What is the most depraved and wrong sexual thing you've ever done in your life?
I've done a lot worse, but I dont regret this one:
!Greentext Please!
Brayden Lopez
Gabriel Wright
Julian Moore
Come on guys, this has potential!!
Jaxon Garcia
i have never done anything depraved. amazingly, i still have a modicum of self-respect
Jaxson Morgan
Evan Rivera
I doubt very much, but if it is true, my congratulations!
Anthony Jackson
Cooper Long
Jose Taylor
Aaron Anderson
Tyler Smith
Zachary Kelly
i kek'd madly
Caleb Ortiz
IDs are on you stupid cunt
Jacob Rogers
Kevin Smith
I know man, im just making fun stories @_@
Noah Sanders
Bumping this, fucking hoping for new stories, i've already exhausted my creativity for today.
Tyler Foster
Bentley Anderson
Nothing disgusts me more, even to this day.
Levi Rogers
It was hot to say the least.
Bentley Jenkins
since when we have flags on Holla Forums?
Adam Clark
Eli Miller
ehh why not.
Hudson Garcia
Kayden Hill
tut tut user
Austin Kelly
It's basically the same thing tbh