Math is awesome

Math is good for everyone.

Stop shilling for ethnomathmatics Holla Forums

True, math is nice.

White people must learn about the math.

Fuck math and the math teacher it rode in on.
Gas all math teachers.

You are a nigger! Without the math we would never advance.

Math is the future of all our math. Let's be honest, without math, we would never be able to math at all.

Math is a important tool for everyone.

I want to FUCK math.


I agree, but I am stupid


If you can read and write then don't effin' use the excuse that you claim to be stupid.

but I can't read or write either

I saw you typing the post behind your window.

I am saying this to my phone, so it can write it out

So you are dyslexic?

I can read goodly

nope, just stupid

I am disappointed in you. Please stop using the phone to read it out for you because it is making you stupider every seconds.

but I can't do anything without my phone

You're truly feckless. You could be using the phone to learn math but you're rotting your brain instead.

I only recognize trips because of math.


How can the double slit experiment be used as part of a computer?


here the original

Spins are related to the 2 split experiment.
It's used in quantum computers.

#AlbertEinstein was a fraud (like all jews are)


if you can't solve this with only pen and paper then you suck more dicks than Holla Forums's bo tbh

but its boring

go play on some railroad tracks
