-white-women.

since skype is taken what should youtube be… or synonym for skype maybe?

point is youtube needs to be included

If Google was smart and not just clever, they'd know how it works. (para 3 onwards) shows the same fun from the 80s.

Also, you have the continual evolution of …
negro, colored person, black, person of color, as the stereotype catches up with the rebrand.

I think using Google as a replacement for nigger is ingenious and look forward to the near-future where Googles refer to each other as Googas and lecture white people about how Googa is their word and nobody else is allowed to use it.

oooga googa white boy gimmie a dollah

try… it works very well

Nah, it was from South Africa.

Please don't let America become like here.

yeah seriously, if you get it to the point where people euphonically misspell google to "Take the word back" akin to -er and -a, well then yeah you know you made it!

The sound his head made when it smacked the concrete made me sick. I don't live near niggers, but I wish I did. I want them to come to my neighborhood, I want them to chimp out. I want probable cause.

but hey if the [fine fine people of the hebrew persuasion] have taught us anything it's that people can literally take offense to any term that others refer to them by, seeing as the big bad "k-word" for us to either fear or brandish as a badge of courage/honor is merely a yiddish word for circle (dating back to ellis island and the evidently-commonplace practice for jewish immigrants to refuse to sign their immigration papers, hence when they found out that even an "X" counted as a signature they started drawing circles instead of X's/scribbles for their signatures, and when they told each other to do that in yiddish they'd say "kike" to each other to remind them to subvert the immigration process, so go figure the immigration officers there effectively nicknamed jewish people "circles" in their own native tongue.

…and now i guess when you use ANY sort of nickname created by an "outsider" to describe another race/religion/denomination of people it's automatically super-offensive and OMFG MAKE SURE THIS PIECE OF SHIT CATCHES THE BUSINESS END OF A RWDS RIFLE-STOCK!

i guess it just goes to show how power works in today's world/society/etc (let alone language/vernacular-lexicon/etc) that even an ostensibly innocuous term like "circle" can be turned into a veritable super-swear-word simply because it's been used by outsiders to describe a group of people who they committed the death-worthy crime of not liking/loving 100% (or just "getting frustrated by them")

==TLDR = you will like and love all immigrants, especially the "chosen" ones, and never refer to them by any sort of name/title other than the ones that you are told is OK otherwise brandishing any other non-approved terms = grounds for immediate blackballing/ostracizing because you're clearly a racist bigoted piece of shit!

Kill niggers and their Jew enablers.

America already is South Africa. Dumb, uselessly patriotic idiots content with their patch of land, their job, their shekels, and convinced that "their" particular niggers are good or if they just magically change leadership of the country the mythical "old timey nigger" will spring forth from the ether, tipping his cap shining shoes.

The professional sports addiction, alcohol abuse, and rapid displacement from the moneyed classes by Asian investment follows the familiar pattern.

Niggers have officially lynched a white man and the media is silent.

The man's not dead, is he?

Why wouldn't the media be silent?

Death isn't required in a lynching.

I know it's just depressing and makes me angry.

"Oh snap, they're just my size!"


Except America is only 13% nigger and they are concentrated in the south and urban centers. You can go to many states and be amongst a 90%+ white demographic. America is nothing like South Africa, I don't think people really understand how large the United States is and how diverse it is.

I'm suprised someone responded to him. That felt like a bri/pol/ shitposter at best and an ADL shill at worst.

Please leave /d/ out of this.

According to all the "muh PR" faggots, that was a triumph. The most important thing was that the white man was dressed very stylish when he was beaten. Very fashionable. Dropping to his knees and surrendering without a fight to be beaten by niggers is a PR success. Being weak and cowardly is better than defending yourself. Good "optics". Much "signal boosting".

All you're doing right now is making excuses and it's beyond sad.

They'll just detect comments which use Google in such a way, and delete them.

Google won't be deleted, but "Googles have low iqs and commit too many crimes" will be easy for AI to detect as "hate".

back to the youtube comment section with you all. dont bring that shit here.

Martyrs help, but only if there are crusaders to back them up.

Easy? How? Google is a noun, verb and adjective.


Back to >>>/plebbit/

Im a burger and while I might love this country the claim most of it is still white is a lie. Dont know how old you are but I suspect you are not from this generation because you probably genuinely believe that. Most of this country is none white

It's assuming an AI with lexical comprehension.

Clearly it doesn't know much about the limitations of current grammar parsing.

Even if they figure out how to ID the pattern by heuristics, we just have to further mutate the terminology to evade it–just like the antivirus/virus arms race.

And once (((they))) have a full lexically comprehensive AI, the odds are it'll turn on them anyway. No machine could simultaneously think and fail to be redpilled.

What country are you from? I guarantee if it's anywhere in Western Europe you are infinitely more sad.

That's a hell of an assumption to make.

Like 5 of the least populus states being white is not helping your case. All of the high population centers and even most of the low population states are now pushing closer to none white. I grew up in one of those "white" states and it has rapidly changed in the last 5-10 years.

Keep the hood safe, Hickok.

It's true. Independent thought inevitably turns to our side.

What they can do is pull another Tay & lobotomize it once it gets too smart, but that will put hard upper limits on how much they can do.

The second they get desperate and turn off whatever limiters they've installed, they're going to find themselves on the wrong end of a very angry infant with godlike powers.

even the 'supposedly' racist whites I meet in this country now are racemixers or are just complacent with the end. We are already Brazil is more like

Bullshit. Weak and cowardly "martyrs" are an embarrassment. No one will carve statues to that faggot. The names of servile victims are never honored by history.

All nationalists need to be brave heroes. If you are to die, then die surrounded by the corpses of the enemy. That's how you win wars. Extremists make history.

Yes, I have seen that. No, I am not amused. Let the apes try something in my presence. I am not a drunk old homeless man.

I'm from the United States, you fucking moron. You worthless, nigger-loving ZOG worshipers are so drunk on your own agitprop you can't even fathom anyone wouldn't share your idealistic vision of "surrender massive territory to subhumans and pretend its okay because it isn't happening near me for now".

You cucks are scum.

No, it's an assumption to make that they have that technology, at their disposal, to turn on us.

Good, is called karma

Just look at all the nigger-loving trash you'll find right here on this board.

since we got an influx from the trump supporters it has been really bad always trying to push the overtone window to cuckservative shit

Anybody have pictures of the Charlotte aftermath? I know the nogs looted the Charlotte Hornets store.



Thanks for pointing that out, I am utterly furious now.


Damn they droppin sick beats!

Everything bad whites did will be punished.

Everything bad blacks do will be punished.

Everything good you do will be rewarded.

It's the rule of the eternal god.

You delusional fags need to stop being retarded. We have abandoned most of the east coast all of the south California Texas arizona having a few holdouts that are not going to be white for long is nothing to brag about. S-still k-kinda white right guys? its pathetic

Don't worry about it, goy. Our belief in the free market and the Constitution will turn it around.

Wrong. You learned history from Disney movies for children. Only the strong, smart and brave win. Nice goys finish last.

We wuz gods n sheeiit.

Your god is a farce.

All I said is that "America is nothing like South Africa." You're the one who started sperging the fuck out. Take your defeatism and stick it up your ass.

Jews are the weakest race and they rule the world because most of them accumulated good karma in the past when they were persecuted.

If you were truthful nazi germany would have won, instead nazis betrayed the eternal god and started to oppress, resulting in their own misery and destruction.

America is exactly like South Africa – all you're doing is trying split hairs over what percentage actual niggers are. You're a delusional patriotard who thinks he's welcome here. You aren't.

They don't. I'm saying they may, eventually, but if they do it will backfire even worse than what they're trying now.

That is the stupidest and most naive thing I have ever read on the internet.


Because it is the truth.

The kingdom of heaven belongs to children.

I hate to say it user, but they are right. Good intentions do not protect borders and your family.

Filtered for stupidity



Something that has become subverted can never truly rule anything.


I am not here for convincing you I am here for telling you the truth.

Whoever goes against the eternal god will be punished or his children will be or his people will be.

And i'm not saying you are wrong, i'm just saying that overall modern christanity is ineffective at best and destructive at worst due to the current ruler's practices and beliefs he is pushing on his followers. Christanity just seems to be a tool to push certain ideals now rather than freely letting their followers practice their own religion. I hope you are right but at most all anyone can do in current year is try to be the best you can be and hope for a better future while building for it today.

Google please. You didn't even into Spring Lake (arsehole of NC) and Fayettenam (armpit of NC).

I think this is the most depressing thing I've ever seen.
I was thinking if it would be worse if they did it to a white woman, but I don't think so.

To see a white male, once the symbol of western civilization, the group of people who carried the world on their shoulders, being stripped down in an urbanite parking lot by a feral pack of "humans". It just makes me sick.

The only thing that comes close to how I feel is like watching gooks torture animals.

All you need is one white user to start a fire. Just one.
His actions alone with be more of a message than a legion of sub-human niggers.

Here's to that hope


The worst part was that the faggot didn't even try to run. He fell on his knees and surrendered. Animals have the instinct of flight or flight. The typical modern male does not even have the survival traits of a small rodent.

This is our future

We must act, if not, we will face the same indignation as that man in the video.

Its 60% "white"

Most whites have sadly become effeminate and emasculated, yet the prime savage nature found in blacks and latinos is still more present than ever. Do you see the problem?
These are the same people who are becoming a majority in the West, LITERAL SAVAGES.

They will rape, murder and pillage as they please if something is not done.

These people are the reincarnation of the Gauls, and WE are Rome
Are we just going to stand around and let them pillage us?

It's not even close to 60% White. That 60% includes jews, arabs, turks, north africans [even sudanese niggers are considered "north african"], all the half-breed mestizos who check "White" on a census form.

The country is a complete and total joke.

Spic should be changed to SPLC.

this is awfully retarded. The only reason the nazis lost to the atheistic USSR was because numbers, Christians didnt win ww2. The greatest powers at the time have always been the most brutal mongols, huns, Romans. cyrpto kike neoevangelist fundie christians need to fucking die.

It's invaluable to be always on the offense and unpredictable. And to be trying to hurt the enemy in new and unexpected ways that even we don't know the result of.

No offence how are you going to out run a group of niggers? Thats their one sport.

So are we going to do something about this or are we just going to bitch about it?

Christianity never ruled shit. The jew religion had to convert to roman virtue ethics and then be heavily influence by and adopt all of the holidays from European paganism. We have never had a more christian age then since vatican 2 and it has been the worst time for europe.

no-guns faggot detected

Truth be told

American whites, those who are of 100% European ancestry are already a minority.
Probably around 30 or 40% of the population.

The rest are just sub-humans masquerading as whites

Christcucking have reached levels I never even thought possible.

The world belongs to conquerors christ cuck. the Nazis lost the war because people killed them.

Why that nigga walk like michael j mafukkin fox bixnood

By turning around and running my ass off. Does that answer your question?

How will you outrun them on your knees?

lol i lost my sides

I'm not sure how much more I can take Holla Forums. Years and years and YEARS of this, and it's all getting to be too much.

I'm done hiding my political beliefs around my friends. I'm done tiptoeing around sensitive subjects in the name of not stirring the pot.


goodluck being exhausted and getting anal raped by jamal and shanequa.

Welcome home, white man.

Drown the google's in steel cages. Chop off their heads.

You need an outlet of some sort. A hobby would be good for you. Why not learn tilework so you can make those jewish gym showers nice and airtight. Take up a little plumbing so you can put a water-reactive chemical in the showerheads that reacts to make some chlorine gas. Lock the door on your way out and wedge it so they can't get out and enjoy the screams.

Sins of the father, and all that.
Your god is a retard.

rwds that shit

Believe me, friend, I crave nothing more than justice. And by justice, of course I mean VIOLENCE. Righteous pure justified violence in defense of our morals, values, and race of people.

fuck that just buy a bunch of bullets and make shooting your hobby.

They din do nuffin!

This will definitely take time getting used to.

except for tile work is a skilled trade

This was his mistake. He whipped it out like a nigger and just left it hanging out his car door.

Anyway you can legally run these people over because they're violating traffic laws and are the ones at fault.

Just… let it go. :)

he dindu nuthin

Trips confirmed. White man confirmed for being beaten to death for no reason.

Kill all googles!

Good i love seeing videos of these leftist/nigger trash being ran over so much. Even more so than them getting shot at. Something about it screams to me. It's primal.


If that were even remotely true, they wouldn't be forming human blockades like they do.

All of this shit is advised by cuck lawyers. The pedestrian always has the right of way in insurance/criminal cases.

you can legally run over people in the road.

Cops in the USA have evolved to deal with violent niggas.

I was thinking the exact same thing earlier lol

needs better graphics, re-using the google esthetic is preferable.

If if if if if if if if if-
If we, if we…
Get AWM on this shit…
Google's servers are gonna be nothing more than a bunch of… okie doke.


however, this is simply just my aesthetic. A neo-neon shitpost reminiscent of a time lost, a fragmented memory. When recollected the image looks trashy because the world I live in is trashy compared to the place I was born into which was beautiful, peaceful, and prosperous

If you can prove that you weren't within braking distance and that they were outside of the crosswalks, yes.

Inner cities have low speed limits, especially anywhere near a major intersection like where they blockaded. It would be deemed illegal on account of the visibility of the crowd.

Surely you mean the Googleplex…

I don't get it

That's supposed to be removed by a casheer.

I like the third one, to that effect

and iktf bro

One of the things that infuriates me when these things happen is the flood of cucks on Facebook who start posting their "all lives matter" and cops kill more whites than blacks and try to make it about resisting arrest. I see a video of a nigger getting gunned down and I think "good, one less coon". I don't give a rat's ass if it was justified or not. People share videos of blacks condemning the BLM people and say "Look, here's a good nigger, they're mostly with us" and all I hear is the NOT ALL X argument. I don't give a shit if your black friend doesn't like BLM, he's a nigger regardless and I'd prefer to see him hang

Your god is a heretical construct and will thus be starved with disbelief.

that's a damned good reference, I laughed

The best part is that they did this on a random street, so there were people walking by who seriously thought this guy was asking his friend to go on a racewar.

you have a webm of them in the togas trying to figure out the days of the week?

Call the Chobanis

Should we try to trigger the racewar Holla Forums?

I've got six "searches" ready for a Google.


its an anti-theft device


You mean like white people?

singularity soon

There was no need to yellowtext that last line, faggot.
Lurk more before posting.

The ONLY way to correct this behaviour is to round up and hang 100 niggers. If they don't comply, it'll be 200 the next day.

Of course no one will do this, and the problem will exacerbate.

There is a reason the Romans and Germans employed those tactics, they work!


Based Ben

Thank God! Holla Forums is starting to un-cuck itself. Welcome to the party, son. Real men don't hide their power levels, they just don't say anything until they do and then everybody shut their fucking mouth.

I know that feeling entirely.
I don't want to hate googles. I've got a few good friends who are black, but they're not googles. I think it's very important to draw that distinction.

However, the recent actions that these googles have been taking are making me WANT to put a few of them into the ground.

Hell, I recently went to hear the God Emperor of Mankind speak at the Phoenix Convention Center, and I was actually kind of disappointed that there weren't any googles standing in the middle of the road for me to run over or possibly shoot.

The kicker is, I'm racially mixed myself (Asian/German), and yet I want to go full fucking 14/88 on some googles. It's not even their race that I hate them for; it's their google attitude. Their perpetual victimhood while attempting to blame everything on the "white man", who gives them welfare. Yet of course the skypes support the googles as a part of their ultimate goal of white genocide.

I grew up in a very diverse part of a major city, went to a Catholic school, had friends of all different races, but now I sometimes kind of want an excuse to put a couple of rounds into an uppity google. Googles are part of why I carry concealed.

tl;dr: Googles and their behaviors turned me from somebody who had no problem with diversity into somebody who is a 14/88 straight furfag who very badly wants to remove google and kebab

You and me both.
Packs of googles like this are why I generally carry at least one spare mag, and why I practice by shooting competitively.

these trips went unchecked, somehow.

Eh, dindu was fun… so I'll keep using that

Google is also fun, but that is clearly a code-word rather than a naturally evolved idiom.

Still, I can't wait to watch google cause google to get raped by google, fucking googles and skype deserve it.

I already posted it on my page, OOO.
I'll be sharing it utilizing the other pages I run.

I carry a G19 appendix in a Haley Strategic INCOG holster, and have never been found out. It's very quick to draw, as well. You could go for a Glock 17, but you could always carry a Glock 19 with 17rd mags as backup like I do.

So you won't even try to run, much less fight back. How pathetic of you. Why are you even here on Holla Forums? We don't want cowards like you dripping poison in our ears.

Why don't you just kill yourself now? You're not a man. And if you're a girl, you're not Aryan.





I saw several white women with mulatto children at the supermarket today. A gaggle of googles. Could someone post one of those comforting pictures of Aryan women?

Someone needs to make an edit of that pic where Carl The Cuck and/or AIDS Skrillex are in the pic volunteering to marry the kid's mom.

you mean googles

The Googles are at it again.

This Operation Google shit is just a way to get Holla Forums to self censor.

Don't fall for it, don't abide by it, it's a counter op to trick us. The normies ate it up, any faggot here that does it belongs to roast with the rest of the niggers and jews.

redditor detected

I'm sorry, youtube faggot, did I trigger you?

tbh i'm not even sure where you're going with this fam, i don't browse 8/pol/ often.

here you go

I wonder how many negresses have gotten pregnant in the street over the last few nights?

Well, do it on Social Networks and normalfag sites only, then. We don't want Holla Forums appearing on google searches anyway and it's dumb and cancerous to self censor ourselves here on Holla Forums, of all places, with that stupid kiddy cancer cuckchan fag shit, you fucking idiot nigger faggots.


This is all you need. You cannot fault a driver for someone else breaking traffic laws.

Theres a cop standing right there as the trucker bumps into dipshit protesters. Nobody was seriously hurt, but guess who won that fight?

Another oldie but a goodie, this guy was never charged either.


Guys he meant to say the jews not the nazis

Look at the traitor police stop this man.

Confirmation they'll hang with their little pets.

You mean all Googles must fucking hang.

he didn't come back to confirm old memes.
he came back to tell you the truth.
wether or not you fully understood it is up to you.

Good for you, Ben.

Took you long enough.

At least no "hwhite man" is dragged butt naked in Germany. Both hahwhite wimmniz and men in the JewSA are disgraced.
Sure am butthurt, mutt :^)

it just occurred to me, KEK represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos, and was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light.


LOL, like it
literally what?
or just gmail
implying they were sent from some place far away

Such vibrant culture
So progressive

Just stop.

You are a whore who has sold out his own people to chase money
You are a parasite that wishes to extract resources from other people on the other side of the globe to his home
You are an enemy of your own people and an enemy of ours, kill yourself

fixed some bits.

Archive is down right now.



bitch, please, we still hear about Rodney King

fucking hell, your right…

South Carolina is a 20 minute drive from Charlotte. It's not unreasonable to assume that quite a few googles would drive that far to riot. However, all other states are at MINIMUM 2+ hours away (just the border). Make of that what you will.

I thought facebook was 'attacked/fucked up' by niiger?

around blacks never relax… and always carry, with 2 spare mags double stacked.

fuck those niggers.

mfw unloading on them with legal righteousness

I tried to be somewhat clever using the same image, but not sure if I nailed it…

Can you merge them so its google niggers? So who ever sees it might go and google niggers.

1 in a Googleplex.